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The Weiner saga — 22 Comments

  1. Well, Noo Yawk has led the way in defining deviancy down — although their vocabulary has us naming it “avant garde” or something — and is proud of it, looking down on us ordinary people as unsophisticated, missionary-position rubes. Here’s to you, Noo Yawk, and your depraved zeitgeist.

    I’ll settle for being a rube.

  2. As I’m about to post on my own blog,
    “Usually reckless impulses of this pellucid-pure stupidity involve the phrase “Hold my beer and watch this!” and a Darwin Award nomination, but since this involves a member of the bi-coastal ruling elite, that famous last-words phrase likely didn’t apply.”

    If the voters of New York put him in office, they deserve all the horse-laughs they get. On the up side, maybe he’ll be so busy tweeting pics of his junk far and wide, that he won’t have any interest in restricting consumption of salt and soft drinks.

  3. Look, the moral and ethical standards that used to prevail have been deliberately trashed–called meaningless, old fashioned, an exercise in hypocritical “judgment,” a sham, made up out of whole cloth, a power play, a ploy to give one group of people dominance over another–as Religion has been severely weakened and uncoupled from morality and behavior, and we are lectured that there really is no Good and Evil, just different “choices” and lifestyles–and these attacks from the Left have been extraordinarily successful.

    As a consequence, we have and are witnessing an ever increasing number of tawdry spectacles like the Weiner saga (not to mention the different types of dangers that come with wife Huma) and, since the old standards lie in ruins, and society at large has been intimidated out of examining people’s conduct and “judging” them, we are told not to “discriminate” or be “prejudiced” against someone just because of their behavior,” Hollywood, TV, and the MSM have “defined deviance down” and revel in and celebrate it, absent some sort of modern day equivalent of the “Great Awakening” things are only going to get worse, as we are told that we should not be ”judgmental,“ that such “indiscretions” are a personal matter and have no bearing on a person’s fitness for office, that once acknowledged they are no longer relevant and/or to quote Hillary on Benghazi, “at this point what does it matter?”

  4. Well, Mr. Weiner does have a promising career in pr0n movies if his political endeavors don’t work out…

    Hey, I’m just sayin’

  5. He gave a new meaning to “Member” of Congress.

    Out of millions of people in New York, this can’t be the best they have to offer, or is it?

  6. Solution of the dilemma of the New York voter:

    Sexting. He did that? Still is?

    What a goof.


    I sext. In fact, I’m addicted to sexting.

    Vote Weiner.

  7. As some wag tweeted: “Shocked that the protégés of the Clintons are a philandering liar and an ambitious woman who stands by her man.”

  8. It seems to me that we are being shoved by the MSM and most of today’s gentry, academic, and political classes in the direction of the Old U.S.S.R., in which people had to publically ascribe to a totally fictitious view of reality, as we are fed our daily ration of bullshit, and told that if we are “sophisticated,” “educated,” “with it,” “cool,”” and “smart” and not “prejudiced,“ a “hick,” or a “rube,” we should disregard common sense and the evidence of our eyes, and just believe what we are told to believe, no matter how ridiculous or harmful to us individually or as a nation it might be.

    Thus, no doubt, “white Hispanic” Zimmerman should have “stood his ground,” but only to take whatever punishment Martin wanted to dish out, as retribution for past injustices to blacks, ‘cause nosy neighborhood watch Zimmerman, as a representative of “the Man,” obviously deserved it.

    Thus, we were recently told by MSNBC commentator Ed Schultz that the absolute disaster of the formerly successful and bustling but now bankrupt, crumbling, crime-ridden, and depopulated Detroit (in the 1940 the fourth most populace city in the U.S., whose population in the 1950’s topped out at over 2,000,000, now down to 714,000, and recently voted both the most “Democrat” city and the most miserable) was not the result of 60 years of uninterrupted Democratic rule, criminality, kleptocracy, and incompetence but was, instead, somehow an example of what happens when Republicans limit government’s size, operations, and expenditures.

    We were told that under Obamacare (in this “Health Emergency” the unread, extremely complex, 2,000+ page bill had to be passed before we could know what was in it) our premiums would be dramatically reduced, and that, if we liked them, we could keep our existing plan and doctors, and that all those millions of suffering people now without health care would be covered–all now proven to be lies, and, in fact, the opposite of what is happening all over the country.

    We have been told so many times that bad economic news that keeps coming each month is “unexpected,” and that the economy is “turning around,” I am surprised any in the MSM can keep a straight face when shoveling this crap out.

    We were told that, as for our Ambassador and three other U.S. citizens massacred at our diplomatic facility in Benghazi, that was old news, and we needn’t inquire any further because, well, “at this point, what did it matter?“

    We were told that Major Nidal Hassan’s obvious Jihadi attack at Ft. Hood–screaming the age-old Muslim battle cry of “Allahu Akbar” as he killed 13 fellow soldiers and wounded more than 30 others, some seriously–was not the most serious Jihadi terror attack against U.S. troops on our soil but was, rather, merely an episode of “workplace violence,” and the Army Chief of Staff lectured us that to think otherwise would demonstrate “prejudice” and stereotyping, and endanger our military’s extremely important efforts to increase “diversity.”

    We were told that when the latest crisis arose in Egypt that Secretary of State Kerry was hard at work–then pictures proved that he was, actually, on his yacht sailing around. Then, this was officially denied, only later that day to be confirmed, but, we were assured that Kerry was, nonetheless, really working on this problem 24/7.

    We were told by PEOPLE magazine that Weiner had reformed, turned a new leaf–thanks to the power of love–and that all was well. Yeah, right.

    In this climate I would suggest that cynicism and extreme skepticism of received wisdom is the best stance from which to judge practically everything.

  9. Roman Says:
    July 24th, 2013 at 1:40 pm
    He gave a new meaning to “Member” of Congress.

    Could one say that Weiner is presidential timber?

  10. He’s got a touch of Nero in him… the Caesar that loved the stage so much.

    Being such an attention whore is quite unmanly — and bespeaks volumes about his inner child — who is, apparently, a cross-dresser.


    Give that boy a cod-piece — he doesn’t belong in our times.

  11. You know I think the Democrats are starting to not be “cool” anymore to that constituency that cared about that sort of thing.

  12. And he is one of the front runners in the political race!

    That says more about the voters than it does about him.

  13. While it may be a good thing to keep an open mind, one must take care that it’s not so open that one’s brain falls out. New York’s brain has fallen out.

    Mr. Weiner could not get elected to dog catcher in fly over country.

  14. I don’t want to know anything more about this. Really. Make it stop.

    Would any fortune 100 company hire him as its CEO after this 2nd scandal? No. So why on earth should he be running one of America’s largest cities?

  15. I have some sympathy for Gary Hart. IIRC, he claimed it was the best sex he ever had. That’s worth a certain amount of sacrifice 😉

    Of course, he was also a self centered blame shifter, but that is rather common in politicians and ubiquitous among ambitious Democrats.

  16. “The Weiner saga is not just about sex, or sexting, or sexual infidelity of the mental sort. It’s about the almost breathtaking capacity of some people to think they can get away with behavior that’s already been uncovered, and that they’ve already sworn to stop.”

    What is breathtaking for me is the number of persons who will still vote for him, that he may get away with it.

  17. Well Weiner’s holding firm and refusing to back out, so the voters will have to prove they aren’t as dumb as everyone thinks they are.
    Besides it being reckless and dumb behavior for a man seeking a high profile political office, it strikes me as being adolescent at best and aberrant at worst. It’s one thing to share a sexual message with your wife or girlfriend, at least the text portions – quite another to be trolling the Internet for strangers and assuming phones names like Carlos Danger, and sending pictures of your crotch around. The fact that New Yorkers can no longer define what a is normal human behavior between adults and whats aberrant is interesting to watch.
    I wonder if the next candidate will be a proud serial peeping Tom, or maybe a flasher – running around upper Manhattan or Times Square in a trench coat?
    I feel sorry for his wife and I don’t. Nobody deserves that kind of humiliation unless they put up with it
    Election night will be interesting – if he wins, will send out a tweet with a picture of his package that says ” I beat the odds!” ?

  18. Back in the day… Profumo spent his remaining life after scandal working in a homeless shelter and learning humility. Now, it appears, a major scandal is a mere blip on one’s CV.

  19. “Weiner’s holding firm”

    You might want to rephrase that, ba-DUMP. Or maybe you did …

  20. Interesting that the Pubs are supposed to have a “War on Women,” yet the Demos have the likes of Spitzer and Weiner running for office.

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