Home » Joe Biden lies about the new Georgia voting law


Joe Biden lies about the new Georgia voting law — 26 Comments

  1. George McGovern is dead. Nat Hentoff is dead. You arguably have some square shooters among public intellectuals (Dershowitz, Greenwald, Taibbi, Weiss, deBoer) and even a few politicians (Tulsi). Otherwise, it’s what Kurt Schlichter says – every tool in their rhetorical kit is a lie. It did not used to be this way.

  2. I would like to know who is at the other end of the line to Biden’s ear piece. He is positioning his administration for catastrophic changes in energy policy. Not just lies but massive changes.


  3. Definitions, definitions, definitions.

    We seem to be forgetting that trying to ensure fair elections—trying to make sure that NEITHER side can cheat, engage in electoral fraud, steal votes, etc.—and passing laws intended to achieve this…is defined as:


    Something only a morally bankrupt, ethical ly-challenged imbecile would try to do.

    Besides, accusing a man suffering from dementia—a 78 or whatever year-old-man—is downright nasty.


    I say, let him and his henchpeople lie as much as he/they want/s to.

    Does anybody really care?

    Actually, we’re already there.

    File under: If you want to keep your country, you can keep your country.

  4. It’s working, from the Democrats’ point of view. Progressives are in a blind rage about this.

    I have sometimes ventured, on Facebook, to correct some widely circulated falsehood believed by progressives. I try to be, and I think I’m at least somewhat successful, straightforwardly factual–no partisan slams or snark. And I always mention my main reason for doing it, which is that believing falsehoods about our opponents unnecessarily increases the level of mutual antagonism in our politics, and is bad for all of us.

    A few days ago a progressive friend was denouncing the Georgia law and included the claim that it forbids giving water to people waiting to vote. Well, that’s pretty much false, and can be easily refuted by citing the text of the law. It’s pretty standard no-inducements-to-voters stuff, and there’s nothing that prohibits the poll workers from making water available–you just can’t have your campaign workers handing out bottles with Vote For Smith on them, etc.

    I got the most rage-filled response I’ve ever experienced. No mention of the water business, just rage that I would even suggest that the law had any purpose except to further racism etc etc. It included enough personal insult to make it a friendship-ender. Like I said, blind rage.

  5. I got the most rage-filled response I’ve ever experienced. No mention of the water business, just rage that I would even suggest that the law had any purpose except to further racism etc etc. It included enough personal insult to make it a friendship-ender. Like I said, blind rage.

    ‘Bout how old is this quondam friend of yours?

  6. I believe that a Big Bad Event will occur, like China invading Taiwan, wiping out our aircraft carrier in the process, and until that time Ol’ Joe will abide. Though that may be too far across the Pacific to matter. We have a darky as SecDef who is more concerned with diversity (pregnant fighter pilots flying, etc) than preparedness, though the military has been exceedingly diverse already (paying for transgender surgery!), which is how he became a general himself.

    It is truly amazing, as if the USA got ill and vomited up these intestinal worms, er, awful people, into high office.

    The alternative is that the collusion of Russia, China and Iran, with withering Western Europe sitting on the sidelines, will slowly strangle America while China continues its neo-colonization of Africa unabated. Using US $ of course, because we have to buy our stuff from them.

    There has never been a worse prospect for the USA, not even if the South had won the war.

  7. “‘Bout how old is this quondam friend of yours?”

    Fifty-ish. Not a really close friend, fortunately.

  8. @Cicero:

    The best possible outcome at this stage is for a resurgent white faction in the coming civil war to cut a deal with China (Russia is fever dreams stuff) for guns and stuff in return for a US successor state’s non-interventionist foreign policy. Can get back to the Alfred Thayer Mahan stuff in about the 2200 if you pull through and still want to. A hundred odd years of autarchy ought to do it.

    Europe, Japan, Korea, Israel, etc. will just have to cut their own deals with China. Israel being a small state has double dealings with all of these anyway so it’s no big deal for them. Plus they have nukes.

    Same deal for Iran.. What Israel and Iran and whoever and their goats get up to in the Middle East is less and less strategically important to people in the USA today. Let them sort themselves out and whoever is left standing in what was once the USA can later cut deals with whoever is left standing in the Middle East.

    As for China having Africa: they deserve each other.

    A Resurgent China is not forever. Their own demographic and other ‘contradictions’ will get them in the end. But for once, just once, let’s do the smart thing and step aside judo-wise and let their own momentum take them over the edge.

  9. Only fly in above ointment is that if the Chinese put Rods from God and lasers into orbit first, they become global hegemon in one stroke. Still, that’s no worse than GloboHomo nuking you from orbit because you didn’t wear your rainbow ribbon when you went outside your house this morning. Or GloboHomo Predators firing Hellfires at Afghan weddings and then inviting the surviving guests to come live in Des Moines.

    Prime considerations are time and space to re-group and clean house and rebuild a civilization and an industrial base. Everything else is frills and fripperies.

  10. The puzzlement for me isn’t what Biden said, it’s what Kessler wrote.

    Yes a puzzlement indeed. What’s the answer? This is a distant possibility.

    Jeff Bezos said Tuesday [Feb. 2] that he will step down as chief executive of Amazon, leaving the helm of the company he founded 27 years ago.

    Bezos will transition to the role of executive chair in the third quarter of this year, which starts July 1, the company said. Andy Jassy, the chief executive of Amazon Web Services, will take over as CEO of Amazon.

    In a memo to employees, Bezos said the transition will give him “the time and energy I need to focus on the Day 1 Fund, the Bezos Earth Fund, Blue Origin, The Washington Post, and my other passions.”

    July 1 is months away, but … Maybe journalists or an editor in chief run amok might begin to worry. I believe I’ve read that Bezos is a very hands-on and tough boss.

  11. Biden ran his campaign on lies (“fine people” hoax, racism, racism, racism) and got away with it. He thinks he can tell any lie and people will swallow it.

  12. Biden ran his campaign on lies (“fine people” hoax, racism, racism, racism) and got away with it. He thinks he can tell any lie and people will swallow it.

    Sorry but Biden, as an individual, did not “run his campaign. He is a demented old man run as a symbol of days gone by for the older Democrat voters. “His” administration is run by young new leftists who have plans that would not be accepted by the remnant of the Democrat Party to the right of the Weathermen.

  13. @Zaphod:
    “As for China having Africa: they deserve each other.”
    Trouble with that is that Africa has the richest, most diverse oil and mineral resources on the planet, plus greedy, corrupt and stupid politicians running the tribes. China will own the continent (Sub-Sahara–nobody wants the leftovers of Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, do they?) and the tribal chiefs, er, presidents, will see to China’s will.
    It is all part of the Belt and Road scheme. It will be over by 2050, and that is only 29 years (or so) from now.

  14. Just because Ward-heeler Joe is mentally deficient from dementia doesn’t mean he’s no longer able to lie – especially if that simply involves a pre-briefing, a few needle-cocktails, and reading the script in extra-large font from the Jumbo-prompter.

    Did you hear that Major bit someone else today, another WH Staffer? Medical treatment required. Biden said “You turn a corner, and there’s two people you don’t know at all. And (Major) moves to protect,” said Biden. “But he’s a sweet dog. Eighty-five percent of the people there love him. He just — all he does is lick them and wag his tail. But … I realize some people, understandably, are afraid of dogs to begin with.”

    Who do those fearful people think they are, anyway? Don’t they know they’re upsetting Major?

  15. @Cicero:

    I’m aware of the vast resources in Africa and what it takes in terms of fighting man and nature to get at them. I was born there.

    Trouble with us is that we have zero societal will to do anything about it and even if we tried, would do a less than half-assed job because we cannot be properly Machiavellian or race realist — not problems the Chinese have.

    Therefore sadly have to Pareto it until such times as we have cleaned house, so to speak. Believe me I wish weren’t so.

    Whitey Remnant (at least) is going to have to break character and start playing the Long Game. And I mean Long.

    PS: I would also put India and China in the basket of Peoples Who Deserve Each Other. India in no way is or can ever be a peer competitor with China. But it can be a helpful drag. Good. Let them keep at each other and good luck to them both and we don’t need to have a dog in that one either.

  16. “Not a single expert we consulted who has studied the law understood why Biden made this claim”

    So they are experts, but clueless? They are defenders of the lie.

    The clam is made as a bald face lie to be believed by the party members as more than truth. Like 2+2=5 or 3 or 2 or all of them at once.

    It allows the news to report that the Republicans are trying to disenfranchise minorities nothing more.

  17. For a lot of Democrats, I don’t think it’s even lying, in the sense of knowingly telling an untruth. They believe it. They’ve worked themselves into such a state of hatred toward Republicans that the master truth–that Republicans are white supremacists attempting to establish a white supremacist dictatorship–makes all details irrelevant. As in my anecdote above about giving water to voters–those who raged at me never referred to the specific fact at issue, but just battered away at the master truth. There is no doubt whatever in my mind that they believe it. And I think it’s entirely possible that the same is true of Biden. No doubt there are plenty of savvy and cynical operatives within the party who know exactly what they’re doing, and Biden may be one of them. Maybe he knew at one time but bought so heavily into the lie that he now believes it…or just doesn’t care as long as he gets to be president…who knows?

  18. Lets get on board with vaccination ID’s. Most, if not all, of us already have vaccination records. You remember those little yellow books with our MMR, Polio, and other vaccination signoffs by our family doctors.

    Then, viola, we have our voter ID’s automatically. If you dont have a vaccination ID, you cannot vote. Pretty simple.

  19. Aggie, on the Biden dog’s biting problem: It’s a German Shepherd. They need good, consistent training. Major apparently hasn’t received that. And when he bites someone who was not threatening, his owner blames the human, not the poorly-trained dog.

  20. For a lot of Democrats, I don’t think it’s even lying, in the sense of knowingly telling an untruth. They believe it. They’ve worked themselves into such a state of hatred toward Republicans that the master truth–that Republicans are white supremacists attempting to establish a white supremacist dictatorship–makes all details irrelevant.


  21. Ed:

    That was my thought at first — use the vaccination ID as a voter ID too — but the problem is, vaccination IDs will be available to all who get the shots, whether they’re citizens or not.

    Now if we could add another line saying something like: “US citizen and resident of _____ state,” then it would work. What’s the likelihood Democratic officials will allow this?

  22. Kate:

    Cleary the former president is to blame, not Major, or Creepy Joe, or ….. said Raggedy Ann.

  23. I’ve had protection trained GSDs for 40 years and they’ve never bit anyone I didn’t tell them to bite. It is possible to inadvertently trigger a trained dog’s protection instinct and training – for example; coming fast around a corner at them and their handler – but a properly trained GSD will stop advancing the second he gets the command to ‘out’. Astonishing that the Biden’s – who are guarded by experienced canine teams – have not had Major properly trained – it’s not like they don’t have access to the expertise. Major looks like a quality dog, just more proof of what an idiot Biden is to waste potential like that.
    My current GSD was in the top ten at the North American Schutzhund trial a few years ago. I take him out everywhere, dinner, shopping, etc. and he gets mobbed by adults and kids and just sits there and laps it up. He looks and acts so heroic LOL, really, he ought to be wearing a cape!

  24. Pingback:Why new facts often don’t matter once a belief system has been established | Simply America

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