Home » Are the Democrats getting ready to eject Joe and Kamala?


Are the Democrats getting ready to eject Joe and Kamala? — 81 Comments

  1. Is it sad that it’s hard to even think of a Democratic candidate who might have done better? It’s not like I’d prefer Buttigieg or Warren in Biden’s place right now.

  2. Certainly not King Jay of Inslee or Beano O’Roark.

    At least Tulsi has two brain cells that function.

  3. “…return with us now to those thrilling days of yesteryear…” when Ford replaced Agnew and then Nixon.

  4. In parliamentary systems, it is not uncommon to have a caretake PM. Someone who is acceptable on that basis to all parties. If things get bad enough, they might be willing to think of someone who is capable but who will not under any circumstance run in 2024. That opens up a few Democrats which the mainstream of the party could tolerate, and also be acceptable to the Republicans. As for Harris, simple bribery discretely done might work and everybody would be willing to overlook it.

  5. Yep, I thought June. Can’t be right, well I am hardly ever right, but never ever on the left.

  6. Joe and Kamala got 81 million votes. What’s wrong with these Dems? Don’t they believe in democracy?

  7. And now Biden has commented that this man (Putin) cannot remain in power! His handlers will try to walk that one back as well, but the impression that the US and the coalition supporting Ukraine are making it a policy of regime change in Moscow must be setting off alarms all over Russia. The old fool seems determined to talk us into a nuclear war.

  8. I agree that they are stuck with Biden/Harris for the foreseeable future. I’m sure they would like to wave a wand and have them both disappear but there is no easy way to do this. The maneuverings that would be required to get rid of both Biden and Harris would be a tough sell to all but the most hardcore partisan and cynical base of Democrats.

    On the other hand Biden’s ramblings regarding Ukraine and Russia are not just inane but dangerous. I’m sure there are people working overtime trying to figure out a way out of this mess but I just don’t see a solution that wouldn’t cause lasting damage to the Democrat party. Getting rid of the first female, black vice-president? Good luck with that.

  9. Wouldn’t the timing be to get rid of Harris first, then a new, more effective VP comes in before Biden heads off to Delaware?

  10. The furious behinds the scenes backpedaling right now is amazing.

    The media are really going to have to work to cover for this one.

    In the last hour CNBC has gone from only a headline to then a story with Grandpa’s regime change call to a story with his comments and with the furious backpedaling to now back to just a headline.

    This guy should not be allowed to speak in public if they insist on pretending he is in charge. Pre record everything or just release a statement.

  11. Here’s a link on Ed’s point about Joe’s latest gaffe.


    I agree with Tregonsee. Bribe Kamala. Make her the head of the Clinton Foundation with a big salary and a secret and huge expense account. In return for that, Chelsea could become a senator.

    The maneuverings that would be required to get rid of both Biden and Harris would be a tough sell to all but the most hardcore partisan and cynical base of Democrats. — Gregory H.

    Bernie Sander’s ascension to presidential nominee was torpedoed twice. Once because Hillary had purchased a large number of super delegates. The outrage was rather muted on that one.

    One area where Gregory might be correct is that I’m not sure that the rank and file Democrat base thinks Joe is all that bad. There appears to be a deep well of Democrat voters who buy into all that MSM spin.

  12. At this point Harris would be better if for no other reason than she probably could stay on message and not have these outrageously dangerous ad libs. Remember ‘minor incursion’ pretty much opened the door to all of this.

    It is hard to believe she would be worse but who knows.

    I would much prefer rambling speeches about the passage of time or what we need to do today over this garbage.

  13. Regarding the sudden bout of conscience with regard to poor Hunter’s lost laptops, I suspect that there’s something else damaging coming down the pike from there (such as the recently unearthed story that Hunter was funding biolabs in Ukraine!) and by acknowledging the truth of the laptop story they can claim that whatever is coming is “old news” and all the good people can safely look away.

  14. It seems reasonable to assume that the democrat leadership knew just how incompetent Harris is before she was chosen as Biden’s running mate.

    Given Biden’s age and mental decline, they also had to know that he might become incapacitated at any point after his inauguration.

    This leads to the supposition that the democrat leadership may well have planned for those circumstances.

    At the chosen time, Pelosi can be persuaded to resign, rather than suffer the humiliation of being voted out. A new Speaker would then be next in succession after Harris.

    I agree with Kimball that if dumping Biden and Harris is in the works, that Harris must go before Biden. To accomplish her ouster, it seems entirely possible that the democrat leadership already has the information needed to persuade Harris that it is in her ‘best interest’ to resign.

    The new speaker becoming the new VP would be legally acceptable. In fact, arguably mandatory.

    Obviously this is speculative. That Biden/Harris is an unsustainable albatross about the democrat party’s neck is not speculative. Arguably, they have to do something about Biden and Harris before the midterms. Unless of course, political considerations are no longer part of the left’s calculus.

  15. Being condemned by an American president may actually guarantee longevity. JFK wanted to oust Castro, who died in his own bed. More recently we’ve been wrongly assured that Saddam Hussein in Iraq and Assad in Syria would be toppled by their own people. I’ll bet on Putin’s survival.

  16. JoJo put his foot in doo-doo last week with his weird rant about “a new civil rights cause of action,” namely revenge porn. Said Biden, “I bet everybody knows somebody…that in an intimate relationship, what happened was the guy takes a revealing picture of his naked friend, or whatever, in a compromising position and then…blackmails…”

    As the RedState reporter notes, “Who is it that Joe Biden is speaking about here? What naked ‘friend’ of Joe’s was caught in a compromising position and blackmailed? Or is he talking personally? Or about his son, Hunter, who seems to have been involved in all manner of sketchy activity that Joe could be blackmailed over? . . . Are we about to hear about even worse pictures on [Hunter’s] laptop? The ones we already know about are bad enough. Blackmail material would be something else. And in case you think this is idle speculation, let’s flashback to a story I wrote last August about what Hunter Biden said on video, allegedly to a naked prostitute, about Russians having possible blackmail on him.”

    [Transcript of Hunter’s conversation with the hooker at the link: https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2022/03/16/biden-makes-bizarre-comment-about-naked-blackmail-that-has-everyone-talking-n536855%5D

    Kimball might object to an atrocious pun, but I have no objection to a new defenestration of progs [Biden and Harris], in the best tradition of 1618.

  17. The Democrats cannot be confident they can stuff the ballot boxes sufficiently to maintain their majority in the House, so it will all have to go down in the next 9 months. They’ll have to induce the Ho’s resignation through some combination of embarrassment (see the indictment of Spiro Agnew), intimidation (threats against her or family members), and blackmail. Then the cabinet will have to depose the demented husk who currently occupies the Presidency. Then you’ll have Nancy. They’ll have to wangle a letter of resignation out of Bidet, because when San Fran Nan loses the speakership, she loses the remit of acting as President in lieu of the incapacitated Biden. San Fran Nan often sounds like a woman having a stroke, so it will be bouncing from one frying pan to another.

  18. If Biden could be convinced to cooperate, Harris could be neutralized by appointing her ambassador to the United Nations. The post is highly prestigious, she’d have to resign as VP, and she could convince herself that she was burnishing her foreign policy credentials for her own presidential run. Finally, the UN is the one place where her speaking style would be considered completely appropriate and not subject to criticism.

  19. We can hope that international leaders know they can’t take what Joe says seriously. That’s good, when he’s saying things that might start a larger war, but bad, since our foreign policy, if we have one, is seen as fragile.

  20. Art Deco,

    “San Fran Nan often sounds like a woman having a stroke, so it will be bouncing from one frying pan to another.”

    Which is why I speculate that she has to go before Harris. Pelosi is too old and too controversial to be a successful substitute for Bidet. Pelosi can go out a ‘winner’, a respected elder stateswoman (gag) or suffer the humiliation of being voted out of the speakership.

    AF JAG,

    “Harris could be neutralized by appointing her ambassador to the United Nations.”

    Yes, an ambassadorship might be a useful persuader but not to the UN, unless even greater disdain among the international ‘community’ for the US is the goal.

  21. I for one am going to be repulsed and sickened when this tumor on the presidency is given a state funeral. Won’t be sorry to see his corpus slide down into the fetid bowels of hell, but resent the ceremony.

    On second thought, him lying in state would not increase the stench coming from the capitol dome one degree past its odor of death.

  22. I have a far lower opinion of the Democrats than others here. I expect we’ll one day be saying “Kamala did not kill herself.”

    That’s not a joke.

  23. Eeyore,

    The possibility that they’ll make her an offer she can’t refuse had not escaped me nor likely, others here.

    I suspect less permanent measures will suffice.

  24. I was originally figuring they’d have the “less famous” Kamala Harris take over for Joe after January of 2023 so she’d have plenty of time to show everyone how “awesome” she was by actually being president and to win the voters over. Then she could still run for 2 terms or 10 years. Guess they’re surprised how bad she was at this point they probably wished the “more famous” Kamala Harris was VP but he died of Covid in 2020. (I’ll explain the reference if people don’t get it.)

  25. If Biden does not consent to resign, then how would he be forced out? A quick read of the 25th Amendment reveals to me that besides the VP and a majority of the cabinet cannot force the President from office. It takes a “two thirds vote of both Houses of Congress” to vest the powers of the President in the Vice President, who then becomes the Acting President.

    Is such a vote possible? Would enough Democrats go along with such a maneuver to get the votes? Would Republicans vote to retain Biden in order to ensure electoral disaster for the Democrats? In any case, this thing would start with Democrats attempting to strip powers from a duly elected Democratic President. How could the optics on this look anything but horrible for the Democratic Party?

  26. Left Coast Conservative (5:54 pm), it’s simply a matter of what scenario results in the least unsavory (for the Democrats) optics.

  27. AF JAG: We currently have a black woman as UN Ambassador. I knew her personally in a previous tour of duty and liked her a lot. Not her politics, however. Anyway, replacing her with Kamala would probably be problematic.

    Turning to the top level problems of the Democratic Party, I think the solution might be to have Hillary invite Biden, Harris and Pelosi for a ride on her yacht. Doesn’t have a yacht? That can be fixed too. Of course that leaves us with Patrick Leahy as the next in succession, which isn’t much of an improvement, but maybe he could go out on the yacht too.

  28. Under the 25th amendment, removing a president from power requires action by the vice president along with a majority of the cabinet. The vice president, Kamala Harris, would then become acting president.

    If there is no vice president, there is no way to remove the president from power against his will, barring impeachment or assassination. Appointment of a new vice president requires confirmation by both houses of Congress. That would mean that Republicans, in an evenly divided Senate, would have to acquiesce to being in the minority again.

  29. If there is no vice president, there is no way to remove the president from power against his will,

    The Amendment provides for the appointment of a new VP.

  30. Doesn’t have a yacht? That can be fixed too. Of course that leaves us with Patrick Leahy as the next in succession, which isn’t much of an improvement, but maybe he could go out on the yacht too.

    And after him there’s Anthony Blinken, born under the sign of incompetus. You have to get to Janet Yellen before you run into someone you might expect would function. Such is the Democratic Party in our time.

  31. Art Deco,

    “The Amendment provides for the appointment of a new VP.”

    Like I said in the next line after the one you quoted. What’s your point?

  32. There is another possibility. Harris decides that tying herself to Biden is very detrimental to her Presidential hopes in 2024. She could quit on her own. Of course people would get trampled in the stampede to replace her.
    Nothing is going to be pretty, things stay the way they are until 2024 of major changes, nothing good.

  33. Aside from this situation being entirely their own fault, created knowingly and selfishly and with great treachery, then resulting in profound risk to the nation, I almost feel sorry for Democrats.

  34. I believe the Democrats will dump Joe and go with Kamala on the hope she can be better stage managed. The wild card in any 25th Amendment scenario is what will the Republicans in Congress do if Joe doesn’t go willingly (resignation). The 25th Amendment requires a 2/3 majority in both houses to determine that the president is unfit for his duties. Lots of interesting political calculations will go into that if Joe (or Jill) doesn’t want to go voluntarily. The other challenge will be confirming a new vice president if Joe does go quietly.

  35. I think they’re stuck. Deeply stuck. Which is not to say they won’t somehow find a solution. But like Kimball, I don’t see what it would be. Unlike Kimball, I’m not at all certain they’ll come up with one.


    Replacing Biden and Harris is, of course, the obvious solution.

    However, unless there really is some top dog shot-caller in the shadows who could make that decision and has the muscle to implement it, I don’t see how it happens.

    I used to think Obama was that guy. While I am sure he still has serious influence in the Party, I don’t think he could call that shot and execute a plan.

    Without such a leader, there will be various contending factions, who might agree about replacing Biden/Harris but will fall out over the means, because the specifics of such a plan will favor some but not others.

    It seems more likely the Democrat leadership will blunder along semi-paralyzed until events force some resolution on all of us.

    –Joan Baez, “Heaven Help Us All”

  36. Michelle Obama would be their dream replacement. She would win over a bunch of independent women voters. But would she go against the woke CRT crowd?

  37. I personally know a couple of women who voted for Trump in 2020 and hate Biden but they swoon over Michelle Obama even went to see her speak.

  38. Well…I’m glad Eeyore said it first…because that was my first thought.

    Somehow Kamala the Great doesn’t kill herself…
    BLM cranks it conveniently up to 11 & rips the knob off…
    A new blacker VP-designate either ascends to Nancy’s seat & is the obvious one-heartbeat-away choice or they have someone who’s designed as a temporary placeholder like The Grand Dowager Gin-hound of Chappaqua who is not permitted to run in 2024 but can carry out the “plan” until 2024 doesn’t matter.

    Madness I know…
    The real marker in advance is the SCOTUS not-a-biologist getting confirmed.
    After that…all bets are off.

  39. Oh…before I forget…
    Boss…you got the Bouncers working on that “Carmen” character…?
    Or do we need to chip in to buy you a can of “Bot-b-gone”?
    I’d kick in a ten-spot… 😉

  40. Re: Michelle Obama


    Good of you to bring her up. Assuming she was willing, MO is as close to a workable solution as Democrats can get. I’m sure many Democrats and Americans would respond.

    Though I wonder if it’s not too late after she passed on the chalice in 2020, when Dems were desperate for an alternative to Biden, Sanders and Harris.

    There’s no question Barack and Michelle are leftists, but when push comes to shove and the Revolution is at stake, they are not Lenin, Stalin or Mao … or even Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn. The Obamas prefer comfortable, rich, high-status lives without too many demands.

  41. And even if Kamala could be removed, who would replace her? Some have said Hillary, but I think the Democrats know that would be a highly unpopular gambit, too.

    Yes, but the other alternatives are too horrible to contemplate.

  42. I also can’t think of any other reason to explain the NYT change of attitude than the need to dump Biden (and Harris). Think about these minders for a moment- they are the puppet string pullers of the Dem party and the media elite that act as their marketing branch. They are unconcerned that our economy was strong and foreign affairs in better order under Trump. They are unconcerned about the crime in our streets and open borders. They are only concerned with nationalizing election laws, tweaking the 1st amendment enough to assure their political perpetuity and giving illegals the vote.The short description is they are dangerous, frightening evil people who do not view America the same way I do. Nothing is too low for them if it will accomplish their goal, be it the Russia collusion hoax or the government / media conspiracy to censor news for partisan purposes. We are in trouble.

  43. I was initially thinking a possible Tulsi Gabbard*/ Amy Klobuchar ticket might work. [*Or does her being born in American Somoa disqualify her somehow? Don’t think so but just asking.]

    And presuming Michelle is truly not interested or persuadable, I then thought of a few other possible black women such that perhaps the Democrat Desert is not quite as bleak as we are discussing. Especially if the media get on board to promote perhaps even one of the following?

    Donna Brazile [seasoned Dem operative]
    J. Michelle Childs [SC judge nominee runner up to Judge Brown Jackson]
    Linda Thomas-Greenfield [current UN ambassador already mentioned by F at 7:17pm]

    Others here can probably come up with other “sort of viable” candidates, even if they are not the preferred ones the Leftist clade would select.

    And F, perhaps, in return for removing sanctions against him, we could persuade one of the Russian oligarchs to donate his confiscated yacht, as we really want one big enough to carry 200+ members of Congress out to sea with Hillary, right?

  44. John Guilfoyle:

    I’m in transit right now and can’t fix it at the moment. I plan to take care of it later, though.

  45. @ huxley > “Aside from this situation being entirely their own fault, created knowingly and selfishly and with great treachery, then resulting in profound risk to the nation, I almost feel sorry for Democrats.”

    Like 80 degrees in Tucson is almost freezing.

  46. I suppose the more curious among us could always ask what happens when the most morally and intellectually compromised (AKA most corrupt and stupid) presidential pretender in the history of these United States calls someone “The smartest guy I know”….
    “Daily Mail Drops Hunter Biden Emails Linking Him To Ukraine Biolab Funding”

    (Lord knows what he said Kamala Harris…well, aside from calling her “President” on several occasions…)

  47. If you insist on sticking a black woman in the VP slot, there are some obvious candidates to consider in the Congressional Black Caucus, Val Demings and Lisa Blunt Rochester to name two. Both have won elections in districts where blacks constitute < 30% of the population, both have post-baccalaureate degrees, both have held executive positions, both have children sired by husbands. (Demings has been married for 30+ years; Rochester lost her 2d husband 8 years ago). It's a reasonable inference that neither one of them ever did any casting couch auditions.

  48. Getting rid of Sundowner is when not if, thought he wouldn’t last this long, but losing Harris won’t be easy unless it’s a offer she can’t refuse. Anyway not seeing Harris to be any different than Sundowner now but with at least the wherewithal to stay on track and not wandering around lost and a loose tongue to match.
    And my understanding is Nanzi only gets nod if the two above are wiped out one way or the other, normally I’d VP takes over that person makes a recommendation for the next VP who then must be voted in by Congress.

  49. Thinking more about the Biden/Harris problem, I just don’t see a practical solution for Democrats.

    The goal — replacing Biden/Harris — makes sense, but the mechanics of who goes first, second, the various means, the various votes involved, the thinness of Democrat majorities, their shallow bench and current Party disunity IMO make a straightforward solution impossible.

    No one seems to be in charge of the Party or the White House. There’s no Man on a White Horse on the horizon either. (Maybe I should make that a Woman on a Black Horse.)

    Yet the clock is ticking. The midterm elections are coming and Biden could “lose it” in public and undeniably at any time. Not to mention some non-linear breakdown like 9-11 or the 2008 financial collapse.

    Pray ’em if you got ’em.

  50. It’s not about ejecting. It’s about laying the groundwork to ensure both Sundowner and Giggles will not seek, nor will have any realistic chance at, the Democrat nomination in 2024.

    Barring death or a public incident so embarrassing and damning it demonstrates his utter incompetence beyond any level of spin (e.g. taking off his pants at a press conference and prancing around groping female reporters while babbling about Hunter’s Ukraine bribes), I expect Slo Joe to remain the figurehead until January of 2025.

    Giggles? Sure, I think many Democrats would love to see her go quietly, but her replacement would HAVE to be another woman of color. Absolutely have to. Despite the repeated suggestions I don’t think the Obamas have any interest in Michelle entering the spotlight. They’ve got everything they want now; wealth, fame, adulation, and no real responsibilities…for the rest of their lives.

    But it’s clear the Democrat-Media complex wants this administration to be one term and a fresh start in 2024. They’re slowly laying the bricks to block off any chance of either Biden or Harris being on the next Democrat ticket

  51. It’s also possible they don’t have to be replaced at all.
    They’re doing EXACTLY WHAT THEY HAVE TO DO. (IOW what they’ve been doing/not doing up till now and even as we speak…)
    And the media is running simply fabulous, creative and ingenious interference.

    (That last should be “disingenuous” of course. Grossly, disgustingly disingenuous interference…but that’s the media for ye’…)

    I’m positive that no matter what spews from “Biden”‘s teflon mouth, he’ll have at least a dozen more “Reagan” or “FDR” or “JFK” or “AEN” (Alfred E. Newman) moments….

    So why change?

    File under: “How [cynical can one get]? Let me count the ways….”

  52. So why change?

    Because Democrats are looking at disaster in 2022 and 2024 with a great loss of political power and a genuine conservative reset maybe lasting for the rest of the decade. Dem consultants Ruy Teixeira and James Carville are issuing storm warnings on that account.

    It’s even possible some Democrats are concerned about the fate of the nation given Biden/Harris’s unfitness for the presidency.

    I don’t believe this is the plan or that the Democrat-Tech-Media complex is serenely sailing ahead confident of its power. I think they are desperate and they should be.

    I fear they will attempt to cut this Gordian Knot with (more) outright fascism.

  53. “I fear they will attempt to cut this Gordian Knot with (more) outright fascism.”

    Precisely. But this presumes, of course, that they’re not “outright” fascists right now. (E.g., Russiagate, Jan. 6, the southern border and the fentanyl fiesta, inflation used as a “tool”, etc., etc….)

    In any event, it likely means we’re looking at another stolen electon (if not “executed” exactly in the same manner).

    (After all, it’s always the first crime that’s the hardest… After you get over that hurdle well, it gets progressively easier till it’s a piece of cake.)

    OTOH, how can it possibly be fascism if the media, with another patented “Head Start” program, has already been painting the Trumpist Deplorables (including any non-“Biden”-supporting GOP members) as to the right of Mussolini…

  54. Someone say anything about fascism?
    Well, there’s always Michael Flynn prosecution…et al.
    And then there’s “collateral damage” from the Flynn case—Bijan Rafiekian—who was freed on appeal after two years appeal only to have his conviction reinstated…

    …One hopes his ordeal is finally over:

  55. See, the problem is that if you get rid of Biden, you risk opening that HYUGE corruption can a’ worms.

    And you just can’t do that….

    Mostly because Joe’s clean.. He said so himself—…or mostly clean….

    Ah, but Hunter. Yes, Hunter’s been a naughty boy at times, that’s true. And SO CARELESS, the little bugger. But boys will be boys…right? And deep down he’s really a decent guy. Very, very deep down….

    Hey, why don’t we just “…google “Mobile Accord Cuba” to see what Hunter et al were interested in just before they hared off to Ukraine after US regime change coup in Ukraine”—
    H/T Hans Mahncke twitter feed.

  56. My question is: Why would the Democrats want to get rid
    of Biden and Harris? We see them as failed. Yet, what they are doing is exactly what the Dens want. Open borders, war on fossil fuels, proclaiming climate change as our number one problem, weak/nonexistent foreign policy, out-of-control spending, a broken supply chain, proxy war in Ukraine and more. Except for those citizens who are complaining about gas prices and inflation, what’s not to like for Democrats? Yeah, their poll numbers aren’t good and the MSM is having to labor hard to cover all the ineptitude. But think how much harder they will have to work to cover up a plot/scheme to get rid of Biden/Harris and replace them with people who will do their bidding yet be more acceptable to moderate voters. I think this idea is some pipe dream of a Beltway pundit who sees this as a way to avoid the coming defeat in the midterms. I’m skeptical that there’s anything to it.

  57. Why would the Democrats want to get rid
    of Biden and Harris? We see them as failed. Yet, what they are doing is exactly what the Dens want.


    However, Democrats really don’t want the Party to lose power then face serious reversals of all their policies.

    Why is this so hard to understand?

  58. I think J.J. is correct. I think today’s Democrats are no longer motivated in the straightforward way described by huxley. I think they assume they now have a lock on power. They are perfecting their political machine’s ability to control elections, as outlined in the Time story about their ‘cabal.’ They have control of the mainstream media and the big tech platforms. Today’s left thinks of itself as part of a global elite. They think they are ushering the U.S. into a new era in which there will be equity among nations. This is basically the Obama doctrine — whether or not he is actually pulling the strings of this administration, and he very well might be, it’s clearly his same ideology that is being enacted. Take the U.S. down a peg, bow out from being the so-called world’s policeman, and a natural harmonious order will emerge. With them in charge of course. Same old story. Obama did a pretty good job pretending none of this was the case. He fooled a lot of people. Biden can’t do that, but I think the Obama faction has decided this serves them quite well. Let the world think it’s just a really unfortunate choice, that Biden’s policy blunders are a series of gaffes and mistakes. That is actually a pretty good smokescreen behind which to hide their agenda.
    If this is so, then as J.J. says, the Democrats in power are content with the current team for reasons of their own.

  59. Sarah Rolph:

    Well, let’s break it down a bit.

    Let’s ask the question: If Democrats realized their actions would lead to them to lose terribly in the 2022 and 2024 elections, would they nonetheless continue as they have because the Biden administration was weakening America in ways they consider desirable?

    I say no. What say you?

    Your point seems to be that Democrats believe they have locked down the US sufficiently well so they are largely immune to losing elections, so they can continue to double-down and do as they please.

    I disagree.

    Since Biden was elected his administration has been partying as though it were 2009 and they had Obama’s big mandate and majorities to transform America. However, just about all their big plans to pass multi-trillion bills, pack the Supreme Court, enact federal election laws enabling fraud, make DC and Puerto Rico states, etc. have failed.

    They have huffed and they have puffed. They have bluffed and they have threatened. But America has not rolled over for them as they expected. Biden’s polls keep dropping. Harris manages to do even worse. The 2022 midterms look like a bloodbath coming at them. Nothing is going their way.

    Unless one holds to the position that the Democrats can dial in the results they wish on election night, reality will intrude big time on Democrat dreams of power.

    Stuff works until it doesn’t and I say the Democrats’ grift has stopped working.

    Some of them are realizing it. Hence the NY Times article which Roger Kimball divines as a desire to oust Biden and Harris. Hence, the warnings from Teixeira, Carville and even Bill Maher.

    I suspect more Democrats realize it but don’t know what to do. The closer we get to November, the more desperation we will see from Democrats.

  60. Sarah’s absolutely correct here.
    After all, if you can fabricate a pandemic, you can pretty much fabricate anything…

    …and it doesn’t matter WHO is purportedly sitting in the Oval Office since for the Democrats it’s all “a pretty good smokescreen”—a fantastic smokescreen, in fact—“behind which to hide their agenda.”
    …Until, perhaps, it become clear to a whole lot of people that it IS a smokescreen, but by then it is either too late and/or the corrupt, loyal media has to pump up the volume and ubiquity of its propaganda several notches.

    But the fact is that the Democrats are in spite of everything, not terribly worried about the elections in November (even, as mentioned above, they probably should be), which raises the question, “Why not”, which itself is answered by Sarah.

    (But should that answer not be sufficient, it should equally be assumed that these absolute masters of skullduggery Democrats have, or believe they have, several other crooked aces up their dirty sleeves.

  61. Barry Meislin:

    Democrats did not fabricate a pandemic; they exaggerated it. And crime doesn’t necessarily become easier because one gets away with it the first time.

    If it were otherwise, the Butch Cassidys and the Sundance Kids would have all the money from American banks. They don’t

    I find this kneejerk pessimism and rush to cynicism untrue and self-defeating.

  62. Ah, Huxley, you’re looking at all this like a REASONABLE, DECENT, MORAL, law-abiding and law-respecting person.

    Of course, you SHOULD be correct. And one SHOULD hope that you in fact are.

    But we’re dealing with some serious, bad-assed, power-crazed criminals who will go anything but “gentle into that good night”.

    Which raises the question: Who’s gonna stop them?

    Hint: Even leaving aside the media and info-tech (whose job it is—and they are performing “heroically”—to take the country “firmly through the looking glass”), look at who’s in charge of the DOJ. For starters.

  63. I would agree with you, but in those days the “Feds” were on the right side….

    Such that, the question here and now is: “Who watches the watchers?” (especially when the media is doing their best to cover up for them…)

    Besides, for those experts at inventing crises, there’ll always be another one to manufacture, push and manipulate. Always.

    After all, “necessity is the mother of invention.”

    Hope I’m wrong.

  64. In re huxley on Team Optimism and JJ, Sarah Rolph, and Barry on Team Pessimissm.

    I hate these real-life social science experiments.
    When (how?) will we know which hypothesis is correct?

  65. When the DOJ starts disqualifying GOP candidates….

    (IOW, the country is not yet sufficiently “united”…)

  66. “Thinking more about the Biden/Harris problem, I just don’t see a practical solution for Democrats.”

    “The goal — replacing Biden/Harris — makes sense, but the mechanics of who goes first, second, the various means, the various votes involved, the thinness of Democrat majorities, their shallow bench and current Party disunity IMO make a straightforward solution impossible.”

    I was calling them “logistics”, but “mechanics” might be better. Anything they do has to ultimately be confirmed by Congress, except maybe Harris stepping into FJB’s shoes. But if they do that, how do they replace her as VP? Even if they made sure than Manchin and Sinema were on board, they still have the problem that Lujen of NM is still in the hospital. Maybe, when he is back, they could try something. Maybe the Republicans might filibuster, etc. Sure, with 50+1 votes, they might tweak the Senate rules to sneak it through – except that the minute that Harris is President, she is no longer VP, and there goes there +1 majority. Maybe they could argue that she was just acting President, but still sitting VP, but then they couldn’t fill the VP slot because it was already occupied.

    Things are just going to get worse in November. The House is likely to shift massively, with possibly up to a 100 seat swing. They are very likely to investigate the heck out of the Administration (which is why it would be better for them if Biden were gone by then). It’s probably going to be a fairly militant Republican majority, with the fire breathers primarying a lot of moderates out. How do they get anyone through the House, who is the least bit tolerable to the Dem mainstream? They are even talking making Trump Speaker so that he can move back into the White House, if FJB and Harris are removed. The Senate is likely to flip too, but not as decisively.

    Could they cheat enough in November to keep control of Congress? I seriously doubt it. If you look at their cheating here in AZ in 2020, it is fairly evident that they blew their wad to give FJB a 10k and Giffords-Kelly a 20k win. They appear to have manufactured maybe over a half million bogus votes to do it. There was illegal ballot harvesting, ignoring signature requirements, counting ballots on the wrong paper, printed with the wrong printer, etc. The mail in election was illegal in the first place. They used every trick in the book to shift that many votes, and the Republicans now have a check list, distributed around the country, of what to look for. Then, on top of this, election laws have been tightened up around the country too. About the only thing that I could see delaying this would be a legitimate implementation of martial law, as a result of a major war with either Russia or China.

    Is that what’s going on with Ukraine? Maybe, but I don’t think so. I think instead that the Administration is a rudderless ship right now, run to some extent by panicking 29 year olds, with their figurehead, FJB, jumping into character at rare times, screwing things up worse. We shall see.

  67. Aesopfan: “When (how?) will we know which hypothesis is correct?”

    I would guess that such a scheme would have to be completed by late July, early August. Any move to remove either Harris or Pelosi would be a signal of the beginning of the plan.

  68. huxley, maybe we are talking about different Democrats.
    I don’t doubt that there are lots of upset Democrat voters who share your views and your analysis. And probably quite a few elected officials; experience shows that most politicians care about nothing *but* re-election. But the Democrat party leadership, it appears, is now made up of radical leftists who honestly believe they are on a mission to “fundamentally transform” this country. The actions these radicals have taken against their political opponents are like nothing we have seen in this country before.
    I actually am an optimist myself. I was astonished when neo said a while back that she thought the country was lost — I can’t remember exactly how she put it, but I argued strongly against that view. I still believe we can save our country and bring it back in line with its founding principles. But it’s clear we are going to have to really fight for it.

  69. I was in the process of editing my comment to make it less long-winded, but my edits were so long-winded it timed out. Ha!
    The key point is that I think the Democrats really do not care about the voters right now. Yes, that is unprecedented, but so are a lot of things right now! They think they don’t have to care, because they think they have the whole thing sewn up. Not just the elections, but everything, the capture of the institutions, and the process of purging the deplorables from public life. I don’t think they will succeed in the long run, but they sure are succeeding right now more than I ever imagined they could. So that’s why I think it’s really important to try to see things as they are.

  70. But although the Democrats and all their working and supporting parts are largely responsible, it goes much deeper than that. Just the fact that a SCOTUS nominee, an affirmative action pick, a woman who couldn’t define what a woman is, shows just how completely lost we are as a nation, a culture, a civilization. And that is but one example. It’s not just political and it’s not something we can vote our way out of. It’s a loss of contact with reality at the most fundamental level.Physical reality, mental reality, spiritual reality. It is insanity. I am not optimistic that we can find our way home.

  71. I find this whole discussion pretty fascinating, and I think the basis for the different ideas of what might happen basically depend on how cynical each person forwarding the idea has become. I feel like I’m to the point where nothing could shock me any more.

    The thing is, there had to be some consideration in the first place that putting Biden in the hot seat would go badly. No one who’s really calling the shots could possibly think that he would have done anything other than what he’s actually done.

    Ditto the Hyena in Heels. She’s not literally senile, but she’s almost as incapable of speaking coherently than His Incontinence. So I’m inclined to vote with the crowd saying that the job they are doing is what is desired, presumably to provide cover for something else, but I can’t imagine what that would be.

    However, I would suggest thinking big.

  72. Obama so devastated the (D) national and state farm teams that a failed Midwest mayor was a “viable” candidate well into 2020.

    Covid, this admin and Hollywood might do the same for the local benches (VA and FL show dramatic shifts in local engagement)

    It’s going to be bumpy.

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