Home » Busy day


Busy day — 5 Comments

  1. Thank you for your amazing thoughtfulness, and the hard work which is reflected in this site.

    You are delightful and provoking.

    And the evenest keel in the history of keels, which always bothers me because it goes against my molotov cocktail disposition.

    This site (and others) is the activism which give hope.

  2. I dont want no damned posts about some dancers. I want red meat and plenty of it see?

  3. Just a helpful thought – why not let readers nominate a rolling list of BEST comments?

    Then, when you wanna/need to slack off, elevate some winning comments and post them up for further comments on their own thread? (You kind of do analytical variants of this in certain of your thought-pieces already.)

    Think of it as a way to ‘be good to yourself’ (while gaining ‘down time’ from writing), and keep your fans happy at the same time!

  4. https://ymarsakar.wordpress.com/2015/09/14/human-farming-or-what-i-call-slavery-3-0/

    Here’s some videos I compiled together with the Invasion of Europe. Lots of stuff to pick up on and get a background education in.

    Education is the difference, whereas indoctrination is why people Obey their Orders.

    One person wondered why I included 3 categories in this minor predictive format.


    Jews, Republicans, and whites.

    Well, the reason is simple. Jews reminds people of Nazi Germany, which this current US Regime is closer to than many want to accept. The Republican thing reminds people that this political fight they think is harmless, will be a war that will start killing them sooner or later.

    And the white part? Europe is “white”, as in white barbarians which settled in Europe vs the dark skinned invaders from North Africa, Arabia, Islamic Persia, etc.

    Oh, by coincidence, what are the whites in Europe doing now against the Invasion of Islam? The Sword of Islam, don’t underestimate its power. Nor should people underestimate the Power of the Leftist alliance.

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