Home » Open thread 6/28/23


Open thread 6/28/23 — 40 Comments

  1. Help, Neo! We need one of your dance interventions!

    I see that Neo answered F’s request from last night.

    I’m curious about the date of the rehearsal video– Plisetskaya’s dancing looks timeless, as if her body was somehow exempt from aging. Many thanks for the visual treat.

  2. A question from one unschooled in ballet (except years of watching our daughter’s dance performances):

    Miss Plisetskaya’s leaps seem to be superhuman, in that she’s able to lifts her take-off leg to head height at the end of the leap, especially since her leg is pretty straight throughout (with not much bend before the leap). Her hip muscle must be what lifts her leg once she’s in the air. Is there a trick to this, or is it simply strength on her part?

  3. Interesting question pikkumatti.

    I was noticing her leg momentum. But pikku notices that the last leg to leave the floor, or take-off leg, is the one that gets so high.

    I think that because the first leg up gets some substantial elevation before the full launch, that it is the muscles pulling the legs together that generates lots of leg speed and hence momentum. Momentum then carries the take-off leg high.

  4. I notice the first leg up comes down pretty decisively as the second leg gets its altitude. Is there a swapping of momentum here?
    It’s one thing to jump. It’s another to have every last muscle, every fingertip, in complete control and completely subordinated to the desired effect.
    This is the human body, evolved to handle every conceivable hazard the world could devise, and do so most effectively.
    With grace not being even the least of the concerns. You could slo-mo somebody going over the high hurdles, or a pole vault. Shot put. Nope. This is the furthest departure from what the body and its various control arrangements has been designed for.
    And making it look easy….

  5. P.S.–Suspicious ol’ me wonders if this whole throw the bag of granny up on the stage was a set-up.

    How did Pink so easily recognize what was in the bag?

  6. Just another case of ‘follow the money’?
    It’s a case of not bothering to calculate all the costs and benefits of a given course of action. It’s rampant in discussion of environmental policy.

  7. Art Deco – I’d add that it includes a heaping dollop of wishful thinking. If the green religion is true, then the only response is to give up modern life and go back to a pre-industrial existence. One can accept that, or pretend that we can fix it with windmills and solar panels.

    There’s also an interesting discussion about the prevelance of software engineers among the environmental brahmins. (I.e., people who spend their life thinking in the abstract may sometimes struggle to adapt to material constraints.)

  8. its not merely wishful thinking its the orchestration of the deaths of hundreds of millions pf people through famine through deprivation of electricity,

  9. “…orchestration…”

    Indeed, a brutalist WTF symphony of pious deception.

  10. the mandate for windmills, the defacto prosecription of fossil fuels, the war on farmers, on small businessmen and women, it all adds up

  11. Re: Maria Plisetskaya

    Quite amazing and beautiful. All hail Pilsetskaya!

    It led me to this video in which she talks and demonstrates ballet in her living room.

    It’s fun because one can see her facial expressions closely and hear her voice in Russian. She is more of a person rather than the ballerina archetype she embodies on stage. Also fun to see her apartment.

    One may notice she says “RYOO-kee” several times. That’s “hands” in Russian.

    –Maria Pilsetskaya, “On the importance of hands”

    That looks like a wire recorder at 1:54. That tech peaked in late-forties/early fifties. Her apartment, which I’m sure is quite luxurious for the USSR, seems about that period.

    I love the sound of Russian as much as I love that of French. I think now and then of learning Russian next, but French is large enough of an undertaking and I know Russian is at least twice as much of a commitment.

    Today I’ve been studying French daily for six months straight.

  12. Bauxite “software engineer”

    That is an oxymoron. Coincidentally I am a hardware engineer…

  13. Regarding the leg elevation: arching of her back and hip rotation? Also flexibility, strength, grace, artistry.

  14. I hope to attempt an answer to pikkumatti’s question in a post sometime in the next few days.

  15. It has been known for a long time that EVs are heavier resulting in more wear and tear on the highways. They should pay special attention here in CA where the roads have already deteriorated so badly. But they won’t.

  16. Clearly Plisetskaya’s back is in a very arched position shortly before touchdown. No doubt she has great back muscles to assist in that.

    But I also noticed that by swinging her arms upward over her head where they suddenly stop, she is generating some torque that helps keep her head and chest more vertical and facilitates that arched torso position.

    It’s all very dynamic isn’t it?

  17. I just sent some money to a GoFundMe for a young friend, a male ballet dancer who will train with the Royal Ballet of London for the next 2-3 years.

  18. Hello. I’d like to register a small complaint.

    I’ve been doing a little bit of reading up on the Wagner organization and dipped into one of Zeihan’s recent videos about the… well, the whatever-it-was that happened in Rostov and so on the other day. Noticed that he pronounces Wagner in that case as a typical American would (as in tail ‘wag’, not as the German ‘vahg-nerr’. This I find incorrect and a little irritating, since the origin of the ‘Wagner’ callsign that gave the organization its name was the callback to Richard Wagner – and you never hear anybody saying the composer’s name as if it were ‘[tail-]wag-nurr’, at least not in the classical-music scene; also, reading the Russian on the group’s insignia, it’s quite clear how it should be pronounced in the original. So I feel I must add this to my already long list of lingual pet peeves.

    (I wonder how R. Wagner would feel about having a mercenary army named after him.)

  19. Two of the modern “existential” threats which are supposed to drive us all to give various experts, activists, and governmental officials power over our lives, over our wealth, and over our actions are the supposed existential threats of the overpopulation of the planet, and the environmental crisis of global warming/climate change; both power and money grabs in disguise.

    These existential crises, I might add, just the latest in a long rotating line of such crises which have been said to be on the verge of overwhelming the human race over the last several decades, here is one list of 50 of them which were predicted starting in the late 1960s and up through the present–

    “Below are 50 failed doomsday, eco-pocalyptic predictions (with links):

    1. 1967: Dire Famine Forecast By 1975
    2. 1969: Everyone Will Disappear In a Cloud Of Blue Steam By 1989 (1969)
    3. 1970: Ice Age By 2000
    4. 1970: America Subject to Water Rationing By 1974 and Food Rationing By 1980
    5. 1971: New Ice Age Coming By 2020 or 2030
    6. 1972: New Ice Age By 2070
    7. 1974: Space Satellites Show New Ice Age Coming Fast
    8. 1974: Another Ice Age?
    9. 1974: Ozone Depletion a ‘Great Peril to Life (data and graph)
    10. 1976: Scientific Consensus Planet Cooling, Famines imminent
    11. 1980: Acid Rain Kills Life In Lakes (additional link)
    12. 1978: No End in Sight to 30-Year Cooling Trend (additional link)
    13. 1988: Regional Droughts (that never happened) in 1990s
    14. 1988: Temperatures in DC Will Hit Record Highs
    15. 1988: Maldive Islands will Be Underwater by 2018 (they’re not)
    16. 1989: Rising Sea Levels will Obliterate Nations if Nothing Done by 2000
    17. 1989: New York City’s West Side Highway Underwater by 2019 (it’s not)
    18. 2000: Children Won’t Know what Snow Is
    19. 2002: Famine In 10 Years If We Don’t Give Up Eating Fish, Meat, and Dairy
    20. 2004: Britain will Be Siberia by 2024
    21. 2008: Arctic will Be Ice Free by 2018
    22. 2008: Climate Genius Al Gore Predicts Ice-Free Arctic by 2013
    23. 2009: Climate Genius Prince Charles Says we Have 96 Months to Save World
    24. 2009: UK Prime Minister Says 50 Days to ‘Save The Planet From Catastrophe’
    25. 2009: Climate Genius Al Gore Moves 2013 Prediction of Ice-Free Arctic to 2014
    26. 2013: Arctic Ice-Free by 2015 (additional link)
    27. 2014: Only 500 Days Before ‘Climate Chaos’
    28. 1968: Overpopulation Will Spread Worldwide
    29. 1970: World Will Use Up All its Natural Resources
    30. 1966: Oil Gone in Ten Years
    31. 1972: Oil Depleted in 20 Years
    32. 1977: Department of Energy Says Oil will Peak in 1990s
    33. 1980: Peak Oil In 2000
    34. 1996: Peak Oil in 2020
    35. 2002: Peak Oil in 2010
    36. 2006: Super Hurricanes!
    37. 2005 : Manhattan Underwater by 2015
    38. 1970: Urban Citizens Will Require Gas Masks by 1985
    39. 1970: Nitrogen buildup Will Make All Land Unusable
    40. 1970: Decaying Pollution Will Kill all the Fish
    41. 1970s: Killer Bees!
    42. 1975: The Cooling World and a Drastic Decline in Food Production
    43. 1969: Worldwide Plague, Overwhelming Pollution, Ecological Catastrophe, Virtual Collapse of UK by End of 20th Century
    44. 1972: Pending Depletion and Shortages of Gold, Tin, Oil, Natural Gas, Copper, Aluminum
    45. 1970: Oceans Dead in a Decade, US Water Rationing by 1974, Food Rationing by 1980
    46. 1988: World’s Leading Climate Expert Predicts Lower Manhattan Underwater by 2018
    47. 2005: Fifty Million Climate Refugees by the Year 2020
    48. 2000: Snowfalls Are Now a Thing of the Past
    49.1989: UN Warns That Entire Nations Wiped Off the Face of the Earth by 2000 From Global Warming
    50. 2011: Washington Post Predicted Cherry Blossoms Blooming in Winter”*

    * For the full article see https://www.aei.org/carpe-diem/50-years-of-failed-doomsday-eco-pocalyptic-predictions-the-so-called-experts-are-0-50/

    Moreover, these calls for us to give up control over our lives–to give up our freedom, and our fortunes–are coming from the same types of people, the same crowd, even, perhaps, from some of the same people–who advised us to drastically curtail our lives, to hide at home, to quit going to work, out shopping, or out anywhere, to keep our kids home from school, and to wear masks everywhere during COVID which, they screeched, could not possibly have come from a lab in Wuhan.

    These supposed scientists, doctors, public health officials, assorted experts and activists, with the indispensable help of the MSM, also told us that certain specific drugs–at least one of them a cheap drug with a long track record of safe use–were absolutely ineffective against COVID, when it turned out that they were, in fact, effective.

    Overpopulation? From the evidence I see, the looming threat is exactly the opposite, it’s declining populations, with way below replacement ratios in many of the countries around the world, including especially China, Japan, and South Korea.

    Global warming/climate change? First off, it has not been proven to my satisfaction that there is such a thing, that it is the horrendous threat it has been made out to be, or subject to any significant amelioration by anything that we humans can actually do.

    Second of all, some calculations that I have seen indicate that many decades of drastic world-wide actions might–I say might–result in our lowering world-wide temperatures by a fraction of a degree, which would have no real impact.

  20. “Below are 50 failed doomsday, eco-pocalyptic predictions (with links):

    Snow on Pine:

    You must be reading my mail!

    I was right on board with all of them through #46. It was such an immense relief when the Skeptical Environmentalist, Bjorn Lomborg, freed me from that doomsterism.

    Big Gov folks like doom because it gives them a blank check for more power. However, I would also point out the pay-off to the individual public intellectual doomsters.

    It’s a tough gig being a public intellectual. You’re only as good as your last bestseller and speaking tour. You’ve got to keep the heat of public attention by making some big shocking pronouncement.

    It’s less true of academics, but only less so.

  21. Hello. I’d like to register a small complaint.

    Philip Sells:

    We’re sorry about your parrot. Would you like to buy some cheese?

    Thanks for clearing up the origin of the Wagner Group.

    Peter Zeihan, as I make it from his wiki bio, is largely an autodidact and comes by his pronunciation ignorance honestly.

  22. Neo, looking forward to your post on those leaps. Incredible. When I think of the deep knee bend a skater uses in a jump takeoff in addition to the increased propulsion from speed, I’m amazed at the height and ‘hang time’ Plisetskaya gets with what seems to be minimal knee bend and much less speed.
    And an approximate date of the film as well, if you can!

  23. You say Vagner, I say Wagner, let’s call the whole thing off….(?)
    Come on, guys, what ever happened to diwersity??
    In any event (back to that Wagner opera), Failure? Fiasco? Theater? Ploy?
    This article seems to imply: WHAT BETTER WAY to get the Wagner Group into Belarus, whence it can threaten Lithuania, Latvia and Poland (and NW Ukraine)….???
    “Wagner Troops In Belarus Threaten Eastern Europe, NATO Says”—
    (Unless it’s just another one of those “conspiracy theory”…in which case, it might well mean serious trouble…)

    File under: Mourning becomes Elektra…

  24. Molly Brown:

    I believe it’s from a film called “Plisetskaya Dances,” made in 1964, and the footage is probably from some time between 1960 and then. I saw the film in a movie theater; don’t remember where. In 1960 Plisetskaya was 35.

  25. Thanks, Neo!
    What a beautiful thing to see a ‘fully grown’ woman instead of stick thin girls.
    Power, Passion, Curves!
    What’s not to like?

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