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Nemesis for the Democrats? — 72 Comments

  1. Hopefully, if Joe Biden faces Nemesis he doesn’t drag the rest of the country down with him.

  2. My fondest hope is that Trump’s AG appoints a Special Counsel for both the Hunter Biden matter and the whole stolen election.

    There’s no doubt in my mind that Hunter paid Joe big money to take or not take official actions when he was VP.

    There’s also no doubt in my mind that numerous federal crimes were committed during the election. Those people need to be caught and prosecuted.

    The Fake News wants to get rid of Joe so they will be happy to accommodate.

    I still can’t believe Biden is going to be inaugurated but I hope the GOP pushes back at every opportunity.

    I hold out a faint hope that some LAW ENFORCEMENT agency seizes some Dominion voting machine and some serious analysis is done.

    My big issue from the day after the election is: Where has the FBI been? The US Attorneys? Trump should fire Wray on the way out the door. Swamp Creature. Let Joe appoint his own lackey; probably Cardinal Comey.

  3. well, the dems got a sociopathic german nazi lifted right out of “Triumph of the Will” in Herr Robert Mueller. maybe they could use a few sociopaths going against them

  4. “I believe that the agencies tasked with investigating Hunter will keep Joe out of it as long as it is decided that he needs protecting, and will throw him under the bus if and when it’s decreed that his time has come.”

    Or if he tries to be in any way independent of what “they” (seems a bit too conspiracy theorist, but it’s awfully hard to avoid) want.

  5. I would remind you all that this was not just election fraud but a multi-state conspiracy run by the highest levels of the criminal jackass party. They are by definition a transnational criminal (and terrorist) organization. They are in cahoots with the CCP. You don’t surrender control to them, you wipe them right the fuck out of existence.

  6. I too would like to see Trump’s AG appoint a Special Counsel before January 20th. Not out of vindictiveness, but because Hunter broke serious laws and because the election was not handled in a constitutional manner. So yes, I’d like to see a Special Counsel appointed.

    Now I’ll add the vindictiveness that gnaws at me: I’d like to see it staffed by 25 strongly partisan Republicans who have always supported Republican candidates, just as the Mueller probe was manned solely by staunch Democrats. But I don’t think you can round up 25 strongly partisan Republicans in all of D.C., I’m sorry to say. How’s that for a sorry state of affairs?

    But I have sat in high counsels of state, and I can tell you Biden cannot do it. Perhaps there was once a time when he could have, but right now he’s entirely out of his depth. Even with his Secretary of State and several senior advisors sitting next to him and handing him cue cards, he could not hold his own with people like Angela Markel, Vladimir Putin or (especially) Xi Zinping. Not a chance. And senior members of the Democratic Party know that better than I do. What must they be thinking right about now, faced with inauguration in less than a month? I wonder how many of them are thinking “we were promised he was just a stake holder and would not be a serious contender against Trump?”

  7. My prediction (with no “evidence”): The people who run the Democratic party have already had Biden sign a letter of resignation dated February 23, 2021, so he can say he served longer than William Henry Harrison. And they are trying to figure out now who will be nominated by President Harris as the new V.P.

  8. Should Joe get in, he’ll be a dementia-ridden lame duck with a conniving, scheming floozie with zero executive ability waiting for him to start drooling on the networks so Obama’s admin can rule from the sidelines with his 3rd term.

    I’m ready for Plan B.

  9. From this released today:

    CISA has determined that this threat poses a grave risk to the Federal Government and state, local, tribal, and territorial governments as well as critical infrastructure entities and other private sector organizations. CISA advises stakeholders to read this Alert and review the enclosed indicators (see Appendix B).

    Key Takeaways
    This is a patient, well-resourced, and focused adversary that has sustained long duration activity on victim networks.

    The SolarWinds Orion supply chain compromise is not the only initial infection vector this APT actor leveraged.

    Not all organizations that have the backdoor delivered through SolarWinds Orion have been targeted by the adversary with follow-on actions.

    Organizations with suspected compromises need to be highly conscious of operational security, including when engaging in incident response activities and planning and implementing remediation plans.

  10. Roland Hirsch:

    They will pick Rachel Levine (PA Health Secretary) for VP unless they can find a BIPOC with the same category of gender ideation. 🙂

  11. Also the Dominion CEO lied through his teeth when he said yesterday that they didn’t use SolarWinds.

  12. We are ‘you know what’. ( I cannot use the word du jour in polite company, old fogey that I am.)

  13. F = they knew that Biden was not capable of being president. But he was the only one that was left who could be remotely electable. They knew that their real candidate Harris would lose in a landslide because she couldn’t even get a primary win, so they put in the two step act. Then they got their fraud machine going and out organized the Republican party.

    They don’t care about holding their own with foreign leaders. Obama certainly couldn’t. But they will be cut into deals while the hollowing out of America resumes. Already the illegal surge is coming.

    But Nemesis is coming. The Nemesis will be the total wreckage of the Blue States finances. New York, Illinois, California, New Jersey, NYC, Chicago are facing unprecedented pressure and at this time no relief is in sight. There will have to be massive restructuring (all blamed on the Republicans) and job losses. It will be difficult to keep those Trans initiative going when the lights go out, fires rages in the forest, hospital shut down in the inner cities, riots and protests spilling into the rich white women neighborhoods and no “Orange Man Bad” to blame. Though they will try anyway.

    This is where we have to stay strong and pressure all Republicans not to cave to entreaties of the desperate. I do see some backbone in Congress re: McConnell and McCarthy. That is the Nemesis that would really cause pain to the uni party. Also re-apportionment is really going to put a hurt on the uni party members as they lose clout.

    The second Nemesis will be the mass dis-obedience of people to all the COVID restrictions particularly if they try and continue them after a large number of people has been vaccinated. Where the tipping point will come is when many restaurants re-open in mass and people go to them.

    Resist and stay strong. Harris is not my president.

  14. Report: Staffer Overheard Chief Justice Roberts Screaming That the Bush V. Gore Precedent Should Be Ignored In Texas Case, Because Now “We Have Riots”

    If this is true. I will point out again. The Left has prevented any LEGAL way to resolve grievances withing the republic. Lying,vote rigging, rioting, and oppression through various extra-legal means (covid).

    You will notice guns and ammo are still flying off the shelves and are basically un available even with connections. This is going to end very very badly. And I am starting to believe sooner rather than later

  15. Neo:

    “If there’s a successful movement by the right and for the right, I believe the form it takes will either be some sort of civil disobedience or something else that I can’t presently foresee, some sort of wild card or black swan.”

    The right can start by practicing nullification at the state level. The blue states did it to Trump. The red states should do it to Biden/Harris/[Obama].


    “We are ‘you know what’.”

    Perhaps not. See this:


    And this:


    Brooks and Tuberville. Both from Alabama. And not super clever, like those savvy GOPe icons Senator Mitch McConnell and Senator John Thune, who are telling us to lie back and think of 2022. Or ex-Senator and ex-AG Jeff Sessions–the guy Tuberville beat going away.

    The MSM will tell you that Tuberville doesn’t even know what the three branches of government are. He’s just a mediocre ex-football coach who blundered into a Senate seat because Alabama voters are as stupid as he is. Why, Brooks and Tuberville are so damn stupid, they still think election fraud is a bad thing! The dumb sumbitches think they can fight it!

    I had to go look it up, but in Elmore Leonard’s “Bandits” (1987) there’s a scene where a cheap con man and his much older ex-bank robber partner visit a military surplus store in Mississippi to buy firearms for a job. The store owner, a right-wing redneck, is a Vietnam veteran. On their way out of the store the con man turns to his older partner, who (it turns out) is a WWII combat veteran, and makes a contemptuous remark about the store owner. The following dialogue ensues:

    Cullen surprised him. “Jack, you haven’t been to war, so don’t say anything, okay?”
    “What’s that got to do with it?”
    “If you don’t believe there’re people like Alvin Cromwell then you’re dumb, that’s all. They’re the kind of guys become regular army and are right there when the time comes we have to fight a war. They’re the ones save our ass.”
    “What’re you getting mad for?”
    “‘Cause you think you’re smart. You think a guy like that’s square that believes in his country and is willing to lay down his life for it. Where were you during Vietnam?”
    “I tried to get in, I told you.”

    If anybody in D.C. saves our ass–and I grant you the prospect is unlikely–it’ll be guys like Mo Brooks and Tommy Tuberville. Guys who are too green or pigheaded to care about the odds.

  16. People, it’s time to start referring to Joe as “Biden*” or President Asterisk.
    Just as sports teams get an asterisk when they, say, win a pennant during a strike-shortened season, Joe will only be Pres due to a fraudulent election.

    h/t Kurt Schlichter

  17. Not My President – Mr. Fraud President
    (or Pres. Fraud*)
    No audit of voting machines.
    Dozens of illegal vote counting behaviors of election officials.
    No real investigation, no punishment – just like FBI cover-up of Clinton illegal email server & her Bribery Foundation.

    New idea – TALK to local police. Get them to agree the election stinks, and the lack of real investigation stinks to high heaven.
    What to do? When the police pull over an American-loving patriot – give them a warning. When they pull over an elite snob lib Dem, give them the full penalty.

    Successful popular protests are successful when the police & military, those on the ground with guns, agree with the protesters. Conservatives need to do a lot more work talking with police officers – and also do more work getting involved in local gov’t. Which is hard, and mostly thankless, especially when you don’t take from Peter to pay Paul, or Hunter, or Chelsea. So many Dems do get thanks from those receiving underserved gov’t cash. Free money.

    Also, constant laughter at how Ignorant and Uninformed the Dem voters are.
    They don’t even know it was Trump who pushed Op. Warp Speed to get the vaccine.

  18. Frankly, there’s one fatal likelihood that negates most, if not all of the above: Biden will not be President long enough to suffer it. Harris will be President before a year is out, at most.

  19. I don’t know if VDH would consider it an aspect of nemesis, but I consider economic difficulties quite likely for the Biden administration — partly because it’s baked in after high unemployment/business losses due to Covid and partly because dialing things back to the Obama years will work even less well than it did then.

    Since the middle-class and lower-middle class are bearing, and will continue to bear, the brunt of the downturn, these are the people who will turn hard against the Democrats.

    It’s a big opportunity for the GOP, if it’s smart and agile enough to take advantage.

    But we must bear down on the voting process as hard as we can too.

  20. I am Spartacus (7:17 pm) said, “they knew that Biden was not capable of being president. But he was the only one that was left who could be remotely electable. They knew that their real candidate Harris would lose in a landslide . . . .”

    Respectfully disagree. Many-to-most of the Democrat candidates were electable. It’s all a matter of who does the vote-counting (*not* who does the voting). [That sentiment is often attributed to Joseph Stalin, but it’s unclear whether he actually said that.]

  21. @Huxley:

    Smart and agile GOP going for the jugular?

    Somewhere else in the Multiverse perhaps. The one we’ve got here longs for death.

  22. huxley (8:05) pm said, “it’s a big opportunity for the GOP, if it’s smart and agile enough to take advantage.”

    “Ay, there’s the rub!”

  23. The [GOP] we’ve got here longs for death.

    Zaphod, M J R: Well, the 2016 GOP did somehow manage to allow Trump to run and win, though not without ambivalence and perhaps by incompetence.

    Nonetheless, as Samuel Johnson (he hated being called Dr. — take that, Jill Biden) once said:

    Depend upon it, sir, when a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully.

    –Samuel Johnson

    I like to think the GOP is not entirely without instincts for self-preservation. It’s clear the Democrats intend to run the US like PRI ran Mexico for 70 years.

  24. It seems to me that the “solution” to this is for the Republicans to do whatever is necessary to prohibit Biden’s removal from office and to obstruct the possibility of a Harris presidency.

    Make the Dems live and suffer with their choice, don’t relieve them of it or reward them for it by permitting someone of greater-than-Biden competence who shares their leftism to take office. Foil their scheme at the penultimate level.

    There are those who will say that such an act would hurt the nation. Of them I ask: First, would a Harris presidency be better for the U.S. than limping through a Biden presidency for four years? Second, do you
    restore rationality to politcs by being rational and fair in the face of an opposition which is irrational and willing to play by any means necessary? Third, since when have the Democrats given a damn about hurting the nation to fulfill their lust for power?

  25. To the generic conservative with ardent liberal friends …

    Joe Biden’s crack head piece of shit son being manipulated by Chinese prostitutes while he sucks on a glass pipe is all on video … his text messages detailing his dealings with the communist Chinese on behalf of his piece of shit father is all there for all to see … his business partner exposing the whole corrupt Biden Family project … it’s all there and broadcast … for anyone with eyes to see; or, that is to say, to anyone who is not deliberately avoiding the information in order to feed their misplaced spite and self-righteously domineering egos.

    Many of these same, you have known for years and call , or at least interact with as friends.

    And then, these same, your, angry middle-aged friends of many decades who refused to look, opportunistically begin their conversations with you by denouncing Trump; and then, immediately upon having dumped their load in your face, cut you off short when you attempt to respond rationally.

    Now, I know that you love them, and understand them, and sympathize with them; because they love their grand kids and their pets and are righteously invested in social justice as they “honestly” see it.

    Yeah, I get all that. But can you get why I could not possibly give a damn if the Antifa or BLM activists they have enabled and apologized for, go wild and turn to burning these enabling and unfit for freedom asswipes right out of their own houses and then murder them in the street?

    Because, horrific and cruel as it sounds and as it would actually be, such an atrocity would work to benefit those who do wish to preserve the republic and their own political and economic liberties … or at least do these same conservatives no greater harm than the conservative’s so-called “friends” did to the polity in which the conservative lived during the span of the liberal “friends” long, obtuse, emotion clouded, vituperative, self-dealing and malignantly self-righteous lives.

    And that, is one hell of a sad state of affairs, when life in this pitiful excuse for a society has been reduced to that …

  26. “I happen to think it will take two years to play out, but many others expect it a lot sooner.” neo

    On the premise that Biden is inaugurated, I expect the determining factor n his removal will be the extent and pace of Biden’s cognitive decline. He may already be close to that point. But whether Biden or Harris, they will only be Obama’s mouthpiece. Obama has publicly alluded to it, “Listen carefully to Obama…” https://www.citizenfreepress.com/breaking/listen-carefully-to-obama/

    “I don’t think a hot civil war is coming. If there’s a successful movement by the right and for the right, I believe the form it takes will either be some sort of civil disobedience or something else that I can’t presently foresee, some sort of wild card or black swan.”

    By its very nature, a wild card or black swan event cannot be ruled out. For instance, if he thinks he has the backing of the Federal Marshalls and enough of the US Military, Trump may declare martial law.

    I don’t foresee civil disobedience working, the democrats won’t tolerate it and will use whatever level of force is needed to dispel protests by the right. They’re not about to let civil protests turn over their apple cart.

    Absent a wild card event and unless one posits that 75 million Americans are going to quietly accept their enslavement, a hot civil war is unavoidable.

  27. Cornhead,

    “My fondest hope is that Trump’s AG appoints a Special Counsel for both the Hunter Biden matter and the whole stolen election.”

    No offense but that would be a vain hope, at least of it amounting to anything substantial. Our legal system is hopelessly corrupted.

    Chases Eagles at 6:47 pm.

    Short of Trump declaring Martial law and making it stick, that is the only remaining remedy.

    I am Sparticus,

    “Nemesis is coming. The Nemesis will be the total wreckage of the Blue States finances. New York, Illinois, California, New Jersey, NYC, Chicago are facing unprecedented pressure and at this time no relief is in sight.”

    They’ll just print more money and raise taxes. But they not only don’t care if those states fall into de facto bankruptcy, it’s their intent to bankrupt middle America. Unemployed, bankrupt people will be utterly dependent upon their savior the Federal Government. They remember FDR’s ‘progress’ in the face of the great depression. The vast majority of desperate people will agree to anything.


    “The right can start by practicing nullification at the state level.”

    Under a democrat administration, any state that tries nullification will have its federal funds immediately cut off. As ‘examples’ must be made, to deter disobedience.

    Tom Grey,

    “New idea – TALK to local police. Get them to agree the election stinks, and the lack of real investigation stinks to high heaven.”

    That’s preaching to the choir in rural areas and some small cities. If you decide to try it in a blue city, be sure to let us know how it works out for you.


    “Since the middle-class and lower-middle class are bearing, and will continue to bear, the brunt of the downturn, these are the people who will turn hard against the Democrats.”

    Yes, however what good will that do… when they are NOT the ones counting the votes?
    As MJR points out, “It’s all a matter of who does the vote-counting” and in the glorious future that the dems envision, only they will be doing the ‘counting’.

    “I like to think the GOP is not entirely without instincts for self-preservation. It’s clear the Democrats intend to run the US like PRI ran Mexico for 70 years.”

    That may well be what the old guard, the Pelosi-Schumer wing envision but what of the AOC faction envision?


    That faction will not be purged until after the deplorables have been crushed. Until then, supportive elements will be needed. Even youthful cannon fodder may be needed.

  28. DNW:

    You write that the truth about Hunter Biden is available:

    …to anyone who is not deliberately avoiding the information in order to feed their misplaced spite and self-righteously domineering egos.

    What about those who haven’t even heard of the information and don’t know they’re avoiding it? What of those who have heard of it but truly believe it is misinformation (faked videos, faked emails, whatever)? What of those who are avoiding it because it’s hard for them to internalize the idea that they have been so wrong, and the difficulty arises not from “misplaced spite and self-righteously domineering egos” but instead from fear of the entire edifice of their beliefs tumbling down around them?

    And leaving out the moral dimensions, let’s just stick to the practical. As I see it, what is going on here cannot be solved in the way you suggest because the problem is rooted in fundamental human nature. You would have to kill more – many more – than half the country to kill all the people who run away from the truth. In addition, the right is hardly immune to it, either, although IMHO there’s not as much of it on the right as on the left. And when you got through with the widespread carnage, the conflagration would have coarsened people and harmed society as we know it, or even be blamed on the right by the left.

    People wouldn’t just pick themselves up and make a great society; that’s not the way these things tend to work. Plus, the same phenomenon would rear its ugly head again – denial in all sorts of ways. Plus, leftism is an idea that is intrinsically appealing to enormous numbers of people, and I believe it always will be without constant education to the contrary. The answer, to my way of thinking (and I don’t know how to accomplish it), is to get rid of leftist indoctrination from the schools and media.

  29. I was thinking of referring to Biden as “Vice President Biden”, since he was elected more legitimately to that office. Also, it better reflects his probable role.

    A bit off topic, but I’ve been trying to think up an explanation for the acronym “AOC”.
    “Anti-American Obnoxious Communist” is all I have, but there must be better ones.

  30. Yes, however what good will that do… when they are NOT the ones counting the votes?

    Geoffrey Britain: However, I did add:

    But we must bear down on the voting process as hard as we can too.

    I disagree with the pessimistic assumption that henceforth Democrats can dial in any vote result in any election they want and win like J. Stalin.

    I don’t believe it’s that simple. Republicans have accepted a certain amount of fraud as part of everyday political corruption. After 2020 that will change.

    Which doesn’t mean that everything turns lily-white in future elections, but it’s harder to get away with stuff when motivated people are watching hard and close.

  31. A bit off topic, but I’ve been trying to think up an explanation for the acronym “AOC”. “Anti-American Obnoxious Communist” is all I have, but there must be better ones.

    Oliver T: I rather like “A. Occasional Cortex,” which I’ve seen about.

  32. “leftism is an idea that is intrinsically appealing to enormous numbers of people, and I believe it always will be without constant education to the contrary.” neo

    Indisputably so. Leftism i.e. collectivism is unsustainable without ever greater coercion and thus inescapably leads to a brutal tyranny. Misery is the default condition under tyranny for all but a relatively small % of the pop. If Americans accept their enslavement they and their children will learn of this and subsequent generations will curse their memory.


    “Republicans have accepted a certain amount of fraud as part of everyday political corruption. After 2020 that will change.”

    I hope you’re right but am highly doubtful. One instance of why I’m doubtful is McConnell’s recent congratulations to Biden and subsequent advisement to fellow Congressional Republicans to accept his victory. In addition, upon what basis do you envision Congressional democrats and democrat controlled state legislatures voting for electoral reform?

  33. Convention of States. Amendment to allow a national divorce. Pick two counties. One extremely red, one extremely blue. Give every county, not state, right to vote on which block they go with.

  34. I hope you’re right but am highly doubtful.

    Geoffrey Britain: You’re right to question. It probably won’t happen as fast and with the force we would both like to see. Nor can we expect Democrats to roll over.

    Nonetheless, we are not powerless and our cause is just. One vote fraud poll reported 30% of Democrats believed there had been fraud in 2020. That’s something to build on.

    Did the Left give up on civil rights and opposing the Vietnam War because the game was rigged against them? No, they did not.

    Do we possess less courage and perseverance?

  35. Ranked choice voting as introduced in Maine seems to be another minefield for getting any sort of honest results.

  36. huxley,

    You ask, “Did the Left give up on civil rights and opposing the Vietnam War because the game was rigged against them? No, they did not.

    Do we possess less courage and perseverance?”

    There is a great deal of difference between the leftists protesting against a republican right that respects the right to peaceful protest and the reverse. Which we are about to witness.

    It took courage for blacks to protest for their civil rights. Relatively few leftists joined that fight. Nor did it take courage to oppose the Vietnam War, as the authorities of that time honored the right to protest. When protesters got violent they were no longer protesters and had become rioters, which evoked an appropriate response.

    As for persistance, its easy to mistake fanaticism for ‘persistance’.

    It’s not our persistance I doubt, it’s the democrat’s playing by any rules at all. I guarantee that the media will not portray our protests as even a little bit peaceful. Tea Party coverage was just a warm up for how we’ll be treated. It won’t just be a case of protesters being beaten and arrested, they’ll quickly be unemployed and unemployable… i.e. they’ll be canceled.

    I am confident however that you’ll eventually awaken to the fact that we’re now ‘playing’ in a rigged game where, when important stakes are in play… the ‘house’ always wins.

    Oh, the rubes i.e. the deplorables will get an occasional minor crumb off the table, which will be pointed to as ‘proof’ that accusations of a rigged game… simply have no validity at all. Welcome to the left’s real world.

  37. @Huxley:

    Love that quote along with the one about Women Preachers.

    Re concentrating minds, the big question is do they know it though? Poor Admiral Byng got much worse than he deserved, but Voltaire’s quip about why English Admirals stayed on their toes thereafter springs to mind.

    Can’t help thinking that some of the GOP faction of the Uniparty trough-slurpers think that the fun times will continue regardless.

  38. MJR @ 8:11 – “Many-to-most of the Democrat candidates were electable. It’s all a matter of who does the vote-counting”

    I disagree in that the remaining candidates had/have serious issues with the black community. And in order for the vote counting to work there has be a sufficient base of votes to build upon. Buttigieg is openly gay and black Christians just do not like that. They are very biblical based in their outlook. I go to a mixed race church. Warren is a shrew. Klobacher time as DA had many problems with blacks (as did Harris). Sanders is just an arm waving kook with catchy slogans. The black community would have stayed home resulting in a wipeout in the down ballot races worse than what they experienced. Without a huge black turnout the fraud I witnessed still would not have been enough.

    Biden still had the aura of the Obama administration around him. That is why they selected him and then put him in the basement. If it hadn’t been for the supine lap dog media running interference on his decline and then the Hunter story and big tech putting filters to keep the uninformed ignorant it still would not have worked. It was the coordinated deep state effort that took Trump down (at the moment).

    I do like the idea of the Republican blocking 25th amendment removal if Biden takes office. Then see the savagery unleashed by the left on Biden and other “moderate” Democrats. That would be fitting justice.

  39. Geoffrey @ 9:23 – your premise that the states would issue more money/inflation is off because the states have balanced budget requirements. Only the Federal government can run a deficit. That is why the Democrats are asking for bailouts and McConnell is standing firm. These blue run states and cities are in a perilous state and they know it. The accelerated population loss is making the spiral worse for them. That is the Nemesis coming at them.

    As Hemingway said, how do you go bankrupt? Slowly and then suddenly.

    I believe they are at the beginning of the suddenly stage as the economic progress of the Trump term will not be repeated under Harris.

    What the red states have to do is make sure these blue state refugees do not take their voting pathologies with them. In Oakland county which was once very red in outlook is now almost totally run by Democrats because of all the people fleeing Detroit. Right now they are slowing eating the seed capital that the prior administration built.

  40. “And leaving out the moral dimensions, let’s just stick to the practical. As I see it, what is going on here cannot be solved in the way you suggest because the problem is rooted in fundamental human nature. You would have to kill more – many more – than half the country to kill all the people who run away from the truth. In addition, the right is hardly immune to it, either, although IMHO there’s not as much of it on the right as on the left. And when you got through with the widespread carnage, the conflagration would have coarsened people and harmed society as we know it, or even be blamed on the right by the left. “

    Hi Neo. Glad I checked back. Just to be clear about it and with regard to your thought problem and calculus: I am not suggesting killing anybody as part of a solution.

    What I am suggesting is that at some point, good hearted and tolerant and loving conservatives who would weep at the self-induced destruction of their ardently liberal friends, will have to face the calculated and mortal indifference of other conservatives and libertarians who view the outcome of any such self-destructively redounding outcomes suffered by progressives, as either a wash, or a potential benefit.

    Again: tolerant conservatives can be expected to weep when their bitterly resentful and angry liberal friends are mortally hoist on the petard of their own socially directed progressive venom and malice … if and when, say, the progressive revolution gets away from them, and as a result of their complicity in undermining the rule of law for their own benefit, it eventually redounds fatally on them.

    The development which these aforementioned tolerant and feeling conservatives should not be surprised by then, is when other conservatives and libertarians shrug in indifference; and even point to potential benefits when the match the angry liberals have struck, burns their own houses down … with quite possibly fatal results.

    What conservatives have always done in the past, is ride to the rescue the moment the liberals start deploying the “we are all in it together” and the “we are fellow humans despite our differences” and the we are “one nation” shit.

    That will not, or it should not, work anymore on anyone with an above moron grade IQ, or the ability to remember past yesterday.

    So I am not talking about harming anyone. I am talking about calmly watching the arsonists get their comeuppance, instead of running to save them by putting out a fire they had themselves maliciously started and hoped to profit by.

    And if in a rat fight between angry progressives of the professional and bureaucratic classes on the one hand, and the ungrateful Antifa and BLM terrorist recipients of their support on the other, some died, I suspect that not too many “deaths by progressive ally” at all would take place before some of them looked for answers as to why beyond the pages of the New York Times.

    Except maybe for Portland or Seattle. I get the impression that progressives there would hold hands and sing joyously as Antifa marched them into the fire. ‘Cause, “if only Stalin knew” and “paying for my privilege” or something.

  41. I am Spartacus (12:03 am) quotes M J R (“Many-to-most of the Democrat candidates were electable. It’s all a matter of who does the vote-counting”) and registers his disagreement with that:

    “I disagree in that the remaining candidates had/have serious issues with the black community. And in order for the vote counting to work there has be a sufficient base of votes to build upon,” Spartacus then touching on Buttigieg, Klobuchar, Harris, and Sanders as examples.

    Not surprisingly, I disagree with your disagreement. It seems to me that when the Trump vote turned out to be *far* more than the left expected, all they needed to do was hurriedly crank out more and more filled-in ballots, delivering them when the counting was supposedly shut down for the overnight hours, or maybe diddle with the software that (mis)counts votes from within the voting machine. To overcome misgivings in the black community, which is very concentrated in blue states anyway, strikes me as eminently doable without breaking a sweat.

    Your mileage may vary. (I have considered your point, but I still disagree.)

  42. huxley: “I rather like “A. Occasional Cortex,” which I’ve seen about.”

    Thank you, I’ve seen that one, it’s pretty good. Forgot it was an acronym.

  43. Good morning, here…

    BHO never faced Nemesis as president, and hasn’t yet.

    Why does VDH think that Biden will?

    Thank you for considering my question.

  44. Texian – the general consensus is that Biden is just fronting for Obama’s third term. So, if Nemesis hits Biden, the shot will take down Obama as well.

  45. “Absent a wild card event ” – Geoffrey

    Einstein once asserted (in re quantum theory) that (paraphrased) God did not play dice with the universe. He was, apparently, mistaken.

    I suspect God holds a pretty good hand of cards.

    PS There is always an article about anything on the internet.

    ‘The theory produces a good deal but hardly brings us closer to the secret of the Old One,’ wrote Albert Einstein in December 1926. ‘I am at all events convinced that He does not play dice.’


  46. “I would remind you all that this was not just election fraud but a multi-state conspiracy run by the highest levels of the criminal jackass party.” – Chases Eagles

    The conspiracy may include some high-level pachyderms as well.

    Reposted from Spartacus in the Vaccine thread:

    (not quoting any of the background)

    Do you know what? I’m gonna call BS on McCarthy. With the Republicans in control of the House since 2010 I simply refuse to believe that the FBI would be so stupid as not to brief BOTH parties about this matter–just as Pelosi says. That would have included Speaker Ryan and the Minority Leader Pelosi at a minimum, but I can’t think of any reason why the HPSCI Chairman and Ranking Member would not have also been informed. It would have been a simple matter of CYA for the FBI. And why would they object to informing such a solid Establishment figure as Paul Ryan? Of course Ryan was informed. Nor can I imagine that the Chairman of HPSCI would not be told.

    With that in mind, does that tell you something about the degree of inter-party collusion in Congress? Pelosi would have had to have been totally confident that she would not be called out by Ryan, because she selected Swalwell for HPSCI and supported him for a plum appointment on the committee:

    See also his linked post from the beginning of the unraveling of the conspiracy collection:

  47. PJM post today also addresses some Swalwell questions, although the author makes the same mistake Mark Wauck pointed out at his blog: Pelosi was NOT Speaker at the time; referring to her by her present title confuses that issue.
    However, apparently she did persuade Speaker Ryan to appoint Swalwell to a committee for which he had no apparent qualifications (of course, that seems to be par for the Congressional course on both sides).


    Fang apparently had enough sway with Swalwell to name an intern to his Washington office. But the vital issue is when? The FBI says they briefed Swalwell on Fang’s possible ties to Chinese intelligence sometime around 2015. Swalwell was appointed to the intelligence committee in early January of that year. Speaker Pelosi says she and other congressional leaders were briefed on Fang in the spring of 2015.

    Apparently, for a few months, Swalwell knew he may have been compromised but neglected to inform the Speaker of the House.

    The first question we should be asking is how a backbench Democrat not only managed to wrangle a plum assignment to the intelligence committee but what possessed Speaker Pelosi to name him the ranking Democrat on the CIA oversight subcommittee.

    At the time he was appointed to those prestigious posts, Swalwell had been in Congress for one term. It must have raised some eyebrows in the Democratic caucus at the time when this rookie got such choice postings.

    Who whispered in Pelosi’s ear to appoint someone with no experience in oversight much less with the CIA?

    That Congress-whisperer gets around a lot.

  48. Meanwhile, back at the nominal topic of the post:

    Nemesis is working overtime to take care of the back-log on the Left.

    Anti-Defamation League (ADL) top dog Jonathan A. Greenblatt on Wednesday penned a defensive op-ed in the Forward, complaining about the cancel culture. Has the ADL, which has strayed a considerable distance from its stated mission “to stop the defamation of the Jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment to all” and trafficked eagerly in the cancel culture for years, suddenly recovered a respect for the freedom of speech and the common decency to refrain from demonizing opposing viewpoints as evil and worthy only of silencing? No, but it is getting a taste of the medicine it has dished out for so many years in stigmatizing and marginalizing foes of jihad terror, and demonstrating yet again that the Leftist elites will never be satisfied with anything but absolute compliance with their agenda.

    It’s a common tactic of Leftists: represent facts that are patently true as if they were self-evidently false, and egregiously hateful and bigoted, without any actual attempt to refute them. But this is what the ADL has done to those it smears as “Islamophobes” for years. It is tempting to grab some popcorn and indulge in some schadenfreude at Greenblatt’s discomfort, were it not for the fact that the Overton window of acceptable speech keeps narrowing and narrowing, until hateful Marxist and Islamic supremacist agitprop will be the only things you’re allowed to say. We’re well on our way there.

    I used to have a lot of respect for the ADL.
    And the ACLU.
    And the NAACP.
    And the Supreme Court (SCOTUS sounds like some kind of disreputable disease).
    And the BSA.
    The SPLC I hadn’t heard of until it was too late to have any respect for them.

  49. }}} I happen to think it will take two years to play out, but many others expect it a lot sooner.

    I think the Left would LOVE this, as it gives Harris a theoretical 10 years in office.

    1) I REALLY don’t think Biden has 2y left in him, even with the merdia and peer coddling. I will be amazed if he makes 6 months, and that, only if they sequester him and pull a Wilson, with Jill, and Harris defacto making the real decisions.

    2) Harris is already chomping at the bit, is my own suspicion. She is the quintessential PostModern lefty — power hungry, arrogant, and utterly certain in their purpose. Combine that with abysmal ignorance, sheer cluelessness, and abject foolishness. She is the poster-child for all of those flaws.

    I also expect that within 6 months of Harris becoming president, we will be in a state of defacto Civil War.

  50. }}} And the Supreme Court (SCOTUS sounds like some kind of disreputable disease).

    Ahhh, but is this not accurate, these days? 🙁

  51. Dr. Hanson is absolutely wrong. If Biden gets in, genuine opposition would become illegal. Without President Trump, GOP would inevitably become a fake “controlled opposition” like puppet Kuomintang in Communist China. No second chance allowed—so it’s now or never to save out Democratic Republic.

  52. Ranked choice voting as introduced in Maine seems to be another minefield for getting any sort of honest results.


  53. Since we’re where we’ve never been before, the problems inherent in trying to guess future political evens are magnified. I suspect that Biden’s condition is analogous to Reagan’s in 1993-95 and that he’s tanking rapidly.

  54. ” I REALLY don’t think Biden has 2y left in him, even with the merdia (sic) and peer coddling.” – OBloodyHell

    Hmm – the merdia media looks like another of those truthy typos that occasionally surface.

    My SiL remarked recently that she was glad Trump was gone (quelle surprise) and I replied (gently) that I was concerned about the possibility that Mr. Biden might not make it to his inauguration. She dismissed that with a very breezy, “Oh, he’s fine!” which seemed rather overly optimistic to me.
    She has been part of the DC peripheral establishment for 30 years, and there is apparently no concern about his health in that circle.
    “Two movies” doesn’t even begin to describe the current situation..

    Should his condition worsen significantly or be mortally compromised anytime at all, I fear the response on the Left will be accusations of a decidedly suspicious nature (the Right’s reaction to Justice Scalia’s passing will be mild in comparison).

    Jonathan Turley, in the election context, recalled an old joke that happens to be one of my favorites and accurately describes what will happen.


    “Hunter is stuck on the roof.” That is what the transition team for Joe Biden should have said this week, instead of declaring that Hunter Biden is now under federal investigation. The surprise was a lot to handle for many who have been insulated from real news about the case for weeks. The Biden team evidently never heard the old joke about the man who calls home to speak with his brother who is house sitting.

    When asked how things are going, the brother blurts out, “Fluffy is dead.” The man is shocked and yells that is not how you tell someone their cat died. Instead, he claims, you build up to it and say the cat is stuck on the roof, and then call back to say she fell. After the brother says he is sorry, the man asks how their mother is doing, and the brother pauses before replying, “Mom is stuck on the roof.”

    The problem is that Americans were assured that Hunter was nowhere near the roof.

    Biden’s been on the roof for months now, and the general population apparently doesn’t know that.

    PS Not surprisingly, a search for “justice scalia suspicious death” on Google and DuckDuckGo turns up a remarkably different list of top posts.

  55. AesopFan:

    Thanks for the joke! I’ll try to stay away from the roof. 🙂

    But actually Hunter is “Little Timmy” in the land of wells.

    “Lassie! Lassie! Get help! Little Timmy (Hunter) has fallen into a well (again).”

  56. I am Sparticus,

    “the states have balanced budget requirements”

    Please explain how California and Illinois can have such huge deficits if every year they are required to operate upon a balanced budget?

    “California governor OKs budget closing $54.3 billion deficit

  57. It took courage for blacks to protest for their civil rights. Relatively few leftists joined that fight.

    Geoffrey Britain: What in the world? Unless you’ve redefined leftists in an unusually restrictive way, this is simply untrue and misses the whole leftist ecosystem that supported and participated in the civil rights movement.

    Look up Highlander Folk School, an activist training center which went back to the labor movement and trained MLK, John Lewis, Ralph Abernathy, Rosa Parks. and members of SNCC. The civil rights hymn, “We Shall Overcome,” came out of Highlander as well.

    Look up Michael Schwerner and Andrew Goodman, two New York Jewish leftists working for CORE, who paid the ultimate price with James Chaney at the hands of the KKK during Freedom Summer in 1964.

    Look up Pete Seeger, a card-carrying Communist, and the Weavers who were right on top of the civil rights movement from the beginning.

    Look up the Students for Democratic Society (SDS) (which later split into the Weather Underground) for their close involvement in civil rights movement.

    I could go on.

    My cousin sent me an email:

    Soros, and Obama for that matter, are pernicious influences but it seems to me that the radical left has gotten so strong so fast so infectious so widespread that the guiding source can’t be just 1 or 2 people. I really don’t get it. Where is this hideous movement coming from?

    No, it’s not 1 or 2 people. It’s a large, complex, interconnected group of movements going back a century and more, composed of people who have been organizing, organizing and organizing the whole time. Sometimes that took courage too, whether those on the Right recognize it or not.

    And now they are close to rolling America up. It wasn’t luck. As I say, the Right could learn a few things from the Left.

  58. “I also expect that within 6 months of Harris becoming president, we will be in a state of defacto Civil War.” O Bloody Hell

    If you mean the beginning of a hot Civil War, I concur.

    Laurence Jar,

    “If Biden gets in, genuine opposition would become illegal.”

    Effectively, yes. The Left does not believe in a right to “redress of grievance”. And their ideological fanaticism prevents them from reflecting upon the fact that when peaceful resolution of grievance is impossible, violent resolution of grievance is inevitable.

  59. huxley:

    Those causes were just tools for the goal of a communist utopia, aka, the boot on your face forever (Orwell). Case in point, Hellen Keller is now denounced by the woke mob as just another priviledged white person. The left has been organized, yes, evil absolutely.

  60. Huxley:

    “No, it’s not 1 or 2 people. It’s a large, complex, interconnected group of movements going back a century and more, composed of people who have been organizing, organizing and organizing the whole time.”

    Yup. The best online Baedeker to the Left is Discover the Networks:


    Drummond Pike. Wade Rathke. Heather Booth. The Tides Foundation. The Midwest Academy. SEIU. The Left is superbly organized and lavishly funded. It has been organizing and working towards this moment for five or six decades at least.

  61. }}} Hmm – the merdia media looks like another of those truthy typos that occasionally surface.

    No, sir, that’s a deliberate typo, on the same plot as “Hitlary”, but less Godwinny… 😉

    Offhand, I’ve been using it for a good 2-3 months.

  62. }}} PS Not surprisingly, a search for “justice scalia suspicious death” on Google and DuckDuckGo turns up a remarkably different list of top posts.

    Yes, I want to SERIOUSLY promote the realization of this.

    – – – – – – vs.

    I noted this when looking for an article that I KNEW existed:

    The redstate article has been fully suppressed by Google even though it clearly and exactly matches the search terms… it appears not before the fourth page of the google search (I gave up looking after 3 pages).

    This is not a minor algorithmic downpush, this is open suppression.

    I have fully replaced Google search in my chrome with duckduckgo, and recommend it to all others. No, not quite ready to ditch Chrome for Firefox again, but “considering it”.

  63. “The Internet treats censorship as noise, and routes around it.”


  64. I’m an old fart who has not figured out why all the people who complain about google, Facebook, etc. abridging our first amendment rights don’t merely switch to a more favorable spot on the internet. At least two years ago I read about google getting into my stuff, I moved to duck duck as soon as I heard about it. I read about Facebook doing same, I dropped Facebook and moved to Parler. I avoid Twitter et al. If a site offends me enough I don’t get online and bitch, I remove the site. It seems pretty much a straightforward answer to the problem.
    What scares me is the creeping censorship. If they do get control, I doubt I’ll see 76.

  65. “Please explain how California and Illinois can have such huge deficits if every year they are required to operate upon a balanced budget?” – Geoffrey

    Short answer: laws don’t apply to Democrats, even if they make them.

    See: Pelosi on “paying for new programs by cutting elsewhere” lasted all of about 1 hour.
    Won’t even try to search for the exact wording or the stories.

  66. “Geoffrey Britain: What in the world?” – huxley

    Not picking on you guys, just that this particular exchange demonstrates what I like about Neo’s blog: people who are willing to put up evidence for their assertions and discuss their differences (usually) rationally and (mostly) civilly.

  67. OBloodyHell – merdia, def (proposed refinement:) shitty, lying fake news.

    Geoffrey Brittain: I agree with your many observations and points.

    And rather than “return to normalcy,” with PresiDementia in office or his understudy, things will continue on there weirder and weirder.

    I also favor Pres. BribeMe.

    De Facto CW? Like with low level guerrilla war? I think so, at least. Until it grow HOTTER

  68. *chuckles* Welcome onboard the Ymar band wagon train convoy to 2021. Reading the comments was pretty entertaining. A wide mix of emotions and thoughts.


  69. I see the Democrat RICO squad has 3 possible games.
    The shortest game: Harris to take over NOW! Camel-a says ‘I want it NOW, I want it yesterday!’ (h/t Billy Connolley) In that case DOCTOR Jill is the bottleneck to Camel-a taking over soonest. Jill will not let Joe sign it all away. So its Section 4 of the 25th Amendment: the Cabinet and VP declare Joe is ‘unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office’. Jill responds withing 4 days that Joe ‘can so’. It goes to Congress who needs to vote 3/4 in each house.
    Prognosis: No way for that.
    Diagnosis: Jill is more likely to be Arkancided than Joe.
    Shorter but less viable: The House pushes through an act, to create a body which will decide instead of the Cabinet (“Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide,”). The requires getting the Act passed by the House, Senate and Jill…..
    Longer but a bigger ‘pot of gold over that rainbow’ the power hungry: Wait until after January 21st, 2022 and then get the Cabinet to act. By that time, given present rates of degradation, Jill may be unable to disagree. Outcome: Harris gets the possibility of 10 years as she can be elected and re-elected in 2024 and 2028.
    Of course, that presumes that the Democrats hold the House in 2022 which is not a foregone conclusion given what is becoming public. There could be a Repub House and Senate after the mid-terms….

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