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Caroline Glick on the 2020 election — 50 Comments

  1. The previous attempts at a coup having been unsuccessful (Russiagate, followed by an absurd impeachment, Ukrainegate, not to mention the ceaseless fabrications, lies, and stupidities pouring forth over four years from partisan hacks in the MSM), leftists managed to use the Wuhan virus (truly a gift from the gods to the Democrats) in order to exercise increasingly totalitarian control, to blame Trump for all the deaths, to distract from six months of Antifa/BLM thuggery and violence, and to push for a flood of tens upon tens of millions of often questionable mail-in ballots amidst all the chaos and confusion they had helped to orchestrate. Trump was never supposed to win; having attained victory once, he was not going to emerge victorious again. The stolen election looks likely to have been the final, probably (alas!) successful, attempt at a coup.

  2. The thing about Biden is that we don’t know what Middle East foreign powers have bribed him via Hunter or Joe’s brothers. We do know, however, that Biden is committed to the Green New Deal and has already been paid by China.

    Spoke with a non-political person the other day that voted for Biden although she is Catholic. She had no idea about Hunter’s laptop. Yes, censorship works.

  3. Why everyone finds Biden such a decent fellow:

    ‘Biden Says Trump Refusal To Concede Is “An Embarrassment”, Releases List Of All Transition Teams’

    “An embarrassment”, he says.

    But then it’s just the godfather of the Biden family crime syndicate putting the “civil” in “Civil War”. (It’s simply what they DO, nothing more, nothing less.)

    File under: Why can’t Trump just accept that we stole the election and go the f*%^ home like a good little boy—like Romney, say? He MUST know that there’s NOTHING that he can do about it. Does he have to be an contemptible SOB to the very end?

  4. I watched a little of Biden’s news conference today, during which he spoke of setting up his transition. Five members of the audience, who were purporting to be “journalists”, asked questions: “Are you troubled that Secretary of State Pompeo said that the only transition would be to another four years of Trump?” Biden laughed uproariously at that and said “Secretary of State Pompeo, Secretary of State Pompeo.” Very dismissive. The other four questions were similarly fawning and dismissive of Trump.

    Do these people even hear what they sound like?

  5. Cornhead (4:12 pm): “We do know, however, that Biden is committed to the Green New Deal and has already been paid by China.”

    A nit to pick. Biden is committed to whatever those who pull Biden’s strings, want him to sign off on. What Biden said during his campaign may have little correlation to what he actually ends up doing (assuming he gets seated as POTUS on January 20, 2021).

    (Biden is hardly unique in this regard. See, for examples,
    – “Mexico will pay for that beautiful wall” and
    – “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor” and
    – “read my lips, no new taxes” and
    – “I will not send American boys to fight an Asian boys’ war”.)

  6. Time to boycott FoxNews opinion crew (hint: watch sans commercials the next day at YouTube). Their Left News division is now censoring even the nightly opinion money makers to never mention election fraud! Either Ruperts sons sell their stake to Right owners or NewsMax, etc replace this Drudged brand

    Story at Ace has details. Excerpt:

    Because Fox makes barely any profit from its News Division shows, which is basically everything except the opinion hosts and Fox and Friends.

    It’s the opinion hosts and Fox & Friends that generate the big ratings in prime time (and in morning “prime”).

    The rest of their schedule is just a loss leader.

    So they don’t care if you boycott Outnumbered. It’s not making much money if you watch it, and it won’t lose much money if you don’t watch it.

    It’s like trying to send a signal to ABC by boycotting their news show but watching all their entertainment shows.

    ABC could give a fuck if you watch their news — if you’re watching their profitable entertainment programming, then they have you in the only way that matters to them.

    So yeah, while I hate saying “boycott Tucker too,” it’s the only way to hurt Fox.

    Fox is bizarre: Their “news division” makes little money but their “news” division gets to censor the opinion hosts who do make money.

    And the “news” division gets to, you know, make absurdly early calls about who our president is to be.

    Sure, Tucker can rant about populism — but it’s the “news” division that gets to install a fraudulent president in the White House.

    And then the lowly opinion hosts — who make almost all the network’s money– get told that that they are forbidden to even broach the subject of election fraud.

    None of this is just an “oopsie.”

    This is a calculated corporate repositioning coming from the Murdoch Bois and then, a bit further down, Paul Ryan and Chris Wallace and the rest of the “Brain Room” crew.

    They have decided to betray you — but they think so little of you that they think they can hang on to a substantial number of you by occasionally having Brit Hume on to say something vaguely conciliatory.

    Yes, they are realizing that their plan of taking a hard left turn but keeping their assumedly stupid and sheeplike audience isn’t quite working, so they’ll consult some corporate crisis response professionals who will advise them how to make some soothing noises during this transition period.

    But they have no plan of deviating from the plan to become CNN With Country Music.

    They thought about this plan. They previewed this plan for the past three years.

    They’re now executing this plan.

    The only way that Fox stops the plan is if the Murdoch bois are forced to sell their stock in the company to someone with more credibility with conservatives.

    But the only way that happens is if their ratings fall so low as to constitute a bloodbath.

    And, as I’ve said: Who cares if that even does come to pass? Fox News is just a brand. It’s not even a good brand.

    Once Fox goes down, there will be replacements.

    As Roger Ailes observed: Fox News — the conservative-leaning fair and balanced version of it — discovered an overlooked niche audience — “Half the country.”

    The current ownership of Fox and its suburban Karen liberal directors like Paul Ryan have forgotten that. They want to compete for leftwing eyeballs.

    Story via National Sentenal

  7. Check out recent posts at JoNova, people. Australia is throwing us a rat line around the Big Media Big Tech censoring Mafia to do the information fight and see that a Trump wins this victory struggle.


    The Left is Evil and fascist and stopping word of the fight back to expose the Great Vote Fraud of 2020, as I outlined with an earlier post and a link to Sydney Powell’s Sunday morning interview with Maria Bartaromo.


    I’ve been spending time with Right Twitter folks like Epoch Times’ Jeff Carlson, Sara Carter, etc, and the revealing vote integrity damage of 10,000 dead people voting or 100,000 votes of Penn ballots with impossible dating, or of testimony of stolen votes using maiden names, or analysis of Trump strategy, etc.

    This is earthshaking.

  8. Looks like Brennan’s getting a wee bit nevous.

    Hmmm. Calling for coups against Trump seems to have become second nature for these patriots, these paragons of Truth, Justice and The American Way….

    Still, poor fellow. Can’t really blame him. (Declassification of certain documents might prove a little “embarrassing”—as Biden would put it.)

    Moreover, in addition to all those declassification blues, one has to wonder who might be the next domino to be “retired”; though if it’s Gina Haspel, surely she has her own private cache in some safe house (or country manor) or other…or even her own private incinerator (if it comes to that)?….So maybe Brennan can breathe a little easier?

    Calm down John, you’ve almost crossed the finish line. (Might give a thought to Michael Flynn, though…and all those other people you helped send through hell.)

  9. One man trying to turn the tide one by one:

    Key grafs:
    ‘ Matt Braynard, a man who formerly worked as data chief and strategist for the Trump campaign, has launched an effort to investigate and uncover voter fraud that might have occurred during the 2020 election…..

    ‘ Braynard’s significant undertaking targets a number of states and also involves attempting to contact large numbers of people, like the thousands of Republicans in the state of Georgia who requested an absentee ballot that the Peach State indicated did not get returned.

    ‘ He said that if a large number of those people say that they did return a ballot and they sign affidavits, “that raises a very big red flag” that could be utilized in court….’

    Honey badger

  10. I’m increasingly seeing the meme on the Progressive Side that in 2016 the Deploreables at least had the excuse of ignorance in voting for Trump… Not good, but understandable given Peasantry can be allowed some latitude in the matter of Foresight given they lack Enlightenment. This then segues into “Peasants have had 4 years of Trump’s evil racism and even the dimmest peasant could grasp just how evil and racist and corrupt Trump is after 4 years of lived experience. Therefore the 70M Peasants who voted for Trump this time are indisputably evil and racist themselves. QED.

    The Enlightened Ones are fixing to give it to the Peasants good and proper this time.

  11. There’s an ancient proverb that fully applies to the American left, “Those whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad”.

    To imagine that they can engage in massive, undeniable fraud that disenfranchises 70 MILLION Americans… then intend to implement an agenda that will eviscerate basic constitutional guarantees… while imagining it to be without fatal consequence… can be viewed by no other metric than madness. But then, madness is a basic characteristic of fanaticism.

  12. Here is an analysis of the Michigan vote and how Biden was able to pile up such a lead. This man invented email and is a professor at MIT. This proves that big data can prove anomalies (law of big numbers). I was always puzzled why Trump loss in MI was so large. The PROGRAMMING CODE in the tabulator appears to skew Trump results downward in REPUBLICAN PRECINCTS where the harvesting could be better hidden.


    Dr Ayyadurai is looking at how machines appear to be switching votes from Republicans to Democrat. This can’t be just for president. The executive summary starts @ 13 through 16 minutes but the prologue is a nice primer. Minutes 23-30 is an explanation of process and minutes 30-36 is the money summary. Note that @ 36 minutes these drops are stated as minimum. Listen to minute 37:10 about discounting suburban woman “hating Trump”. It would not be a straight line. At minute 38 they state that Wayne county DID NOT have the same algorithm. Look at Minute 41:30 for the results. The whole presentation is worth a listen.

  13. Murica.

    And zerohedge is like the moderate version of the alt right ymar style conspiracy circles.

    I call it conspiracy land.

    In truth, the Leftists stole up to 70 MILLION votes.

    What they did was flip Red votes to Blue, directly. That means all those Biden voters? They were Trump voters.

    The sky is the limit on how many of your votes they stole.

    Yet Americans prefer to fight amongst themselves, while the slave masters watch in entertainment. Wake up to your awful condition.

  14. TJ on November 10, 2020 at 6:01 pm said:

    I stopped watching Fox news or any other fake news, since 2007 when I went dark.

  15. Has the Trump coattail election flipped the House to GOP?
    Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy says Pelosi Doesn’t Have The Votes to Lead the House! He says via Twitter.

    If so, then Trump has flipped the House! But what is the count? Dem edge is only 17 seats.

    At mid day Tuesday, 9 had flipped! 20 are still in doubt. Republicans need to win only not quite half of these to win the House.

    FreeRepublic has a five page thread discussing this. On page two, here is a detailed look!



    We live in unprecedented times already, politically. This was a Trump coattail effect election without a coat! The top of the ticket lost while Republicans control and advance our influence? THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE IN HISTORY..

    It seems Republicans flipped both Houses in NH, yet Trump still lost the EV?
    Republicans also won one of the state Republican/Senate branches in Massachusetts, I’m told?


    Time to get loud! Protest march in DC on Saturday at noon called to support our President! Flash you MAGA kit, fly your US flags! Educate neighbours and friends about the Steal!

    STOPTHESTEAL campaign is underway to save our Great Nation from the Great Vote Fraud by Biden — the choice of Iranian Mullahs, CCP, Russia’s Putin and the CPUSA “Communist Party USA”

    Tell your friends who our enemies support! We don’t! Politico poll shows 70% of Republican do not believe the vote was free and fair. We need to turn the middle moderates to our view, and press our legislators on our STOLEN ELECTION fears, and we can win for our populist reform program hero, The President!

  16. Barry Meislin says Dem dupes and useful idiot-traitors like Brennan “Might give a thought to Michael Flynn, though…and all those other people you helped send through hell.“

    Check out saraacarter.com

    She has the first post election interview with Lt. General Michael Flynn
    during her podcast. Listen there.

  17. >They are also now well into their preparations to indict him in the court system (of NY state, at the very least) for something or other – whatever they can find.

    For the unlawful act of embarrassing, fighting back and calling MSM’s bullsh_t. Many journalists’ hearts were broken because of Trump. In their minds they were the soldiers fighting the American theatre against a tyrant, where “truth” served as bullets. I suppose some want Purple Hearts and Bronze Stars,

  18. I have a question hopefully not too off topic. I live in Australia as many of you know and talking to a Biden voting friend last night was told about how Trump did something to affect the USPS – purportedly to fraudulently win the election. Still I trust the person enough to believe them where that said that they experienced a change in the way the post office was operating. I’d heard the clearly MSM based accusation from others, but never investigated it. Did any of you here experience a change in the USPS and/or see a balanced writeup of what was or was not happening? Thank you. I regularly read Caroline Glick, who like me is an expatriate American, and her formulation of the US being “Post Democratic” is another way of saying that they are not Social Democrats because they will simply do not give up control when they are voted out of office. They are not openly totalitarian one party states like Soviet Russia, Cuba or China where no opposition parties are allowed. They are like my beloved Zimbabwe under Mugabe or closer to where y’all are – Venezuela. I have heard this system characterized as “One man, one vote, one time.” ‘orribly sexsit, I know. Zimbabweans also use the term ‘parastatal’ to describe government run companies. Perhaps, comrades, we could introduce this term to refer to Google Facebook and Twitter.

  19. Lorenzo—re your question, I don’t know. Because of the virus crisis and different Public Health policies in different states, your friends observation could be correct but the cause entirely not at all Trump.

    The USPS is pretty damn independent. Trump’s only change was appointing a man with business success to run it better. More efficiently. Union worker drones represented by a Marxist Union hate hate hate that!

    “Oooooh! Orange Man BAD” = BAD juju, Dems cried! Voter suppression, full well knowing that these Public Unionized worker drones are herded far Left and are far likelier to lose Trump ballots or destroy or delay them deliberately than anything else!

    My cousin worked for the USPS as did my black buddy’s (2.5 years roommate) dad in Detroit. (My federal work is limited to working for the US Census Bureau as a student.)

    I’d need hard hard evidence supporting a Trump caused harm claim to change my mind from “your friend is getting duped” stance.

    I am Spartacus shares a lucid, powerful stats video on vote fraud detection? Plus, shares a hugely inviting guide to viewing?

    Blessing to you. Brilliant share. Thank you.

    The YT video explores in four counties and precinct (most local voting unit for the non-Yankees) detail how the Law of Large Numbers exposes patterns that detect voter suppression (eg, illegal race discrimination reducing black vote) or the reverse, in this case ballot stuffing!

    This video is a micro-analysis in Michigan that compliments the ridiculously “enhanced voter turnout” benefitting Biden measured in certain states.

    For example, voter turnout for Trump in most states from 2016 to 2020 varies by 1-3%.

    But strangely in Wisconsin (where I’ve lived, buddy’s and a GF lived) total voter turnout shot up to record high from mid 70s% to 89.5% — simply beyond belief!

    So, the election over vote in Wisconsin is about 15% in Georgia and Wisconsin and over 20% in Pennsylvania! What a Biden Miracle!

    Or was is man made enhanced? Of course.

    Thus, the video shows that what patterns drive state skews also can drive local vote skews.

    I still find that lawyer Sydney Powell’s words from to Maria Bartaromo on Sunday Morning Fox saying that (our criminal traitor) Democrats used EVERY KNOWN METHOD to cheat so blatantly and stupefyingly to be confirmed by following tweets of Tracey Beanz, Larry Schweikart, Epoch Times writer Jeff Carlson — and the many sources and folks like Molly Hemingway they cite Tuesday — as evidence confirming that Trump will win this! If we do our part, too.

    SoS Pompeo tweeted today that TRUMP WILL BE PRESIDENT, while Taiwan publicly welcomes US military exercises on their soil for the first time in 40 years for weeks to come, as powerful displays of support and resolve to persevere.

    So take heart Patriots. Win the election in the Court of Public opinion by exposing The Election Steal of The Century!

    Fly the flag. Wear your Trump hat or shirt or badge. Talk with everyone about what the data show. Opportunities to bend the public our way will only last a few weeks!
    Do it because our future depends on it!

  20. GB writes: “There is an ancient proverb…”

    Indeed, and updated for our times…. Especially for our times.

    (Looks like the Gray Lady needs some serious help and quickly. No, it’s not osteoporosis. To paraphrase Instapundit, though, they’re going to need a bigger couch; which is why I would suggest Group Therapy…)


  21. The USPS has a distinction. It, due to some legislative error, one of the only agencies required to show in their budget the current cost of future benefits. Unlike most other government agencies whose future benefits–pensions, et al–are scheduled to be paid by pixy dust.
    Thus, the USPS gets different kinds of ink and attention which can seem as if something nefarious is going on.
    Sort of like when somebody says Social Security is actuarially unsound is accused of wanting to starve old folks.
    The only election-related reports from the USPS are those where the individuals involved either committed federal crimes to benefit Biden or reported those who did.
    Our mail delivery hasn’t changed.

  22. Sort of like when somebody says Social Security is actuarially unsound is accused of wanting to starve old folks.

    Social Security old age benefits can be made actuarially-sound by instituting adjustable cohort-specific retirement ages. So long as the ratio of beneficiaries to workers is a constant, the program is in satisfactory shape. Congress can institute this change but They.Just.Don’t.Feel.Like.It. The more challenging problem is the Disability program, because the insider culture among attorneys and hearing examiners has resulted in a definition of ‘disability’ which has grown progressively lax. The popular culture has changed as well. Between 50% and 75% of the applications for disability are turned down, but you can still find cases of people declared ‘disabled’ for the damndest reasons.

  23. Richard, the post office is in the Constitution (Franklin’s idea of course). But it’s First Class monopoly is a federal law. It was passed in the late 19th century because private competition threatened the viability of the USPS as an ongoing institution.

    In other fast moving news, I hear that somewhere the penalty of voter fraud is $5,000. NV? And a weeklong amnesty is available for confessors of the crime.

    The talk is that there is some hope of the offenders naming names and organisers. Pressuring them. Prosecution if you don’t cooperate; leniency if you do.

    This scheme needs to go BIGLY! Texas is not in play but a hefty $1 million fund has been set up there as rewards for finding offenders. We need more of this.

    I’m quite sure there will be levels of omertà. But given the scale of the vote fraud crime, I’ll bet there’s sloppiness, too! Let’s exploit it and get it out.

    YET ANOTHER DISCUSSION ITEM is what the Left-Media will use as an excuse for vote stealing and fraud? Trump did it! of course….

    Just “explain it away” as a result of Trump’s evil failure to stem Covid19 is the first level defense, I think. We only wanted voters to stay safe, they’ll say about dodgy mail in balloting.

    But then what happens when we have confessions of conspiring to doing it, then doing it?

    Then. More CCP style censorship from the Big Tech oligarchs? The Truth has to leak out.

    Brent Bozell at the Media Research Center does a column somewhere (freebeacon?).

    MRC sponsored a survey on the BidenGate laptop. Apparently, some 36% of Democrats did not know about it. If they had known about his CCP connections, I think, 4.6% said they would not have voted for Biden.

    More details are pending to be released on this effort, next Monday. (As heard on Mark Levin’s radio show Tuesday eve.)

    All of this goes towards educating purple to join in to support Free and Fair Election remedies. And to shape a successful political and legislative answer, if needs be.

    Time is short, a few weeks to win this! Duty Now— and to the future.

  24. November 12th, 13th, and 14th is when Mars will explode in anger.

    14th is the primary date. Friday 13th also has historical connotations of “mass executions and arrests”.

    Right now I don’t detect much anger amongst people here or online. It is much like PTSD shock right now, sadness, panic, and fear.

    You peeps won’t see the real anger in your hearts until about Nov 14th, when Mars goes direct.

    Happy warfare, citizens.

    TJ, I know some of you are exceptions.

    Lorenz Gude on November 11, 2020 at 2:37 am said:

    The Poster Master is not a Trump loyalist, afaik. It’s actually pretty shady, as USPS is used to money launder funds to the FBI CIA black budget programs (organized stalking).

    So if there were post office Shenanigans, likely it was most Blue sourced.

  25. Politico poll shows 70% of Republican do not believe the vote was free and fair.

    What’s the other 30% doing, watching fake news Fox News, taking money from Soros and Republican E? Watching kiddie porn and geting blackmailedf or it? Getting spied on like Roberts, and getting blackmailed?

    Who’s got skeleton in their closest, come out and fall onyour sword, otherwise you might end up wit hthe child pedo cabal for another 26k years!

  26. Caroline Glick hits the nail on the head; she summarizes the entire state of sordid affairs perfectly.

    How will Biden govern??
    At best, he will be Obama II in all matters foreign and domestic, along with the entire baggage of corruption , influence peddling, and politicization of the bureaucracy to target “enemies of the state.”
    Flynn had better get ready for serious jail time.
    And this is at best.

    At worst, Biden will be Obama II PLUS programs “influenced” by AOC; the Brooklyn communist POS, Sanders; Pocahontas and other extreme leftist (i.e., communist) members of the demokrat party.

    Regardless, the governments of China, Russia , Iran, some Arab nations, Cuba, and Venezuela are celebrating.
    Some of these nations will now realize a windfall as world oil prices increase due to the polices Biden will implement to “discourage” US oil/gas production, supposedly to address “climate change,” (pray tell, when in the 3 billion years has the climate not changed??)
    We citizens can look forward to higher prices for gasoline , natural gas and depending upon your utility’s fuel source, electricity.

    Cuba, Iran and Venezuela will no longer have to worry about any policies the US would have implemented / continued that harm them.

    Israel and Ukraine can once again look forward to dealing with Iran and the Russian Bear, respectively, all by their lonesome’s.
    We will see if the Israeli PM – whoever it is – when invited to the WH, is forced to use the back door (the one used to dispose of the trash).

    Foreign leaders hostile to the USA (or at least not “friendlies”) always act in their self interest, regardless of the cost in lives that the “other” guy must bear.
    Contrast this to an Obama type foreign policy in which, out of the starting block, the paradigm is that the USA is the cause of all the world’s problems and it is the USA (that is, the American TAXPAYER) that has to foot the bill to “make amends.”

    Once a tyranny is installed, it can work both ways depending upon which side is in power. But history shows that once a leftist tyranny is installed, it will endure for many many years.
    Think Russia (70 years), Cuba (60 years and still going), China (70 years and still going), N.Korea (70 years and still going), Venezuela (21 years and still going), etc.

  27. Zaphod: “The Enlightened Ones are fixing to give it to the Peasants good and proper this time.”

    Good to see you in the comments again. And yes, they are. Hence the need for us to prepare for worst-case scenarios at the state and regional level. We’ve dealt with would-be tyrants before. Looks like we may have to again. Hope we have the grit for it.

  28. Those whom the gods wish to destroy, they send to Ymarsakar.

    ; )

    We’ve dealt with would-be tyrants before. Looks like we may have to again.

    Like who, the Church of Rome, pro slave Southern Baptists, and others on the “Lincoln is a tyrant” band wagon?

    Humans are easy to fool, and that includes Americans. Exceptional? Land of the brave?

    Exceptionally passive, and exceptionalyl delusional in their slavery, yes. The slaves think they are free.

    What they need to fight is not other people, what they need to fight is themselves and their willingness to be slaves. Then they can fight their masters.

  29. All of this goes towards educating purple to join in to support Free and Fair Election remedies.

    Again, after the 2000 fiasco, Congress creates something called the Elections Assistance Commission. You can see how effective they’ve been at improving procedures.

    I used to be involved in street level politics in New York. Not recently. Thirty-odd years ago. At that time, you could cheat with postal ballots and machines, but it would generally require the collusion of Democratic and Republican officials (or gross negligence by one or the other). It’s possible there were slum precincts where they could not recruit Republican poll inspectors, and that would have been an avenue. I cannot help but notice that it’s Detroit and Philadelphia and Atlanta and Milwaukee we’re hearing about, not any New York cities.

    NB, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Michigan have Republican legislatures. Georgia has a Republican governor and Michigan did until the beginning of 2019. Over the period running from 1963 to 2015, Republicans held the Governorship in Pennsylvania about 60% of the time. There isn’t any excuse for what we’re seeing. It’s just Republican officeholders being feckless.

    They could go to school with New York’s antique procedures, which would have required that postal ballots be counted by teams drawn equally from Republican and Democratic patronage appointees; required that elections administration in each county be in the hands of a 2-person board (one appointed by the Republican county chairman and one by the Democratic county chairman) and that the multi county races be supervised by a four person state board (two appointed by the Republican state chairman and two by the Democratic state chairman). They could elaborate on it by allowing anyone who lives in a given county to serve as a poll inspector at any precinct in that county. They could elaborate further by setting up an online bidding procedure to see to it that every shift at every precinct in the county is covered by at least one Democratic and one Republican inspector. They could limit the use of postal ballots to voters who have an abiding problem which prevents them from voting in person. They could apply the insights of computer science and IT faculty (among others) and only use un-networked machines to tabulate ballots.

    Instead, we have a situation where tabulators appointed by who knows can kick Republican observers out.

  30. What’s the other 30% doing,

    About 30% of the public refuses to be informed about any issue.

  31. Ymarsakar on November 11, 2020 at 12:11 pm said the following about Americans;

    “Exceptionally passive, and exceptionally delusional in their slavery, yes”

    Americans are not any more or less passive / delusional in their slavery than any other ethnic group.
    Well crafted propaganda – persistent and overwhelming – can and does convince anybody pretty much of anything. It has nothing at all to do with nationality or ethnicity.

    Recall what one of the world’s greatest propagandists – Joseph Goebbels -said;
    “repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth.”
    And his statement is unfortunately very true.

    The only mystery is why some folks are more susceptible, and others less so, to propaganda. Maybe it’s the same reason some folks just cannot be hypnotized, no matter how skilled the hypnotist.

  32. Art Deco:

    It is my understanding (although I’m not sure) that the kicking out of Republicans was done against the rules in PA. Of course, once, it’s done, it’s done, and the damage is done.

    And as in many other states, the GOP in PA was responding to COVID scares when they expanded mail-in voting. The GOP controls the PA legislature, but they have a Democratic governor in the state, and my guess (I haven’t researched this; it’s just a guess) is that if they hadn’t liberalized the rules about this substantially for 2020 he would have vetoed the bill. However, the rules they ended up passing were not as loosey-goosey as they ended up being, because after the legislation was passed, some Democrats challenged it and the heavily Democratic Supreme Court of PA took it on itself to change the rules and make them extremely lax, far more than the original legislation. That’s why the case ended up being appealed to SCOTUS by the Republicans. It happened twice, and both times – due to John Roberts, who made the vote 4-4 – SCOTUS punted on it.

  33. Once a tyranny is installed, it can work both ways depending upon which side is in power. But history shows that once a leftist tyranny is installed, it will endure for many many years. –JohnTyler

    Lord knows, that’s true and that America has been slip-sliding-away from liberty for decades now. I wouldn’t want to say It Can’t Happen Here, but I remain skeptical.

    American exceptionalism isn’t a myth, as much as today’s Democrats pooh-pooh it. We’ve been beating the odds from the beginning and creating new ways of life for the world.

    We’re not our pioneer forebears, but I say we’re still too fractious for tyranny. I’ve been shocked at the headlong leftward plunge Democrats have made in the past twenty years, but I am heartened at the strong resistance which has met the Democrats from the grassroots up in spite of all the might brought to bear against us.

    Through the war torn ages
    Scenes of freedom’s fight
    Drawn on hidden pages
    Haunt our dreams at night

    Freedom knows my name
    Freedom knows my name

    To the child without a promise
    To the frightened and the tame
    Although it’s just a whisper
    Freedom knows your name

    –Melanie, “Freedom Knows My Name”

  34. And as in many other states, the GOP in PA was responding to COVID scares when they expanded mail-in voting.

    They had four years (2011-15) during which they controlled both legislative chambers and the Governor’s chair. What structural reforms were enacted to inhibit fraud?

  35. Huxley,

    I like this:

    Chester (by William Billings)

    Let tyrants shake their iron rod,
    And Slav’ry clank her galling chains,
    We fear them not, we trust in God,
    New England’s God forever reigns.
    Howe and Burgoyne and Clinton too,
    With Prescot and Cornwallis join’d,
    Together plot our Overthrow,
    In one Infernal league combin’d.
    When God inspir’d us for the fight,
    Their ranks were broke, their lines were forc’d,
    Their ships were Shatter’d in our sight,
    Or swiftly driven from our Coast.
    The Foe comes on with haughty Stride;
    Our troops advance with martial noise,
    Their Vet’rans flee before our Youth,
    And Gen’rals yield to beardless Boys.
    What grateful Off’ring shall we bring?
    What shall we render to the Lord?
    Loud Halleluiahs let us Sing,
    And praise his name on ev’ry Chord.

    Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWjDqTafzxI (with apologies for linking to a Google subsidiary)

    Of course that was the old New England. Today, a scene like this would be more likely to happen in Texas, South Dakota, Idaho, or Alabama.

  36. There is a lot of righteous chatter here.
    But what are you all willing to do?
    You, Neo?
    Just talk to like-minded people? And forgive those “friends” who do not share your fundamental values, keeping them as “friends”?
    “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants”, said Thomas Jefferson. Was he wrong?
    Will any of us choose to defend liberty? With our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor?
    Nah; we are the Chattering Class.

  37. Cicero:

    I write, I vote, I talk to people. That’s what I do. I’m not a soldier and I would be worthless in that capacity. Nor would I be the least bit successful as a politician. I’m not sure what else you have in mind for me.

    I see zero point in breaking off from friends and family and do not intend to do it. They know what I think, though.

  38. Nah; we are the Chattering Class.

    That’s frustration talking of course.

    Also, I’ve had decades more time to plan for these things than you or any of you actually, all put together.

    My actions are already warping reality. Things are proceeding better than I predicted.

    om on November 11, 2020 at 12:39 pm said:
    First fight the Yammer? LOL

    What does this comment of yours even mean? It is like reading big jo biden on a yammer streak.

  39. Cicero on November 11, 2020 at 3:29 pm said:

    There is a lot of righteous chatter here.
    But what are you all willing to do?”

    Well, since you and I are sometimes on a similar wavelength, let’s kick a few options around.

    The easy and emotionally satisfying stuff, like punching your sister-in-law in the face so hard it accidentally kills her, will probably not pay off in greater liberty or long term life satisfaction.

    Right now, (and here I reference a Dave Rubin , Meghennen [whatever] Kelly conversation in which she ruminates regarding) the need, as I was saying the other day, is for a basic, “old fashioned” news source. Kelly states outright that the current system of news dissemination cannot be trusted, and she is right.

    Though she admits she came to some of her realizations rather late … which I find remarkable give what would naturally assume ( I guess wrongly) to be her privileged perspective within the system. Are there people living as Zombies when they are performing?

    Anyway, she, as I do, thinks that there are plenty of conservative news platforms that do the job their creators intended to do. But I wonder what these – overgrown blogs for the most part – really count for in the real world. They do have a role. They do provide now what no one else is providing; but I trust them over the long haul just about as much as I trust the Heritage Foundation. “Have another cocktail Mr. Fatso, here is the P&L you ordered. ”

    So what do we do? Well, baby steps until a plan is in place. We all do what a couple of my sibs have just done, and what I did some years ago. Cut the cable cord. At least until a la carte becomes available. Which is likely to occur on the 12th of Never.

    I, despite having no use for social media, signed up for Parler and Gab. If either one of them can eventually add a parallel video service capability to compare with YouTube, then they might evolve into platforms people will drift toward naturally.

    I guess the only way to find out is to try and use and support the damn things … which most of us guys have no interest in in the first place.

    On the subversion level, I wonder what would happen if most times a “conservative” put up a comment on Twitter, that person also placed a link to their Gab or Parler accounts providing duplicate or even enhanced material. Why not try turning your Twitter account into a gateway to Parler, via links? [I have no way of knowing if it has been tried. I don’t have a Twitter account.]

    Maybe I should join Twitter just to try it. Anyone here actually use Twitter?

    Regarding Twitter and Facebook again. Conservatives tried to use these gossip porn sites and the traffic they generated in order to get the message out. That worked for awhile, and in spectacular fashion. Possibly double posting could bleed traffic to one of the alternate sites and give it enough momentum to burgeon.

    But the real problem is a news corp. And in that regard it does not appear that there is a billionaire handy at the moment to underwrite a new one.

    From what little I’ve seen of News Max, it just does not have the punch or resources available that a truly neutral or objective platform should be able to eventually garner.

    One problem of course lies in “entertainment”. All successful free market network models so far have relied on some lowest common denominator appeal, whether it is gossip porn for fat women, or jack-ass videos for guffawing borderline retarded male teens, or any of the other emotion or lust tickling material used to attract views and clicks and generate revenue.

    This is going to take some serious thinking about …

  40. Americans are not any more or less passive / delusional in their slavery than any other ethnic group.

    And yet, it is very rare to find a group of slaves who think they are free.

    Partially, it is because America is a junior member of the Cabal/Deep State. European and Asian family lines go back further. By “family”, I mean a mafia of course.

    America holds the greatest military power (for now). This military power is constrained by mind control, because Europe would rather rule Americans indirectly and not have to fight a war against a hyper power. And by Europe, I mean the Deep State oligarchs. They existed back when the Founding Fathers had an enemy to fight for liberty.

    The Deep State had to use generational programming methods to make Americans more passive, because the slave janissaries are potentialyl way more dangerous. Let’s take a look at Libya. They had the highest living standard of any nation in Africa, until NATO’s bombs sent by an American called President Hussein. So not only are the American slaves of the Deep State, they are so delusional they think they are “freeing the world” when in fact, they are just slave janissaries used to keep nations like Libya, down.

    Rebuild from the ashes.

    Why not try turning your Twitter account into a gateway to Parler, via links? [I have no way of knowing if it has been tried. I don’t have a Twitter account.]

    Recently, it happened, because twitter has gone nuts. They and fake book are actively killing their users, in a virtual Stalin NKVD sense.

  41. Yammer:

    It means that you are a purveyor of misinformation and paranoia and a bloviating one as well. Clear enough for your? 🙂

  42. “what are you all willing to do?”
    How about working to start secession mov’ts?
    How much more need the Left pull, before folks face music, that they have no intention of living with us, on anything like tolerable (for us) terms?

  43. ” ‘Why not try turning your Twitter account into a gateway to Parler, via links? [I have no way of knowing if it has been tried. I don’t have a Twitter account.]’

    Recently, it happened, because twitter has gone nuts. They and fake book are actively killing their users, in a virtual Stalin NKVD sense.”

    Do you mean that Twitter is censoring twitter postings that contain any links to Parler or to Gab?

  44. Unsurprisingly perhaps, the Trump attempt to suppress the mail in ballots by fiddling with the USPS didn’t make much of an impression on my deplorable friends here as it did on my Trump loathing friends. I dismissed it as without much foundation and like so many other things from the left as telegraphing their punches by revealing their shadow sides by projecting it on Trump. Whatever he did or did not do to the PO our friends Sleepy Joe and Crooked Hillary would appear to be right up to their necks in Russia/Ukraine and Chinese collusion.

    Interesting factoid courtesy of Charlie, my Sicilian barber, here in Western Australia. His sister still lives in Sicily and told him that a neighbor thinks she is now famous because she is a distant cousin of Biden’s and the original family name is something like Bidino. So fact check me!

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