Home » Now I suppose…


Now I suppose… — 16 Comments

  1. Spoiler: the Bolsheviks will win. And, they’ll shoot the Mensheviks. Happens every time. The most ruthless a**h*les always win.

    It’s getting towards real American ruthless time. What was it Phil Gramm said? Huntin’ Democrats with dogs?

  2. I would encourage anyone interested in Russian history (or on the topic of the relevance of historical examples to our current parlous situation) to read the excellent essay posted last month at FirstThings by Gary Morson (Northwestern). Morson is a fine scholar and a very good writer, and “Suicide of the Liberals” contains some sobering lessons indeed.

  3. I do not understand the conservatives who take pleasure in this. We are the White Russians, and we’re first on the menu.

  4. Eeyore:

    Make like the Czech Legion and stop complaining.

    Hilarious factoid about the Mensheviks is that pre-WWI whenever a pesky Bolshevik got picked up by the Okhrana and found him or herself in court, up would pop a Menshevik Lawyer (Kerensky, himself often enough) to defend the critter.

    No Enemies to the Left, Comrades!

    ^^^^ If they’d begun their education with the Trivium, they might have spotted the problem with this.

  5. Well, as long as we don’t make the Whites’ (Russians, that is) mistakes, we should be good. You know, such as letting the Cossacks off the leash and they start shooting lots of peasants, things like that. You know… the obvious stuff. 🙂

  6. @Philip Sells:

    Plenty of Cossacks on both sides getting up to mischief. Remember who gets to write history…

    Admittedly Mistakes Were Made.

    If history tell us anything, it’s that the Whites were nowhere near brutal enough. A Stitch in Time.

    Additionally they could have done with better credit lines for arms purchases in the West – which the Bolsheviks most definitely did have. Why and with Whom are Bad Thoughts and not to be discussed.

    It’s going to be like Spain or the Jugs. Where’s the Army of Africa when we need it? I’m feeling a bit Moorish.

    Perhaps its in Afghanistan. Getting home is going to be a job and a half.

  7. America can still be a leader.
    Have you heard of the Car Protest?
    I haven’t either.

    It’s when thousands of cars drive around a state gov’t, occasionally honking their horns for no reason, to protest that the elections are being stolen.

    Make your presence known, and painful. To all.

    But peaceful – not a riot, no looting. Might not even be illegal, especially at first … looks like a big traffic jam. But one that doesn’t give up quickly.

    I don’t know of any other country doing this, tho Farmers have often had Tractor protests (not totally original).

    Park on the street – usual traffic over the downtown comes to standstill. People get upset, get angry.
    Focus their anger on the Stealing of the Election.
    Nobody should be happy.

    America can only be Free if the elections are honest.
    We need a new, honest, redo of the election.

    In the Fraud cities.
    (Pass it on if you like this idea. FB & Twitter will probably censor it.)

    Start a petition in each city. Have people collecting signatures.
    Where are the Tea Party organizers?

  8. Twitter’s “What’s Happening” sidebar features, of course, “Meet the Newest Pets of the White House.” What a truly surreal mediascape we live in.

  9. We must pray for and $ support the two Georgia Senators, Perdue and Loeffler. Only in the Senate can the line be held, with a tiny 1-vote Senate majority. Assuming of course that RINOs like Romney, Murkowski and Collins join in.

    We really need to be as staunch as the Bolsheviks were and the Democrats are.

    Otherwise we are doomed.

  10. Protests! Petitions! Are you people insane? You think the GPO has any chance at all in Georgia? The evil dems just showed you it does not matter how much effort, how much money, how much anything. It is the criminals counting the votes aided and abetted by criminals in black robes.

    This is an international commie coup. The face of this commie coup is George Soros. His fingerprints are everywhere from the Multnomah DA to the Michigan SoS. Now we don’t know if he really is the head cheese or if the guy we think is Soros is really Soros or if there even is a Soros. That is how bad the gaslighting. Regardless, this is war. Treat it as such. You don’t build legal cases against enemy sappers operating behind your lines. You hunt them down and destroy them. When I suggested this months ago Neo called me a Bolshevik. How about now?

  11. Chases Eagles:

    I didn’t call you a Bolshevik. I asked you whether you want to go full Bolshevik. My comment to you was this:

    Oh, so you want to go full Bolshevik yourself? Arrest Democrats, torture them, hang them? I don’t know the answer, but that’s not it.

  12. Sydney Powell now serving on Team Trump tells us the brutal, ugly truth: THIS IS COUP ATTEMPT #4 or 5…(I’ve lost count):
    “THERE HAS BEEN A MASSIVE AND COORDINATED EFFORT TO STEAL THIS ELECTION FROM WE THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES of AMERICA, to delegitimise and destroy votes for Donald Trump, to manufacture votes for Joe Biden, from having dead people vote in massive numbers, to absolutely and fraudulently creating ballots only for Biden — we have identified at least 450,000 ballots in the key states that miraculously have a mark for Joe Biden and no other candidate….”

    THIS giant scheme includes using computer algorithms to calculate the margin of votes needed to “win” states for Fuhrer Biden, as well as Black Ops apps used to flip vote counters from one candidate to another, as used in many so called “color revolutions” abroad from Ukraine and Belo-Russia and the Middle East (by Soros funded or allied “Foundations” and the US State Department).

    “…We have got to fight tooth and nail in Federal Court to expose this abject fraud and the conspiracy behind it!…”


    GOOD LORD! A CONSPIRACY SO VAST IS UPON US! May God save the USA! Patriots Arise and be counted to True The Vote!

  13. Chases Eagles;

    On the Babylon Bee (Christian satire): 69 Million Trump Supporters Take To Streets To Drive To Work And Go About Their Lives As Normal

    There is no prelude, no preparation for war in the here and now. Trump supporters have waited for 30-40 years for this, and more. If Trump loses they will do what they can in ’22, and wait in calm anticipation for 2024. It’s not a weakness.

    Early in the frenzy to label Trump with ever more dire comparisons, sober people pointed out that early 21st C America is decidedly not 1930s Germany. Even more so, we are not Russia a generation before.

    The violence we watch today is an unsanctioned Sports League. Like the pistol kids playing blood sports in Chicago. Their activity is a form of Recreation. Although they can produce some great copy for the MSM, they are quite small in numbers … although spectators at their events sometimes become large crowds, the Black Block, Antifa etc themselves are too small in numbers … and they are not training for any sort of armed conflict.

    Worse, the Democrats, the House are now openly pointing to the assorted, um, ‘specialists’ they’ve allowed to squat in their big-tent, as the direct cause of heavy political loses incurred in Congress and in many State houses. 2020 is a disaster for them, even if Biden wins … and they know and don’t mind saying who is to blame. This will lead to a new Democratic Party stance and strategy.

    Staying cool and calm under pressure is an asset, and vice versa.

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