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What hath Obamacare wrought? — 11 Comments

  1. And yet, it will turn into a win for the Democrats. If employers find a way to survive in spite of the law, they’re greedy. Same for the insurance companies who must raise rates to pay for all those “free” things.

  2. “passed in a terrible manner”….and upheld by a terrible decision (tax, not penalty) by Justice Roberts.

  3. This trend will continue to grow. I am of the opinion that this will eventually become bad news for the left. And the mandate for individuals has not (yet) been delayed until 2015. Younger people will be hit the hardest. I hope they learn that this messiah saves no one but himself.

  4. All of this is OLD NEWS to anyone from Hawaii.

    That state passed ‘Obamacare’ many decades ago.

    The ONLY way that an employer could duck providing ‘free’ employee medical care was by holding hours worked down to part-time levels.

    By statue that meant nineteen hours or less per week.

    Consequently. the Hawaii tourist industry morphed into ‘non-employee’ employees and part-timers — with top management/ ownership paid via equity draws.

    The ‘non-employee’ employees were paid by commission or piece-work. The latter term meaning that they got a set fee for each tourist in the party. Commissions were earned by selling touristy trinkets and duty free luxury goods. The latter were a HUGE item for mercantilist Japan.

    The terminal result: most young employees HAD to hold down THREE jobs — 57 hours a week, max — to make any headway.

    This is also common in Europe.

    The alternative was, and is, to work off the books.

    This became as common as dust.

    It also caused every player to attempt to become a soloist. That’s practical for the talented — out on the right hand of the IQ curve. It sucks big time for the average Joe.

  5. My daughter has already been hit by this – she works part-time as a delivery driver for a small local business which has needs of extra delivery drivers on certain holidays. The last two of those holidays she was slammed, working twelve hours a day for about a week each time … and it was all because she was not a regular full-time, or even a part-time driver. She’s classified as an independent contractor … and the new owner of the franchise was obviously trying to shave down the hours that his regular and regular part-time staff were working by loading it all onto the independent contractor.
    She was burnt to toast by this – and will probably not work any more for that franchise. The money was nice, but the drain and the wear and tear on her on vehicle were just not supportable.

  6. The official unemployment rate as of 4/1/13 for select Euro Zone countries:

    France – 10.8%
    Greece – 26.6%
    Ireland – 13.6%
    Italy – 12.2%
    Netherlands – 8.3%
    Poland – 13.5%
    Portugal – 17.7%
    Spain – 27.2%

    These rates rose in the 2nd quarter, and they are official which means they are cooked. The real rates, including the underemployed and those who have stopped looking for work, are significantly higher. (Just like the numbers peddled by the BLS.) Unemployment rates for those under 30 are over 50% in Greece, Spain, and Portugal.

    This is a recipe for social unrest, perhaps not on the scale of the hungry masses in Egypt, but a very serious problem nonetheless.

  7. Don Carlos wrote:
    “‘passed in a terrible manner’…and upheld by a terrible decision (tax, not penalty) by Justice Roberts.”

    Yeah, the same people who assured the public “it’s a penalty, not a tax,” sent their lawyers to the Supreme Court to argue “it’s a tax, not a penalty.”

    The Democrats needed EVERY “D” vote in the Senate to get their filibuster-proof majority, including the vote of that doddering old fool Benedict Arlen Specter. (Not to mention the vote of the dubiously elected “statesman” from Minnesota, Al “Unfunny” Franken.)

    Can you imagine? All this chaos, ruin and disruption because of one old fool? The whole thing disgusts me.

  8. Hell, Justice Roberts could replace the judge at the Zimmerman trial, without affecting either process or outcome.
    With him as Chief Justice, I feel like J. Caesar: “Et tu, Brute?!”

  9. Since Nancy Pelosi has now had plenty of time to read this law and the accompanying regulations, she should be flooded with invitations from every Chamber of Commerce in the country to come and explain the law to its members. Her responses to the invitations should be printed in every local newspaper.

  10. Don Carlos,

    “‘passed in a terrible manner’….by a reprehensible Congress for an incompetent administration and upheld by a terrible decision (tax, not penalty) by Justice Roberts.”

    There, fixed it for you.

  11. }}}} And Obamacare is a terrible, terrible law, passed in a terrible manner.

    And considering its namesake, is this not exceptionally appropriate?

    I mean, be honest.

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