Home » And the winner is: Joe the Plumber


And the winner is: Joe the Plumber — 7 Comments

  1. Dear Joe,

    In another time and place people like you were called kulaks. Things did not go well for them.

    Good luck and don’t forget your long underwear when they come for you,


  2. I explain over at pjmedia why Joe should be ashamed, since the right to free plumbing is one of the basic human rights.

    You are obviously a lifelong right winger, and have never learned the truth or experienced higher education. You should read Marx and Obama.

  3. Secret? 🙂

    Unabashedly out-of-the-closet socialist.

    Obama and McCain have markedly different plans with regards to taxes and spending. While Obama with a 4 to 1 money advantage has MISDEFINED McCain in EVERY commercial (isn’t that negative advertising), the plans are clearly defined on their websites.

    Obama’s plan increases taxes on capital gains, corporations, and upper income folks which would 100% have a negative effect on the economy. Is that what America needs? The Great Depression 2.0? Hoover and FDR inacted the wrong prescriptions for America in the 30’s and we didn’t come out of the depression until WW2 in the 40’s.

    McCain’s plan is the RIGHT prescription for what ails America. His plans call for cuts in capital gains taxes, corporate taxes and continuing with the tax cuts enacted after 9/11.

    This is such a simple choice if people understand economics 101.

    Taking away “personality” and the “associations” and the “Messiah” qualities or not – on the ISSUES, Obama is WRONG and John McCain is right.

  4. By the way Neo, great article. Your last paragraph hit the nail on the head.

    Chance of success or actual success ?

    Leftists do not get the point because they in their mind have discounted letting businesses or people keep more of their income as….. “trickle down” economics.

    They simply cannot grasp that it is true that business and economic output is negatively impacted by higher taxes. If economic activity is negatively impacted that is less j-o-b-s than before. Period.

    It might still be an ‘increase’ in jobs if there was a surge in the economy. just less of an ‘increase’.

    But during a recession – it would lead to a deeper recession and maybe even depression. Economics 101 should be taught far and wide. It is the only way we can grab a hold back of a individualist vs. statist government mentality.

    It is better to teach a man to fish than give him fish. Giving fish leads to depenedancy. It is counter productive to the long term goals that ALL of us should have of having a stronger and more prosperous nation.

    The more prosperous we are the more we can focus on other goals such as helping other nations or being a leading edge technology innovator towards environment issues….

  5. A liberal can’t comprehend that giving a person unearned money is actually handicapping the supplier and reciever of that money. It is a genuine lose lose situation.

    The giver harbors resentment, and the reciever has no incentive to leave the freebie comfort zone.

  6. No. He’s the loser.

    Some apparatchik called the Ohio regulations commission on him and they are investigating his plumbing licenses.

    He’s also had his address and Social Security Number outed on lefty blogs.

    Dirty, dirty leftists. I remember this strongarming stuff under Clinton!

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