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McConnell tries to undo the damage — 34 Comments

  1. In Africa there is a phrase that comes with the elections, “it is our turn to eat now” as tribes are locked in perpetual warfare. US is in the same position as Dem & Rep engage in interminable war.

  2. Today’s episode of Sesame Street was brought to you by the Letter T, the Color Yellow and the word ‘Meretricious’.

  3. As I think Neo noted a week or more ago, Mitt Romney has claimed that if the GOP produced a presidential nominee right now, it would be Trump. But this morning Senator Bill Cassidy stated on FoxBusiness that it is not possible that Trump would be the nominee in 2024. He wouldn’t even entertain the notion. Curious.

    Neo, what happened to Election 2022? I was sooo looking forward to that one.

  4. It all depends on 2022. If the Democrats have perfected vote fraud for 535 elections, it is all over. I doubt it but am unsure. If the election throws out the Democrats in Congress, there is hope and we can avoid a civil war. If not, get ready.

  5. Mitch had a choice to join with Trump supporters or to join with The Woke.
    On balance he went with Woke.
    Sen Lindsey “Grahamnesty” is another wobbler who will never be trusted.
    Nikki Haley is another.

    It’s hard to understand what they’re thinking. What movie are they watching?

  6. @JimNorCal:

    What movie(s)? The ones the Three Letters send them starring them and farm animals.

    But they’d cuck and betray even without those.

  7. The ‘Murder Turtle’ is only interested in one thing… advancing the interests of DC’s permanent Uni-Party. No one should be under the illusion that we are ruled by a representative government given consent to rule by the governed. That ship is over the horizon. McConnell may look like a nice guy, he’s not. He’s a very cunning politician who’s every word and deed are directed at advancing the power, influence & wealth of those on his ‘team’. We are rubes! We naively follow the back and forth of Dems vs. GOP, believing it’s all about policy, tax rates…etc.
    I’ve come to the conclusion it’s all a shiny object to distract the ADD masses…

  8. To me McConnell is a “riddle wrapped in an enigma”. I don’t think he is all bad, but I am ready for new blood, new ideas.

    The GOP simply must focus on 2022. I hope that Trump does not blur the focus.

    Speaking of that. Donald Trump, you are the “elder statesman”. Embrace the role. Lead the fight in 2022, while helping to find the next President. Then support that person with all of your considerable energy.
    I am sorry, but by 2024 you will be past your ‘sell date’. We all have to face that, and adjust. Don’t lower yourself to Biden’s level by pretending otherwise. =There is no shame in adjusting your sights to realistic targets.

    One more bit of advice for Mr Trump. Now that Pence and Haley have seemingly eliminated themselves, Mike Pompeo is the man. He combines a brilliant intellect and understanding of the world, with consummate toughness., Pump him up early and often. There simply is no one better to lead this country out of the mess it will find itself in by 2024. Ron DeSantis is just a bit behind him in my opinion.

  9. My perception is aligned with Steviej.

    Everything that McConnell says and does is motivated by his responsibility to preserve and advance the interests of the GOPe faction within DC’s permanent Uni-Party.

    That faction’s corruption is part and parcel to the destruction of America. In collaborating in that destruction, they are effectively engaging in treason.

  10. McConnell tries to play the Long Game, but his portfolio of skills specializes in Short Term deal-making gains. I don’t think it will work out for him. He’s never been highly popular, but he’s been successful at bringing home the bacon for his base, and so he gets re-elected. Now he’s a little distracted trying to get his replacement groomed for the Uniparty, and 2024 is a long way away for a guy with a Short Term mentality. I think he’ll say anything that he thinks will make the reporters go away.

  11. Oldflyer: To me McConnell is a “riddle wrapped in an enigma”. I don’t think he is all bad, but I am ready for new blood, new ideas.

    Texas99: He baffles me.

    On Steve Hilton’s “Next Revolution Show” it was pointed out that McConnell’s wife’s family owns a huge ship-building/freight company in China.

    I just looked for another source than just my memory, and, according to an article,


    “. . . the Chinese government finances the construction of the ships for the shipbuilding company, they build the ships, they provide the crews for the ship, and they provide the cargo for the ship. So, the Chinese government could pull the plug tomorrow on this business.”

    Does that suggest anything? Let me think . . . .

    (I apologize for not using the proper format-thingie for the quote, but I’m falling asleep.)

    By the way, like Tucker Carlson, after a bit of earlier hesitancy Hilton has come out swinging lately. I find them both worth watching.

  12. Trump will not be the GOP nominee in 2024.

    But he can play a very large part in getting the Republican nominee elected – if he can keep his ego on a leash.

  13. The first commandment of the Republican Party (if the Republican Party ever wants to be relevant again): Don’t bash Trump.

  14. Cocaine Mitch is a reflection of the Roll Over Party Senators who selected him as their leader.

    Say the name: Ashli Babbitt!

  15. Minta Marie Morze,

    In a recent podcast Joe Rogan mentioned that he and Steve Hilton have been very close friends for a long time. Their families vacation together. That struck me as very interesting. Rogan is very careful to not reveal his politics; he empathizes with any and every guest he has on, but I found that interesting.

  16. Aggie,

    “I don’t think it will work out for him.


    He’s been in the Senate for 34 years and the internet says his net worth is $30 – $50 million. He turned 78 last week, so he’s eligible for Social Security and Medicare. I think he’ll be just fine.

  17. How many on here are even eligible to vote for Mitch? I am, and I voted for him in 2020. Why? because his Democrat socialist opponent would have been even worse.

    Back in 2014, I voted for his opponent in the Republican primaries. That didn’t work out, so it was Mitch or yet another Democrat socialist. No thank you. In 2026 he will be 84 and probably retire. So, we’re stuck with him for another six years unless something else causes him to leave early.

  18. The Dems will let us know who they really fear, besides Trump. Watch for attacks on DeSantis, Pompeo, etc.

  19. Minta: it’s not his squishiness that baffles; I can think of all kinds of reasons for that, financial or otherwise. It’s how the squishiness sometimes disappears and reveals a steely determination to get judicial nominees through the confirmation process. How he reconciles the disparate parts of whatever his philosophy or personal game plan is, is beyond me.

  20. I’m tired of politicians in Morning Coats, Striped Pants, Top Hats, Monocles and Gold Tipped canes. enough already…

  21. Roy:

    I’m going to assume that virtually all of us here would vote for McConnell rather than a Democrat opponent. But there are also many who would like to primary him – preferably with someone who can win. That may be easier said than done.

  22. We see how important McConnell was in electing those USSC justices that ruled out any challenge to the stolen election. ACB and Kavanaugh were both very quiet as Roberts guaranteed the Deep State coup success.

    I don’t trust any of them. Trump is really the only one they fear. I agree he will be too old in 2024 but I see few options. Rand Paul is one. The most important thing now is to see if 2022 can be stolen.

  23. Mitch seems to be for the usual GOPe issues. Conservative on the social issues, judges, the military, and to some extent, spending. He’s in favor of coddling China, because it’s a pocket book issue for his wife’s family. He’s all over the map as to foreign policy, but in the Middle East, like most neocons, he favors military peace-keeping actions. He’s pro Israel, but not excessively so. He has little knowledge or understanding of the typical Trump supporter. He’s been in D.C.so long, they seem to be a disconcerting rabble. Thus, his anti-Trump speech. He thought he was helping to bury Trump. The blowback has shown him he was wrong. So, he’s adjusting his narrative. Like most Republicans he fears the MSM and would prefer not to push back against them too much. His biggest issue, like most long term pols, is raising money and lining his own pockets.

    Due to his long presence in the Senate, Mitch has a good understanding of how to play the political games and plays them as well as anyone. So, he’s not a true conservative and not a populist, but he’s not as bad as a Chuck Schumer or Bernie Sanders would be. A mixed bag, but it could be worse.

    He seems healthy enough at 78, but I was pretty healthy at 78 myself. Age 83 was my last good year. Still pumping somewhat serious iron in the gym, traveling enthusiastically, and relatively sound of mind, I thought I was good for another ten years. In one year I went from hale and hearty to basket case. After 80 things begin to go wrong. When he’s 84, he may well be very ready for retirement.

  24. J.J.:

    I’ve noticed that you use the word “neocon” to mean anyone hawkish on foreign policy. A lot of people use it that way now, but I submit it doesn’t apply to someone like McConnell, who never was a Democratic or on the left, and therefore is not a neocon in the older meaning of the word. Nor are all neocons hawkish, by the way. I’ve got a bunch of older posts on the subject, but at this point I think the horse has left the barn and most people seem to be using it to mean anyone in favor of foreign military intervention.

  25. Trump’s mental and physical health will have to decline rapidly for him to be in Biden type territory.

    Trump has shown and is showing that old age is not necessarily a defining aspect for the office.

  26. Neo: “……but at this point I think the horse has left the barn and most people seem to be using it to mean anyone in favor of foreign military intervention.”

    Yes, and it is, as you point out, a bit careless. And I was taking the easy way out – riding the horse that left the barn. 🙂

  27. J.J.:

    Oh, I know. I’m just especially sensitive to use of the word, because of my former name.

  28. Texan99,

    Mitch seems very consistent to me; he does what is necessary to promote the GOP and its goals. Those often don’t align with Conservatism. It’s like Tom Brady’s goal is to get the team he is quarterbacking to the Super Bowl. He doesn’t have allegiance to ideals.

  29. Mike K,

    I like Rand Paul. A lot. But I don’t think he would be a successful Presidential candidate, nor President. Like his father, his most effective role is likely in the Senate.

  30. Neo – “…there are also many who would like to primary him – preferably with someone who can win.”

    The last time Mitch had a serious primary challenger was in 2014 and that challenger was Matt Bevin, who after losing the primary challenge to Mitch, went on to become a one-term governor. I voted for Bevin in that primary but voted for Mitch in the general.

    Mitch next comes up for reelection in 2026. By then, he will be 84. Unless something comes up between now and then, I think he will retire rather than run again.

    For me, Mitch McConnell has been a mixed bag. He’s better than just about any Democrat, but that’s a very low bar.

    Right now, my three Federal congressmen are Senators Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul, and Congressional rep. Brett Guthrie. All three are Republican and Paul and Guthrie both vote nearly 100% the way I want them to. And Mitch does too – most of the time. Two out of three ain’t bad.

    I’m just glad I don’t live in a place like the SF Bay area or NYC where I would have no representation at all.

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