Home » They are compiling their lists of Trump supporters


They are compiling their lists of Trump supporters — 38 Comments

  1. The worst part is the huge force multiplier that supports this indirectly.

    All those “conservatives” that will whine and cry:

    “Oh, you’re making us look bad!”
    “Oh, dear, if you fight them then you’re just like them!”

    and all the usual.

    Weak. Sniveling. Spineless. Knee crawling filth. Fit only to be scraped from the sole of a shoe.

    If the Good Men fail to stand to for their duty, then the Hard Men eventually will. And no one’s happen when the Hard Men go to work.

    Semper Fi.

  2. The “social” media and their ignorant, uneducated, self-serving billionaires are a great evil thrust upon the American public. Dorsey of twitter is particularly repellant.

    From the quote posted by Neo, we look to have pogroms by the neo-Stalinists..

    The only things I hope for are a one-vote majority in the Senate, a collectivist GOP majority that stands together in defense of the Constitution (I mean you, Collins, and self-righteous Romney and Sasse), plays the Dem. game of blocking at every turn, and a GOP House in 2023.

  3. I have figured out how the democrats cheated but haven’t been tested. Very simple the envelopes of mail in are real but the ballots inside were switched. All the security measures of mail in ballots are on the envelope but not on the actual ballots, they are all the same. The main job of the election examiners is to supervise rather the ballots were taken from those envelops. What democrats did were find reasons to get bipartisan examiners out of the building, start opening the mail in unsupervised and switch out all the real ballots with their own.

  4. @Dave: It’s probably a mistake to assume that Democrats don’t have the tacit support of the Vichy-Republicans – and their numbers are significant. Imagine how easily facilitated voter fraud can be when both sides have similar goals on certain issues.

  5. we have been looking at the wrong places. the misconception was thinking democrats can keep printing out more mail ballots to stuff the box but the fact is they can’t, the number of ballots mailed out is predetermined so there is a max number of ballots they can work with. However, what if preference of mail in is not about they can keep printing more but how easy they can switch out the ballots inside, and the myth msm created that trump supporters don’t do mail in further give them the cover to rationalize how outlandishly there are more mail in voting for biden than trump…

  6. the statistical forensic is on our side, biden’s number is on par with Hillary in most of the states except those states that gave him the win with turnouts so outlandish that they alone caused biden to have more votes than Obama. even Cuomo was stunned for seconds when he saw that unbelievable reversal plays out on screen, we just need to present a plausible theory on how they do it, something conservatives were never able to.

  7. Dave, very interesting! Are we sure that the number of ballots printed is indeed predetermined, though? That would be a question on my mind. But if that were settled, then your idea implies a fair amount of preparation of the scheme beforehand:
    operatives would have had to have the replacement ballots stacked up ready to go at each counting site involved;
    might also have to know which envelopes to open… although I am unsure about this one;
    Oh, I see… at least I think I see… do these counting places all necessarily open all the envelopes at one time as part of the process? That’s stupid. Door WIDE open for some trick like this.

    Further implication: I doubt that run-of-the-mill election office line workers would have thought of this plan by themselves on the spot. It is also unlikely that all the workers in these big counting rooms would just agree immediately to it if they were being told to do it by the supervisors right then and there for the first time. Either the line workers were coerced into going along, or they were turned in advance, which means infiltration of the county boards of elections by operatives. Is this a train of thought that could hold up? If so, it could give a path for investigators to pursue some leads, i.e. who to interview or pursue as witnesses.

  8. Philip:
    There will be no Federal investigations under Biden if he or, more likely, Harris has any say. Maybe they’ll try to make Chesa Boudin the new AG!
    Criminality in Election Boards is obvious: Exclude GOP observers despite the law, and after a court order to admit them, move the worktables so far away nothing can be witnessed by them.
    Soros has funded communist DAs and State Attorneys-General.
    The rule of law is being snatched from our grasp.

  9. Corey Lewandowski was out there today with a bullhorn, yelling about individual anecdotes that cannot come close to proving fraud.

    I hope the grownups are getting the quants involved. As Dave pointed out, there are anomalies in Biden’s numbers in the swing states.

    There is also a down-ballot red wave in several of the swing states, but we are asked to believe that voters in those states went overwhelmingly for Biden. I’m not buying it. There are some Never Trumpers, but not that many.

  10. Cicero, don’t go giving them any ideas now… Boudin for AG actually would start to look logical, considering how many lefties with San Fran connections are living it up in DC these days. Pelosi, Newsom (indirectly), Harris, Feinstein… surely we can find a place for Breed in all this while we’re at it – how about HUD, for example. See, it’s not hard. Why not, bring in the whole blasted freak show….

    Wow, you’re starting to rub off on me. 🙂

  11. They don’t have to replace all ballots, they can replace only the ones voting for trump. My hypothetical situation is without supervision they start opening the envelopes to count the ballots, if they see Biden is circled they let it through, they set aside all the trump ballots. At the end of the count of the batch they look at how many Biden is tailing, they calculate how many Biden needed to win, they switched out the trump ballots in the number that needed to give Biden the win, then put the rest of the trump ballots back in to make sure there were still some votes for trump coming in to look more legit. There are still remaining ballots to be counted under supervision, how did they know the remaining ballots don’t give trump back the lead, the key is they finished all the in person counting first and left the remaining ballots left to be counted all be absentee, knowing Biden having an advantage in mail in as long as he has the lead and the remaining ballots are all mail in, he had the win in the bag. Because they had to do it quick they didn’t have time to fill straight ticket that explains why Biden has so many presidency only voting ballots

    All speculation.

  12. The left’s disconnect from reality is really quite something.

    They imagine that they can blatantly steal a presidential election.

    Conduct political witch hunts in which their political opponents are imprisoned.

    Destroy the economy, throwing millions out of work.

    Eviscerate Constitutional guarantees…

    All without the gravest of consequence… for themselves.

    Those who make peaceful redress of valid grievance impossible make violent redress of grievance inevitable.

  13. I tried emailing my contact and location information to AOC, but she only accepts emails from certain zip codes. Maybe snail mail…

  14. Dave, you sure you not psychic? Cause that is what did happen. They flipped trump landslide votes to blue.

  15. “Never forget” is a pretty damn loaded phrase. The left is really good at branding and marketing.

  16. Dave, then one question that remains is: what happened to the removed ballots? Shredded, incinerated, something like this, I assume.

  17. I see a problem with the theories that Trump ballots were replaced with Biden ballots: the total number of votes was exceptionally high. This tells me that they let the Trump ballots go through normal processing, then after about 2:00 AM, they could tell how many Biden ballots they needed to produce. They did so, but in such a hurry that they did not bother marking down-ballot races.

    So Biden garners more votes, but down-ballot races don’t reflect this surge of Democratic votes. The total number of votes counted, though, is around 140 million, an unusually high number. We won’t see another number like that for years, because it doesn’t reflect actual voters, it reflects actual voters PLUS Biden’s bogus ballots.

    At least that’s my theory. It accounts for the exceptionally high overall vote. Trump garnered a huge number of votes, so the Dems had to produce an even larger number of bogus Biden ballots.

    There are refinements on this theory: it only works in cities dominated by Democrats (Philly, Detroit, etc.) and the counting process must be large enough that it is hard to oversee the entire process from the observers’ stations. Probably other wrinkles too. I don’t want to give anyone ideas.

  18. What is the rationale for not having surveillance cameras recording the whole counting process?

  19. They are cutting away from college football games to show Kamala gloat?! NBC not showing #1 Clemson vs #4 Notre Dame to show Harris and the zombie speak?!

    This is just begging for a shooting war. They don’t even care. How many times can they poke people in the eye with a stick?

    Do they really think that people are going to forget the last four years and the nasty, vicious abuse topped by a stolen election? Are they stupid?!

  20. Geoffrey Britain,

    “Those who make peaceful redress of valid grievance impossible make violent redress of grievance inevitable.”


    When the shooting starts, I think they are going to be surprised when a majority of the military and law enforcement says hell no. This ain’t Tiananmen Square.

  21. Few Trump ballots were discarded – mostly just new Biden ballots added.
    Recounts will fail to separate dishonest Biden added ballots.

    But the down tickets were allowed to let many Reps win. Those Reps were allowed to win, and will understand the deal:
    Drop Trump (for real, tho it’s OK to whine a bit), and accept that you won but the CIA/FBI deep state retains a veto. Not fully in charge of everything, but of certain things.

    Yuuuge too much turnout is how Biden cheaters cheated.
    Endgame #1 – courts, recounts, each vote checked, blah blah, Biden wins
    #2 – redo the election in the key Fraud cities.

    Only hope for Trump to win is to get an honest vote by a redo of the election.
    Only way to get an honest vote is to do it again, honestly.

    Tonight I support Car Protests of many cars creating traffic jams in the Fraud Cities to support a redo of the election.

  22. @Tom Grey:

    And what do you think will happen to those cars and their occupants?

    The Tree of Liberty does not grow in a hydroponic vat.

  23. Tom Grey: Car Protests.

    Please, while the court cases go on, behave impeccably. Trump could use caravans perhaps, but not blockages.

    Blockages hurt innocent people.

    Other than that, I almost always agree with your excellent points, and enjoy seeing your name. (This may be the first time I disagreed with a sentence of yours. Huh.)

  24. About my last comment. Mr. Grey, what about “Drop Trump”, which is ambiguous. I totally support Trump. So I do disagree. *SIGH*

  25. Thanks for compliment!
    It’s true that inconvenience is always

    I fully support caravans as well. But there are two errors here:
    a) too much hurting, and b) too little hurting.

    If it doesn’t hurt some, in won’t get news. How much news did the March for Life get in the last few years? Nobody got hurt, no blockages, so polite the cheating folk could mostly ignore it. So they did.

    See above about a possible shooting war. That’s way too much hurting.

    I fear that accepting the courts saying “not enough fraud, Biden wins” leads to near term shooting (5%? 10%? chance). And very very low chance that any cities redo their elections.

    Yes to behaving peacefully. Push towards maximum peaceful inconvenience.


  26. Minta, the “Drop Trump” is the unspoken deal being offered by deep state criminals to the Reps who win despite Trump losing.
    The elected Reps don’t suffer huge fraud next election,
    for not complaining effectively this election.
    The deep state is showing they are able and willing to pull their candidate over, even with cheating.

    Very speculative and certain to never have “proof”.
    Still plausible.
    What can honest citizens do before elections really become totally dishonest? Redo the fraud city elections.
    How to push for redo?
    Car protest & signature collection.
    Especially car gridlock that is so annoying.
    Yet peaceful.

  27. “I hope the grownups are getting the quants involved. As Dave pointed out, there are anomalies in Biden’s numbers in the swing states.” – MollyG

    Maybe Trump’s lawyers should work up a “disparate impact” argument.

  28. To GB and Tom, what you are dealing with is a psychopathic relationship, where people refuse to leave it. This is why the abuser can get away with so many things. Mind control.


    Instead of politics, what American slaves live under is more like a cult or sociopathic society.

  29. There is one little difference between Stalinist Russia and our country: We have 350,000,000 firearms in the hands of civilians. And nobody knows where they are. There was a sheriff, I believe in backwoods Colorado, who was asked how many firearms were turned in when they had a voluntary surrender. “Oh, I guess none.” Try a pogrom and see how far you get.

    Million MAGA March in Washington, DC on November 14!



    Video blogger Carl Benjamin runs through the many documented cites and inferences of dramatic vote fraud, spend 12 or 27 minutes with the data points, and educate, educate, educate




  31. Thanks TJ – this million MAGA March on DC Nov 14 is certainly good news for an Honest Election.

    I hope they call for a Re-do of the election. In person, one person, with inked fingers (like Iraq!), fill out the ballot in private.

    Yes, those who for some reason can’t vote, don’t vote. But an honest election, no Fraud.
    We need an Honest Election.

    I advocate car parade caravan gridlock demonstrations in all the Fraud Cities.

  32. This tweet from AOC and others like Robert Reich is terrifying. He wants some kind of Truth and Reconciliation Commission to target Trump supporters. I know people who have lived in the USSR and escaped who are considering leaving now. They recognize the writing on the wall. That may be an overreaction at this point, but who knows where this will go. Not good at all.

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