Home » Poor Hunter; just a junkie


Poor Hunter; just a junkie — 39 Comments

  1. We’re at the point now where few people (even on the left) believe the utter BS spewed by the MSM about the Hunter imbroglio. Oh sure, I know there are some twits (disproportionately college educated middle and upper middle class white women) who have convinced themselves of this malarkey, but they’re small in number. For everyone else left of center (from moderately liberal types to rabid antifa loving leftists), it comes down to this: ‘who cares? Trump (and by extension all his supporters) is evil incarnate and must be destroyed’

    That’s been my experience, anyway. Few of my lefty friends, acquaintances and colleagues (which is pretty much everyone I know) are trying to defend Slo Joe or his crackhead son. They likely know the whole thing stinks to high heaven and if any Republican president did the exact same thing, Democrats would be clamoring non stop for impeachment. But they don’t care. Even if every single allegation from the whistle-blowers is true, they don’t care. Because…Orange Man Bad!

    They are all pretty much knaves here.

  2. Good read
    How the Leftists all get the message then spread the message in lock step is quite amazing work.

  3. Quotes attributed to P. T. Barnum

    “No man ever went broke overestimating the ignorance of the American public.”

    “Nobody ever lost a dollar by underestimating the taste of the American public.”

    “Every crowd has a silver lining.”

    “Nothing draws a crowd quite like a crowd.”

    I saw that “There’s a sucker born every minute.” is both claimed to be a legitimate quote and an illegitimate attribution.

  4. no one ever went broke underestimating the American public.

    But many have gone broke or been badly damaged, making their decisions based on the bilge spewing from the American ‘news’ media.

  5. If you want to feel sympathy for Hunter Biden, pity him for having Joe Biden as a dad.

  6. Most of the Democrats I know have deeply, deeply internalized the idea that Trump fabricated the whole Biden influence pedaling scandal in order to blackmail Ukraine.

  7. so actual evidence doesn’t matter, if he killed a hooker, they would probably find a way to excuse him, the flipside is hearsay is just fine when it comes to trump the pee tape that legitimated the phony surveillance there was that crazy hutchinson woman, that captivated cavuto and mccarthy etc,*

    so if you drown your innocent, if you live you’re a witch, and the converse,

    * don’t know if they actually believed it,

  8. I am in a weird place on this one…
    Part of me is so accustomed to the power-Democrats getting a free pass I almost… almost don’t care that much about Hunter as Hunter. Seriously…Ted Kennedy KILLED Miss Kopechne and held high office for decades after.

    But that now as then, the media buries the story… unforgivable.

    That the Biden corruption is a clear and present danger to the USA… should be expunged post haste. But special retribution should be meted out to every lying lickspittle member of the press corps.

  9. One thing about Hunter I’m curious about is how he managed to beat a severe hard-drug addiction. Has anyone read his book? How does he describe his process for getting clean — and, we are told, staying clean?

  10. Mike K, I’m not entirely surprised by the ruling. As we have seen, the federal government retains some power over redistricting from the Voting Rights Act. What the ruling really says is that state courts can rule against redistricting plans IF they violate the state constitution. In the NC case which prompted this ruling, the previous Dem-controlled state supreme court invented a constitutional requirement that really wasn’t there. This flaw was repaired in the 2022 election, when we replaced a couple of Democrats with Republicans.

    The US Supreme Court simply declined to say that legislatures can draw districts without any court review whatever. This is a fairly narrow ruling.

  11. Kate:

    Thanks for the assessment. The panic whores are saying (again) that the sky is falling.

  12. om, the US SC didn’t even rule on whether the NC SC ruling, when Dem-controlled, was illegitimate. They simply refused to make a sweeping ruling. Analysts at our local think tank say it will take several more cases to flesh out what the actual allowed limits are, but this was really not a ruling that the Feds can do whatever they want with elections.

  13. Help, Neo! We need one of your dance interventions! The tone of your commentariat is getting entirely too politically macabre.

  14. I’m a little surprised at how jaded I have become regarding this, and other topics involving government corruption. I guess that’s what happens when one really does live in a banana republic. I’m not sure we’re there yet, but I find myself treating the news as if we are. Every day I see great reporting and issues of real corruption, political malfeasance and judicial favoritism and recently I find myself barely reading past the headlines.

    “Of course this happened.” “Of course, if the guilty are democrats or the activity helps the democrats no one will go to jail.”

    It’s about as interesting as the weather report when one lives in San Diego.

  15. I keep saying that Democrats are stupid, ignorant or evil. Sometimes more than one applies.

  16. However, I notice there have been conservative articles suggesting there has been an important sea change in the reportage on Biden.

    Not that journalists have had their consciences awaken for even-handed investigations, but that a faction of Dem power brokers is becoming worried that Biden can’t win in 2024.

    Ergo, turning up the heat on Biden isn’t an effort to secure justice, but perhaps blackmail to convince Biden that it’s time for him to spend more time with his family.

    Hunter’s recovery is so fragile!

    Was Last Week the Beginning of the End for Biden?

    Something changed last week inside the Beltway that suggests the people who run the Democratic Party now realize President Biden’s tenure in office is not sustainable beyond 2024. The “tell” was not, however, the latest revelation by IRS whistleblowers about his corrupt administration. It was instead the sudden awakening of the White House press corps. The same “reporters” who snored through more than two years of preposterous claims by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and her predecessor simultaneously woke up Friday. Correspondents from media outlets CNN, CBS, NBC, and even the New York Times aggressively questioned Jean-Pierre about the metastasizing Hunter Biden scandals.

    This wasn’t spontaneous. The word has gone out that regime change is coming. Thus, the “news” outlets that usually repeat Biden’s claim that he and his son never discuss the latter’s business deals actually reported the testimony of IRS whistleblowers who allege political interference in their Hunter Biden investigation.

    CBS, for example, ran an unusually honest story about the whistleblowers that prominently included full transcripts of their testimony before the House Ways and Means Committee. The committee released the transcripts after it was announced that Hunter Biden had agreed to plead guilty to misdemeanor tax charges. The two IRS whistleblowers testified that he committed felony tax evasion:


  17. There have undoubtedly been political scandals in the U.S. as bad, or worse, but has there ever been a scandal with as much evidence as Hunter’s laptop, and as much extremely newsworthy and even salacious evidence as what is on Hunter’s laptop?

    Remember Gary Hart and the yacht, “Monkey Business?” That was a big news story for weeks! Eliot Spitzer?

    Hunter Biden’s photos, emails, text messages… There’s enough fodder there for months of news coverage and investigations into dozens of potential crimes. And, again, the photos… babies with strippers … affairs with sisters in laws…

    Incredible that this is so under-reported. “A Russian disinformation operation.”

  18. “However, I notice there have been conservative articles suggesting there has been an important sea change in the reportage on Biden.”

    I had the same thoughts weeks ago but about the Pelosis and Feinstein…nope, press moved on to it’s next OrangeManBad story.

    We’ll see.

  19. The story dribbles and drabbles out so slowly for so long, that it really doesn’t matter whether people really believe in Hunter’s innocence or in Joe’s. It’s old news. It’s nothing new. Nobody’s shocked by it, so it’s easy to just put it out of mind, and it makes no impression on Democrats.

    Instead of Yellow Dog and Blue Dog Democrats we now have Buried Children in the Basement Democrats, who take their name from the author who said he’d vote for Biden even if Hunter had the corpses of dead children buried in his basement.

  20. Waiting for a new column by Kristoff on how both Dear Old Dad and Native Son have been able to provide for their family for decades—for scores—in spite of almost insurmountable obstacles.
    Putting bread on the table. Bringing home the bacon. Delivering the goods.
    Those Bidens are simply amazing. Dedicated (there’s that word again) and selfless. What a family.
    There are no words…

    (And the only thing those garbage Republicans can do for is dig around for dirt, to CRITICIZE and POUNCE on the decent people of this country…. Absolutely shameful…)

  21. Forgot to mention that the Democrats are lying, i.e., ALWAYS lying, for the good of the country…. (but then we already know that…so I can only assume it wasn’t really necessary)…

    H/T Lee Smith Twitter feed (for all four)

  22. Oh, Barry Meislin, there are words for the Bidens, but they aren’t words I can write here. In fact, they aren’t words I normally use, being that old-fashioned thing, a lady.

  23. I agree that, except for AWFLs, nobody believes the new Hunter promo. Some are, most, are, of the opinion that Orange Man Bad and nothing, nothing in the world, nothing which could be contemplated including bringing back Attila, could be as bad as another Orange term. Thus, going along with the scam is the most moral thing to do.
    I refer to those pretending to believe. They know better. But they pretend and they speak as if it’s true that Hunter is a lovable scalawag with a heart of gold and a few unfortunate months in his background but mox nix.
    They lie.
    But, as I may have mentioned some months ago, there is a stratum of those who know better on one level and believe on another level and don’t want to be corrected.
    Whether what they claim is a lie is questionable.

    There are those who might like someone better, or different, from Trump to win the republican nom, and then the general. But, given the choices, what are the chances of the ‘winning” without which all else is irrelevant?

  24. Does anybody believe that the Democrats and DC apparatus would be going to these lengths to protect only Biden’s corruption?

  25. I’d always assumed that the party would throw Biden and probably Harris under the bus in time for the 2024 election, so that their candidate could be Newsom, or some other person who is despicable, but not literally senile, or whatever Harris suffers from.

    Perhaps this is the beginning of that process.

  26. “Does anybody believe…?”
    The Democrats are still flogging that “TRANSPARENCY” horse for all its worth.
    (That is, “transparency” as THEY define it; most normal people see it for what it really is: murky, inky, dank and fetid opacity.)

    Is it possible that, by scrambling hysterically to heap even greater opacity upon already massive opacity, they may—finally—have, paradoxically, begun to approach (and even achieve) TRUE transparency?

  27. Speaking of opacity—I mean transparency—here’s some more infectious standup by the Comedian-in-Chief:
    “Watch Live: President Biden Attempts To Explain ‘Bidenomics’ “—

    + Bonus:
    A little bit clarity to guide us through the smoke and mirror palace that is the “Biden” administration…
    “Connecting the dots in the IRS whistleblower’s testimony on the Biden family money trail”—
    H/T Powerline blog

  28. I fear the American Republic has contracted a fatal illness. Its name is the Democratic Party, whose members constitute the huge majority of academia, and who fill the ranks of the federal bureaucracy. A majority of our fellow citizens voted Democratic, despite Biden’s already-manifest dementia; 78% of Massachusetts, that state full of smart people, did!

    The academics and the federales are all tenured. What can be done? Maybe import Yvgeny Prigozhin?

  29. THIS demands another fine and well-researched follow-up column by Nicholas Kristoff on Biden family love, dedication, support, respect…and DEFENSE of the underdog!
    “Hunter Biden privately SETTLES with baby mama over child support payments for their four-year-old daughter: President’s son’s contributions drop from $20K to $5K a month and daughter cannot use family name”—
    (Who knows? MIght even garner the Times another Pulitzer!)

    Key graf (in fact the KEY to the entire “Biden” “Presidency”…)
    “…In round one of their four-year suit Hunter claimed he was ‘unemployed and had no monthly income’ despite living in a $12,000-per-month Hollywood rental and driving a Porsche….”

    Oh, and lest we overlook this small piece of MASTERFUL intimidation:
    “…Roberts, a former DC bottle girl who once worked as Hunter’s PA…was deposed at the same high-rise office for seven hours on Wednesday….”

    File under: “Nice little girl you got there. Would be a….”

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