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The Biden threat video — 24 Comments

  1. I’d just like to note that as the video is hosted on Youtube this particular example may not last too long, as that site has reportedly been removing copies as soon as their presence is noted, whack-a-mole style.

    That alone is an astonishing development in American politics, not even to mention Biden’s corruption.

    But Orangemanbad, so all else is excused.

  2. What they’re saying, because I already had this discussion with several of my liberal friends, is that he didn’t do it unilaterally. Obama, and many of our allies were in favor of this move. So, it’s not really Biden asking for his son.

  3. He clearly pictures himself as a Man of Consequence character in a Le Carre novel or something. Beating people like drums, etc.
    He’s just such a douchebag cliche gaffe factory.

  4. Adam Schiff was on NPR this morning describing the transcript of Trump’s call to Zelensky was a clear cut example of a mafia-style shake down. Contrast that with the above video of Biden.

    The Democrat party is certifiably insane!

  5. Uncle Joe is just playing the global sheriff and bringing a gun to a knife fight. Get rid of that evil Viktor Shokin or else. I’m here to restore law and order! My son is doing what? Oh, I only learned about Hunter’s work through the media.

    Oh, he meant it alright. You just need to be impressed with his wielding of power, and have faith in his inherent goodness and morality. Why they’re saving the whole planet, one plastic straw at a time.

  6. When my husband worked for large corporations, their ethics standards required not only avoiding conflicts of interest and corrupt connections, but to avoid even the appearance of such conflicts. Biden’s claim that he didn’t know his son was making big money in Ukraine doesn’t pass the smell test.

  7. I just spent several weeks in the UK. All non stop talk of Brexit. Their Pols are just as crazy as ours, and just as obstructionist. It was nice not to get very much US news. Then I come back to this mess. Kate, Biden doesn’t pass the smell test, period.

  8. Sleepy Joe bragging about being the tough guy. Most likely that he was the messenger for Obama on this. In any case, a world class dope.

  9. Sara Carter is finding new things. The leaks are starting.

    READ: 6. Financial records from #MorganStanley show numerous lines of money going into the account of “Robert H. Biden.” The funds originated from oligarchs and anonymous LLCs in Ukraine, China, Kazakhstan and elsewhere

    As they say in court, Pelosi opened the door to this.

  10. the account of “Robert H. Biden.” The funds originated from oligarchs and anonymous LLCs in Ukraine, China, Kazakhstan and elsewhere

    Deep Plunger progresses plunging the depths of Water Closet.

  11. Funny how liberals are now defending biden condoning his action of coercively forcing out a prosecutor investigating him and his son by withholding foreign aid to Ukraine, rationalise it by claiming that the prosecutor was corrupted with a strong prejudice against the former vp and any actions taken against a corrupted prosecutor to stop an unfair investigation was lawful and just. I am old enough to remember that when trump tried to stop an unjustifiable investigation against him leading by a corrupted prosecutor and his team of biased lawyers who were devoted supporters of the presidential candidate trump defeated the democrats called that obstruction of justice.

  12. “Funny how liberals are now defending biden condoning his action of coercively forcing out a prosecutor investigating him and his son…”

    It appears that the lefty bots all got together and decided that their talking point on this was that it’s not a thing because there wasn’t a “political rival” involved.

  13. How is trump trying to hurt a political rival demanding an investigation into the biden’s?the democrats, the true rival of trump will be better off no matter which direction the investigations go. Either bidens are vindicated and china joe becomes an even stronger opponent or joe is forced to withdraw and the dems gets an opportunity to pit a better candidate with less baggage and better chance of winning against trump.

  14. Conservatives obviously must have missed the part in the transcript illustrating trump with clear knowledge of the bidens innocence adamantly insisted the president of Ukraine to falsify evidence and testimonies to frame the father and son of crimes they didn’t commit and threatened to withhold all financial aid to The country unless a conviction is delivered.

  15. Am I the only one freaked out that the former Vice President of the United States calls the capitol of Ukraine “Keeve?”

    (Of course “Nucular” was more disturbing still by a wide margin.)

  16. Yes, Barry Meislin, it’s a rerun of their “fine people” lie. Cut out what Trump actually said, and make it seem that he said something else.

  17. Biden is dead meat — but Dems won’t admit it, yet.
    When his support disappears, it will be quiet about Biden, louder about growing support for Warren and others, probably not Sanders.

    This hypocrisy needs to be talked about and joked about, often. Ukraine fired the lousy prosecutor in 2016 — but was there a good investigation of (Biden’s company) Burisma then? I’d guess not, but haven’t seen any results.

    Like many ex-Commie countries, many/most successful companies have been tax cheating, fraudulent, bribing, regulation violators, getting away with it. Corrupt. Burisma almost certainly among them, with Hunter Biden providing “protection” for the company from the USA. Both Bidens are crooks.

    Dems who talk about Trump bad, Biden OK are clear partisan hypocrites.

    Too bad it won’t seem to matter to most almost hysterical Dems.

  18. It is perhaps noteworthy that we do not see masses of media encamped on Hunter Biden’s front lawn, mics at the ready to capture his response to their insistent demands he comment on the source of his midas-touch skills at garnering cash billions into his control. Indeed, does Hunter Biden even still breath to sweet air of America? Or has he ‘scaped to other climes?

  19. A pretty good explanation of why this is a big deal.

    The Ukraine is one of the poorest countries in the region. Its per capita income is miserable. Its life expectancy is slightly higher than that of Syria. Its real prize is a complex energy sector interwoven with those of Russia and the European Union. Every reason why Ukraine has been in the news comes back to that energy sector and its role in the power balance between Russia, Europe and the United States.

    Without that energy sector, the Ukraine would have wallowed quietly in a morass of corruption. Instead its scandals touch off explosions in Moscow, Brussels and Washington D.C. because they originate there.

    That’s why the origin of the latest Ukraine scandal begins, unsurprisingly, with an energy company.

    Burisma Holdings, the energy company, paid Hunter Biden, Joe’s son, $50,000 a month to sit on its board. That’s not a commonplace arrangement. But energy companies in that part of the world are never just private companies. They’re closely linked to political interests and political leaders.

    The company that was paying Biden’s son a cool $50K a month was founded by a businessman who had been the Minister of Natural Resources in the Yanukovich government. The Yanukovich government, which was pro-Russian, was forced out by nationalist and pro-EU activist protests. Yanukovich fled to Russia and Putin responded to the fall of his government by invading the Ukraine and annexing Crimea.

    And Crimea is all about the pipelines.

  20. More from that link:

    Some of the biggest backers of impeaching President Trump are in the green energy business. Trump’s backing for oil and coal lit a fire under our economy, but it’s been bad news for the folks who make money from subsidized renewables and, even more shamefully, carbon credits. If Trump loses, they win.

    Not just ideologically, but economically, to the tune of more billions of dollars than you can count.

  21. According to the NYT, Prosecutor Shokin was fired in late March of 2016 by the Ukrainian Parliament, a few weeks after an assistant prosecutor in his office had resigned in protest. So far as I can tell, Biden was not in Ukraine that month, although he did make a tour of the Middle East. He also spoke by phone to the Premier in Jan & Feb 2016. His last reported visit had been in Dec 2015. So he may have been fictionally compressing or conflating events in his brag-story to the CFR. Which would certainly be in character.

    It seems weird (to me) that the Obama Administration would agitate for the firing of a single foot-dragging Prosecutor, rather than imposing an ultimatum of some kind to encourage action. Firing the prosecutor seems more likely to be because he was getting to a place that caused discomfort, not because his scalp-count was too low.

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