Home » Open thread 5/2/24


Open thread 5/2/24 — 36 Comments

  1. Lee Smith, Tablet Mag, “Why Biden is Saving Hamas“: https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/saving-hamas

    Last paragraph:

    It’s not the traditional U.S.-led order in the Middle East that the revisionist faction, Obama’s faction, is most determined to dismantle but rather the existing order in the U.S. And it’s not Israel that it’s most keen to grind into dust, but America. For the party that Obama remade in his image to triumph at home, the Palestinians must win.

  2. Oops! I see that sdferr has beaten me to it. As per usual…
    But I’m too lazy to delete or retract…so here goes…
    – – – – – – – –
    If some find Gaza a tad confusing, Lee Smith asks and then answers the important questions.
    (Don’t worry, though…as one is under no obligation to agree with him….)

    “Saving Hamas;
    “The Palestinian terror organization refuses to release hostages while clinging to its last stronghold in Rafah. So why is the Biden administration throwing the full weight of the U.S. government at Israel to prevent it from routing Hamas?”
    H/T Powerline blog.
    Key question/answer…

    …On whose behalf were the Palestinians acting when they destabilized the region with their gruesome Oct. 7 attack? Iran—but also the Biden administration. The two share an interest in collapsing the traditional U.S.-led order of the Middle East that Donald Trump had restored, after Barack Obama began the process of dismantling it….

    WRT the question posed in the sub-title above, my own hunch is that 1) “Biden”‘s actions merely reflect “Biden”‘s priorities; and/or 2) that “Biden” is being blackmailed by any number of questionable actors—as a result of the myriad shenanigans involving the Decent-Joe-Biden Family Crime Syndicate…. (To be sure, Occam would probably warm to the first option and find the second utterly outrageous….)

    Of course, there’s always Option 3: “Biden”, having planted those dragon’s teeth—and passing around the big bucks very generously—thus setting the stage for an all-out Middle-East bust-up, would really rather not (thank you very much) have to deal with the very real possibility of an all-out Middle-East bust-up…AS LONG AS ISRAEL HAS A CHANCE OF WINNING IT.

    Quibble with Mr. Smith’s concluding paragraph quoted by sdferr:
    While Obama would dearly like the consign the US of A to the dust heap of history, SO TOO would he dearly wish the same for the ZIONIST ENTITY.

  3. David Attenborough always spoke like he was right in the next hedge and didn’t want to scare the animals, but he sounded a little too much like a furtive peeping Tom aroused by observing mating rituals.

    How do we know that this bird was doing it all correctly? Maybe he was especially inept — the Jerry Lewis of the avian world.

  4. Don’t worry, though…as one is under no obligation to agree with him….

    Good to hear. It sounds like he’s reading too much into things.

  5. How many campus protesters will turn terrorist themselves? Remember the ‘60s! – by Alan Dershowitz and Andrew Stein

    It is not a bridge too far to believe that radicals who claim to be in Hamas, love their rockets and call for the death of Israelis and Jews might take the next step and help Hamas operatives engage in terrorism against US targets.

    They could be recruited to help purchase weapons, identify targets and even plant bombs.

    Something similar happened in the late 1960s and early 1970s when American supporters of terrorism became terrorists themselves, including students, professors and university graduates.

    They planted bombs, tried to blow up army bases and recruitment centers and murdered police officers and armed guards.

    No democracy can ignore the presence of a dangerous “fifth column” aiming to do us harm at the behest of enemies like Hamas.

    When you watch these agitators call for “Death to America” and praise Hamas rockets, remember: You may be their next target.

    As the late Elie Wiesel reminded us, “It may start with the Jews, but it rarely ends with Jews.”

  6. He didn’t offer the berry on bended knee… will you be mine? Then a competitor shows up, and the lady, now tramp, thinks that she can have the berries and friends with “benefits”, too.

  7. Caroline Glick:

    It took Biden over 2 minutes into a 3 minute speech on anti-Semitism to use the term anti-Semitism. He then immediately condemned “Islamophobia” and discrimination against Arab and Palestinian Americans.

    Who is discriminating against them? Who is denying them the right to walk across campus?

    No one. They’re the ones attacking Jewish Americans and trampling Jewish American civil rights.

    But as with Israel and Palestinians, Biden is accusing American Jews of doing to American Arabs what the Arabs are doing to them.

    If this is what support looks like now, in the midst of the greatest onslaught against American Jews since the 1930s, just think what a second Biden term will look like.



  8. Regarding the Bowerbirds

    “Bring me a shrubbery!”

    MPATHG, The Knights who say “NI!”

  9. In retrospect, the first Iraq war should have been sustained to keep Hussein in power. Now, the Iran-Hamas axis for another ethnic Spring, a Jewish Spring, and Obama Nobel Pieces (sic) prize. The people in Gaza are collateral damage.

  10. I ponder on about that, who were the beneficiaries of that engagement the kingdom and the kuwaiti emirate, always willing to stab us in the back

    but the Tikriti regime, was itself a hollow shell, inside were the seeds of the islamic state,

  11. “…Unbelievable…”

    As has been discussed several times before, it is in fact Islamophobic to protest against Islamic Anti-Semitism, i.e., it is Islamophobic to deny a Moslem’s Inalienable Right to BE Anti-Semitic AND express it.

    No doubt such inalienable rights will soon spread to other groups…such that it will ultimately BE ILLEGAL NOT to be Anti-Semitic…

    (It’s just how the slippery slope works…especially when imbued with Human Rights and Virtue-osity.)

  12. well if you read the Koran, us crazy islamognosists, would realize thats what it means,

    the Necronomicon was supposedly found in Sanaa, one of the antagonists in my novel, is named after one of Lovecrafts explorer, that’s close enough to Medina, for confort


    the pattern is copied all the way Down Under
    where Chtluthu lies dreaming, well R’yleh is slightly north

  13. just one of the tentacles, the sds seems to have behind the usf protests, they are a seed of the so called antifa, and blm, which stem from the Black Liberation Army,

    there was much mythmaking about what they did
    one of the first iteration was that film rebel, with a Young Henry Winkler, yes before he was the fonz, Running on Empty, but Sidney Lumet, I think there was a Redford project, sometime in the recent past, Chaveysky dark tale, network winked and nodded to the slouching beast, as did his previous film,
    the Hospital,
    of course the above group was cognitively planting a flag, what was democratic about them, the Brigatte Rossi, the Red Army Faction, were more truth in labeling,

  14. Barry Meislin on May 2, 2024 at 10:53 am

    I found that tablet article to be fascinating. I wasn’t paying that much attention to the sweeping generalizations about the communist mindset, but more about the internal workings of TikTok and its connections and implications for user engagement.

    I recall setting up my first smartphone, not that long ago, and being amazed at the frequency and effort required to avoid installing TikTok. Way to go Google/Alphabet/Playstore.

  15. Indeed…having come from there, the fellow appears to know quite well whereof he speaks.
    (Disclaimer: I don’t know much about TikTok but from what I’ve seen it seems to be, or can be, pretty gruesome…as in: “[TikTok] is not healthy for children and other living things”…)

  16. I think the message as little as I can tolerate is worse than the platform, I mean the letter from Bin Laden, was a incoherent pastiche, on it’s own grounds, so is almost all the tripe that bandied about, take morning joke, and give it the old yeller treatment,

    its much like the gom jabbar test, the longer you keep your hand in the box test, its actually beyond satire, like the Mutaran nebula, people think they are informed, amused I don’t know what,

    You compare the Tablet with say Commentary and even in its narrow niche, it provides a great deal of insight, the latter is wading pool for Mosquitoes,

  17. “…Chtluthu…”

    Actually, IIRC, in certain locales, teaching about—or even referring to—the Holocaust may have been deemed Islamophobic.

    (To be sure, in certain locales, the Holocaust is not a thing…and never happened…)
    – – – – – – – –

    The arbiters of morality have struck again!

    “Iran sanctions 12 US entities and citizens connected to Israel;
    “Among those sanctioned are Lockheed Martin, Chevron, fmr. Trump advisor Jason Greenblatt, and US military generals.”

    Just call it the “Mullah-vian Badge of Honor”…

  18. I know it’s incorrectly spelled, but then again my Enochian is quite weak

    is Lovecraft really despised for some of untoward remarks, or really because he cast a window on this strange world of
    https://www.youtube.com/watch? this isn’t on tiktok, it’s just something bizarre, i know it’s not supposed to be informative, except as a window on a freakshow,

    Something came into the world, I can’t say exactly when and where, this cloud of chaos,

  19. as ray parker junior said ‘there’s something strange in the neighborhood, who you gonna call’ there aren’t enough traps for the audience found there,
    so with perfect sangfroid, the solution is to make pot more available, because the dumpsterfire has a strong scent of mesquite,

  20. One thing you definitely can’t teach about the Holocaust is that the Palestinians were allied with Germany during WWII. Or that one of the motivations may have been to placate Hitler’s Arab buds.

  21. this is why they being goldhagen and cornwell, largely demonized Pope Pius, taking up Hochhuth, from the getgo, Pacepa had the receipts where that came from, Gordon Thomas and Mark Reibling tried to bring some perspective, but that came long after the circus left town,


    was his behavior in the pre war era, perfect, I wouldn’t make that claim, but much of the garbage heaped on him was unneccesary,

  22. Coverup, Inc.
    “A Secret Finally Revealed: Americans Can Know the U.S. Cities Receiving; “Hundreds of Thousands of Immigrants Flying from Abroad
    A House committee data release confirms a CIS report, and offers additional information”—
    H/T Powerline blog.

    Guess a criminal junta’s gotta do what a criminal junta’s gotta do…
    File under under: Transformation NOW!

  23. And now for something completely you know…

    Here’s a young musician/YouTuber, Steve Terreberry, who has recently discovered caffeine and is making up for lost time. Fun rants, hilarious facial expressions, and he can play the guitar quite well.

    In this more serious video ST covers songs which were stolen from earlier songs. With music tech he can match speed and pitch, then play both simultaneously for us the audience to judge.

    –Steve Terreberry, “Songs You Didn’t Know Were STOLEN!”

    Impressive. I did not know Radiohead lost a copyright case against “Creep” to the Hollies for “The Air That I Breathe.”

    But you don’t get the Full Terreberry unless you watch one like this:

    –“Why Does Everyone Hate NICKELBACK?”

    Nickelback made a ton of money off their sorta-hard/sorta-pop synthesis, but since they have become a public joke to younger listeners.

    If you play a Nickelback song backwards you’ll hear messages from the devil. Even worse, if you play it forwards you will hear Nickelback.

    –David Grohl (Nirvana, Foo Fighters)

    neo might like Terreberry’s several videos on mondegreens.

  24. I had a programmer friend who bought a used Jaguar to drive around. He called it his “bowerbird strategy.”

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