Home » California fraudsters, public and private


California fraudsters, public and private — 15 Comments

  1. “34 million parcels” over 3+ years?

    That must be true though, certainly the DOJ wouldn’t lie about the facts in a legal case, right? 😉

    Were they acting as a subsidiary for Amazon?

  2. The Democrats have certainly taken to heart the famous quote from Beria, the last- and longest lived- of Stalin’s NKVD chiefs: “Show me the man, and I’ll show you the crime.”

  3. One count of using counterfeit postage? Based on other cases currently being litigated, I would expect 34 million counts.

  4. Withholding exculpatory evidence is a crime which should have exceedingly harsh punishments.

  5. Educated guess on the why on the postage scam based on a previous career.

    Trump ended the scam where the U.S. subsidized mail from China (because it was officially a developing country), that was a huge benefit to Chinese sellers on eBay, etc. this went into effect in 2021 per this article:


    The old policy made it so U.S. sellers could not compete with Chinese sellers, because shipping is very expensive and Chinese sellers shipping cost pennies.

    Priority mail now starts around $8 and my guess average cost now is around $15. There is a discount for larger mailers. Priority mail is supposed to take 2-3 days.

    So probably half the postage was fake, with a $150 million loss,

  6. Based on what you’ve said Ray I wonder if the scam involved some form of freight forwarding to get that number of packages.

  7. Thieves, gangsters and liars.

    Maybe THAT’s what makes “Biden” so popular….

  8. Jan 2020 – May 2023 = 41 months. 34,000,000 / 41 = 829,268 / month, or 27,642 / day (30 day month).

    Those aren’t Amazon numbers – Amazon ships ~ 13.3 million /day, but they need hundreds of locations staffed by thousands of employees to accomplish it – but almost 28K / day isn’t exactly a rookie number, and it isn’t coming from one Mailboxes, etc. at Third and Maple.

    What were they mailing, to whom, for what? And, was USPS incapable of noting that volume from one shipper? And that it was fraudulent? Which raises the question: How many other large shippers does USPS have as customers, and how cloely are they paying attention to their business?
    (“Forget it Jake, it’s government….”)

  9. you have to arrest the innocent, and free the guilty, is that not how it goes in San Angeles,

  10. My guess the postage was for Chinese sellers via eBay, Amazon marketplace, etc.

    And as LordAzrael mentioned freight forwarding.

    Basically collect the packages in China and consolidate into one shipment.

    Rent a container and ship it on their warehouses (plural per article and press release).

    And then ship via usps priority mail to end customer

    Using a mixture of real and fake postage. Probably 50% real to fake, hoping to escape detection.

    So they probably actually shipped 64 million packages. Trumps change to Chinese post office postage destroyed the business model for many Chinese sellers.

    What is strange, is priority mail usually tracks every step of the way. From pickup to mail centers movement to delivery. So scam was super easy to detect.

  11. @ Barry > “Thieves, gangsters and liars. 24/7”

    Can we import some more like this guy through our open border?


    “I won’t be the president who didn’t steal, but was surrounded by criminals. I want to be remembered as the president who didn’t steal, and didn’t let anyone else steal either. And the one who put whoever stole in prison.”


  12. Indeed, that Bukele fellow is something else.

    Hope he’s watching his back—or has people he can rely on doing so.
    He’s stirring the wasps’ nest.
    Going after some very powerful people who, depending on the level of their corruption, likely have very powerful—and nasty—people behind them who would probably prefer that their steady sources of income not, um, dry up…
    (Cf. The Biden Family Syndicate, Inc.)

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