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More on the current Trump trial — 56 Comments

  1. And now Jack Smith admits he lied in the Trump MAL confidential docs prosecution.

    But will it even matter…?

  2. Yeah, Democrats have long sought to gain control of The Law, and definitely have enough control over it now to do things to political opponents – Rich or Poor, and to most anyone it chooses to.

    The Law has always sought to coerce defendants and witnesses to its will. There are so many old/archaic laws on The Books that I doubt anyone knows how many, and they get pulled out when someone needs to be made into a criminal.

    Republicans may end up regretting being so pro-Law before the Democrats are done…

  3. Democrats are either stupid, ignorant or evil, all three in the case of Biden.

  4. I’m cynical enough.

    These people are power mad, just like the Ring Wraiths in LOTR. Neither living nor dead, just existing for another hit of power, Power!, POWER!!!

    Filthy Nazgul……

  5. The question is whether this jury is extreme enough to ignore the nonsense at the heart of this case.

  6. A quote from the wise and witty Lily Tomlin: “No matter how cynical you become, it’s never enough to keep up”.
    She also said “Reality is the leading cause of stress among those in touch with it”.

  7. Michael K,

    From what I remember when the jury was being seated and some of the profiles that came out, I’ll be shocked if they don’t convict. It’s a stacked jury with large cases of TDS.

  8. It is an enormous blot on New York that Trump may be convicted of a felony for an unspecified crime. Disgraceful.

  9. This is like the Franz Kafka novel “The Trial” where a person is arrested and put on trial for a crime and never told what it is.

  10. Physics guy, I was just wondering if that jury had anyone with a conscience.

  11. I served on juries several times. I charged my time to corp. overhead so JD was no financial hit and I kept getting called. Trump 2.0: The Revenge needs to go after any jurors who lied about bias. Destroy them financially.

  12. The quote from the excellent “Washington Examiner” article linked to above is missing the final sentence (even if one knows that you can’t quote everything and things do fall through the cracks).
    The final sentence paragraph?

    …It’s tempting to make fun of this. But it is not funny. If Trump is convicted on all 34 felony counts against him, the maximum sentence he would face is 136 years in prison. That’s crazy in itself. But then there is the more fundamental insult to basic principles of justice in which the accused has a right to know the charges against him. It is the insanity at the heart of the Trump trial. [Emphasis mine; Barry M.]

    The Democrats are “insane”? Gosh, who knew?

    File under: Insanely dangerous? Insanely destructive? Crazy like a [rabid] fox?
    Whatever…You gotta keep that all-consuming rabid HATE going full steam ahead…
    – – – – – – – – – – –
    And a link for that previous post of mine…
    “Special Counsel Jack Smith Admits His Team Misled Judge in Trump Case”—

    Woopsie! I wrote above that Jack Smith “lied”; in fact he only(!) “misled” the judge.
    Me bad….

  13. A conviction is not what they seek, it would just be a bonus. I see this case and all the others as actions designed to disable the campaign of candidate Trump by bleeding him financially and keeping him from full time campaigning. They also want to damage him with the fence sitting voters in the political middle. Any convictions will be appealed costing Trump more millions to pursue.

  14. IOW “processing” him to death.
    (But they WILL try with all their TOTALITARIAN might to get a conviction.)

  15. Meanwhile, President Fentanyl-Tranq is revving up into high gear….
    “Austin, Texas, hit by opioid outbreak leaving at least 9 dead and 75 overdoses in 3 days”—

    Making just a bit more trouble for Red-State governors hey why not….
    – – – – – – – – – –
    Because we like ’em corrupt…(as long as they’re OUR corrupt)…
    …oh, and because TRUMP.
    “Ethical scandals pile up, yet Fani Willis leads Dem challenger in Fulton County DA race poll;
    “Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis has been sued by both Just the News and a Georgia state under Freedom of Information laws.”

  16. I see this increasingly as race conflict, blacks who should not hold power (and in Fani’s case are clearly corrupt) against a white billionaire, Trump.
    Black “cultcha” has always been against the white MAN, whoever that may be. Live in NYC? Crazy, where your DA refuses to prosecute criminals.

  17. No, Cicero, there are increasing numbers of African-Americans moving towards voting for Trump, a significant number of prominent African-American conservatives, and many black immigrants from Africa and the Caribbean are conservatives.

  18. Don’t have to worry.
    Tim Scott is “Adjacent White”.
    (And if he isn’t, then he certainly isn’t Black, not having voted for Decent Joe in 2020…)

  19. greg kelley points out they have up to 10 prosecutors, (count chockula) in this travesty of two mockeries of a sham, (ht fielding mellish)

  20. As far as I’m concerned,
    we are witnessing the destruction of the US and the loss of the rule of law. Back into tribalism.
    Kate, when you can say 40% of blacks are conservative, I’ll give you a listen.How many prominent black conservatives are out there? Only a few, and they do not read Thomas Sowell or admire Clarence Thomas as I do.My black housekeepers do not know who Clarence Thomas is, and when they vote, they vote (D).

  21. Barry Meislin – are you saying that if Tim Scott were proven to be a black American then you would not support him as a VP choice?

  22. Cicero – Tribalism couldn’t exist w/o the Rule of Law. Rule of Law is nothing more than the King’s Law – i.e., whomever controls the Law gets to decide who the criminals will be.

    We are witnessing what the Rule of Law is about right now…

  23. scott is fine, but that’s not the issue


    now willis might have prevailed regardless in 2020, because fulton is a den of scum and villainy, but would they have dragged the country down if not for kemp and sterlings skulduggery,

    why is everything so much worse now, because Soros apparat seized the commanding heights not only in Atlanta, but Milwaukee LA, Memphis was a recent one, Seattle, Portland et al,

    in 2000, they tried to steal, that was part of the reason for giving Gore the Medal of Freedom serious, in 2004, there was all the gruff about Ahia, the Guardian made a big deal of trying to flip Hamilton County, and 2016, I don’t need to recite any further chapter and verse do I,

  24. No, just wanted to say that you don’t have to worry ’bout a thing…cuz Scott ain’t Black.
    Neither is Clarence Thomas or Thomas Sowell or Herschel Walker or Winsome Sears, etc. (oh, and if the Good Reverend Sharpton keeps it up, neither will he continue to be a member of the club in good standing).

    Merely a matter of definitions, of course…and in the matter of WHO IS BLACK, I’d be the first to trust Decent Joe’s carefully thought-out definition (just as much I trust him on everything else…).

    Speaking of trust!
    ‘…Senator Eviscerates Biden Official Over “Dark Money Meetings” ‘—
    – – – – – – – – – –
    miguel, that’s an amazing link.
    What a great idea! Stealing the election even before it’s held! Cutting edge of efficient…and would actually save a lot of money since you could call off the election if you knew the result beforehand….
    Yep, looks like the fiscally-responsible, fabulously frugal Democrats are trying to save the country lots ‘n lots of money.

  25. yet they still insist on spending money on this kabuki, last time in 2016, they had those silly chain of custody issues, welp easy peasy, no problems there, thats why wrong way jill stein didn’t get the memo, just like nader got the hrumpf, but not as much because as matt taibbi pointed out, dastardly mcawful backstopped much of his ballots,

  26. It’s academic now for the Left cannot stop and they must, must, must win, but the important thing is they cannot stop, even if Trump wins in a landslide!

  27. Motion to Dismiss should be granted, but it won’t.

    A criminal defendant has the right to know what crime he has been charged with.

  28. Black “cultcha” has always been against the white MAN
    Don’t be stupid.

  29. Cicero:

  30. Cicero:

    See this.

    I will add that I often listen to podcasts from black conservatives, and most of them speak of Sowell often and revere him.

  31. The current trial as well as the other efforts to hogtie and defenestrate DJT offer a clear view of “Biden”‘s need to destroy Trump and everyone that is seen as a potential enemy of the Democratic Party’s drive to achieve total, never-ending POWER.

    To this end, as has been amply noted, is “Biden”‘s need to create all kinds of diverse crises, whether they be economic, social, educational, immigration, supply chain, family, trust, foreign policy decisions, etc., to which can be added the latest round of university violence and all-too-ubiquitous Jew-Hatred (also known–at least by the “Biden” administration—as Islamophobia, once again in an effort to confuse, to subvert, to deny the Truth).

    ALL OF THIS is being done intentionally, as part of “Biden”‘s long-term policy of fomenting, creating and feeding CRISES, a policy that is intended to cement “his” hold on power by keeping everyone scrambling, panicking, anxious and thus unable to pay attention to what’s really going on, to which obfuscation—otherwise known as non-stop lying—the Corrupt Media is playing its insidious, iniquitous, supporting role.

    (Yes, it does seem counter-intuitive—that “Biden” is creating mountains of chaos in order in an effort to maintain “his” hold on power forever; but if one factors in the coverups, the dishonest media support, as well as the remarkable “ability” to consistently distort election results in “his” favor, then it begins to make more sense: people have NO way to assess the Truth and fall prey to “Biden”‘s DEMONIZATION of half the country, which DEMONIZATION and FROTHING HATRED is amplified by a Media that is in lock step with the Democrats).

    “Are We Destroying The Economy On Purpose?”—

  32. I don’t think the black vote for Republicans would need to be 40% to swing elections. 20% would make the difference. Might happen.

  33. Karmi, equal justice under the law as designed in the American Constitution is what prevents tribalism.

  34. Trying a person but not telling of what crime he is accused: this is Soviet-level stuff, or maybe Kafka stuff. I wish it were unbelievable.

  35. Kate:

    I don’t think the black vote for Republicans would need to be 40% to swing elections. 20% would make the difference. Might happen.

    As NPA voter I have never really bothered to check what has gone on & what is going on (other than the normal polling numbers) – in ref to an up coming election, as this year, so am quite new at making my own forecasts. However, 2020 & 2022 proved to me that polling has been useless during the past two. Red Waves – baloney. 😉

    How Groups Voted in 2020:

    African-American 87 (Biden) 12 (Trump)

    Women 57 (Biden) 42 (Trump)
    Independent 54 (Biden) 41 (Trump)
    Hispanic 65 (Biden) 32 (Trump)
    Asian 61 (Biden) 34 (Trump)

    This year, I’m going w/ a little research, maybe some VooDoo bone casting/throwing, and some ol’ fashion gut checking. My gut has been repeating Tim Scott’s name. Am ignoring what one commenter here recently said about how many votes (??) a VP choice adds to the Ticket—believe commenter said 2% at most, but am not positive. Sarah Palin’s name has come to mind several times, but now believe that has been in context to the 2% number rather than a possible VP pick this time. Sarah Palin floored me when I first heard her speak at the…the…the – maybe it was at the 2008 Republican National Convention (???). Tim Scott isn’t flooring me, but gut says he needs to be Trump’s VP pick this year. Research is showing me the same thing. Haven’t cast/thrown any VooDoo bones yet.

    I like your 20% black vote bump for Trump tho – just guessing, but that would be huge. IMHO, Tim Scott has the potential to bring a lot more than 2% more voters to a Trump/Scott ticket – especially if he is used properly, and projected as a/the GOP candidate for 2028. Can Trump control his ego enough to let Scott *REALLY* enter the arena?


    Karmi, equal justice under the law as designed in the American Constitution is what prevents tribalism.


    How the Law is “designed” and eventually gets enforced has Light Years between the two.

    Ditto on the Puleeze in regards to the Law preventing “tribalism.”

  36. Pingback:Links and Comments | Rockport Conservatives

  37. “Biden” had better put Trump away soon—is there an EO for incarcerating your political opponents? (I guess Jack Smith and Bragg are the next best things)—or “he” should give all those illegals the vote NOW!—there’s gotta be an EO for THAT!
    (Or both…)

    “Inside Trump’s plan to deport ‘nearly 20 million’ illegal migrants from the US”—

    File under: Workin’ on it. Givin’ it Top Priority….

  38. I don’t think the black vote for Republicans would need to be 40% to swing elections. 20% would make the difference. Might happen.


    True. The Dem vulnerability to loss of black votes is way below a 40% threshold.

    I’ve got to say Trump has sensed an opportunity with black voters since 2016. Now in 2024 his campaign is at it again with a great political ad. Naturally Google has censored it:

    Google reportedly removed an ad from former President Donald Trump’s presidential campaign this week that targeted President Joe Biden on inflation and illegal immigration.

    The ad reportedly sought to reach black voters, with whom Biden is struggling recent polling, in rural Georgia.

    The ad depicts a woman working for the Biden campaign getting rejected by a voter when trying to see if he is willing to vote again for Biden.

    The voter highlights Biden’s incentives for illegal aliens and inflation as two major reasons he is now voting for Trump.

    The following is the dialogue contained in the ad:

    BIDEN CAMPAIGN: Hello, I’m with the Biden campaign.

    BLACK VOTER: Yeah, yeah, I voted for Biden last time.

    BIDEN CAMPAIGN: That’s fantastic.

    BLACK VOTER: Is it? Everything costs more: food, gas, rent.

    BIDEN CAMPAIGN: Okay, but Biden’s helping pay rent for “newcomers” to America from around the world.

    BLACK VOTER: You mean illegal immigrants? I’m struggling to pay my bills, but Biden’s paying rent for illegals? They get handouts and I’m paying for it.

    BIDEN CAMPAIGN: But Biden can still count on your vote, right?

    BLACK VOTER: Things were better before Biden. I’m voting for Trump.

    –“Google Reverses Decision To Ban Trump Ad Targeting Biden On Inflation, Illegal Immigration: Report”


    Wicked. It’s worth checking out the video on the included X/Twitter link.

  39. Cicero on May 5, 2024 at 3:06 pm said:
    As far as I’m concerned,
    we are witnessing the destruction of the US and the loss of the rule of law. Back into tribalism.

    That’s exactly what’s happening.

  40. Cicero on May 5, 2024 at 11:40 am said:
    I see this increasingly as race conflict, blacks who should not hold power (and in Fani’s case are clearly corrupt) against a white billionaire, Trump.
    Black “cultcha” has always been against the white MAN, whoever that may be. Live in NYC? Crazy, where your DA refuses to prosecute criminals.

    Kate on May 5, 2024 at 12:15 pm said:
    No, Cicero, there are increasing numbers of African-Americans moving towards voting for Trump, a significant number of prominent African-American conservatives, and many black immigrants from Africa and the Caribbean are conservatives.

    Both can be true. There’s a reason so many of Trump’s prosecutors are black. Jack is the exception, but he was from the corrupt International Criminal Court.

    Blacks increasingly like Trump, but the blacks in the halls of power tend to be very corrupt Democrat partisans.

  41. neo on May 5, 2024 at 5:59 pm said:
    I will add that I often listen to podcasts from black conservatives, and most of them speak of Sowell often and revere him.

    There is a young black female (and attractive) who has a youtube channel and spends a lot of time going after Fani, who she calls “fanipack”. I don’t know too much about here political views except she doesn’t like Fani and she seems to like Trump.

  42. “A conviction is not what they seek, it would just be a bonus. I see this case and all the others as actions designed to disable the campaign of candidate Trump by bleeding him financially and keeping him from full time campaigning. They also want to damage him with the fence sitting voters in the political middle. Any convictions will be appealed costing Trump more millions to pursue.” — Steve Walsh

    There are at least 3 dimensions to this.

    1. I think they initially wanted to use prosecution and conviction to discourage Trump supporters from supporting him: ‘See, he’s just a crook!’ Of course that backfired bigly, the prosecutions have supercharged his support. What they failed to understand was that even before the charges were filed, the law enforcement institutions had lost all credibility with much of the public, so the expected political damage didn’t happen.

    Establishment: “He’s been indicted!”
    GOP voters: “And this is relevant how?”

    (The GOP subestablishment experienced the same effect in 2016. I can still remember shaking my head in disbelief after the Islamist terror attacks in Paris in November 2015, when I heard GOP pundits and officials saying that this would wipe out Trump’s support, because it would remind GOP voters of how dangerous the world was and why they needed safe trustworthy experienced hands to cope with it. Yes, I actually heard that said, in _2015_. Which shows that the people saying it had _no idea_ how thoroughly their ‘trustworthy experienced hands’ had discredited themselves. Of course a week after the attacks Trump’s numbers had risen.)

    2. As Steve+Walsh says, it’s meant to tie Trump up and force him not to compaign and to spend money defending himself. Tactical lawfare. It’s been partially successful, but Trump has been twisting it to his advantage, too.

    3. This is one that is often overlooked but which is, IMHO, very important: It’s meant to send a message to other potential ‘outsider’ candidates, whether of the right or left or anything else. When Trump became President, a lot of other wealthy people were intrigued. These prosecutions are partly the Establishment’s way of saying: “Don’t even think about it, we’ll DESTROY you if you do. Just donate and keep quiet.”

    The aristocrats are trying to put down a rebellion, metaphorically speaking.

  43. “No, Cicero, there are increasing numbers of African-Americans moving towards voting for Trump, a significant number of prominent African-American conservatives, and many black immigrants from Africa and the Caribbean are conservatives.” — Kate

    I’d love to believe that, and I _hope_ it’s true. If it turns out to be true I’ll celebrate, but I don’t believe it’ll work out that way, at least not in 2024.

    It’s true that recent immigrant blacks are not always part of the ‘black culture’ that was in fact established and maintained by lefty media and ‘civil rights’ institutions. it’s also true that there has been some drift by blacks (and Hispanics more so) toward the GOP of late. Trump, esp. produced this effect.

    But just as with Jews, the instinctive tribal impulse makes it very hard for black voters raised and steeped in ‘the GOP hates us’ and ‘the Democrats are our protectors’ to cross over. That’s part of the problem.

    This is reinforced by the fact that just as with the white working class, the black working class detests the Republican pro-corporate economic policies for purely rational self-interested reasons. Neither black nor white working class people are interested in privatizing Medicare (a big priority for Paul Ryan) or cutting Social Security. ‘Free trade’ hurts black working class people even more than it does white, and so does open-borders immigration. But the GOP’s corporate donors love both and fight constantly to maintain and extend them.

    This is what happen to the supposed ‘Red Wave’ in 2022. It wasn’t abortion (at least not in the simplistic sense the press spun it) or LGBT or anything like that, it was straight up reluctance to vote GOP because of their economic policies.

    Trump does upset that apple cart to some extent. He’s on record opposing cuts or privatization of Medicare/SoSec. He’s the closed borders candidate, esp. compared to Biden, and he has a track record of actually following through or trying to, where other Republicans preferred to talk national and govern international.

    (One of the reasons the Tory party in the UK is on the ropes is that it was more or less admitted that they never had any intention of keeping their immigration promises, and that’s killing them.)

    All that said, I don’t expect a mass crossover of black vote to Trump in 2024. It _could_ happen. Before FDR, the black vote was a solid GOP support block. But just as with the white working class, they have zero interest in Ayn Rand or ’19th century classical liberalism’.

    That said again…they don’t have to cross over. If a significant fall in black turnout happens, if some of them _just stay home_, the result could be catastrophic for the Dems, even without them voting for Trump. I consider a ‘stay home vote’ among black voters more probable than ‘mass crossover’.

    That too has happened to both parties in the past. For years, the GOP elites assumed that they didn’t have to do anything for their SoCon and nationalist supporters, because “What they gonna do? Vote Dem?”

    No, crossing over made no sense, but they could and did stay home in numbers in 2006, 2008, 2012, 2018, and 2022. That’s why the ‘Red Wave’ fizzled, and conversely, an unexpected high turnout of SoCons saved Dubya in 2004.

  44. ’d love to believe that, and I _hope_ it’s true. If it turns out to be true I’ll celebrate, but I don’t believe it’ll work out that way, at least not in 2024.

    It’s true that recent immigrant blacks are not always part of the ‘black culture’ that was in fact established and maintained by lefty media and ‘civil rights’ institutions. it’s also true that there has been some drift by blacks (and Hispanics more so) toward the GOP of late. Trump, esp. produced this effect.

    It seems to be a real thing, at least among young black males.

    As far as immigrant blacks, the recent illegals from Haiti are not likely voting for Trump. Legal immigrants might be different.

  45. Cicero:

    And before Trump ran for office, he was very much admired in a number of rap songs.

  46. well we refer to back to the blood, that was wolfe’s last book, which was dangerously on point with the miami multi cultural experience, in this case Latino Creole, African American and Anglo the Creole academic is struggling against his son, who is inmeshed in this urban culture that sinks immigrant hopes and dreams, Wolfe was guided by two sherpas in this voyage, a disgraced Miami Herald reporter, and a well able but ailing former Police Spokesman,

    the Up to ten prosecutors! in this sham tribunal, seem to be a legacy of Wolfe’s first novel Bonfire, the need for a great white defendant, except in this case there is no crime except the prosecution itself,

    as I recall the portrait Wolfe painted of Sherman Mccoy, which Tom Hanks did not do any favors of, he was second generation wealth, his father had been a successful Southern atty

  47. The risk to Biden and the Dems of losing enough black voters to flip the Presidency is just about 0.0%.

    The Dems are the overwhelming majority in the precincts that matter for the Electoral College. Their party’s operatives harvest the ballots, count the ballots, report out the results, decide who has standing to challenge the results, decides what information about the results or the process gets publicized, and who gets charged with trying to interfere with or overturn an election.

    It does not matter if every single black voter decides in November 2024 that they like Trump better. Their ballots will be marked D, or they won’t be counted, and if that means there somehow needs to be 150% of registered voters having voted ballots in some precincts, well you don’t have standing to challenge the result.

  48. “The risk to Biden and the Dems of losing enough black voters to flip the Presidency is just about 0.0%.

    The Dems are the overwhelming majority in the precincts that matter for the Electoral College. Their party’s operatives harvest the ballots, count the ballots, report out the results, decide who has standing to challenge the results, decides what information about the results or the process gets publicized, and who gets charged with trying to interfere with or overturn an election.

    It does not matter if every single black voter decides in November 2024 that they like Trump better. Their ballots will be marked D, or they won’t be counted, and if that means there somehow needs to be 150% of registered voters having voted ballots in some precincts, well you don’t have standing to challenge the result.” — Niketas Choniates

    The Democrats are human. They do _not_ have limitless personnel, limitless resources, or limitless cleverness. Yeah, there’s plenty of electoral shenanigans going on, both legal and illegal, and most of it favors the Dems.

    But they have practical limits just like everyone else. Note that in 2020, when Biden either won or was cheated into place (nobody will ever know for sure now), a bunch of seats in normally Dem districts unexpectedly flipped GOP. That suggests to me that they were diverting resources to try to help out Biden and those efforts were not available for the others.

    Also, some GOP organizations are finally starting to play the game too.

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