Home » In the great “migrant” crisis, what are liberals thinking?


In the great “migrant” crisis, what are liberals thinking? — 43 Comments

  1. Ah yes, the rediscovery of the meaning of a word. “Discrimination” used to mean good judgment, the ability to distinguish crap from gold.
    I remember a long-defunct elite men’s clothing store in Manhattan which advertised it catered to “Men with discriminating taste.”

    Now it’s a Leftist epithet.

  2. Europe is making the same mistake as the United States and for the same reasons. Certain business interests want cheap labor and the liberals/socialists want votes. Add in the birth dirth and need for tax income to fund their social security systems and it is clear that they want this result.

  3. Cornhead:

    That may be why some of the leaders want it.

    But it’s not the rhetoric they’re using to convince the garden-variety liberals in their countries. That’s what this post is describing.

  4. Listening to BBC about those Syrian refuges in Jordan, the report saying that UN stooped the aid for the 200,000 people because they run out of funds?

    The question, this huge number of people who displaced by war having nothing to lose, they either stay there with no help, or go back to their homes and die, or get another opportunity even very risky or costly paying the smugglers to take them to Europe.

    What should be done is keep these UN agencies and all those NGO’s care for the people there and at least with food and shelter.

    the pressure should be directed to those wealthy states in the gulf who showering billions for the war in Syria force them to pay for these shuttered people, because their wish regime change in Syria, by asking help from western world to do so.

    They should asked to pay for those people or take them on their land.

    The solution should be from the root of this crises otherwise the flood of refugees will continue with claiming numbers.

  5. Can any one be clear and polite to ask Prince Alwaleed bin Talal to donate some of his money to meet his promise to Europe countries to Help to settles these refugees?

    Did any one see Imam or Muslim communities in Europe in front to help their brothers?

    Where those Imam who give flattery speeches in Masjid each Friday in Europe where are they from all whats going one?

    Where is their community?
    where is their initiatives and work with community?
    where those grands given by “kufar,” to their social work and Masjid?

  6. The Western nations of Europe … seem far more interested in thinking of themselves as good and moral people

    I expect the LibProgLeft has a greater opinion of itself than that. The superlatives are left out. No-one merely good and moral could impose upon Europe its own disintegration. So great an undertaking must be attended to by the best and brightest and most righteous. Just by way of my curiosity, when last had any Western leader – politician, official, president, premier, prime minister, governor; ruler, monarch, king, queen, sovereign, emperor – – of any party – ever made the case for western culture/civilization being worthy of respect let alone superior to all that had come before and after. I’m sure it wasn’t Carly. Anyone?

    Poxes and carbuncles on all our “leaders”.

  7. Homo liberalis is pro-choice. It has no compunction to exchange one life for another… Harvest it. Traffic it.

    Homo progreso is concerned about the grass on their side of the fence. They will support dislocation until their yard is impacted by the excessive traffic.

  8. Both Homo liberalis and Homo progreso, the “good and moral people”, support a selective-child policy, selective exclusion (i.e. congruence) under “=” policy, and the so-called “Arab Spring” that has advanced the progressive dysfunction in the Middle East, North Africa, and Eurasia. Their best hope to avoid a quagmire is to shift their social disaster to the Iranians and perhaps the Russians.

  9. policy, and the so-called “Arab Spring” that has advanced the progressive dysfunction in the Middle East, North Africa, and Eurasia. Their best hope to avoid a quagmire is to shift their social disaster to the Iranians and perhaps the Russians.

    Give me a break, what Iranian had have for the last 40 years from Wilayat al Faqih?

    Do not through things only on some and forgot the devil there

  10. Ymarsakar Says at 3:10 pm:

    “And what I’m saying is that the Left is allied with Islamic Jihad.”

    I have reached the same conclusion.

    People who support the Islamic invasion into Germany are not “good and moral people” in any sense of the word. Their hateful response and deeply offensive statements comparing Hungarian leaders to Nazis are not the words of “good and moral people”. The overwhelming German generosity towards the Muslim invaders vs their stingy treatment towards the Germans during the financial crisis is really stark.

  11. “I would add “even to the point of committing cultural suicide or actual suicide.” To a person steeped in cultural relativism and postmodern thinking, all cultures are alike and all equally good–except that ours is worse.” neo

    “except that ours is worse” is far too mild 😉 we are witness to nothing less than a civilizational death wish. True irony in that liberals subconsciously consider that nothing less than suicide/murder is a proportionate punishment for Western Civ’s ‘sins’. The totalitarian hard Left of course is dedicated to the extermination of Western Civilization, it being the rimary obstacle to the

    “when last had any Western leader… made the case for western culture/civilization being worthy of respect” G. Pal

    Reagan and Thatcher were the last unapologetic, prominent champions of western culture/civilization.

  12. Neo, in the comments: “But it’s not the rhetoric they’re using to convince the garden-variety liberals in their countries.”

    Another words – a pack of lies. Of course we’re used to that.

    For all practical purposes, nitty gritty real world consequences, there is no distinction between economic migrants and refugees. They are harbinger of the impending world war. The only questions are how much blood and whose.

  13. The garden variety ‘liberal’ does not think. He/she/it soaks up msm propaganda like a sponge and then regurgitates the poison with intense fervency and much stern pointing of fingers at those racist conservatives. Conservatives otoh actually endeavor to think about the consequences of their actions, which is explained away by ‘liberals’ as cold heartedness.

  14. “I would add “even to the point of committing cultural suicide or actual suicide.” To a person steeped in cultural relativism and postmodern thinking, all cultures are alike and all equally good–except that ours is worse.” neo

    “except that ours is worse” is far too mild… we are witness to nothing less than an actual Civilizational Death Wish.

    True irony in that adamantly opposed to the death penalty, guns are evil liberals… subconsciously consider that nothing less than facilitating their own suicide/murder is sufficient punishment for Western Civ’s ‘sins’.

    The totalitarian hard Left of course is dedicated to the extermination of Western Civilization, it being the primary obstacle to the ideological triumph of the Left. The Western Left has inculcated such historical guilt in much of the West’s citizenry that the PC dogma of the Left are swallowed whole. Easily done once the West abandoned faith in Christianity and Judeo/Christian premises as to the individual soul and afterlife.

    Logically, the hard Left and Islam must eventually make war upon each other. They are after all totalitarian competitors in a drama in which “there can be only one”. Logistically, Islam cannot overcome the West. The Hard Left (the Rahm Emanuels) have the will to nuke Islam. As do Putin and the Chicoms.

    “when last had any Western leader… made the case for western culture/civilization being worthy of respect” G. Pal

    Reagan and Thatcher were the last unapologetic, prominent champions of western culture/civilization.

  15. I just read yesterday that 90% of Middle Eastern immigrants in this country receive aid. We cannot take anymore of these people. Sorry.

    The Middle East is a very wealthy place (looking at you Saudia Arabia, Qatar, et al.). Why don’t THEY have the responsibility to take in their muslim brother and sisters? They have plenty of $$ to do this. And they are nearby.

    It makes no logical sense to encourage Middle Easterners to come to the West…keep them in their comfort zone, with those of their own language and religion. Why wouldn’t we be pressing this?

    We are not the world’s dumping ground. We can look at Sweden and realize nothing good can come from taking thousands of ‘refugees’ into this country. No more.

    The U.S. is not required to take any and all comers. We aren’t the only ones with the means to absorb them. We are broke and cannot take on any more debt to help these people. Let someone else take them.

    Sorry, but that’s just how I feel. I done up to here (hand at my neck) with taking in every sob story that we hear about. Things such in the world. We can’t fix it all.

  16. … the will to nuke Islam. As do Putin and the Chicoms.
    Russia and the West have Swapped Spiritual and Cultural Roles

    We need Cruz and or Trump.

    Went through the German and French press and FaceBook for this Sat.
    It is all drippy sentimentalism about the ‘refugees’.

    There are some attempts at public protests in Germany and France but they get immediately put out and are reported in extremely derogatory terms. A few signs were held in stadiums.
    A mayor complained to the prime minister, see the effect. No need understand the patois.
    The audience is composed of mayors and government officials. The guy trying to grab the microphone away is a high ranking civil servant.

    I guess Russia could become the rear base of operation in this struggle …. England was the last time.

    Even Switzerland is on the front line: Kurds vs Turks.

  17. I think that one of my most formative experiences was working as a Lutheran church volunteer in 1975 and for a year or two after that until I enlisted in the military – in resettlement of Vietnamese refugees. It was … formidable work, but I was in my early 20s and living at home … and those Vietnamese that I worked with locally were mostly lovely, hardworking people, grateful beyond measure to be welcomed into the community of Americans.

    There was a similar effort to settle Somali refugees by volunteers such as I used to be in the 1990s. And yes, those good-hearted efforts by good-hearted people have been rewarded by … well, read some of the recent stories about second gen-Somalis and jihad … never was a charitable and humanitarian effort more ill-repaid than that of the good Lutherans who worked to settle Somalis in the mid-west.

    No, I will not lift a finger to volunteer to help with these new refugees … although I might be interested if they are Christian, Jewish, or Yazidi. Nope … I had a charitable inclination in me, once. For Muslims – not any more. (I might make an exception for Kurds, maybe – but they seem to be holding their own, on their native ground. I’d maybe contribute to keep them fighting on it.)

  18. “Discrimination” used to mean good judgment, the ability to distinguish crap from gold.

    Still does. Usually.

  19. The broadcast propaganda is all about the Suffering Nonwhite Masses (most closeups are of darling tots, no threat to anyone!) and how it is our profound moral obligation, we who have so much, to take in all the “poor, starving, huddled masses.”

    The great majority of the Liberal Birdbrains aren’t “thinking” about the true nature of the influx: I’ve read it’s as many as three-fourths young men, and damn few women or tots, darling or otherwise; all of them devotees of a savage god.

    Their denial of the threat is well nigh absolute. I was talking to one last night, an acquaintance of many years, and when I brought up the 9-11 massacres, she got agitated and teary and said, “Stop! Please! I just can’t hear about all that! it’s TOO UPSETTING!”

    I call BS on that. I lived through it, too, and I can talk about it: I don’t think it’s any exquisite sensitivity that makes this gal protest, but the menace of Truth and Reality breaking through her carefully constructed wall of denial.

    Oh, I am so tired of Them. They’re going to get us all killed.

  20. Yes the somalian refugees in the midwest were quite clever. and now are a formidable voting bloc. I went back there and saw a lot of full burkas in my old neighborhood.

  21. I love discrimination! It’s such a timesaver. I often discriminate against as many as 6 different people before breakfast.

  22. cornhead says:
    “Europe is making the same mistake as the United States and for the same reasons….”

    Except that the respective pools of immigrants draw from majorly different cultures.

    Our Latin American neighbors are at least nominally Western and – perhaps more importantly – mostly Christian. And thus both Protestant North America and Latin America perceive ‘progress’ defined in similarly, unlike the mismatch in Europe.

    Therefore, Latin American’s do not pose the same barriers to assimilation that Muslim Middle Easterners do in Western Europe.

    This is essential problem the Migrant Crisis poses: how to make cultural assimilation possible and virtuous again?

    If this important barrier could be frankly faced and assessed, then solutions to transitioning to bettering human capital utilization would become much simpler.

    Yes, I have put it all – cultural assimilation – into economic terms. That’s the only way I know how to turn an intractable problem into a win-win solution.

    Which raises a troubling question: why haven’t the Right’s friends who have studied this problem on the Continent – such as allied think tank – drawn on their resources like studies and staffers and researchers to shine a useful comparative light on this crisis?

    It’s not like nobody else in the wealthy world shares a birth dearth or labor problem! We do (and under Obama, ours has gotten much, much worse).

    Common problems – comparative analyses ought to lead to enhanced problem-solution – right?

  23. The website GATES OF VIENNA has posted an interesting article about the Left – Islamic alliance. It appears to be a translation so it is hard to read but it has some good information. The author of the article has arrived at the same conclusion that I have reached – the left know that Islam offers the political elites a religious basis for unlimited power over other people. Ironically, just like the modern left, Hitler greatly admired the potential within Islam to form a permanent totalitarian government from which there can be no escape ever. The modern left are just as dedicated to destroying the remaining obstacle to their unlimited power, religious Jews and practicing Christians, as was Hitler.


  24. From the post: ‘I would add “even to the point of committing cultural suicide or actual suicide.” To a person steeped in cultural relativism and postmodern thinking, all cultures are alike and all equally good–except that ours is worse.’

    I’ve mentioned before: James Burnham’s Suicide of the West is an indispensable analysis of this very real syndrome.

  25. Orson:
    You delude yourself (and others) with your thought that at least the illegal Latinos are more like us, Christians and all that.
    Nominal Christianity is meaningless.
    There is nothing even remotely “Hispanic” about them. They are (ahem!) native meso-americans who happen to speak Espanol.

  26. No, I will not lift a finger to volunteer to help with these new refugees … although I might be interested if they are Christian, Jewish, or Yazidi. Nope … I had a charitable inclination in me, once. For Muslims — not any more. (I might make an exception for Kurds, maybe — but they seem to be holding their own, on their native ground. I’d maybe contribute to keep them fighting on it.)

    Ever wondered why the Spanish were renown for their cruelty in medieval Europe and how they demanded that Jews and Arabs converted to Christianity, anybody else was put to the torch, expelled, or killed?

  27. I call BS on that. I lived through it, too, and I can talk about it: I don’t think it’s any exquisite sensitivity that makes this gal protest, but the menace of Truth and Reality breaking through her carefully constructed wall of denial.

    It’s related to Leftist mind control. Here’s a former comment I wrote.

    Fresh from the Ymar Research and Development branch concerning the study and countering of the Leftist HIV evolved virus.

    Some new information gathered from rumours and public reactions leads me to connect the dots between feminist hate/fear of men, gaystapo or homo culture hate/fear of women, together with the Leftist alliance’s old 1980s brainwashing regressive hypnosis “therapy” that inculcated feelings of rage, depression, and hate into the hearts of children under Leftist psychological patient therapy (torture). This then progressed to regressive hypnotic “memory implantation” of rape and molestation into the minds of such children. The result?

    A fully realized and weaponized mind control and brainwashing tool.-4 months ago

    The slaves think they are free. People underestimate the Left’s power and look where they are now. Underestimate evil at your own peril is what I think in response to the world’s weak rhetoric about forgiveness and multi diversity tolerance.

  28. who’s fault is yours (westerns) or them

    I presume the fault is yours JR, depending on what point you think you’re making here.

    But I can trump that one.



    A nation protects its citizens. That’s why when Iranian operatives were captured by the US selling shaped charge IEDs in Iraq, they were given back to Iran, in tact, and with little hassle or delay. That’s how Iran, a nation, protects its own. A Western culture that doesn’t give a damn about its citizens, male or female, is worthy of what exactly? Victory? Planned Profit needs victory, right.

  29. The left does not and will not care, as long as they can blame everything that goes wrong on their ideological enemies. Even the leftists that suffer directly for their insanity, like Amanda Kijera, will blame conservative cis white capitalist men for their suffering, not the protected people that make them suffer.

    This is why Snopes.com led the charge to start calling Obamacare “Romneycare” when it came time to pay the bill. This is why Republicans are to blame for Benghazi. And this is why every immigrant that rapes, pillages, loots, and/or burns the leftists that welcome them will only result in the left becoming more determined to welcome more, because if the evil capitalists are so desperate to stop the immigrants that they are going all out to make the noble savages seem less noble, it means the left must be winning, and should keep doing more of the same.

  30. That’s why when Iranian operatives were captured by the US selling shaped charge IEDs in Iraq, they were given back to Iran, in tact,??

    What nonsense Ymarsakar write here… what about deaths of 500 American service members in Iraq were Iran responsible?

    In your view US NOT protects its own. A Western culture that doesn’t “give a damn about her citizens, male or female, is worthy of what exactly? Victory? Planned Profit needs victory, right.

  31. what about deaths of 500 American service members in Iraq were Iran responsible?

    What about them, did your family lead a campaign of punitive revenge or did your government lift a finger against Iran in retaliation?

  32. The enemy is the enemy because they will kill you and seek to harm and rape your culture. That is why the enemy is the enemy.

    When your ally behaves like your enemy, while you expect your ally to become your ally cum slave, there’s something wrong with you, not the world at large. Enemies behave as enemies, that is natural. What is unnatural when your family, your culture, and your government, who should be your allies, are also your enemies and the enemies that were responsible for all the deaths in Iraq.

  33. Judicial Watch announced today it obtained records from the San Francisco County Sheriff’s Department revealing that violent crime in the Bay area has skyrocketed since 2011, with the number of arrests for murder up 55%, and the number of arrests for rapes up 370%. Judicial Watch uncovered the numbers through a July 9, 2015, California Public Records Act request that sought the number of arrests for violations of the following crimes between 2011 and 2015:

  34. So did you awaer your enamy brutal behavoue or your deaf and blind, been nutpicking Iraq dur to some sort or allergy ?

    In the summer of 1988, one month after Ruhollah Khomeini was forced to accept a cease-fire in his eight-year war with Iraq, the fundamentalist ruler of the mullahs’ regime ordered a mass execution of all political prisoners affiliated with the main opposition group PMOI (MEK).

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