Home » Open thread 4/3/23


Open thread 4/3/23 — 21 Comments

  1. I have been to this museum. Wonderful, amazing.
    In Grad School I took two Art History classes and loved them. Now when we travel I like to visit the museums where ever I can.

  2. I highly recommend the film, “Tim’s Vermeer.” A film that follows inventor Tim Jenison on his quest to test a theory that Vermeer used an innovative method to create some of his works. Really interesting and fun.

  3. Hmm, it is snowing at here in the people’s republic of WA at sea level. Big fluffy flakes.

  4. Speaking of Vermeer – when is the inept Boston FBI going to resolve the 1990 art theft in the Isabella Stewart Gardner Musuem in whcih a Vermeer and a Rembrandt was taken? The Rijksmusuem is a wonderful palce to visit.

  5. when did we move away from representational art, which requires talent,

  6. Seems there is an opportunity for some current painter to paint domestic scenes in modern settings. People playing with their pets. People playing basketball in the driveway. People reading books. Also, occupations. Mechanics working in cars and trucks. Nurses in the hospital. Modern farmers and ranchers. For the Christians – a home group Bible Study scene. Things of this nature.

  7. Fascinating…I viewed this video and got sucked into several more…just a wonderful artist. Thank you for posting this!

  8. Attorney Mike Davis has fingered the key corrupti influencer behind the NYC DA Bragg’s Trump indictment — one Michael Colangelo, a long-time Obama-DNC fixer.. Davis was interviewed on Steve Bannon’s Warroom podcast today.

    Here’s how the gatewaypundit summarises his reveal:

    “Davis noted that Matt Colangelo is the link between the Biden DOJ and DA Bragg in their corrupt acts in targeting and putting together a BS indictment against President Trump. This guy was in the Obama White House and the Biden DOJ and appears to have been brought in to indict President Trump on whatever he could come up with.

    “This is a great example of how Obama destroyed the US DOJ and made it anti-American, biased, and corrupt.

    “Davis and Bannon dissected the corrupt actor pushing anti-American full woke actions in the corrupt DOJ now working with Bragg, Colangelo.

    “Colangelo was one of the first corrupt actors brought into Biden’s DOJ in a top position. This is the guy who acted with others to indict the likes of Americans who were praying outside of abortion clinics.”

    Ah! That great exercise in violent intimidation against the outspoken.

    InJustice today. I’m sure this Warroom segment will be posted soon at their web site, as usual, for further review.

  9. miguel,

    You make a good point. It seems the left ruins everything it touches. Modern art is mostly dreck. When you look at the old masters you can see a skill set that is gone now. Not only the technical side but the composition and subject matter.

    We’ve lost so much.

  10. Speaking of Vermeer – when is the inept Boston FBI going to resolve the 1990 art theft in the Isabella Stewart Gardner Musuem in whcih a Vermeer and a Rembrandt was taken?


    According to wiki, the investigation continues. They’ve gotten farther than I last checked, but not all the way.


    I have an interest because my college painter friend was one of the suspects. He had been head of security at the museum a few years before, but left after disagreements with the museum director. My friend felt security was lax at the museum and tried to beef it up…

  11. I’m probably not the first to say this, but I’m the first I know of so that probably counts as original anyway.
    A museum exhibition is to the subject as the book jacket is to the book.
    Clever, huh?

    I helped my wife chaperone students to Spain and Mexico. When knowledgeable guides took us through exhibitions, it’s as if I were reading the book.
    That refers to the Prado, and others like it. Not the Reina Sofia museum of modern art. One kid was feeling ill–not doing so well myself–probably from gazing at the Eviscerated Horse or something and needed some fresh air. We went to a garden and got the cool air and bright sun of Easter Week in Madrid. Much better, but the dumpster in the alley behind it would have been an improvement, too.

    Thanks for the book, neo.

  12. well not just the left, modern art like jackson pollock, was part of the cold war cultural offensive, so I’m told, but I don’t see how that was a cultural good,

  13. The full interview with Mike Davis (beginning at 6-26m) is more coherent and detailed, and furthermore explains what’s at stake, re The Rule of Law.

    Democrat offices at the presidential levels are figureheads. The real power is exercised by their supporting staff, and this is where the radical action is strategised. 12m

    “This is absolutely election interference, and Congress has an obligation to investigate,” says Davis. 17-18m

    Muzzling Trump shows that this is entirely political. If it happens, then it’s immediately appealable, adds Davis.

    Then, Davis expands and explains the Soros Prosecutor’s cabal and its national significance.

    The Rep, Jordan led House Committee on the Weaponization of Federal government needs to be CONSTANTLY on offence, holding investigative hearings on this and related DOJ abuses.


  14. To the Vermeer and methods of analysis; the use of OCT for investigating the vertical structure of the pigments and glazes is eye opening.

    I am familiar with OCT scans because they are used to characterize the layers (cellular structure) of the retina. Yep, in your eyes.

    Glaucoma, pattern dystrophies, macular dystrophies of various kinds, physical distortion and wrinkling of the layers of the retina are documented and tracked with OCT scans. Painless and informative, speaking as a patient.

  15. miguel:

    The contrast between the two four stars was stark; White Rage Milley who is oh so concerned with and subservient to Xi, and Admiral Charles Rich, USN, who isn’t carrying Xi’s water, or worse as White Rage Milley did in the winter of 2020 to President Trump.

    A traitor(?) or compromised Milley and his opposite Rich.

  16. A few years ago, I attended a church that was, without doubt, the most creative place I’ve ever been. One program that was offered was icon painting – we brought in and iconographer who led a week-long workshop or retreat at which each participants learned to paint a Byzantine icon.

    I’m about the exact opposite of a painter. I have no talent in this area. But the process for painting an icon is not like the process for painting and original work – the object is to make the most faithful copy you can of these “family portraits.” If you want to denigrate the process, you can call it paint-by-number, but it’s so much more.

    We started by tracing the outlines of the icon we were working from onto our gessoed board, then spent one entire day filling in the basic shapes with featureless, dark base colors. Then, each day after that, we brought more and more light into our work.

    Day four we referred to as “hands and faces day.” Bent only inches over our boards, brushstroke by brushstroke, we watched the face of Christ, of Mary, of one of the saints emerge emerge. It was… ineffable.

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