Home » Open thread 3/31/21


Open thread 3/31/21 — 22 Comments

  1. I’ve been following the Branco report on the Chauvin trial at Legal Insurrection. It looks like the prosecutor has been relying on witnesses who simply saw Floyd lying on the ground. They had no idea how he was acting before Chauvin held him down. All they knew was that he was black and Chauvin was white. I am so sick of this. I hope Chauvin’s lawyer can supply some background and devaluate the prosecutor’s case. This drug-using crook is not worth burning up a city over. I’m also sick of everything being about race.

  2. expat: Not worth burning a city over, OR a $27 million settlement from the city. We live in strange times.

    Regarding the parrot telling the dog to be quiet, I’ve owned several African grey parrots. I have never known one to do more than repeat something he heard someone say under similar circumstances. We have one now that says “chip” when he wants us to give him something to eat, probably because one of us at one time offered him a chip while saying “chip”. He says this when he wants a peanut or a bite of our toast or whatever. “Chip” clearly means “food” to him.

    They are also infuriatingly adept at remembering and repeating something you said in a moment of anger or frustration — the one thing you don’t want your in-laws or children hearing in your voice.

  3. My sister has an Amazon parrot that has a large vocabulary, including some 4 letter types from my slip of the tongue.

  4. I’ve always wanted a parrot that would say “Of course I can talk! Can you fly?”

  5. I’m going to a FedSoc meeting with Sen. Ben Sasse tonight!

    DDB question: Why did you stupidly vote to convict Donald Trump after he was out of office?

  6. I’m listening to Viva Frei and Barnes live right now and their guest is another YouTube star, Doomcock.

    I don’t know what to make of my two distinctly different worlds, my interest in politics and my interest in Sci-Fi movies colliding like this. Dogs and Cats living together.

  7. For about a decade I used to bird sit months at a time for a friend’s Brazilian Yellow Nape. I still have the scars. When he was troublesome and I covered the cage he would mutter apologetically, claiming to be ‘a good bird’. Loved that bird! He used to do a long drawn out version of said friend’s toddler throwing a tantrum. Too funny.
    I laughed at that until the day I heard him imitating me on the phone to my sister! Crackle used to love to shower with people and before my friend moved away I had got him as far as ‘singin’ – and will always regret not getting all the way through ‘Singing In The Rain’. If I’d known about youtube I would have worked harder.
    Cornhead, expecting a full report tomorrow.

  8. And on a related note…both that bird & that dog need to be set free…outside…a long way from the house. If they find their way home…I wouldn’t be responsible for my actions.

  9. I am Spartacus

    Nerdrotic too? How did I miss that? Of all the pop-culture guys on YouTube, Gary is my favorite.

  10. As a mention of literacy was made the other day … Has anyone noticed the profoundly awkward and deteriorating grammar of many Wikipedia entries?

    It seems especially obvious to me where the authors attempt historical narratives.

    An extensive recourse to the passive voice and to awkward verb phrases looks to be particularly pronounced.

    This, having been the anniversary of the death of Robert Falcon Scott, I was coincidentally reading some accounts of his fatal return from the pole; including the current Wikipedia article.

    It’s astonishing how bad it is. Our crew of non-grammarians do better – or at least write with greater clarity – here in the com boxes, while just trading off-hand observations in near real time.

    Check it out for yourself.

  11. “Molly+Brown on March 31, 2021 at 8:09 pm said:
    For about a decade I used to bird sit months at a time …. I still have the scars. “

    Why, did you fall off the branch?

    Hahaha … cough cough sputter … ahem … uh, yeah I know. “Day job. Keep it” Sorry.

  12. Years ago, I bought a canary in a cage as a present to my Beloved. (Actually, it was an Anniversary present, and yes, I know the saying about marriage.) Our kids were young, so it was inescapable that he got named “Tweety.” Well, that little guy was just chipper and tweeting and singing his little lungs out all the time. He brightened grey days, dispelled gloom, etc. Then one day, Beloved found a tape of wild canaries singing. We played it for Tweety.

    He never sang again after hearing it. I think it was like someone who sings in the shower, and then hears Luciano Pavorati at the Met.

    He went downhill after that. His little bird toes got longer and longer. His feathers began to shed. Beloved took him to the vet. The vet recommended a fifty-dollar regime of medications. Beloved said “No way we’re spend fifty bucks on a bird!”

    She brought him home, and we gathered the four kids to explain we’d have to put him down. Mercy killing. We had each of us offer a method of execution. It’s rather startling to discover how diabolical one’s offspring can be. One of the girls thought a natural death would be appropriate and suggested putting him a room with the cat. Another was big on efficiency and suggested a framing hammer. We settled on gassing him in a paper bag with the truck exhaust.

    I appointed one of those kids on my Medical Power of Attorney. {shudder}

  13. Cap’n Rusty:

    So apparently you know why the caged bird doesn’t sing.

    That’s quite a cautionary tale.

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