Home » Roger L. Simon on the disastrous 2020 election


Roger L. Simon on the disastrous 2020 election — 50 Comments

  1. The likelihood of Trump’s salvaging a victory in the courts is, I fear, very small indeed; we are thus left with the prospect that, at the end of this annus horribilis, half of the citizenry in our moribund republic will be convinced, with good cause, that the election was stolen and that the Harris-Biden administration is illegitimate. Should Georgia fail to elect two Republicans to the Senate early in January (it is certain that massive amounts of outside money will be pouring into the Peach State for the donkeys), 2021 will commence with yet another horror and with little prospect of anything standing against the forces of the Deep State, Big Tech, “Woke Capitalism”, the MSM, the academic world, and the Democratic Machine.

  2. General Flynn is still fighting for his life after 4 years, and not a single conspirator in the ‘Trump Russia Collusion’ criminal activity and abuse of powers has been brought to justice. Al Gore’s hissy fit took about 5 weeks to clear up. For fraud on this scale, what are the odds of something happening by Inauguration Day?

  3. j e — the only money that needs to be poured into Georgia is as much as it takes to print up all the extra ballots they’ll need to overturn whatever the actual citizens decide. The usual suspects will volunteer to do the actual fraud unpaid.

  4. @AOC and Pete Buttigieg are already assembling fascist-style enemies lists:


    Here’s how all of this plays out: If Biden is sworn in on January 20, by March 1 the MSM will begin to ‘notice’ (for the first time; wink, wink) Biden’s mental slips and will express concern. By tax day it will be a flood of stories. And, by Independence Day, the 25th Amendment will be used to install Harris as president. It wouldn’t surprise me if she (under threat of Arkancide if she says no, $25 million from the Clinton Foundation in a Swiss bank account if she says yes) chooses Hillary as her Veep.

    Note to Aggie: I am confident Pres. Trump will pardon Gen. Flynn on Trump’s way out.

  5. Aggie:

    I’m sorry to say I don’t think this will ever be cleared up.

    But I am pretty sure Trump will pardon Flynn. Of course, the new DOJ will try to pursue him for something else, so Trump should give him so sort of general pardon if possible (although that doesn’t protect against prosecution by a state, just by the feds).

    I don’t think there will be much of anything that will hold the far left back now – certainly not their Democrat voters, who so far have shrugged at or supported every one of their terrible actions. Lies, intimidation, and/or fraud will ensure permanent Democrat majorities unless something unusual (and unforeseen by me at this point) occurs.

  6. Imagine living in Joe Biden’s brain and realizing that, yes, you are the President of the United States, but you only are the POTUS because of massive voter fraud. What do you think about your Presidency once you realize that?

  7. Every demoncrat knows their election was rigged. This is expected.

    The child pedo rape is the price. Ultimate blackmail control in return for power over slaves that think they are free.

  8. If this succeeds, and I fear it will, this is the way it will be from now on. The dem will ensure that every election they face is rigged in their favor. This is the end of the American Republic. From here on out, elections really won’t matter.

  9. You all do know that the Donkeys fudge the vote big time going into election day and then not having enough they brought in dump trucks full of after-election votes and now they are hanging on the edge of having enough. What the hell? The old late 1960’s bullshit was don’t trust anyone over 30 years old and now it is don’t trust anyone under 40 years old because we have a nation of mush-head people with two generations of terrible education and we the people will not be able to fix this. The super-wealthy power brokers have been playing their games ever so well for a couple of decades and Trump was a bump in the road and now we are living with all of the outcome of bureaucratic establishment and military hierarchy that has been honed to take care of itself, living off of the government without ever having to know what it is like to own a farm or small business and sign payroll checks for those who work for and with them. They have no idea what they have done and what they are doing as they live off of the fat of the land.

    I am old now and spent most of my years as a small business owner and I paid a lot of taxes and signed a lot of payroll checks and know the pain of watching what was a nice family business go under when folks could purchase online cheaper than walking into our store. Now I avoiding watching the news or reading about the current situation and wonder where this current mess of fraud and taking away the voting rights of regular people. What happened when the concept of one person one vote became the wrong decisions by the people.

  10. I would remind you all that Trump took an oath to defend the Constitution. He is obligated to stop this by any means necessary. Unlike most of the trash in office I think he will take his oath very seriously. Of course that fact that they intend to persecute him, his family, his administration, his businesses gives a little extra motivation. So far every torpedo they have fired at him has either been a dud or has circled back at them.

  11. It certainly looks “fishy” to me. I don’t feel super hopeful about this being fixed in Trump’s favor although you never know. But it’s the final horrid gloss on a year of terror and control by unhinged leftists. That’s not even an exaggeration with the Covid lockdown extremism mainly in Democrat states and the ongoing leftist riots. We are in trouble.

  12. Best we not protest too much. A warning from one of the WP’s “conservative” columnists:

    Jennifer ‘Count Every Vote’ Rubin
    Any R now promoting rejection of an election or calling to not to follow the will of voters or making baseless allegations of fraud should never serve in office, join a corporate board, find a faculty position or be accepted into “polite” society. We have a list.

  13. “I don’t think there will be much of anything that will hold the far left back now – … unless something unusual (and unforeseen by me at this point) occurs.” neo

    There are only a few legal, peaceful means by which the far left can be held back; Trump prevails in the courts. 2/3 of the State legislatures vote to hold an Article V Convention and enact amendments that geld the left.

    Failing that, its 1984 or 1776 and Civil War.

  14. “If this succeeds, and I fear it will, this is the way it will be from now on. The dem will ensure that every election they face is rigged in their favor. This is the end of the American Republic.” doug w

    That depends upon whether enough Americans are willing to if necessary, give that last full measure, so that “government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth” If enough American patriots are willing to pay any price then the American Republic can arise again.

  15. “I would remind you all that Trump took an oath to defend the Constitution. He is obligated to stop this by any means necessary.” Chases Eagles

    Agreed. But “by any means necessary” necessarily includes US Military intervention. The politicians in the military’s upper echelons are not Gen. Flynns. They are Colin Powells. So the question becomes, if to prevail Trump has to declare Martial Law… will enough colonels remain loyal to their oaths?

  16. Mike Smith & George Bromley –
    Here’s an article about those enemy lists — looks like the (possibly) more benign Truth and Reconciliation Commission* is already old news.


    Dems Start ‘Enemies List’ to Go After People Who Supported Trump, Including Fed Judges He Appointed
    By Nick Arama | Nov 06, 2020 9:30 PM ET

    There are a lot of things to be concerned about if Joe Biden were to win the presidency.

    Among the things, as we saw in the lead up to the election, was the big effort to control the dissemination of information, to stop the dissemination about the Biden scandal that might hurt Biden’s chances.

    The only thing that ultimately caused Twitter to back off somewhat was that the White House and the Senate called out the actions.

    But what happens if the White House and the Senate are controlled by Democrats? Then there is no one to call out or stop full control of what is disseminated.

    This isn’t an idle threat. But that’s not all.

    Now that some on the left believe that the President has lost and Joe Biden has won, their true colors are coming out.

    Not only do they want control information, they want to make you pay if you supported Trump.

    Prominent leftists and media folks are talking about making an “enemies list” to go after people.
    …[the Tweets]
    They’re literally advocating for going after their political opponents for “wrong think.” Can we say shades of Communist China here? Trying to stop the people from getting jobs and banning them from society? That’s literally what some of these folks are saying. This is scary fascistic stuff and they see nothing wrong with what they are saying.

    As Rosie Memos found, they even put federal judges on this list of people to go after, for the ‘sin’ of being nominated by Donald Trump.

    Once they started getting backlash, they tried to get rid of the list showing the judges but some preserved it.
    A reminder to all Americans: this is what you actually get if you put Democrats in charge, fascistic behavior like this, people who seek to have complete control.

    Welcome to Fascists’R’Us.
    Wonder who the anti-Fascists are going to go after once all the current “fascists” are in the gulag.

    The silver lining: Graham won his re-election battle, even if his hope may have been dashed (it ain’t over until the Electoral College is confirmed).


    “When this nightmare is over, we need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission,” Reich tweeted. “It would erase Trump’s lies, comfort those who have been harmed by his hatefulness, and name every official, politician, executive, and media mogul whose greed and cowardice enabled this catastrophe.”

    After he took flak from those accusing him of promoting totalitarianism, Reich appended a link to an article from The Conversation explaining the history of truth and reconciliation commissions and how they are supposedly intended to rectify historical injustices and heal the wounds of division.

    I suspect the only wounds they think need to be healed are those on the Left, for not getting the Blue Wave landslide they were promised.

  17. Hold the presses — the New York Times knows who is to blame.


    Or you can go for the more robust version, in which the Democrats’ Enemies List* also makes an appearance.

    *For you youngsters, one of Nixon’s High Crimes and Misdemeanors, although not included in his impeachment indictment, was putting together a list of people who didn’t like him and he didn’t like them.

    Note some of the essential differences with Democrats’s list, the foremost being that they were political opposition leaders and pesky journalists, not random citizens — or judges. The second being that the objective for which they were destined – IRS audits – never happened. The third being the instant and complete repudiation of the plan by the Republican Party and most of the country.

  18. An enemies list that actually persecutes people for political ‘wrongthink’ would be a fateful step toward civil war. Just as postelection attacking Trump will ratchet us much closer to civil war. The seeds of blind fanaticism yield a poison fruit.

    “So much of left-wing thought is a kind of playing with fire, by people who don’t even know that fire is hot.” George Orwell

  19. @Geoffrey Britain

    Never truer words spoken.

    As for that Rubin Female, the only thing she is Conservative about is is the flattening of Iran (funny that). Doubtless a consummation much to be wished for, but of limited benefit to any actual American Americans. You know, the ones whose votes don’t get to count.

  20. How about some more depressing news: new active covid cases were close to 90k yesterday! That’s 30k more than any previous day since April 1. It is so far out of bounds, but apparently the people driving this no longer care to hide any absurdity. The US has more “cases” than India who has more population and a much less sanitary and living conditions. Watch the D governors in the contested states start to impose lockdowns, and thus stop any vote “counting” etc, for the “health of the public”.

    A million more cases by this time next week??? 2 months ago there were just about 2000 cases a day and dropping.

  21. physicsguy,

    A friend of mine just had about 80% of his family test positive (he and his wife have a fair amount of kids). One of the kid’s roommates tested positive which mandated a test for that kid, and when that kid tested positive the family had to get tested.

    Only two of them had symptoms prevalent enough to comment on, and even they felt symptom free within two days.

    It has probably already been posted here, but the number of iterations that the testers subject the sample to can greatly enhance the likelihood of false positives. Even if testing is perfect, I don’t know why we care about asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic cases. Even someone like me, who was fairly ill with flu-like symptoms for about a week, but never had any respiratory issues or need for medical care. I have an illness like that every few years; a bad cold or flu.

    All that really matters vis a vis public policy is number of cases requiring medical care and local capacity to treat those cases.

  22. Gb, dont worry, i got this. I have had a lot longer to prepare for this than even the old guard here.

    Ymar s faction has to do what american slaves are too weak to do. This was why purple finger iraq scared leftists. Actual honest elections?

    Welcome to ymar s world. We control the vertical, and the horizontal.

    Que mephistopheles

  23. I confess to being very depressed – three Bloody Marys on a Wednesday night depressed – by the election results. Logically, I knew there was a strong possibility that Biden would win, but emotionally it’s been hard to get my mind around the fact of that drooling doofus leading the free world.

    But stepping back, I think things might not be as bleak as they seem. It is actually quite remarkable how well the Republicans did this cycle given the forces that were arrayed against them. Biden “won” because Covid-19 made this election close enough to steal. Absent the pandemic, and the mail in shenanigans it produced, Trump wins easily. But the fact that Republicans actually gained house seats and did well in state legislatures tells me that most people are not on board with the radical left agenda, despite what they are told by their big tech media overlords.

    I expect the Biden/Harris administration to be a disaster with old Joe tottering off to the sunset in a year or so, replaced by an extremely unlikable Kamala who will be in way over her head. Given their narrow majority and a possible flip of the House in 2022, I don’t think they will have much luck pushing the more radical Green New Deal elements. I also expect a foreign policy crisis involving China, which will reveal the folly of the Biden/Harris China appeasement policy and a longing for someone to be in charge other than a woman who got to where she is by having sex with Willie Brown.

    I’m not a religious or a particularly spiritual person. I try to let logic be my guide as much as possible, but sometimes I do believe things happen for a reason and there may yet be a chance for this country’s redemption.

  24. Rufus, yes it’s all the result of PCR testing. 70% of the positive results from that test are post-infection. Testing is way too extensive now and the “cases” numbers are not real except for that other 30%. The problem of course is that the politicians will use any reason to lockdown again.

  25. In Roger Simon’s good note, there’s a link about how in the fraud states, many Biden ballots were NOT Dem senate supporters:


    The Rep winners are being warned that they were allowed to win. The FBI/CIA deep state could have had them lose, too.
    So here’s the deal: elected Reps allow de facto stealing from Trump so that they don’t lose, nor get put on the Dem enemies list.

    The Dem deep state criminals insist on their own inviolability.
    No Barr-Durham indictments, much less trials or honesty.

    Trump will NOT get much elected Rep support.

    We need peaceful protests in favor of “Redo elections in Fraud cities”
    and non-FB organizing around it.

  26. “If one were to design a system by which a democracy could be subverted, even destroyed, universal mail-in voting (not, of course, normal absentee voting that requires the citizen to request a ballot) would be at or near the top of a list…”

    This is one big effin red herring.

    Check the states here that allow universal mail-in voting:

    And, here, to compare to which states are actually the last five swing ones that made the difference:

    ONLY Nevada! Only Nevada of these five swing states.

    The rest that had this provision had overwhelming margins for the winning candidate – two of which were for Trump (Montana and Utah).

    On top of all this, there is still a process in place to validate these votes against their registration roles – ALL these swing states have provisions to allow authorized partisan observers for the absentee ballot processing:

    Have any of those observers made a credible case about how this is throwing the election? … Crickets.

    Used to be that Neo did more thorough research before throwing sh..tuff out there. Rather disappointing, but is on track where this blog has gone in four years.

    I’ve heard the clarion call of voter fraud for years on our side. Never really saw any action in all that time that conclusively proved this was a problem at scale.

    Furthermore, Trump had four years to root it out – most especially since he was claiming voter fraud from day one in 2016 – and, especially, during the time the GOP had Congress on side too!

    Time and resources are probably better spent engaging those who can be persuaded rather than whining about fraud to excuse a loss from a poor campaign and a lousy candidate.

    And one more thing…

    Does it make sense to do all this and not win the Senate too?

    The Dem’s wet dream is control of POTUS and Congress.

    Why hamstring the progressive agenda this way?

    Conspiracies that attempt to explain how this is all part of some grand complicated scheme are just that – conspiracy theories. Not grounded in any reality.

  27. Anyone ever heard of Hammer (a classified system for eavesdropping on private citizens supposedly for CIA or NSA use only) and Scorecard ( A cyber system used to infiltrate and change votes in elections. Used by the CIA to influence foreign elections.) There is a rumor that Obama used Scorecard in 2012 to insure he won Florida. The Democrats didn’t use it in 2016 because they believed it wasn’t necessary. They believed the polls and couldn’t believe Trump had any chance. It is now believed that they used it in this election. The computer algorithm discovered in Michigan that changed R votes to D votes may be evidence of Scorecard at work. There are too many discrepancies and sudden changes in the late vote count to not suspect there was something weird taking place.

    Trump’s team should continue to contest the battleground states. If the Democrats used Scorecard to tip the balance when they needed it, the Republicans will never be able to win a national election again un less it is exposed and eliminated.

    Check out this podcast for more info:

  28. Aren’t people suppose to celebrate FOR their candidate that won and not the one that lost? In great irony -Trump won.

    Though presidential rankings are, for the most part, meaningless, I do hope that Trump is ranked higher than Obama and Biden/Harris once I’m old and fat.

    I do think that Biden/Harris will be an underwhelming presidency. Throughout the next four years Trump will live rent free in Democrats and The Left’s mind. Unlike Trump who actually exceeded expectations (not because expectations were so low), Biden/Harris will be protected by the MSM and be given credit where credit is not due, but the actual results will not align with the rhetoric. The Left will spin or ignore any failings.

    Irregardless of voter fraud, The Left did not vote for a president in 2020 on Election Day. They voted for themselves – not for America and the world. They forgot that someone needs to actually perform the job of a president, not merely sit in the Oval Office.

    Backup quarterback Joe Biden is now a starter. For 40+ years he’s been the backup. Who knows, maybe, like Trump, he’ll meet or even exceed expectations. I doubt it.

  29. Big Mac:

    I did that homework quite some time ago, and since you probably didn’t do yours in terms of what I’ve said, I’ll give you the link for my post on that from about a month ago.

    In addition, there are many ways to commit election fraud, and some of the links I gave recently in other posts explain how.

    To answer your question about why not game the Senate, too – the answer is that it’s obviously a lot more difficult. For the presidency you only need to deal with a single race, and you also knew in advance exactly which states to target: enough of the swing states that have very large blue cities. It doesn’t really take all that much to figure it out or to accomplish it, particular since mail-in voting has increased by huge numbers and mail-in votes are the easiest to do. It doesn’t have to be a universal mail-in state for it to happen either; there are plenty of other ways described in some of those links I’ve given, including getting rid of the non-Democrat poll watchers as alleged in many places, as the huge numbers of ballots roll in in the wee morning hours. But to game the Senate, you have to know which states to concentrate on or do all of them, and some of the states involved do not involve huge cities with Democrat control. One of the states in which a GOP Senate candidate doing well then tanked in the middle of the night is Michigan, however, which involves allegations of wrongdoing, so perhaps they targeted that one.

    I would actually like to know what happened; the point is that it’s very suspicious and was even before Election Day. Everyone knew this was going to be a mess, and that if the results were close or anything suspicious occurred it would be an even greater mess. Unfortunately, once the envelopes are separated from the ballots, bad ballots would be mixed in with good and certain types of fraud would be untraceable. So I doubt we’ll ever really know. In this election the methods need to have been impeccable, but they are quite the opposite. Even most 3rd world countries have more voting safeguards than we do, and that was known about even before the election. And it’s blue Democrat cities that have a longstanding reputation for being very good at fraudulent voting.

    If you really were interested in learning what the allegations on the right are, you would read the articles I linked in some of my other post-election writing. There are plenty of them.

  30. Big Mac, they told us how they were going to do it. We watch them do it and every attempt to stop it was thwarted by the most corrupt of our institutions, our legal systems. And now they intend to rub our noses in it. We are not stupid.

    This is an international commie conspiracy aided by globalist quislings who think they are citizens of the world. We are in Banana republic territory now and Banana republics usually settle things like this with a civil war.

  31. Big maq, do you want to join the cabal child rapists for 26k years? Let me know so i can punch out a ticket for you.

    Not a joke. Serious as heart attack.

  32. Oooh, “provisions” for bipartisan observers.

    That and a fiver will get you a small coffee in Philadelphia.

  33. Bryan, coffee in Philly has gotten that expensive now, has it? Well, I know a couple of gourmet places at which that could be the case (not the Seattle chain – I’m thinking of some place like Tria, for example – although oddly, the Tria places don’t seem to have coffee on their menu).

    Actually, as much as I’ve liked some of the restaurants and some other things in that town, I can’t see myself visiting any time soon. Similar with Chicago, which breaks my heart particularly. I’ve wondered a couple of times lately if the photos that I took on my previous visit to the latter will be the last. I hope not, but fer cryin’ out loud….

    Re: Big Maq’s question on why not target the Senate races simultaneously, I agree with Neo’s point about the relative simplicity of figuring out what would need to be done to bend the presidential vote in comparison. But also it seems to me that for many things on the Left’s wish list, control of the Senate is redundant. Look how much recent presidents have been able to accomplish in the way of bending society to their will with executive orders, foreign policy initiatives, use of the administrative/regulatory apparatus, etc. (And yes, Trump has done it, too.)

    With all of that power already available – few or none of its uses requiring more than a perfunctory reference to Congress, so long as that body is unwilling to man up and take back its prerogatives – why bother rolling the dice on Senate races? (I was going to say something about the Roman Senate being effectively neutered in the Principate, but I’m not very studied up on that yet.)

    McConnell can ‘gum up the works,’ yes, but that is basically a defensive function only. He and the rest of the Reps in the Senate may be able to curl up in a ball and defend their little corner of Washington, but everywhere else, Pelosi, Harris, etc. will have the run of the field. Okay, defense of that corner is not nothing, especially as it includes appropriation powers, but look how much our previous king was able to do even without that. Am I wrong?

  34. I certainly share the skepticism about this election. However, I find it difficult to find the rock-solid, big-time, election-swinging cases of fraud I can take to the bank.

    For instance, that 128K+ block of 100% Biden votes in Michigan turned out to be a typo — or so we are told — and the subsequent tweet (from a conservative) has been deleted.


    I had a friend in California who kept telling me that he could prove massive fraud in CA based on statistics but he would just start talking really fast and I could never figure out what his argument was.

    It may be, as neo says, that under the present system we can never know for sure.

    But if you’ve found some strong cases, give it your best shot! My RSS feeds are usually pretty good but are letting me down here.

  35. huxley, the problem is that no individual act of fraud might swing the election, in fact it’s mathematically possible that none of them did.

    But in an election this contentious, it’s critical that every step of the process be conducted in a way that is above reproach. And every blocking of poll watchers, every late-night ballot drop, every unmarked box, every statistical anomaly irredeemably taints the process. And when the process is tainted, there is no reason to trust the results.

    Elections should be considered guilty until proven innocent. Unless both sides say they can trust that it was fair, it presumptively wasn’t.

    As I commented over at PJ Media, it flummoxes me that in a criminal trial, where only one person’s civil liberties are on the line, every action must be above board, and all evidence must conform to strict standards of provenance and custody.

    But in an election, where millions of people’s civil liberties are on the line (by disenfranchisement of our civil liberty to vote in a democracy), all kinds of chicanery is winked at, and all the evidence — ballots — need conform to apparently no standards at all.

  36. huxley, the problem is that no individual act of fraud might swing the election, in fact it’s mathematically possible that none of them did.

    Bryan Lovely: Sure, but I’d like to see some meaty cases — like the 128K Biden votes showing up in Michigan, which turned out mistaken — for my eyebrows to raise. Some poll watchers here and there being excluded bothers me but unless one can claim thousands of such, that’s not ringing my bell either.

    I want to be able to stake out a claim difficult to dismiss. So far I’m not seeing that. Mostly I find stuff that definitely smells but not much more.

    As neo points out, a big question mark is all those mail-in ballots whose provenance is lost once they are out of their envelopes. But without evidence that won’t do much for a skeptic either.

    Possibly there will be statistical analyses, and I understand there are people working on those, that can make the case.

  37. Here’s an interesting statistical critique of Biden’s votes based on Benford’s Law, which says that the leading digit in any naturally occurring collection of numbers should more likely be 1 followed by the others in decreasing order.

    “Joe Biden’s votes violate Benford’s Law (Mathematics)”

    I find this somewhat persuasive, though not something I’d want to try and win an argument with.

    For more on Benford’s Law:

  38. “A friend of mine just had about 80% of his family test positive (he and his wife have a fair amount of kids). One of the kid’s roommates tested positive which mandated a test for that kid, and when that kid tested positive the family had to get tested.

    Only two of them had symptoms prevalent enough to comment on, and even they felt symptom free within two days.” – Rufus

    Our family finally got hit this last week.
    DiL (nurse) tested positive, said it felt like a normal cold, no medical intervention.
    Husband and 1 kid felt sniffly, tested negative; other kid had nothing.
    Today, a week later, she is up and doing mega-loads of laundry and house-cleaning.

    My own Brother & Baby Sister were planning to drive over to Big Sister’s for her birthday Wednesday (too far for me to go). He felt sniffly, went to the doctor for something stronger than OTC meds because of the trip, tested positive. Baby Sis (in another town) decided that maybe her recent “allergies” were also suspect, tested positive.
    Bummer for the birthday girl to miss the party, but better than the three of them quarantined in her apartment for two weeks.
    Still, none of them had any of the “classic” Covid symptoms, still don’t feel really bad.
    And they have no idea where they got it – no obvious candidates for transmission.
    Very curious disease.

  39. I’m sick of people saying, “Stay safe.”

    How about something specific. “Take vitamin D.”

    In New Mexico before seating you in a restaurant they give you a long laminated sheet of “I don’t have a fever. I haven’t failed a test. I’m not in contact with anyone who failed a test. I’m not from a state where anyone failed a test. etc.” then take your contact information before seating you.

    Though I notice they don’t really check anything.

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