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More lies getting halfway around the world — 21 Comments

  1. So the fibbies got a dozen nutcases to talk big. I feel better already. Somebody tell the folks in Wauwatosa that their troubles are over.
    Could have been worse; five years ago, the fibbies got two jihadis to shoot up a cartoon exhibition in Garland, Tx. It being Texas, they were both dropped on the spot.
    But this was safer and all involved got attaboys and excused from looking into antifa and blm.

  2. The Biden campaign in its entirety is made of lies. He won’t even admit to supporting things he said he supported in the very recent past. They opened with the “fine people” lie and haven’t improved.

  3. I used to live in Wauwatosa, not far from the riot site. I wonder if this won’t swing some of the suburban Milwaukee County vote towards Trump. Those four-plexes which were vandalized are solid middle-class Milwaukee domiciles, found all over the county.

  4. Neo writes:

    This particular group seems to me to conform more to the Timothy McVeigh type of anti-government thinking than anything else. At least one is apparently an anarchist who hates Trump….

    McVeigh? That trial was held in Denver, Colorado, and I closely followed it. Perhaps…..possibly. Yet we have little to go on covering 6 to 13 people.

    But McVeigh. Really? He was relentless and determined to succeed.

    But the specific information available on Brandon Caserta, quoted in video hating Trump, is further identified in two comments at the Gateway Pundit. One by a mother whose son went to high school with Brandon, and by another who graduated HS with Brandon.

    The latter source states that Brandon was in and out of Special Education throughout HS. He also says that Brandon would have been voted by classmates to wind up accused of doing something like this.

    Finally, this classmate wonders if the FBI simply led an apparently easily misled type astray?

    If this characterisation is nearer the type in the rest of the group, then this wasn’t like McVeigh. But the others are not likely to be much like Brandon. Except for being misfits.

    So, unfortunately, until more interview details of the accused come from family or friends, we don’t have enough to go on.

    Neo’s point that Trump would be reflexively blamed is true as much as it is predictably Marxist medium’s Fake News addiction.

    I’m wondering if there’s a market for a book about journalists who get caught out lying for a living?

    Since we live in an age where Truth is cut down dead to give HotAir to narrative lying, it seems something worth diving into deeply.

  5. More early details contradict the Marxist mediums, as usual.

    FoxNews Special Report on Friday evening has an FBI spokesman saying that this group going back had ties to an anti-government group with hostility going back 25 years.

    That would place their activities ton the 1990s, and close to the Oklahoma Federal Center’s McVeigh bombing. Yet I cannot believe the two video sharing youngsters were adults then.

    Special Report also noted that p, contrary to Whitmer, the indictment nowhere mentions Dems, Rs or Trump.

    I may have to read this indictment, however. How do they frame their activities?
    I may learn something unexpectedly helpful to challenge my prejudices.

  6. neo states, “This is the way we’ve seen it work, over and over. A public that’s been exposed to this for many many years doesn’t read this particular story in a vacuum, either. It’s a building block that’s piled on top of the many many other building blocks that have been put in place over many years, to create and then to strengthen an edifice of lies that’s sturdy and nearly impervious to attack.”

    Yes and though I’m hopeful that Trump will win reelection, what comes after Trump?

    Pence? Maybe though I fully expect the predictable and coming years long characterization of Pence as a religious nut. And if Pence does win, I suspect he’ll be another H.W. Bush. I just don’t see the fire in the gut in him, necessary to fight the Left. He’s too much of a gentleman and resonable man to fight fire with fire. If so, he’ll be a one term Pres. with a radical democrat (is there any other type now?) being elected President. In which case, America’s march to tyranny will have only been delayed.

    A case can be made that the Left stealing this election would ultimately be of benefit. As, if the dems manage to steal this election, the coming binary choice of 1984 or a repeat of 1776 will occur sooner, while there are still enough patriots to “dispute the vote”. But if radical dems regain the Presidency in 2028, there will be a lot less of us Vietnam Vets left and, of the ones left they’ll be in their late 70s and upwards. And precious few if any Korean war vets.

    Unless there’s a decisive civil war or Trump goes postal on the Left, I think it likely that Franklin’s observation will be answered in the negative; “A republic, if you can keep it!”

    I base that upon polling showing that among under 18 yr olds, 65% prefer Biden. Given the continuing indoctrination in the schools and media propaganda, that 65% will almost certainly go up substantively.

  7. TJ:

    I didn’t mean that these people were anything like McVeigh in personal characteristics like intelligence, perseverance, or anything of that sort. I meant their political/philosophical bent and motive.

    Also, you write: “Finally, this classmate wonders if the FBI simply led an apparently easily misled type astray?”

    In many of these conspiracy cases that are halted before they are carried out, an undercover operative is part of the planning stage, and there often is a question of entrapment. The agents tend to know how to get around the charge of entrapment. It’s important to make sure the ideas don’t originate with the agent.

  8. Richard Aubrey: “But this was safer and all involved got attaboys and excused from looking into antifa and blm.”

    On the mark. Why hasn’t the FBI been looking at BLM and ANTIFA? Both have been in existence for many years now. Both have anti-American ideals and have used violence even before the Floyd death. Antifa tore up Seattle in 1999 when the WTO met there. They didn’t call themselves ANTIFA at the time, but that was the birth of the movement. Director Wray claimed recently that rightwing hate groups are the major problem in the U.S. WTF? Has he only been watching the MSM to find out what’s going on?

    There is so much wrong at the FBI. I wonder if it will ever be reformed. I know I don’t trust anything they say at this point. It’s easy to believe they may have encouraged these misfits so they could prove Wray correct.

  9. One of the founders – Pete Musico – has a couple videos in which he is wearing a Trump hat apparently to anger whomever hates Trump.

    “I’m so sick of hearing about Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump,” Musico said in one video before putting on a Trump 2020 campaign hat and smiling for the camera. “See that hat right there. I hope that triggers a whole lot of people.”

    So yeah, he hates Trump enough to wear a hat to anger Trump’s critics but he himself is so critical of Whitmer that he wants to publicly arrest her. That tells you he definitely doesn’t hate all those in government equally.

    I found this funny. At one point the Woverine Watchmen wanted to interview Governor Whitmer to argue about car insurance rates and that seat belt laws unfairly restrict personal freedom. One has to ask. ‘personal freedom to do what exactly while one is driving’?

  10. JJ,

    Director Wray claimed recently that rightwing hate groups are the major problem in the U.S.”

    If sincere, in believing that “rightwing hate groups are the major problem in the U.S” then Wray has demonstrated himself to be so incompetent as to be criminally negligent.

    If insincere, then he has revealed himself to be a committed member of the Deep State and a traitor.


    Both seat belt laws and helmet laws are indeed a restriction upon personal freedom. The proper way to handle the issue of greater medical bills for those who get in accidents and suffer injuries as the result of not wearing a seat belt or a helmet is for a special insurance pool to be created that any driver wishing to be free of seat belts or helmets must pay to be part of with rates reflective of that risk. Obviously, minors should have to wear seat belts and helmets until they reach adulthood. Adults who then fail to secure the proper level of insurance and are caught or then get in an accident should lose their license for a year. If caught driving or riding while restricted from doing so, mandatory 5 yr imprisonment with permanent loss of voting rights. If after, 1 yr they resecure a license and are caught without the proper level of insurance, mandatory loss of citizenship ( as they’ve demonstrated themselves unwilling to act in a civilized manner) and a 10 yr prison sentence. NO third tries.

    You’d do well to reflect upon Franklin’s wisdom; “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

    And I might add will eventually discover that they have neither. As the nanny state is not satisfied with allowing individuals to grow up and decide for themselves…

  11. “Not Making Headlines: Alleged “Right-wing” Militia Member Arrested for Plot Against Gov. Whitmer Was Black Lives Matter Protester and Sympathizer”

    “And now there is evidence a second “rightwing” militia member attended at least one Black Lives Matter protest and was sympathetic to George Floyd and BLM protesters.”


  12. Wouldn’t be the first time the feds have made use of a mental case to beef up their arrest numbers.
    Wiki on the Garland, Texas shooting has a lot on the lawsuit against the feds. It was defeated when the court decided the agent was operating within the rules. Gives you an idea about the rules.

  13. “You’d do well to reflect upon Franklin’s wisdom; “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

    And I might add will eventually discover that they have neither. As the nanny state is not satisfied with allowing individuals to grow up and decide for themselves…” – Geoffrey

    I discovered this story while looking at the site that published the Tale of the Greeley Nursing Home Protesters (granny state?), and it rhymes with your comment.
    Greeley is the Weld county seat.


    Weld County is unlikely to ask for a waiver from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) to reopen businesses faster, or with less regulation, because its county attorney says it doesn’t have to.

    Weld County Attorney Bruce Barker recently sent a memo to commissioners answering several questions posed by them over the past few weeks from constituents who had reached out to them, confused by Weld County’s stance on Gov. Jared Polis’ Safer-at-Home executive orders.

    Barker said the public health orders do not outline how to isolate or quarantine sick people, which the CDPHE actually has the authority to do. Instead they are a series of rules that are not only unenforceable, but also created inappropriately outside of protocol.

    “It’s not (wise to ask for a variance) because then you are playing into the game, and I don’t think you should play into the game,” Barker said. “The harder path is to say, ‘no it’s not something we’re going to go along with’ and stand up to it. These orders have a tendency to say were not going to allow you to have individual responsibility. Instead, were going to order you to do what we think you ought to do and how to live your life. I don’t think that sits well up here in Weld County.”

    You might remember that Greeley is the locus of sin and depravity that corroborated an Egyptian scholar’s disgust with American culture in the late Forties, which eventually led to 9/11.
    Butterfly wings and all that chaos.


    Sayyid Qutb, was an Egyptian author, educator, revolutionary, Islamic theorist, poet, and a leading member of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood in the 1950s and 1960s. In 1966, he was convicted of plotting the assassination of Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser and was executed by hanging.

    Even though most of his observations and criticism were leveled at the Muslim world, Qutb is also known for his intense disapproval of the society and culture of the United States, which he saw as materialistic, and obsessed with violence and sexual pleasures. He advocated violent, offensive jihad. Qutb has been described by followers as a great thinker and martyr for Islam,while many Western observers (and some Muslims)[Note 2] see him as a key originator of Islamist ideology… and an inspiration for violent Islamist groups such as al-Qaeda.

    From 1948 to 1950, he went to the United States on a scholarship to study its educational system, spending several months at Colorado State College of Education (now the University of Northern Colorado) in Greeley, Colorado. Qutb’s first major theoretical work of religious social criticism, Al-‘adala al-Ijtima’iyya fi-l-Islam (Social Justice in Islam), was published in 1949, during his time in the West.

    On his return to Egypt, Qutb published “The America that I Have Seen”, where he became explicitly critical of things he had observed in the United States, eventually encapsulating the West more generally: its materialism, individual freedoms, economic system, racism, brutal boxing matches, “poor” haircuts, superficiality in conversations and friendships, restrictions on divorce, enthusiasm for sports, lack of artistic feeling, “animal-like” mixing of the sexes (which “went on even in churches”), and strong support for the new Israeli state.

    Oddly enough, a prominent American scholar addressed, in 1957, the same sort of fear about unrestrained licentiousness among Americans themselves.

    There was some marching involved, as I recall, but not much rioting, and no terrorist bombings at all.

    Friend, either you’re closing your eyes
    To a situation you do not wish to acknowledge
    Or you are not aware of the caliber of disaster indicated
    By the presence of a pool table in your community
    Now, I know all you folks are the right kind of parents
    I’m gonna be perfectly frank
    Would ya like to know what kinda conversation goes
    On while they’re loafin’ around that Hall?
    They be tryin’ out Bevo, tryin’ out cubebs
    Tryin’ out Tailor Mades like cigarette fiends!
    And braggin’ all about
    How they’re gonna cover up a tell-tale breath with Sen-Sen
    One fine night, they leave the pool hall
    Headin’ for the dance at the Arm’ry!
    Libertine men and Scarlet women!
    And Rag-time, shameless music
    That’ll grab your son, your daughter
    With the arms of a jungle animal instinct!

    Friends, the idle brain is the devil’s playground!

    Different cultures, different reactions.
    Our folks took us to see the original theatrical release of the film version of The Music Man, and I was in the choir when our HS produced it in the late sixties.
    Still my favorite musical comedy.

  14. “I’m wondering if there’s a market for a book about journalists who get caught out lying for a living?” – T J

    It’s already been done.

    (paragraphing added)

    Think the media are biased? Conservatives have been crying foul for years, but now [2001] a veteran CBS reporter has come forward to expose how liberal bias pervades the mainstream media. Even if you’ve suspected your nightly news is slanted to the left, it’s far worse than you think.

    Breaking ranks and naming names, Emmy Award-winning broadcast journalist Bernard Goldberg reveals a corporate news culture in which the close-mindedness is breathtaking, journalistic integrity has been pawned to liberal opinion, and “entertainment” trumps hard news every time. In his three decades at CBS, Goldberg repeatedly voiced his concerns to network executives about the often one-sided nature of the news coverage. But no one listened to his complaints-or if they did listen, they did nothing about the problem.

    Finally, Goldberg had no choice but to blow the whistle on his own industry, to break the code of silence that pervades the news business. Bias is the result. As the author reveals, “liberal bias” doesn’t mean simply being hard on Republicans and easy on Democrats. Real media bias is the result of how those in the media see the world-and their bias directly affects how we all see the world.

    In Bias you’ll learn:
    -How on issues ranging from homelessness to AIDS, reporters have simply regurgitated the propaganda of pressure groups they favor, to the detriment of honest reporting

    -The Peter Jennings test for classifying politicians – and how all the networks do it

    -The network color bar – why so many “victims” on network news stories are blond-haired, blue-eyed, and middle class
    [this has changed, obviously, but it is still a group-victim phenomenon]

    How one high-level CBS News executive told Goldberg that of course the networks tilt left – but in the next breath said he’d deny that statement if Goldberg ever went public

    -One of the biggest stories of our time – and why you probably didn’t hear about it on the evening news

    -How political correctness in network newsrooms puts “sensitivity” ahead of facts

    -The real Dan Rather – a man who regards criticism of liberal bias as treason.

    If you ever suspected the network news was shortchanging the truth, Goldberg will not only prove you right, he’ll give you a glimpse of just how it’s done, and how fairness, balance, and integrity have disappeared from network television.

  15. “Wiki on the Garland, Texas shooting has a lot on the lawsuit against the feds. It was defeated when the court decided the agent was operating within the rules. Gives you an idea about the rules.” – Richard Aubrey

    And yet, if the court (jury) decides that Derek Chauvin was “operating within the rules” when George Floyd died, the rest of Hell will break loose.


  16. Synergy rules – there are no coincidences.
    Geoffrey’s post about the Whitmer Kidnappers has a comment related to Richard’s observation:

    “[The sting] was probably headed by the same FBI agent who followed his 2 jihadi friends to Garland, TX who were planning to massacre 300 art show patrons,”

  17. AesopFan,

    “Qutb is also known for his intense disapproval of the society and culture of the United States, which he saw as materialistic, and obsessed with violence and sexual pleasures.

    Given that Allah’s incentive for jihad is 72 virgin sex slaves… the hypocrisy is literally off the charts. Our violence, invariably is in service of good defeating evil. Islam’s violence is in service of enslavement.

    Evil is not persuaded to put its sword down through reason. There’s only one cure for a rabid dog.

    Materialism in service of mammon fills a spectrum from profound error to evil. Materialism in service of benefiting mankind is one aspect of good. In its good aspect, materialism has freed mankind from lives that were formerly “nasty, brutish and short”. Materialism is a tool and a tool can be used constructively or destructively.

    “Qutb has been described by followers as a great thinker and martyr for Islam, while many Western observers (and some Muslims)[Note 2] see him as a key originator of Islamist ideology…”

    Western observers who think that are in error. Qutb was a fundamentalist. He advocated nothing that Muhammad’s Allah has not commanded in the Qur’an as a theological imperative for all Muslims.

  18. Harsanyi, Lee, and personal responsibility as a necessity for Liberty and Safety:

    Few incidents more starkly illustrate the dearth of civic education in American life than a mob attacking Senator Mike Lee for his completely factual tweet pointing out that the “objective” of the Constitution is to protect liberty and to allow individual flourishing, not to acquiesce to the whims of the majority.

    Worthwhile to RTWT, but I read that post in the first place because of this one by Doc Zero (you might get the idea I kind of like his essays; he’s been my favorite pundit since the old Hot Air Greenroom in the dark ages of the Internet Past).


    Excellent analysis! One of our biggest problems is that people think “democracy,” all by itself, is a sufficient check on power. I frankly don’t understand how anyone can still believe that, but of course they probably won’t be taught otherwise in school.

    The disturbing flip side of thinking democracy is a magic talisman against tyranny is the belief that democracy sanctifies power – the essence of majoritarianism. “They can’t be dictators if we can vote them out of office!” is one of the most dangerous ideas in the world.

    The restraints placed on power are MORE important than the process of choosing who gets to wield it. You would be more free under a tightly restrained hereditary monarch than in a “democracy” with totalitarian centralized power.

    One of the things “democracy” fetishists don’t understand – or don’t want YOU to understand – is that you don’t amass majoritarian power by convincing a majority of the people to agree with you. It’s FAR easier to gain power by suppressing those who disagree.

    Getting 51% of the people in a huge nation to agree with you is a sucker’s game. Preventing 51% from banding together to stop you is MUCH easier.

    And of course, the more centralized power becomes, the less important the concerns of individual people will be. One vote among tens or hundreds of millions gives you no “control” over “democracy,” especially not compared to power brokers with bloc votes and big city machines.

    What you need to be free, really free, is a tightly restrained central government, constitutional rights it cannot transgress against no matter how morally superior politicians might feel or how badly special interests desire it, power devolved to local representatives.

    It’s still not a perfect setup – there will always be tension between freedom and the desire for more government intervention – but the best thing about constitutionally limited, decentralized government is that you really can organize and make a difference in local government…
    … and if that doesn’t work, you can fairly easily move to a city or state that respects the freedoms you value and supports ideas you believe in. Americans were given the best deal anyone ever got by our founders, and we let it slip away. We were foolish to let it go.

    “Democracy” and majoritarianism are appealing to people who want to be ruled, hunger to rule over others, or have been convinced that freedom is scary. Easier to accept totalitarianism when you can tell yourself it was sanctified by “democracy.”

    The worst illusion is the foolish belief that we can always vote the totalitarianism away if we don’t like it. Sorry, folks, but the core belief of “progressivism” is that nobody ever gets to vote again once government power is imposed, no matter how badly it fails.
    … but there’s no going back, ever. You’re not even allowed to talk about returning to freedom.
    All too often, “democracy” boils down to one man, one vote, one time… and the voters don’t really know what they’re voting for. True freedom lies not in the opportunity to say “yes,” but in the power to say “no.”

    The only real safety lies in true freedom.

  19. While we’re talking about things that don’t appear in the news, there are two things that have struck me as amusing—one that has existed for a long time and one that is more current.

    There have been an odd spate of people claiming to be a Person-of-Color, and yet who aren’t. And then there’s the soi-disant champion of the marginal, HRC, who was born with dark hair and darkish eyes, but who, when she came to choose the colors under which to sail, has bleached her hair blond and has gone to the trouble to wear contact lenses that make her eyes look the blue she wasn’t born with. I’ve never heard that commented on.

    And another odd point. At least as of when I last tried, “antifa.com” goes immediately to a group of pages devoted to encouraging people to donate to the Biden/Harris campaign.

    My brother and I spent some time on Wednesday morning calling our Congressman Kevin McCarthy’s office, and anyone Republican we could think of in the House and Senate, to suggest Pence inquire of Sen. Harris as to whether she might explain the relationship Antifa has to herself and Biden, but apparently it didn’t strike anyone as curious enough. No one we spoke with seemed to see the point.


  20. Speaking of “more lies” in the thread title, “Black Lives Matter has killed more black lives [this year] than police have” states David Horowitz in his new interview with Kyle Hooten.

    He then asks “Why aren’t Republicans saying this” fact?

    Indeed, I’ve thought and wondered the same things. Fact challenged is to be Reality challenged.

    Amaze your friends and impress your enemies! Rip off this blunt savant’s insights for the political battles now — and duty to the future!

    “The Democrat Party is McCarthyism on steroids.” Heh, yeah.

    “I believed that the government was racist and that the Black Panthers were innocent…” and well-meaning in the old days. I was wrong, says DH.

  21. Humanity is under vampiric cabal elite mind control. They controlled your orbitals. He who controls the orbitals, controls the planet (world).

    You have all been conditioned by your education/indoctrination camps and have been brainwashed.

    There is so much wrong at the FBI. I wonder if it will ever be reformed. I know I don’t trust anything they say at this point. It’s easy to believe they may have encouraged these misfits so they could prove Wray correct.

    JJ, ever wonder how the FBI missed all those Saudi Arabian terrorists on the flying schools, but suddenly within hours found their passports and IDed them on September 11?

    Questions you Americans are not allowed to think about, still. So sayeth Alphabet, twitter, Facebook.

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