Home » Jussie Smollett found guilty on 5 of 6 counts


Jussie Smollett found guilty on 5 of 6 counts — 37 Comments

  1. Juicy and his arrogant responses the other day to the Prosecutor’s questions did himself not favors.

  2. Black humor alert: I predict one of President Harris’s first acts will be to pardon poor Jussie… truth over facts!

    Is…’black’ humor racist? Black comedians take note.

  3. Tricky needle for the judge to thread, sentencing-wise. More than anything, Smollett, Michelle Obama, the former DA and half of Hollywood were really sticking it to the Chicago Police. They deserve vindication, and I imagine that is on the Judge’s mind, but such charges rarely get jail time. A disproportionate punishment would be fuel for the gristmill of race hucksters.

  4. As expressed in Kickin’ It: A Musical Journey through the Betty Ford Center:

    He’s guilty of mayhem, exposure indecent…
    Freaked-out behavior both chronic and recent…
    Drinking and driving, narcotics posession…
    And that’s just page one of this ten-page confession.

    I should put you away where you can’t kill or maim us,
    But this is L.A. and you’re rich and famous!

    I do not think Mr Smollett will spend much time in jail, no.

  5. Time for the Department of Corrections to put out to tender an order for Undroppable Soap.

    But can’t be Soap on a Rope. Triggering much.

  6. Don’t worry he has no reason to be Epsteined.

    Community service with reduced sentence for good behavior. Not like he was part of an Insurrection or something.

  7. Jonathan Turley thinks he was trying for the OJ ploy, jury nullification, and his arrogance in the courtroom against the prosecutor and the judge seemed almost delusionally narcissistic – …yeah sure I faked it, but let me off ‘cuz you know it’s a righteous cause bro. But I guess Juicy just ain’t ‘the Juice’, after all.

    Interesting to contemplate, for a moment: We’ve had two important cases decided in the past month regarding modern-society, politically and racially-charged issues, the Rittenhouse and Smollett cases. And in both of those, the POTUS and VPOTUS came out strong, vocally and in social media, since Day 1 on both cases – with precisely the opposite finding of two citizen juries.

  8. Community service, where he will pledge to create a program to help disadvantaged gay black kids and never show up for it.

  9. The sentencing is an interesting issue. Kim Foxx, the Soros DA, refused to prosecute and was replaced by a special prosecutor. This hoax cost a lot of money. I would not be surprised if the judge throws a small book at him. We’ll see.

  10. I don’t think any of the charges carried particularly long sentences. Since they all arose out of the same acts, they are not candidates for consecutive sentences and should result in concurrent sentences.

    What would the sentence be if Smollett were some schmuck you never heard of? Maybe 6 months?

    I think the real punishment here is the trial and the humiliation. Now people will always point fingers at him and snicker.

  11. I sometimes feel sorry for liberals: it must be disheartening to repeatedly discover, time and time again (Rittenhouse, Sandman, Smollet, Brown, Martin), that they are almost always completely and unequivocally wrong in their opinions on these cases. But that’s what happens when your opinion is based on what will advance your narrative, rather than on the facts on the ground, common sense, and a sense of fair play.

  12. I’m looking to see what remains of Smollett’s life after this. Not very much, I suspect.

    He’s a snitch and a punk, whose lame-ass plot hardly fooled anyone who thought about it for more than five minutes and emabarrassed many top-shelf lefties who didn’t, then publicly rushed to judgment in his favor.

    Who will hire him? Who will have him on their talk show? Who will buy his book, if he’s foolish enough (and he probably is) to write one?

    He’s got a loser stink all over him, he brought it on himself and I don’t see how he gets it off without going born-again and working 20 years in a soup kitchen.

  13. Even “The Daily Beast” is deserting Smollett and puttng the boot in:

    At the time, Smollett appeared to have indulged in such attention and instant publicity, flexing before a packed L.A. concert shortly after the alleged attack.

    “And above all, I fought the fuck back,” he said to cheers during the show. “I’m the gay Tupac.”

    Everyone – from then-presidential candidates Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, and Bernie Sanders – to myself, instantly poured out support and concern for him. It was too hard to believe that any of this could be made up, because what kind of person would do something like this?


  14. This young fella has himself in a very bad spot. My reflexive instinct is to feel sadness seeing a young man destroy his future through a single stupid act – I was young and did stupid things once – but Jussie is a complete clown and an utterly unsympathetic figure.
    Some background: the hoax was staged in Chicago’s 42nd Ward, which gave 75.5% of its vote to the man who heroically vanquished Corn Pop vs. 22.8% to DJT. “This is MAGA Country”? Good Lord. He clearly thinks we are all idiots.

  15. Scott —

    He clearly thinks we are all idiots.

    What’s the saying? “Liberals always project”?

  16. Stephen Kruizer, at PJ Media, suggests that people who fake hate crimes should be sentenced to twice the term which would have been given to the perpetrator had the hate crime been real. We won’t see that, alas. But I think the City of Chicago has a claim against Smollett for the cost of its investigation. I hope at least he’ll be forced to pay up.

  17. I’d never heard his name before this con job hit the papers. Evidently he was fitfully employed as a juvenile performer during the period running from 1991-95 and then returned to performing in 2009, though he appears to have had f/t screen work only during the period running from 2015 to 2019. By one account, he’s one of six children, all of whom have stupid names beginning with ‘J’.

  18. I think he will do time, and I think people should expect him to do time. I understand various hoaxes are often cries for help. I don’t see that with this case. It’s been pretty clear that Smollett was using this as leverage. He was committing fraud in so many different ways. His actions on the witness stand showed no remorse.

  19. Like – Art Deco: I had never heard of this man before his con job and even then it was when it blew up on him that he really made the news. Now he is guilty, he needs to get some punishment and I hope I never hear his name again.

  20. I’m no lawyer but it seems to me that faking a hate crime IS a hate crime and he should be prosecuted accordingly.

    That said, this is a singularly unappealing man who has made a true horse’s a$$ of himself for all the world to see. There is that.

  21. Could have started riots with the accusation.
    Fine heavy enough that he has to take out a loan or sell property.

    Nine months in county, long enough to regret not taking a plea deal, short enough to not suffer permanent damage(probably)

  22. I would be surprised if he does any time; and moreover, I am waiting to see the spin from those on the left.

    Soon, we will be hearing things like Smollett is such a victim of racism and anti-gay bigotry that he had, just had, to fake this crime to bring attention to such crimes. And he will be praised for being so brave!

    And, some time soon it will be evident that it is all Trump’s fault for Trump created the “climate of hate” that people like Smollett are victims no matter what they do.

    If not that kind of spin, it will be something like that.

  23. Soon, we will be hearing things like

    No, it will go down the memory hole. Just too embarrassing. The more vulgar sort of leftoid will try diversions.

  24. Could have started riots with the accusation.
    Fine heavy enough that he has to take out a loan or sell property.


    Too true.

    I think we can expect him to pay the full-boat $130K expense for wasted police work. Although I’m cynical enough to expect him to get off without jail time, we may be surprised. He really did piss off the Chicago PD and no doubt others.

    According to various sources, Smollett is currently worth $500K to $1.1 million. He was making $100,000 per episode when he lost his job on the “Empire” TV show due to the hate crime controversy. As far as I know, he hasn’t worked since.

    I don’t see a bright future for Jussie. It wouldn’t surprise me if he descends farther into drugs and perhaps dealing to make money.

  25. Scott
    Some background: the hoax was staged in Chicago’s 42nd Ward, which gave 75.5% of its vote to the man who heroically vanquished Corn Pop vs. 22.8% to DJT. “This is MAGA Country”? Good Lord. He clearly thinks we are all idiots.

    Not to mention that the hoax was staged- IIRC -in 10 degree weather at 1:30 in the morning. How many bad guys are going to hang around at that time of day and in that weather in search of a victim? How many victims are likely to be out and about at that time of day and in that weather? Well, if the “victim” is paying you a couple of thou do do the deed…

    I like Jussie’s having to repay the police costs for the investigation.

    We can only hope that more perpetuators of fake hate crimes will get similar treatment. Hope against hope…

    Recently I read somewhere that 15% of reported hate crimes are faked. That’s a much smaller percentage than I had expected. It leads me to conclude that of the reported hate crimes that get a lot of publicity, substantially more than 15% are faked.

  26. Gringo wrote: “Recently I read somewhere that 15% of reported hate crimes are faked. ”

    Comes from this guy:

    Listening to Bari Weiss interview him at this very moment. Here’s the interview

    Basically, the higher the profile, the more likely it’s fake, according to his research.

  27. Limbaugh said that, if there had been good footage of the fake, the networks would have been running a continuous loop 24/7. This would have caused riots everywhere and inevitable loss of life.
    Should be considered in sentencing.

  28. My prediction;

    just as the progressives brought back from the dead that CNN commentator who pleasured himself on the air and that other “news” anchor who claimed he was “under fire” when in Kosovo – among other lies, I predict Smollet will be made out a hero.

    Just give it time.

    If he goes to jail ( I doubt it will happen) he will be giving jailhouse interviews and proclaim how sorry he is and how Trump’s presidency caused him to lose his mind and do stupid shite. You know, he was FORCED to do what he did.

    He will have progressives feeling sorry for him in no time.

    If he does not go to jail, he will be giving not-in-jail interviews, proclaim how sorry he is and how Trump made him do something he says he regrets (but you will see, he will not regret it; just give it time folks).

    And in a few years, he will be back on TV (along with his soon to be best pal Chris Cuomo, who is just beginning his temporary exile from the progressive propaganda outlets).

    Progressives; they never give up, never surrender (as they said repeatedly in that really great comedy movie , “Galaxy Quest”).

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