Home » Can Democrats mention anti-Semitism without condemning Islamophobia?


Can Democrats mention anti-Semitism without condemning Islamophobia? — 54 Comments

  1. no he can’t, because his handlers don’t want him too, it’s rather a niche constituency, as pointed out in other places, some of these protests were seeded by FEMA, at Columbia, and other places, under the guise of fighting extremism
    three guesses which time of extremist they are countering much like the takeover of the DHS, and other organs as they would say in other countries, remember who was still? working at the DHS, and where she came from the revolving door at the State Department, the Quincy Unstitute, Brookings Carnegie,
    who’s at the NSC, and where he came from who is the point person at the CIA, lapping up statistics from the Gaza Health Ministry, like Mikey in the Life Cereal Commercials

  2. “and by the way, Palestinians are Arabs, so the phrase is needlessly redundant.”


    Arab-Americans are simply oppressed, but Palestinian-Americans are double secret super oppressed!

    There’s a reason for every word these clowns vomit onto a teleprompter.

  3. Just another series of “Biden” obscenities.
    (And just another deployment of that very special Obama sense of humor—both the grant to Columbia’s Teachers College AND the OH-SO-SERIOUS warnings about RAMPANT Islamophobia in America….)

  4. The amazing thing, really, is that there isn’t more “Islamophobia” – which is not a phobia but is a reaction to the fact that a very significant number of Muslims (especially those in the Middle East) are in favor of enslaving the rest of the world, killing apostates, murdering homosexuals, raping and torturing and burning Israelis, and blowing Israelis and Westerners to bits. Little things like that.

    Ha. Tell me what you really think! Choice words.

    Just like “homophobia” that came before it, that was 90% a BS distortion of the reality. One doesn’t have to fear something to not want it overtly in-your-face.

    Thinking about this a bit, I don’t find anything about homosexuality threatening or fearsome. To suggest so, is to perhaps elevate its stature and significance. On the other hand, fundamental Islam actually is threatening and fearsome. However, many muslims are not fundamentalists, so extending the phobia notion to all of them is inappropriate.

  5. was it the bard, or faulkner who said ‘sound and fury, signifying told by an idiot’ of course the press dogs will make something coherent out that cascade of irrelevence, i’m sure memeorandum is on it,

    where did islamophobia come from, the political agent in the tribals in the 60s, akbar ahmad, who was sufficiently acquainted with Deobandism, the Indian branch of Wahhabism to know better, does Pankraj Mishna of the New York Review of Books, primarily
    who William Dalrymple retweets know better, I can’t honestly say, I’m fairly confident Enoch Powell when he spokes of ‘rivers of blood’ who honestly came by his intel billet, did know what he was talking about,but they pretended otherwise, and so we see the results lot only in London, but Montreal, in Melbourne in other places,

  6. Thanks for writing about the fact that Democrats always including a denunciation of Islamophobia every time they are forced to denounce anti-Semitism. In this case we get three for the price of one! There is no Islamophobia occurring at these pro-Hamas demonstrations, but if he were to only condemn the anti-Semitism that is occurring at these demonstrations, he risks angering the anti-Semitic wing of the democrat party.

  7. Somewhat off subject. But heard an interview of Aleksandr Dugin AKA Putin’s brain. Seems like he is a big fan of Stalin. He feels that Putin must eliminate all those Jewish NAZIs in the Ukraine and then advance on the rest of the world Reestablish Russia as a great empire. Western world is the most evil ever. His daughter killed in a blast in a car. Read about him in WIKIpedia and he was interviewed by Tucker Carlson. Would like to hear what other people think of him.

  8. “Islamophobia” is a very successful propaganda operation, like the invention of “Palestine” and its “oppressed” inhabitants.

    Jew-hating, unfortunately, is very real, and it comes in part, in the Middle East, from the Qur’an and hadith.

  9. SOME so-called Palestinians are Arabs. Many more are Egyptians, and others who can trace their roots to the Maghreb. Lots are the descendants of black slaves forcibly brought to the area.Others are Bosnians, and various other ethnicities drawn to mandatory Palestine after the zionists created a capitalist economy there in the 20th century.

  10. you don’t say


    yes jon peters tracked some of the migrations into the territory, mainly they are bedouin, and they move around, saudis particularly some of the more prominent ones, like the khashoggis or the talals are of turkish or armenian sometimes syrians the particular demography doesn’t matter in the big scheme of things,


    they probably are not connected to the ruling khalifa clan, as bahrain has a shia majority ruled by a small sunni cohort,

  11. Owie:

    Yes, it’s true that many “Palestinians” are of Egyptian origin, but many are identical to Jordanian Arabs. I have never seen any indication that the Palestinians of Egyptian origin outnumber those of Jordanian/Arab origin; au contraire. The actual mix is not at all clear, although almost the entire population are “Arabs” in the sense that they speak Arabic and are culturally linked with Arab countries. For example, see this [emphasis mine]:

    The study of the origins of the Palestinians, a population encompassing the Arab inhabitants of the former Mandatory Palestine and their descendants, is a subject approached through an interdisciplinary lens, …

    Genetically, they are probably mostly Arab as well, although it’s certainly confusing:

    According to a 2010 study by Behar et al. titled “The genome-wide structure of the Jewish people”, in one analysis, Palestinians tested clustered genetically close to Bedouins, Jordanians and Saudi Arabians which was described as consistent with a common origin of Semitic peoples in the Arabian Peninsula”, but in another analysis of West Eurasians only, Palestinians fell between Saudis (and more distantly, Bedouins) on one side and Jordanians and Syrians on the other. Admixture analysis in the same study inferred that Palestinian DNA resembled the mix of Jordanians, Syrians, Lebanese, and Druze very closely, whereas Saudis showed far more Arabian and Subsaharan African DNA and far less Eastern Mediterranean DNA.

    A 2013 study by Haber et al. found that “The predominantly Muslim populations of Syrians, Palestinians and Jordanians cluster on branches with other Muslim populations as distant as Morocco and Yemen.” The authors explained that “religious affiliation had a strong impact on the genomes of the Levantines. In particular, conversion of the region’s populations to Islam appears to have introduced major rearrangements in populations’ relations through admixture with culturally similar but geographically remote populations leading to genetic similarities between remarkably distant populations.” The study found that Christians and Druze became genetically isolated following the arrival of Islam. The authors reconstructed the genetic structure of pre-Islamic Levant and found that “it was more genetically similar to Europeans than to Middle Easterners.”

  12. Can Democrats mention anti-Semitism without condemning Islamophobia? — they seemed to have no difficulty saying Black Lives Matter without commenting that All Lives Matter.

  13. And so now that Biden finally manages to say something about the horrendous hatred and violence unleashed against Jews, why is he generalizing about “hate” and why is he devoting so many words to “Islamophobia” and “discrimination against Arab Americans or Palestinian Americans”?


    There seems a consistent effort at this, to paint it as if there are bad people on both sides (in the strict sense maybe true but in any practical sense it’s nonsense).

    They are trying to paint Bibi as the bad guy, ignoring that most Israelis think the war must continue until Hamas is destroyed. They paint the “settlers” as bad, as well as certain military units composed of religious Jews. Note, they refused to send rifles to arm Jewish “settlers”.

    They can’t claim Hama is good. Oct 7 is too clear. But they can make the claim of extremists on both sides and innocents on both sides.

    I think the administration is doing this for ideological reasons (many in State seem to be pro-Hamas) as well as trying to thread the needle to get re-election, since they have a pro-Hamas base but also many Jews in their coalition.

  14. I am an Islamophobe. I have done my research (most of you have not; have you read Bernard Lewis or authoritative texts on Islam?)
    I deem Islam as an ideology, not a religion, somewhat resembling Nazism. Horribly authoritarian. Violent. But until Congress delists it as a “religion”, we are stuck on stupid. That many Muslims are peaceful is irrelevant. Many German Nazis or pro-Nazi were the same.

  15. The authors reconstructed the genetic structure of pre-Islamic Levant and found that “it was more genetically similar to Europeans than to Middle Easterners.”

    Who’s indigenous and who’s the colonizer?

  16. no I’m not going to fall for that, islamognosos, scholar and investigator of the subject, but the security services make mr magoo more self aware, all the security services seem to follow the cair playbook,

    are all Muslims that way, I don’t have a notion, but there is enough of their cohort to be concerned, look at that uzbek islamic stater in the subsequent thread
    I read Bernard Lewis’s memoir I commend how he tied his own experience in academia and in the service in with some of his research, some of the smarter member in the CPA and Pentagon used his research to craft the policies in Iraq, but the root of the society was too rotten at that point,

    michael doran is perhaps his leading disciple in academia, princeton didn’t give him tenure, we know their stitches on the fast ball, syracuse did, I think he leans a little too sympathetically about Turkey and Armenia, but ymmv Richard Landes was one who used to be more sympathetic to the Arab nationalist current

  17. Cicero on May 2, 2024 at 6:22 pm said:
    That many Muslims are peaceful is irrelevant.

    Being violent has a high cost, and most people in any particular group are not violent at least in part for that reason. Also, most Muslims in the world don’t have easy access to those they would kill. And many are not seriously Muslim, at least by their own choice.

    My point is that with any large group of people, most are mostly peaceful.

  18. Yes! Thank you for mentioning the Charlottesville press coverage of Trump back in August 2017. Even though he tweeted immediately condemning hatred, bigotry, and violence without specifically calling anyone out he was condemned for waiting 48 hours before he made an official broadcast. This was the press conference in which he condemned the KKK, white supremisists, neo-nazis and other hate groups. (Also where he made the “very fine people on both sides” statement which has been used ad nauseam to show what a racist Trump is.) My question is where has the press been in calling out Biden for his absence since April 12, over two weeks ago?

    The other thing that hit me was the violence at UCLA and the folks doing the beating of the “peaceful student protesters”. It put me in mind of the violence in various cities during the George Floyd riots with all the Antifa types running around in black doing everything they could to incite and encourage regular protesters to violence. I don’t doubt for a moment that Antifa wouldn’t crack a few student heads to paint the Jews as the bad guys. Hamas tactics.

  19. Yes! Thank you for mentioning the Charlottesville press coverage of Trump back in August 2017. Even though he tweeted immediately condemning hatred, bigotry, and violence without specifically calling anyone out he was condemned for waiting 48 hours before he made an official broadcast. This was the press conference in which he condemned the KKK, white supremacists, neo-nazis and other hate groups. (Also where he made the “very fine people on both sides” statement which has been used ad nauseam to show what a racist Trump is.) My question is where has the press been in calling out Biden for his absence since April 12, over two weeks ago?

    The other thing that hit me was the violence at UCLA and the folks doing the beating of the “peaceful student protesters”. It put me in mind of the violence in various cities during the George Floyd riots with all the Antifa types running around in black doing everything they could to incite and encourage regular protesters to violence. I don’t doubt for a moment that Antifa wouldn’t crack a few student heads to paint the Jews as the bad guys. Hamas tactics.

  20. yes their pillowing the story, is quite obvious and sloppy, but you see how they play up some stories, like charlottesville and they do not hold signer, the mayor ot mcauliffe for the chaos, of course the whole purpose was really about destroying historical landmarks, also they wanted to recreate the 1979 klan/communist party dynamic in north carolina, they weren’t able to exploit that then,

  21. Speaking of invidious phobias, what about the decades long genocide pushing out Christians and Jewish minorities throughout the Middle East? They have been besieged for a half century and are almost extinct. Cf, Lebanon.

    Lebanon was once the Switzerland of the Levant, now Beirut is among the world’s poorest. The glory of Jew-haters and Christophobes. Glory to Allah!

  22. Miguel+Cervantes admits to not knowing if “all Muslims [are]
    that way, I don’t have a notion…”

    Most secularised Muslims can pass for innocent for the crimes of their gutter religion. But include the memorizing Madrassas and deeper instruction into the (usually censored and sanitizer) Koran to dupe the Kafirs, and neglecting the Hadiths (collected saying of Muhammad), as well as influential Islamic jurists — the deeper one gore, the clearer it becomes that the religion is saturated in Bedouin barbarism.

    Rice University professor of religion and University of Chicago trained scholar delved deeply into these matters, David Cook, and has given us “Understanding Jihad” (2e, University of California Press).

    Cook’s patient and searching conclusion is that Jihad as the terrorism of innocents is authentic Islam.

    Now, the Left proto-Hate America Firster’s, circa 2003-4, began a campaign to White Wash this finding, preventing GWOT America from having any honest public debate over this crucial conclusion p. Instead, the smear and Big Lie of “Islamophobia” prevailed and staunched debate, shamed and marginalised their critics to the Far-right dustbin.

    But clear sighted authors like Melanie Philips and Mark Steyn — the latter of the prescient “America Alone” and the follow up in 2009 “Lights Out: Islam, Free Speech And The Twilight Of The West” — to warn and educate us.

    But, who listened? So. Here we are.

  23. My point is that with any large group of people, most are mostly peaceful.


    True, but there is a difference between being peaceful and being OK with one’s co-religionists using force and violence against those of other faiths.

    Just because most Muslims aren’t flying jets into the World Trade Center and Pentagon, and either the White House or Congress, doesn’t mean Muslims are mostly peaceful. The majority of Muslims in Muslim countries supported Bin Laden.

    BTW 9-11 was beyond terrorism. It wasn’t blowing up a café or Israeli school bus as Muslims are wont to do. That was a decapitation strike against the United States as a country.

    The ruling to kill the Americans and their allies — civilians and military — is an individual duty for every Muslim who can do it in any country in which it is possible to do it…

    –Bin Laden, “Al-Quds Al-Arabi”(jihad fatwa) (1998)

  24. they certainly tried to, and what was W’s conclusion, probably guided by Grover Norquist and Khaled Saffuri, his sherpa in such matters, mostly it was too legitimate the public exercise of Islam, in ways small and large, they did take some swipes at Al Jazeera, but not sufficiently, in order to win support for the Iraq operation among
    domestic Shia, they embraced the worst sort
    like those who are authorities in Dearborn and Detroit, the Rashida Tlaibs are the political wing, are full of the worst intensity,

    the less said about what happens in Londinistan the better, Melanie Phillips has much of the details, Mark Steyn, has yelled himself hoarse on this, as with many things

    where there was some action by individual parties to spread right belief, but we know Noah Feldman’s handiwork in making Islam the state religion in Afghanistan and Iraq, and here we are, for all the groveling as Jamal khashoggi related to the author of Inside the Kingdom, the anonymous Saudis did not think he was sufficiently contrite perhaps because of the Guantanamo holding pen, now down to a handful, as many of the former guests have joined the fight, after fooling gullible defense attorneys, and even more insipid Judges due to outfits like Reprieve or Levick Group, this was true as much in Spain as it was France or London, almost inspite of themselves the flics have been given certain leeway

    the clouds of obfuscatiion re certain acts like the Pulse Massacre, by the son of an FBI informant, who had contacts all through the salafi world, is quite extraordinary eight years later,

  25. Here in Albuquerque pro-Palis set took over the Student Union Building (SUB) and set up tents

    New Mexico and Albuquerque are bright blue, but this was too much. On Monday night the campus police augmented by the NM State Police moved in. They took down the tents, forced the protesters out and arrested 16, only five of whom were current students.


    New Mexico, especially Santa Fe and ABQ, is plenty woke, But the state seems determined not to go totally down the tubes like other blue dominions.

  26. huxley on May 2, 2024 at 7:40 pm said:
    True, but there is a difference between being peaceful and being OK with one’s co-religionists using force and violence against those of other faiths.

    Right. I agree.

    This was on full display as so many cheered the capture of women or their dead bodies being driven through the streets. Those displays indicated rape was part of it, because it would naturally be part of it given their disregard of the lives of non-combatants and the display they made towards the captives and dead.

    Nevertheless, it is often pointed out that most Muslims are peaceful. It’s true, but means little. I was just trying to add my take on why this is so, although it is likely an incomplete take.

    Most Gaza Muslims have been “peaceful”. Most of those support what happened on Oct 7, and many cheered the death or capture of young women.

  27. Don:

    We’re good.

    I would add a general comment. While Christianity has a checkered history with regard to violence, the world’s Christians today would be unified in an instant against some wacko splinter sect which raped, murdered and abducted in the name of Christ.

  28. “a very significant number of Muslims (especially those in the Middle East) are in favor of enslaving the rest of the world, killing apostates, murdering homosexuals, raping and torturing and burning Israelis, and blowing Israelis and Westerners to bits.” neo

    It’s reached a new level within the West.

    “Massive protests erupted in Germany as thousands took to the streets, calling for an Islamic State.”

    ‘Death to America’ rapidly emerging as key slogan of anti-Israel agitators in US”

    ” ‘Death to America’ pamphlets circulated at college anti-Israel encampment, eyewitness says”
    ‘Freedom for Palestine means Death to America,’ the pamphlet stated

  29. Cicero,
    Re: “have you read Bernard Lewis or authoritative texts on Islam?”

    Bernard Lewis was primarily responsible for convincing George Bush Jr. that Islam is a “Religion of Peace”. Lewis also convinced the Bush administration that democracy could be grafted into the Middle East.
    “In 2004 the Wall Street Journal devised what it called a “Lewis Doctrine”, which it defined as “seeding democracy in failed Mideast states to defang terrorism.”

    For many years, I bought into the Lewis Doctrine, failing to appreciate that democracy must have fertile ground in which to take root. Middle Eastern Islamic culture views democracy as blasphemy because it places man’s laws above Allah’s laws. Lewis should have known better.

  30. Geoffrey Britain:

    I’d like to see links for your assertions. I don’t think, for example, that Bush got “religion of peace” from Lewis, and if he thought he did it was because he misunderstood Lewis.

    From Lewis himself:

    Foreign Policy: What do you see as the biggest misperception about Islam?

    Bernard Lewis: Well, there are two. Sometimes one, sometimes the other, predominates. It depends when and where. I would call them the negative one and the positive one. The negative one sees Muslims as a collection of bloodthirsty barbarians offering people the choice of the Koran or the sword, and generally bringing tyranny and oppression wherever they go. And the other one is the exact opposite, what you might call the sanitized version, which presents Islam as a religion of love and peace, rather like the Quakers but without their aggressiveness. The truth is in its usual place, somewhere between the extremes.

    … Terrorism is very much the news of the moment and it is also the threat of the moment. It is a real menace, and I don’t wish to understate that or diminish it in any way. But if one assumes that that’s all there is to Islam, that’s a grave mistake, because terrorism only comes from one brand of Islam, and even that one brand of Islam is not entirely committed to terrorism. But for a terrorist movement, you do need mass support. …

    FP: A lot of analysts, and this is especially something you hear from political leaders in the Muslim world, say that Islam has nothing to do with terrorism that these are completely separate issues. Is that a view that you subscribe to? Some people say that terrorism is largely caused by occupation or a response to U.S. policy, not Islam.

    BL: Well, I can’t subscribe to it since the terrorists themselves claim to be acting in the name of Islam. There was one Muslim leader who said, not long ago, that it is wrong to speak about Muslim terrorism, because if a man commits an act of terrorism, hes not a Muslim. Thats very nice, but that could also be interpreted as meaning that if a Muslim commits it, it doesnt count as terrorism.

    When a large part of the Muslim world was under foreign rule, then you might say that terrorism was a result of imperialism, of imperial rule and occupation. But at the present time, almost the whole of the Muslim world has achieved its independence. They can no longer blame others for what goes wrong. They have to confront the realities …

    Nevertheless, in the same interview (2008) he was too optimistic about Iraq.

  31. Lewis: “Terrorism is very much the news of the moment…. It is a real menace, and I don’t wish to understate that…. But if one assumes that that’s all there is to Islam, that’s a grave mistake, because terrorism only comes from one brand of Islam, and even that one brand of Islam is not entirely committed to terrorism. But for a terrorist movement, you do need mass support. …”

    Bernard Lewis says “terrorism only comes from one brand of Islam….” In a time where both Sunni and Sh’ia branches practice terrorism, this analysis from Lewis cannot hold.

    No. The problem is Islam itself.

  32. I’m catching up on on video from the Free Pale’s campus takeovers (University of Chicago is over one to one off campus thugs, like Columbia), and I believe it is necessary to advance the label “Islam=Slavery”. We forget that not all slavery is chattel slavery, like in the old South.

    That’s how this insane bubble can be defeated. Islam=Slavery, and just as reprehensible.

    Technically, Islam = “submission,” but only because Allah owns you and you must be utterly devoted to him (and his Prophet the first Mohammedan).

    I’m pretty sure this means embracing the vigorous judgments of Victorian times (1850 and later), before we became wussy-died, when young Churchill was blunt and scathing about Islam, too.

    We are post-Bush waffling and prevaricating. The Muslim cause must be tarred with an odious slaving identity — because when “submission” and devotion to Allah combines with Sharia and sacred texts, you cannot dissent — because Apostates deserve murder!

    THUS, we reclaim the moral high ground from the fascist enemy. THIS is how the surge of Jew Hate, hiding under undo tolerance of Islam.

    I’m know that when Marines put down the Barbary Pirates for the capture and slavery of Europeans, the explanation given was “Allah commands us” to capture your kind.

    Islam is not necessarily so bestial. But even Ayaan Harsi Ali will, I believe, disagree.

    We must agree make Islam a degrading religion, and against free men and women again!

    Clarity is vitalising.

  33. Don – On the pre-Islamic make-up of the Levant – I just don’t think that registers to most people.

    I also think us moderns have lost our appreciation for the the sheer magnitude of time over which peoples have been living, migrating, and inter-marrying. The Romans and Hellenistic Greeks existed farther in time from the great Bronze Age civilizations than we are now from the Romans and Hellenistic Greeks. At the time that the Parthenon was built, the Great Pyramids were already many centuries older than the Parthenon is today. When one further considers that civilization was happening at places like Gobekli Tepe more than 12,000 years ago (about 6,000 years before the Great Pyramids), the mind boggles, or it should.

    The takeaway for me is that trying to view modern people through a lens of “colonizers” and “oppressed” is clearly insane. Everyone is the descendant of a “colonizer.” In the name of standing up for the supposedly “oppressed,” the modern left is simply engaging in the oldest and most destructive form of tribalism.

  34. If saying “All lives matter” in response to “Black lives matter” is racist (whatever the hell that even means nowadays), then expressing concern over “Islamophobia” as a counterpoint to concerns about antisemitism, is antisemitism.

  35. Muslim young men are the most sex obsessed in the world. The women are acquired by older men who take multiple wives and the young men are mostly too poor and have no access to women.

  36. this is something ignatius allowed to be mentioned by another character in agents of influence this was back when he was allowed to tell the truth, it is told second hand by a deuxieme bureau chief, the lebanese secret police,

    Daniel Silva for a while brought some clarity but hes been on a Christian bashing and Orange Man crusade of late,


    you have to be educated to be this foolish,

  37. “Biden”, wearing that “Smart Diplomacy” pin on “his” lapel, still dangling that Saudi carrot in front of Bibi’s nose…
    …Having squelched the Trumpian possibility in January 2021 (“We don’t need no steenkin’ Trumpish Abraham Accords…”).

    Not that SA would ever have joined up in any event (what’s in it for SA?)—besides, they get enough from Israel without having to sign anything—um, no, yer NOT supposed to know anything about that.

  38. well prince salman tried to go legit, to chip at the Golden Chain and other artefacts that his father had created for the Afghan war,

    so the regime rewarded him by delisting the houthis funding hamas, another qatari client, which apparently fredo biden was involved that would be the older creepy one

  39. The day after 9/11 the blithering idiot George W. Bush started babbling about Islam being “a great religion that has been hijacked by a few extremists” and I too have noticed that people cannot unequivocally condemn anti-Semitism without mentioning the mythical “Islamophobia”.

  40. huxley on May 2, 2024 at 10:04 pm said:

    We’re good.

    I would add a general comment. While Christianity has a checkered history with regard to violence, the world’s Christians today would be unified in an instant against some wacko splinter sect which raped, murdered and abducted in the name of Christ.

    I don’t agree so much. Christianity began as a pacifist religion (not in the sense of modern pacifism that rejects all violence, but in the sense of a religion that grants political power to “Caesar”).

    Christianity only gained the ability for state violence over 300 years after Christ when it became the religion of Rome. Even then it restrained violence. There were violent Christians, but the curiosity of it is how warrior tribes adopted the pacifist religion.

    Also, the Roman version of Christianity imposed its vision of the religion while suppressing the original documents. In a sense, a divergence. The later wars between Catholics and Protestants was between those who wanted central control vs independent interpretation. It wasn’t due to Christianity itself driving violence. It was humans being human.

  41. yes I mentioned that was part of norquists outreach that included sami al arian,fundraiser for the PIJ, their cell might still be active at USF

    now the koran has this neat trick, where certain inconvenient passages are abrogated, and sometimes they don’t, so the theological version of ‘noses off, noses on’ the salafi figures represented by wahhab and before him ibn tammiyah insist on the latter view,

  42. BrooklynBoy on May 3, 2024 at 11:50 am said:
    The day after 9/11 the blithering idiot George W. Bush started babbling about Islam being “a great religion that has been hijacked by a few extremists” and I too have noticed that people cannot unequivocally condemn anti-Semitism without mentioning the mythical “Islamophobia”.

    At the time I felt Bush was gaslighting, trying to push Muslims towards peace. With sufficient power and security, Muslim violence could (in theory) be held in check while we try to gaslight them towards a peaceful mindset. The problem is if we lose sight of the reality ourselves, and/or if our power and security are compromised. With open borders and Muslim refugees, our security are compromised. At which point, there is immense danger particularly if the gaslighting worked on westerners and not Muslims, as was the case.

  43. and none other than anwar awlaki who ended up the leading murid for yemeni al queda, were among the ones that counseled this course of action, how about the union of islamic scholars that included the late quaradawi, the rock star of salafi evangelism,

    as captain queenan says in the departed ‘we practice deception, what we do not know is engage in self deception’

  44. Don:

    Regarding Christianity and its sects raping murdering and pillaging I first thought,

    show some current examples

    But then I recalled some recent statements by the head of the Russian Orthodox Church regarding Ukrainians and the rest of Europe. But then he is an ex-“KGB” aparatchk, and maybe not a man of God.

  45. T Jg:

    I don’t think that Sh’ia vs Sunni was what Lewis was referring to there. He was well aware of the fact that terrorists were in both groups. I believe he meant the fundamentalist wing of Islam that wanted to purify the religion and go back to what it considers the source – Musllim Brotherhood types, etc.

  46. Don:

    Sure. I mentioned Christianity’s checkered history WRT violence. I’m booked. I stand by what I said:

    the world’s Christians today would be unified in an instant against some wacko splinter sect which raped, murdered and abducted in the name of Christ.

  47. and so we engage in fairy tales and figments, and the ones like tommy robinson who dared speak out in behalf of the victims of rotherdam and rochdale, they go to prison first,

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