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Like a laser — 20 Comments

  1. God save us! I was rather hoping that he’d forgotten all about the economy and that his endless and destructive meddling would end.

  2. Let me guess. Obama gave a speech about it. Problem solved. We can all rest easy now.

  3. Obama said “Now we all know I can give a good speech about economics . . . ”

    What he said after economics I was able to quickly block out. I must, after all, preserve my health. Good thing I’ve already developed hypersensitivity from numerous IRS investigations, NSA snooping of my personal communications, and being labelled a bigot and a racist.

    You know, there is a silver lining to every cloud.

  4. I’m going to focus on the economy, right after implementing Obamacare (or not), gutting the 2nd Amendment, legalizing 8-13 million illegals, getting involved in another Middle East war (but this time on the Islamist side), destroying the utilities through Green Power.

  5. Obama’s approval is down to 41%. His disapproval is up to 54%.

    The Zimmerman case made him look foolish.

    The scandals (remember those) are those vague things but kind of sort of tainted him a little bit.

    The fact of Obamacare as a farce and a fraud outpaces attempts to whitewash.

    The majority wants border security first.

    I think people just want Obama to shut up until he can go away at the end of his term. The Zimmerman trial represents a watershed, a changing of the view. Although vested interests require lip service by the media, real passion and momentum swings back to individual liberty.

    Obama’s speech will be just another opportunity for his base to see the gap between rhetoric and reality.

  6. As a result of the Wan’s histrionics, I’ve come down with:

    Post Dramatic Stress Syndrome.

    It’s all too much stress and drama.

  7. It’s hard to know how people can take this guy seriously except as a threat. His boosters have serious problems with judging reality.

    If Obama really cared about jobs he would kill Obamacare, build pipelines, secure our borders, and open federal lands to drilling.

  8. sharpie, 2:30 pm — “The Zimmerman case made him look foolish.”

    To whom? Certainly not to those who will latch on to anything to preserve their precious illusions. And as of election day 2012, there appeared to be enough of them* that what our side thinks doesn’t quite matter.

    *Note I did not say “more of them”; given the graveyard vote, the illegal alien vote, and the otherwise fraudulent vote, I ain’t willing to say it’s an honest majority.

    “I think people just want Obama to shut up until he can go away at the end of his term. The Zimmerman trial represents a watershed, a changing of the view. Although vested interests require lip service by the media, real passion and momentum swings back to individual liberty.”

    Oh, how I want you to be right.

  9. One image I’ve always had of Obama is of a circus clown juggling irons. After too many irons, the juggling has to stop. After all: IRONS!

    But that metaphor hasn’t proved very prophetic. Incredibly, it appears he can juggle quite a few more irons than any other clown around. In fact, he seems to be educating other clowns on the technique.

    Sadly, there are to many circus attendees whose brains receive a diffused truth like a Shamwow absorbent towel.


    But my hope never dims and a new metaphor is forming, something along the lines of a house dropping on someone? That’s what happens when you stir up a tornado.

  10. When did Obama ever have his eyes on recovering America’s economy?

    That isn’t a Leftist goal. They can’t get votes if everyone is rich.

  11. I heard Obama’s speech on the economy described as sounding like his excuse as to why he hasn’t completed the term paper that was due two years ago. Exactly. It was long on rhetoric and blame, but bereft of specifics. Because there are no specifics except, “Let me spend more money on job creation.” Worked so well the last time. It is to weep.

  12. He’s spending money on black communities and police unions, for that TSA-ACORN-SEIU shock troop recruitment program.

    The Democrats have a lot of things to pay for, if they are going to fill up their war chest. For, you know, emergencies.

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