Home » Democrat infighting: the inevitable clash of the identity groups


Democrat infighting: the inevitable clash of the identity groups — 24 Comments

  1. “…painful…”

    Heh, that’ll work.

    Yep, all they gotta do is just keep telling her how “painful”—oh-so-very-painful—her ‘hurtful”, “wounding”, “flaying”, “searing” words are to their sensitive, precious ears (and souls)…and she’ll…stop!


    (So much for all that extraordinary collective IQ, eh Blert?)

  2. “The Jews are far more expendable if the other groups decide they have to be tossed under the bus.

    As for the money provided by Jewish donors in the past, I believe the calculation is that it will keep coming, because those donors are generally secular leftists who hold no particular love for Israel and who see no problem with the growing but still mostly-subtle anti-Semitism exhibited by some of its newer members.” neo

    As a percentage of voters, certainty Jews compose a small minority. I suspect that Jewish donors contribute a YUGE amount of money to the democrats and leftist orgs. As for their secular leftism, they may see themselves as, Jewish in ancestry only… but I guarantee you that those represented by the Farrakans, Sarsours, Ilhan Omars and Rashida Tlaibs see them as Jews first and secularists a distant second.

    Willfully blind to that reality, I’m doubtful that many of those Jewish donors will think to change their last names, until its far too late for them. They have long funded an insatiable hate and sooner or later the crocodile they’ve embraced will get around to them. It will be a supreme irony if the deplorables and irredeemables they hate save them from a fate they have long courted and fully deserve.

  3. That Overton window may move so far it falls off the D house.

    Let ’em have all the sunlight they require. Turn on all the microphones and all the cameras & let’s have these madhatters spew their bile right into the public square. I suspect there just might be a whole new widening of Trump support when the only other choice is hate hate and more hate…and now even David Duke is publicly on board again with the Ds.

    And I’m going to bet those “changers” videos will become more prevalent.

  4. In 2016, apparently David Duke favored Trump, or so I have read. Trump didn’t accept his support, but that didn’t matter to the leftists, who condemned Trump because somebody repellent expressed support for his candidacy. Will the same thing happen to Omar, who actually shares Duke’s contempt for Jews? Of course not! She’s a Democrat.

  5. Chuck Shumah is a JINO whose niece and his daughters wife are shiksas. he cares little for Jewish issues.Jewish donors who are JINOs wont care but some might

  6. It never stops just with Jews. That’s why Jews are called the canaries in the coal mine of civilization.

    What relevance is Omar’s “hurt” over her family being chased out of Somalia? No Jews did that, it was her “Muslim Brothers.” Having found refuge in America, she hates this country and is copacetic about importing into America the people and practices that make Somalia a sewer. She is now one of the stars of the Democratic Party along with other bigots. David Duke admires her for her Judenhass. Together with the socialism and “Antifa” thugs behaving like brownshirts, this red-green alliance portends the nazification of the Democratic Party.

    Antisemites (Jew haters) hide behind the fig leaf of “Anti-Zionism” and moan that they are just criticizing Israel’s policies when called to account. This is a lie. Their anti-Zionism means opposing the existence of Israel and support for Israel’s enemies. Those enemies want to destroy Israel and exterminate her Jewish population and for the sole reason that it is a Jewish state; the only one in a world where most Muslim majority states boast in their titles that that they are Islamic. Bluntly, the “Anti-Zionists” are supporters of attempted genocide.

    in the whole of the Middle East there is only one state where Christians (and other religious minorities) can live and worship freely without fear of rioters and terrorist burning their churches, murdering them, destroying their homes, and kidnapping their children to force them to convert. That single state is the one Jewish state.

    Muslims drove the Jews out of the Muslim countries. The Muslims imported into Europe are in the process of driving the Jews out of Western Europe. As more Muslims come to America, will they repeat this process? I suspect they will at least try.

  7. I think we have crossed a Rubicon of sorts. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and the Congressional Black Caucus–which supported Omar unanimously, as best one can tell from news reports–are in the driver’s seat. Anti-Semitism is now accepted by the Democratic Party.

    The Democratic Party is not the first to embrace anti-Semitism. A number of European parties did so in the early decades of the 20th century. The political calculus is straightforward: there are only a few Jews, a slow-growing (if growing at all) demographic, while there are lots of anti-Semites, especially among our fast-growing Islamic population. That is, of course, Omar’s base.

    We witnessed today the birth of a new Democratic Party. And so far, I haven’t seen a single Democratic officeholder complain about it.


    A sad turn of events. I keep hoping the Dem crazy will bottom out, but if anything it’s picking up speed.

  8. Knock on wood, but I don’t think this extremism on all fronts works to the Democrats’ advantage in 2020. I think a lot of Americans are getting whiplash.

    I’d love to be a fly on Obama’s wall. I loathe the man but he is a shrewd politican. Is he working behind the scenes to rein in the cray-cray before another McGovern-1972-shellacking?

    Or maybe Obama is not as shrewd as I think. Even he has expressed doubts about how hard he pushed the country during his administration.

    [In his book] Rhodes attempts to chronicle the wide mood swings exhibited by the former president, alternating between optimism and dejection. An excerpt from the book captured a dispirited Obama lamenting to an aide, “Sometimes I wonder whether I was 10 or 20 years too early.”

    Adding, “Maybe we pushed too far. … Maybe people just want to fall back into their tribe.”


    Thanks for the tribes remark, Obama! Some politicians, such as yourself, have done nothing but push people back into their tribes.

  9. Okay – so now I’ve read the whole thing, over at PowerLine (Scribd was clearer than ThreadReader in this case, but I love TR because I hate reading Twitter threads).
    Rhetorical question:
    Why was it necessary to insert, into a resolution triggered by multiple egregiously anti-Semitic (aka anti-Jewish) statements by a Member of Congress (who was never mentioned by name in the Resolution), a nearly equal number of Whereas’s and examples and pronouncements protesting anti-Muslim bigotry, as if there had been some kind of shouting match on the floor of the House between rival anti-X factions?
    But we all know the answer, don’t we?

  10. Michael Lonie on March 7, 2019 at 9:53 pm at 9:53 pm said:
    It never stops just with Jews. That’s why Jews are called the canaries in the coal mine of civilization.

    What relevance is Omar’s “hurt” over her family being chased out of Somalia? No Jews did that, it was her “Muslim Brothers.”
    * * *
    That is curious, isn’t it, how that keeps getting left out of the reports?
    Gee I wonder why.

    FWIW, I tried to track down some of the information underlying this report, because the Resolution only mentions white supremacists for anti-Semitic hate crimes, and yet not a single news story mentions any examples other than the Tree of Life synagogue shooting — so, whois doing all the rest of the vandalism and assaults?


    “In 2017, law enforcement agencies across the United States participating in the Hate Crimes Statistics program reported 7,175 hate crime incidents involving 8,437 offenses. The number of incidents increased from 6,121 in 2016 in part because more police departments reported data to the FBI. Another possible factor in the change in the number of incidnets over time is the growth of the U.S. population. A third influence on the statistics is that because “Jews have special sensitivity, and are more likely to report incidents,” according to Jonathan Sarna, a professor of American Jewish history at Brandeis University.

    Hate crimes motivated by religious bias accounted for 21.8% of incidents during 2017, involving 1,009 offenders and 1,749 victims.

    A breakdown of the offenses shows that 60% of religious hate crimes were anti-Jewish, 17% were anti-Islamic and 5% were anti-Catholic. Anti-Semitic hate crimes increased 37% while anti-Islamic crimes declined by 11%.

    Josh Nathan-Kazis noted that three quarters of anti-Jewish hate crimes involved vandalism, 7% were assaults and less than one percent were aggravated assaults. “There were just 64 instances of assault targeting Jews, and only eight of them were considered serious enough to be charged as a felony,” he observed. “That’s a far different breakdown than for nearly every other group included in the FBI’s report. Across all hate crimes in 2017, roughly a third were assaults and a third were vandalism.” This pattern is consistent with past years.

    The following table tracks hate crimes by religious bias as reported by U.S. law enforcement agencies since 1996.”


  11. For a while the hobbits sat in silence. At length Sam stirred. “Well, I call that neat as neat,” he said. “If this nice friendliness would spread about in Mordor, half our trouble would be over.”

    “Quietly, Sam,” Frodo whispered. “There may be others about. We have evidently had a very narrow escape, and the hunt was hotter on our tracks than we guessed. But that is the spirit of Mordor, Sam; and it has spread to every corner of it. Orcs have always behaved like that, or so all tales say, when they are on their own. But you can’t get much hope out of it. They hate us far more, altogether and all the time. If those two had seen us, they would have dropped all their quarrel until we were dead.”

  12. ‘ “Sometimes I wonder whether I was 10 or 20 years too early.”

    ‘…“Maybe we pushed too far. … Maybe people just want to fall back into their tribe.”’

    (Live by the tribe, die by the tribe?)

    Alas, that poor, misunderstood paragon…. (The very model of a modern tragic hero…)

    And as one currently watches in grim despair the insane mosh pit that has become the Democratic Party, one can only conclude that this oh-so-tragic, ahead-of-his-time hero, together with the woman who would be king, and backed by the utterly mad, barking dogs of the MSM, bequeathed HIS party—if not the entire nation—the political equivalent of the Nero Decree.

    …which one hopes can somehow yet be avoided.

  13. I’ll just repost what I said on another thread two days ago:

    “I get a a hopeful sense all this intersectionality BS is finally reaching an endpoint with the election of these freshmen…ooops freshperson representatives. If everyone is defined by their race, gender, ethnicity and score various points based on those qualities, then eventually the whole system must degrade into the infighting we are seeing today with the Dems. It really would be quite amusing, except these are very dangerous people.”

  14. Barry Meislin on March 8, 2019 at 3:09 am at 3:09 am said:
    ‘ “Sometimes I wonder whether I was 10 or 20 years too early.”

    ‘…“Maybe we pushed too far. … Maybe people just want to fall back into their tribe.”’

    (Live by the tribe, die by the tribe?)

    Alas, that poor, misunderstood paragon…. (The very model of a modern tragic hero…)
    * * *
    Of course, the “most people” he meant are only those deplorable bitter clingers (Dems can’t “fall back” into a tribe, because they never left one?).

    Trying to get the song lyrics to scan…

  15. “…scan…”

    Works a whole lot better with “heroine”….

    (“I am the very….”)

    Well maybe Hillary will be able to sing it yet. Or Kamala. Or Liz. Or Saira. Or AOC. Or Ilhan. Or Rashida….

    (This is getting very scary…)

  16. The Jacobins are ascending. AOC as Robespierre. Ilhan as Danton.

    Nancy exclaiming “Let them eat gluten-free quinoa.”

  17. AOC as Robespierre? Now that’s a pleasant thought. Remember what happened to Robespierre? He scared the crap out of the assembly members and they concluded it was him or them so they did to Robespierre what Robespierre intended to do to them, but they did it first.

  18. I doubt many Jewish donors will have second thoughts, or, for that matter, left wing companies founded by Jews, such as Google. It’s hard to have a lot of sympathy for a group that won’t defend itself, but rather aligns with its tormentors.

    I have a right wing Jewish step sister, her, and others like her, I will happily support. The rest are on their own.

  19. Chuck:

    Why do you even identify leftist, non-religious Jews as Jews, and lump together all but right-wing Jews with them?

    Jews come in all shades and stripes and opinions. There are Jews who really have nothing to do with Judaism except their ancestors, and whose main devotion is to leftism (there are Catholics and Protestants like that, too, but I don’t see their points of view applied to their Catholic or Protestant heritage).

  20. > Jews come in all shades and stripes and opinions.

    True, but irrelevant. I am talking about those Jews who support the Democratic Party and the progressive agenda. As you point out, this is not a uniquely Jewish thing, but the contradictions are made more acute for that group due to their high degree of loyalty and donor support for the Democratic Party, a party that has been turning on them for decades. I think Catholics would be next in line except that that would endanger the Hispanic vote. My point is that in these conflicted times, it is hard to feel much sympathy for those who can’t see their danger and #walkaway, or simply change their vote, but rather continue to support those who will turn on them. The Russian experience should have been enough to teach that lesson. I am not optimistic about the future, but we will see. I will probably be dead before the worst arrives.

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