Home » Switzerland and the Netherlands suspend funds to UNRWA in wake of corruption allegations


Switzerland and the Netherlands suspend funds to UNRWA in wake of corruption allegations — 7 Comments

  1. Oh my, corruption at the UN, what a surprise. The UN serves no ethical purpose. I wish we would kick it off shore. Let them flee without US support to Gaza.

  2. A minor correction, Neo:

    They don’t even mention that it was a UN partition that established Israel in the first place, as well as a Palestinian state, both carved from a former British territory, and that it was the Palestinians who would not accept their own state, wanted the whole thing, and started that so-called “Israel’s war” of establishment.

    In the parlance of the times, The UN Partition Plan of 1947 separated the territory of Palestine into “a Jewish Palestinian state” and “an Arab Palestinian state”. (A Palestinian, then was someone who lived in Palestine, and Jews were far more likely to use the term about themselves than Arabs were.)

    It arguably was not the Palestinian Arabs, as they were then called, who “would not accept their own state”; as you point out earlier, it was the invading Arab armies, notably those of Egypt, Transjordan, Syria, and others, who would not accept the existence of a Jewish state. The group we now call Palestinians did not think of themselves as a national grouping, nor were they considered such by others, until the founding of the Palestine Liberation Organization in 1964.

    (What were they called, from 1948 until 1964 or so? They were called “Arab refugees”. And what became of the territory that had been set aside for them by the UN Partition Plan? It was callously absorbed, partly by Egypt and partly by Transjordan, and the residents there kept in refugee camps and blamed on Israel.)

    As to your point that few, if any, of the original refugees are still alive — well, this may be instructive. My father-in-law was born in Mandatory Palestine in 1937; he was eleven years old when the refugees left. He passed away two years ago at the age of 80.

  3. The “Palestinians” have never missed an opportunity to defecate in their own nests, which is why they are unwanted. The Arab countries have been burned before. For example, a very large number of Palestinians lived in Kuwait and were comfortable there occupying the middle management positions. When Saddam Hussein invaded, The Palestinians took the side of Saddam and collaborated with the invaders. After the war, all of the Palestinians were quietly rounded up and deported.

    But, there needs to be a solution. This means a twenty year program to resettle them all over the Arab world and making sure that appropriate integration is taking place. The status quo is not acceptable.

  4. Islam will never agree to peaceful coexistance with Israel because Allah has declared its eradication to be a theological imperative. Nor will the Arab world ever agree to the peaceful resettlement of the “Palestinian refugees”. They are far too useful as a bludgeon against Israel.

  5. Let’s not forget the Gaza Strip, which was a model for middle-eastern politics, with Jews and Palestinians working side by side to make the area one of the most prosperous examples in the middle east not funded solely by oil money.

    The Jews ceded it to Palestinians, to make for themselves a state of their own…

    And they promptly elected a terrorist organization as their “leaders” and turned it into yet another middle-eastern shithole.

  6. The paragraph about UNRWA’s turmoil and corruption reminds me of a quote about academic departmental politics, but I don’t remember the details. “Department politics is so vicious because so little is at stake.” Or something similar.

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