Home » More from Caroline Glick on the abominable Biden, plus a reminder about 10/7 and what many Gazan civilians did that day


More from Caroline Glick on the abominable Biden, plus a reminder about 10/7 and what many Gazan civilians did that day — 29 Comments

  1. Sure is pathetic miguel, sure as hell is. Yet as in other matters, masks off, gloves off, drive the points home. Put the haters on display, day after day.

  2. I’m not Jewish, I’m Latino and Protestant, but good grief what is wrong with most of the Democratic Caucus, if not now, when, you really want to side with Hamas,

  3. Does anyone have, handy, the video that has been posted here a couple of times of the history of the Israel/palestian conflict. Lots of illustrations, I think it’s Bill Whittle narrating, but not sure. Just got off the phone with an orthodox friend of mine. It was an hour long gripe session about the state of the world. He’d never seen it and now I can’t find it to save my life.

  4. yes that was remarkably succint, the irony about Mahmoud Abbas making any such pronouncement was actually obscene, except thats what the UN seems to be for,

  5. ” good grief what is wrong with most of the Democratic Caucus, if not now, when, you really want to side with Hamas,” miguel+cervantes

    Polling shows that a clear majority of Americans support Israel’s right to defend itself.

    “Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.” – Napoleon Bonaparte

  6. True, but we saw what happened in 2009, and 2014 and 2021, all roads to Netivot,

  7. Re: Babylon Bee keffiyeh humor


    I liked this one:

    “So, let me get this straight: this cause treats women as property, believes raping women an acceptable form of violence, and vows to murder innocent civilians – but I get to wear a scarf?” asked local college student Danielle Walker.

    “That sounds amazing! Sign me up!”

    –“Research Discovers Women Will Support Any Cause No Matter How Murderous So Long As They Get To Wear A Scarf”

  8. Re: Where are they now — Jonah Goldberg

    The Dispatch’s Jonah Goldberg — whom I like personally, find engaging as a critic of Leftism, but who pretty much swims in a sea of NeverTrumpers — had this to say on Twitter/X shortly after the arms suspension was revealed: “I’ve heard from a LOT of reliably anti-Trump people – I mean really, really, anti-Trump people – who have had it with Biden tonight. Anecdotal, to be sure. But very telling in my circle.”

    –Stephen Green, “Did Biden’s Love for Hamas Just Lose Him the Jewish Vote?”


    More good news at the article.

  9. I don’t know if Goldberg will vote for Trump come November but he is doing some thinking,

    After Oct. 7, Biden had a one-word message for Iran and other bad actors seeking to take advantage of the situation: “Don’t.” Iran ignored that advice Saturday. But it also ignored it months earlier, when Hezbollah, Hamas and the Iranian-backed Houthis attacked Israel and Western shipping….

    It’s almost as if Biden’s “Don’t” doctrine gives allies just enough support to lose slowly.

    –Jonah Goldberg, “For Israel and Ukraine alike, U.S. support is proving unreliable and inadequate

  10. huxley:

    Jonah Goldberg hasn’t been a strong NeverTrumper for quite some time. He may not have been ready to vote for him, but over the years he’s softened about him. He may now be considering voting for him.

  11. Caroline Glick obviously has important information to convey.

    Unfortunately, even at enhanced speed play, I find it impossible to sit through as much as 5 minutes of her often rambling and discursive, always adenoidal, hemming and hawing, delivery.

    I think that if she roughed out a draft of what she intended to say first, or even merely outlined it, it would make listening to her tolerable. Maybe Benadryl or a nasal decongestant would help as well.

    It’s a shame you have to cut through the 80% fog, to discern the topography.

  12. Jonah has not had a clue since arounc 2009 when i last had a dialogue with him

    He didnt understand lawfare then either

    Carolyn is very clear where did she lose you

  13. Carolyn is very clear where did she lose you”

    To restate,
    “Caroline Glick obviously has important information to convey. …”

    But she loses me with,

    ” … her often rambling and discursive, always adenoidal, hemming and hawing, delivery.”

    She should do an outline, to keep herself from straying down expository byways. Or if she thinks the chain of brother in law, to sister’s housekeeper, to her ear style chain of custody is important convey, she could do it more tersely and less in the way of a branching off excursion.

    Now, having said this, I am aware that for some people, the narrator is part of the attraction and not merely a conveyance mechanism.

    I think television morning shows, and Fox and Friends type presentations as well as some podcasters, or people such as Tim Poole on YouTube reflect a tolerance for that.

    To put it in extreme terms not wholy applicable to Glick, you are invited to journey and to explore a conversation with them. Not just put the nickel in and get a printout.

    An unfair comparision but I am reminded of the early days of talk topic and public call-in radio.

    You were left wanting to shout at callers: “Get to the effen point!”

  14. DNW speculates about the production process of Carolyn Glick’s videos. At length, and repeats his own “wisdom.” Takes all kinds.

    Comming soon the DNW Show.

  15. I’ve always liked Caroline Glick’s articles – tho don’t care for her videos unless they are short. Don’t really care for any other long videos either—nor really long articles. Usually avoid videos longer than a few minutes – unless it’s an instructional video for a project I’m working on.

  16. there is more than one method that these slithy toves are working from, Carolyn has her difference with Netanyahu, she and other figures like the justice minister,
    the twin of eva green, split from Likud,

    now Eisenkot and the other members of the Blue and White, like Gideon Saar, they are not aesthetically wrong, but wrong on principle if October 7th, did not put in stark relief the stakes that Israel faces they will never learn,

  17. … [Glick’s] often rambling and discursive, always adenoidal, hemming and hawing, delivery.


    Not arguing, but Glick is hardly the only YouTuber fitting that Wanted poster.

    If I’m curious enough, I feed such YT transcripts into Chat4 for an executive summary.

  18. Karmi; huxley:

    I’m not a long video fan myself. But as I said, I increase the speed and find it almost as quick as reading and sometimes get a lot of information that way that isn’t easily available otherwise. The other thing I do is listen with a bluetooth while I’m doing other chores.

  19. Whatever ole Zaphod’s virtues or demerits might have been Om, he had you and your “contributions” nailed.

    As I had benevolent advice for Glick, I also have some for you; if, that is, you are interested in looking less like a bitter troll.

    You should allow as they say, a “decent interval” between the appearace of my comments, and your resentful and clumsy attempts at irony.

    Readers might then have slightly less reason to conclude you were psychologically damaged and feeding off of alerts.

    No. On second thought, it would still be obvious.

  20. As expected DNW reverts to form, assumes superiority, and brings back his happy times chatting with Zaphod. Oh what deep philiosphical discussions those two shared.

    You had to repeat yourself in your response to Miguel Cervantes, did you think he didn’t understand your weak points. That basically you don’t like her style of presentation and her voice? Or is there more to your dislike?

    You be you.

    We are not worthy. LOL

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