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Self-parody, squared — 21 Comments

  1. “It makes me wonder whether his entire campaign might be a form of parody.”

    Gotta say it – – – “Denny Crane!”

  2. While he isn’t my choice for the nomination, Trump does some some qualities that I find quite appealing- especially the ability to laugh at himself. Both Bill Clinton and George Bush had this same quality, though not quite to the degree a showman like Trump has.

  3. Trump actually send something of substance. Government spending is out of control. Get its growth slowed or even better cut and reduce taxes on companies – those two would bring a lot of overseas corporate capital back not to mention a lot of foreign capital.

    Corporate taxes and the minimum wage both exist because they make many people feel good. Neither is all that rational. Corporations are vehicles of job creation. All taxes should be at the individual level. Taxing companies suppresses job creation. If we reduced it to zero and given the cheaper energy that will prevail for our foreseeable future would combine to bring back significant manufacturing to the North American continent and do more for helping the lower and middle classes than anything the Left is contemplating.

    Could Trump actually do that? Not likely.

  4. As frustrating as it may be for many conservatives to acknowledge, Trump may be the best Republican candidate in our postmodern, post-ironic, absurdist, self-absorbed (even when self-deprecating) cultural milieu, as this sketch exemplifies.

  5. I find myself not wanting to agree with Ackler, but can’t quite fashion an argument for why he is wrong.

  6. After listening to his news conference in Ferguson, I believe Dr. Ben Carson could be a Lincoln for our generation.

    Perhaps the Trump show will help clear a path.

  7. Trump is a supreme autocrat, just like Hussein. He is more specific than Hope and Change, but the appeal is the same. What won the last 2 elections? He’ll be like Jesse Ventura or Mike Bloomberg. Being correct on some points is like a Major League batting average: .300 is good for a hitter but not for a CEO.

  8. I wonder if Trump is so narcissistic that he thinks that absolutely whatever he does is good promotion for himself.

  9. It’s time that all good Republicans unite behind the leader: Trump. No more dissent from loser candidates and their supporters. Victory over the Democrats is our only goal.

    I expect everyone who called for unity in backing Romney to unite for Trump.

  10. ErisGuy:

    No one on earth called for unity in backing Romney in September of 2011. No one.

    The only calls for unity were after he had secured the nomination.

    I really wonder why you don’t seem to recall that. Why would anyone call for unity for anyone that early in the game?

    If Trump is nominated, which personally I hope will not happen, then your remarks might be appropriate. That would be the time to call for voters to unite behind the nominee.

    I have noticed many times that people carping about calls for unity often fail to make the distinction between unity after the primaries and unity before. I have called for it after, but never before or during.

  11. Trump’s going to use the system to fight the system the Democrats have?

    That’s like the strategic thinking of a military genius all right. On the surface it looks okay.


    On the surface, except like most strategic pipe dreams, it fails due to logistics. Are things like that under Demoncrats going to be stopped by Trump?

    If Trump had the power of the system, he would fight the System that the rest of Americans are too weak to fight by themselves, is that it.

  12. I think it is. Camille Paglia said so too; in a non adversarial way (re: not a put down; is serious… that the campaign is a parody).

  13. ErisGuy. You seem to be a supporter of Trump. I’m curious how you think he can win the nomination much less the Presidency in view of his very high negatives among Republicans.

  14. Jerry:

    What questions regarding Trump’s appeal?

    I not only have no questions regarding Trump’s appeal, I’ve written at length, in several posts, on Trump’s appeal. I think I understand it all too well.

    I do not share it, and I think those to whom he appeals are deluding themselves about a host of things, but the main one is what would actually result from “tearing it down” without having the right person/people and realistic plan to replace it. I’ve written many, many posts on that topic, too.

    But just for starters, I recommend reading this, this, and this, as well as this.

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