Home » Meet San Francisco’s new DA: Chesa Boudin, the ultimate red diaper baby


Meet San Francisco’s new DA: Chesa Boudin, the ultimate red diaper baby — 72 Comments

  1. Bernie, whose latest immigration plan is spectacularly dreadful and who is also very worried about the imminent execution of the rapist and murderer Rodney Reed, is very pleased about the victory of this Soros-funded radical, who is likely to be every bit as destructive as Krasner, the Soros-funded DA in the City of Brotherly Love.

  2. Professor Pangloss proven right again: In Chesa Boudin San Francisco (now on the very Brink bank of Utopia) has the best of the best of all possible worlds, and so richly deserved.

  3. The thoroughgoing fecklessness in his donors and in San Francisco voters is just astonishing.

    The project of putting people hostile to law enforcement in DAs offices is another indication, in case you needed one, that the sorosphere is just destructive.

  4. Mayor Pete, Rachael Maddow, Bill Clinton and my former neighbor were all Rhodes Scholars. La di da.

  5. Thinks are goin’ so good in SanFran, I wonder how long it will be before those running the town will try to find some way to prevent citizens from just packing up, and moving away from that Leftist paradise?

  6. Snow on Pine:

    Maybe San Francisco can hire someone who used to be translator and spokesperson for Kim Jong-un to help expedite that policy.

  7. Get out the popcorn. Watching SF disintegrate over the next couple of years should be interesting.

  8. I read somewhere that his name is derived from Che (Guevara) & (U)SA.

    This should be a great show in SF. As Mencken said “Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.”

  9. SF and CA at large are toast. I give the implosion 5-10 years before everything turns full Venezuelan. Illinois is headed in the same direction. Many Iowans are discussing which bridges over Big Muddy to blockade. That is among the people I know.

  10. No. First it needs a population purge to the islands out there beyond the Golden Gate Bridge with a small food drop every two weeks just to film the fun and keep them all pooping.

  11. “There are lots of situations in San Francisco where ICE is making arrests,” Boudin said. “We know it’s racist, we know it’s targeting immigrants, and unfortunately right now no one in the DA’s office has the resources or the mandate to investigate those interactions.”

    Let me get this straight. Immigration and Customs Enforcement is targeting….Immigrants.

    Like this is some sort of state secret.

  12. The problem with laughing and pointing at SF or Seattle is this stuff spreads to surrounding areas that didn’t vote for this guy or Seattle’s socialist city council. It’s stunning how the homeless crap (sometimes literally) has spread to my area 30 miles from Seattle. Just today there was a homeless guy sleeping (passed out, who knows) right in front of the door at a Safeway I was at. The staff have to deal with this and customers also obviously.

    I don’t think I saw a homeless person in my suburban area until about five years ago now not a day goes by and it’s just spread out from Seattle.

  13. The beauty of Iowa’s lack of a huge metro area and often extreme winter climate is that homelessness is kept to a minimum.

  14. BTW I am really tired of being told illegal aliens are immigrants. Another example of the left perverting language.

  15. I noticed a while ago, Cornhead, that Rhodes Scholar alumni seem to be a dicey lot. Some program!

  16. ‘Che-USA’ “Boudin said the unit would also be tasked with investigating and prosecuting “illegal tactics” by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.”

    18 U.S. Code § 2383 – Rebellion or insurrection | U.S …
    “Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.” (June 25, 1948, ch. [my emphasis]

    It is inevitable that Boudin and the rest of his ilk are going to provide Trump with actionable evidence of violations of 18 U.S. Code § 2383… arguably, they already have done so.

  17. Rhodes scholarship used to require a candidate have a sport participation . . . golf? . . . tennis? . . . rowing? . . . target shooting? . . . bomb throwing?

  18. You know, it’s a natural human tendency to follow in the footsteps of your parents, and just as natural a tendency to rebel, or at least stray. I wonder if children of passionately political parents are more likely to do the one or the other. Are children of leftist zealots more likely to follow or to stray? How about rightist zealots? Did Chesa ever think “Actually, my parents did some really horrible things in pursuit of some really horrible objectives?”

    Offhand most of the examples I can think of on the left are followers. I hypothesize that leftism is more in keeping with the spirit of the age, and so children of leftists are more likely to stick with the family tradition (irony noted). *Only* a hypothesis. Surely some sociologists have studied this.

  19. Offhand most of the examples I can think of on the left are followers. I hypothesize that leftism is more in keeping with the spirit of the age, and so children of leftists are more likely to stick with the family tradition (irony noted).

    Agreed. Children who betray their parents in this way (or appeal to their parents’ foolishness) I think tend to be the children of people we admire to some degree. Examples would be two of the four Reagan spawn, Christopher Buckley, Maya Keyes, Mary Cheney, Will Portman, and Max Boot.

  20. Jussie Smolett’s mother ran in similar circles as Chesa’s folks, and she named and raised her kids in similar fashion. A similarly funded Soros D.A. was elected in Chicago and shortly thereafter Jussie had the idea for his hoax. When he was found out the D.A. illegally bent the law to keep him free.

    After a similarly funded D.A. was elected in Baltimore there was an increase in protests, confrontation and activity in the leftist groups in Baltimore, especially BLM.

    This is not a joke, folks. This is a strategy.

  21. I sure met a lot of Red Diaper babies in my activist days in the Bay Area.

    Other than David Horowitz I can’t think of any, though I’m sure there are others, Red Diaper children who turned against their parents’ politics.

  22. Jussie Smolett’s mother ran in similar circles as Chesa’s folks, and she named and raised her kids in similar fashion.

    Rufus T. Firefly: Exactly. His mother was buds with black radical, Angela Davis, who even spent a Mother’s Day with Mom and Jussy.

    I consider this the missing piece to the Jussie puzzle. He didn’t do it just to up his public profile and pull down bigger money from TV.

    I suspect he was also trying to help Kamala Harris and Cory Booker pass their “Anti-Lynching” bill in the House, after it passed the Senate last December. Note the lynching motif in Smollett’s attack and in the hate letter he received. (The smart money says he sent the letter to himself.)

  23. Privileged white men who have never had to think outside their own comfortable boxes are still running things. Into the ground. YAY lefties!

  24. Cornhead: As I recall, and Andy above agrees, Chesa is a mash-up of Che with USA.

    Shoot me now!

  25. Many on the anti-gun left smirk at the idea of people arming themselves against a tyrannical government that has Hellfire armed drones. I say it beats blindly rolling over to people like this.

  26. H.L. Mencken – “Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.”

    In fairness, it’s not really the common folk who are responsible for Chesa but there really is no other way to deal with this. You can tell a child not to touch a stove over and over again but sometimes they have to learn the hard way. A lot of upper-middle-class people are going to have to do the same.


  27. Boudin is a red diaper baby who got too used to soiled diapers because his parents or the Ayers where to self-absorbed to change him.

  28. It will be interesting, in a ghoulish sort of way, to see how fast SF descends to the level of crime and disorder of NYC in the 1970s and 80s. It’s a social experiment that is, thankfully, very far away from me.

  29. Gerard vanderleun — No. First it needs a population purge to the islands out there beyond the Golden Gate Bridge

    Make them swim there. During great white shark season.

  30. Sure glad I got a chance to see San Francisco about 40 years ago.
    It already had problems with vagrants and, um, free thinkers.

  31. Paul in Boston said: “It will be interesting, in a ghoulish sort of way, to see how fast SF descends to the level of crime and disorder of NYC in the 1970s and 80s.”

    That reminds me of something I read in National Review back then. Ca. 1980 maybe, but I’m not at all sure. Can’t remember who the writer was, either, possibly Sobran. Anyway the remark as I recall it was “New York is now a third-world city which will never come back.”

    I think of that whenever I hear something about how NYC turned around. Optimism does not come at all naturally to me, but this is proof that apparently irreversible decline can in fact be reversed.

  32. I think of that whenever I hear something about how NYC turned around. Optimism does not come at all naturally to me, but this is proof that apparently irreversible decline can in fact be reversed.

    Mac: Yes. Things can change quickly. In 1962 who saw hippies coming? In 1972 who saw hippies disappearing?

    This hard left movement will crest and subside, though exactly when is bit trickier to say.

  33. Leftists traumatize their children from an early level. Thus they have an extremely hard time “getting away” from their parent’s negative vibes. Just look at Woody Allen and his new wife… read the backstory. Imagine how that relates to child pedo “grooming”.

    Conservatives tend not to do this or at least the trauma level is at a bare minimum. Look at Reagan’s family. His adopted son was the conservative. His bio son was the…

    First the first 3 years of a child’s incarnation on Earth, after the First Breath of creation was inhaled and taken, the aura field of everyone around it, including its primary care giver, is what modifies and nurtures or stunts and cripples that child’s internal stress levels. A child in the hands of a stressed out parent, takes on that stress, as they cannot differentiate yet between Self and Other. All that yelling and domestic violence Leftists engage in? Just look at Bill Clinton and his drunk father. Look what that did. Same for Hillary Clinton.

    These are some broken human trash souls going on here. That is not an insult, it is just a fact. Most or even all of humanity is basically equal as broken trash. The broken trash keep producing broken trash. They need an intervention at a Divine level to even try to return back to a more harmonious time.

    or they do as the Amish do and just break away from civilization entirely. Which is perhaps the saner option.

  34. For those that don’t know, the Cabal use pedophilia and early childhood trauma to indoctrinate the next generation. They have evaded the European aristocracy problem of having bad heirs by a rather ruthless but also working solution.

    If your child is so traumatized that their identity fades to black, then any identity can be imprinted, and the goals of the parents can be directly imprinted.

    For example, let’s say Hillary and William C got a child that liked Jesus. The Cabal would then take the child, have them call out for Jesus, then attacking the child using sexual, psychological, and physical beatings. This continues on for I don’t know, days, weeks, months, or years, until later on, the child associates “Jesus” with evil. Then they say, Call upon Satan, the Devil. And the beatings stop.

    This is how you humans… well, that’s not necessary for me to say now is it .

  35. huxley:

    I am personally acquainted with many red diaper babies, and all are still far far leftists. Some quite influential ones.

  36. The heart vs the head. For kids, or any with juvenile thinking, having a “good heart”, like a good mother, is more important, far far more important, than being a rational, responsible person. Like responsible parents, most especially the money-careful fathers.

    Many kids, if not most, often think that being responsible and rational, with limits, is also being heartless.

    Socialism, and the magic thinking around it, is all about being a good, generous person who can, and does, help the poor, who need it. Even if this means taking more from the rich. Especially if the rich got rich from exploiting the poor – which many think is always the case.

    “Generosity superiority” is the unspoken goal of most SJ Despots.

  37. Ymarsakar, the parent with the most negative vibe in the Allen-Farrow household was probably Mia. Check her Farrow family history, add in her behavior with Sinatra and the Previns, along with the rejection of the pedophilia claims against Woody by a couple of the other children, and Mia’s alleged coaching of the girl Dylan (or was she Eliza, or was she Malone?). I would not be surprised if Woody’s wife Soon-Yi was more than happy to get out of that atmosphere and it wouldn’t have required any “pedo grooming,” for which there is no evidence at all that I know of. Several of the other children adopted after Woody left died young, at least one a proven suicide, in ways that should raise any normal person’s fears and suspicions about the Farrow household. Mia is one of those great humanitarians who seems to produce an awful lot of misery in the lives in her immediate presence.

  38. Leftists traumatize their children from an early level. Thus they have an extremely hard time “getting away” from their parent’s negative vibes. Just look at Woody Allen and his new wife… read the backstory. Imagine how that relates to child pedo “grooming”.

    There is pretty good evidence that behavior is mostly (50%) genetic. This has been an argument with the left (Stephen Jay Gould) holding out for “The Blank Slate,” the title of Stephen Pinker’s book refuting this theory. The new Plomin book, “Blueprint” shows DNA evidence that behavior is genetic. Much of the evidence for behavioral influence is also evidence of genetic effect. Red Diaper babies come from Red Diaper parents.

  39. Kai Akker:


    There’s plenty of evidence against Allen in the case involving daughter Dylan. Read this post and the links contained in it, especially this court report.

    In addition, children who are adopted later in life are at extra risk for various problems no matter who adopts them and how they are raised.

  40. “Wrong.” You are very certain, Neo!

    What am I wrong about, my comment that Mia was probably the more negative of the two of them?

  41. Mia is one of those great humanitarians who seems to produce an awful lot of misery in the lives in her immediate presence.

    Mrs. Jellyby.

    Woody Allen was begging for a ferocious reaction when he bedded Soon-Yi. It wouldn’t surprise me, though, if the charges in re the younger children were cock-and-bull.

    Still, 27 years as a couple, 22 of them lawfully married. He was finally ready for domestic life or she knew better than the others how to approach the task of building one.

  42. I am personally acquainted with many red diaper babies, and all are still far far leftists.

    neo: Why is that? I would surprised if one-third of the “catholic diaper babies” I knew in parochial school are still Catholic or even Christian.

    Of course, the parents weren’t necessarily all that Catholic. I noticed many stopped going to church once their kids were grown.

    Would red diaper babies be comparable to Hasidic Jews?

    Of course, not all red diaper babies are Jewish, though it does seem most I can think of were, at least on one side of the family or the other. Chesa’s biological mother, Kathy Boudin, was Jewish. Likewise Bernardine Dohrn, who raised Chesa, was Jewish on her father’s side (though I recognize that’s not technically Jewish).

  43. like the man who was paralysed
    the woman with 9 fractures

    on the video at link
    a black man cold cocks a young pale girl leaving her apartment
    same man hits a fat pale male in the side of the head
    a black man pushed a pale male under a truck
    another hits two pale women near a parking meter
    another throws a rock through a car windshield
    one pale male homeless that appears Hispanic, kicking at car door window
    a woman a bucket of warm feces on her, has to be tested for diseases every three months…

    slightly over 6,500 incidents

    attacks are skyrocketing says video

    Homeless man hurls bucket of diarrhea at woman near Hollywood Walk of Fame

    He pulled her into the middle of the street, where he dumped a bucket of feces over her head, she said.

    “It was diarrhea. Hot liquid,” Van Tassel told NBC4. “I was soaked, and it was coming off my eyelashes and into my eyes.”

    Referring to the amount of feces used in the attack, paramedics who treated her said that it “looked like the man was saving it up for a month,” according to Van Tassel.

  44. Still, 27 years as a couple, 22 of them lawfully married. He was finally ready for domestic life or she knew better than the others how to approach the task of building one. [ArtDeco]

    Yes, and quite a bit more than Mia Farrow was ever able to sustain. The descriptions by Soon-Yi and her younger adoptive brother Moses tell what Mia’s household was like all too clearly. It is a very different picture than the one the judge seems to have accepted from Mia in that court ruling, Neo. I think Mia had made yet another conquest, something she could do to men with ease.

    Soon-Yi: https://www.vulture.com/2018/09/soon-yi-previn-speaks.html
    Note the dates in that crucial period in 1992. Her comments on Mia’s fascination with Satchel/Ronan (why did so many of them need multiple names, btw?) were quite striking, I thought.

    Moses: https://mosesfarrow.blogspot.com/2018/05/a-son-speaks-out-by-moses-farrow.html

    His comments on the Farrow history would sure seem to parallel this case of the Boudins’ seemingly genetic multi-generational communist religion. Not in politics, but as a case of familial characteristics.

    “But the fatal dysfunction within my childhood home had nothing to do with Woody. It began long before he entered the picture and came straight from a deep and persistent darkness within the Farrow family.

    “It was common knowledge in Hollywood that my grandfather, the director John Farrow, was a notorious drinker and serial philanderer. There were numerous alcohol-fueled arguments between her parents, and Mia told me that she was the victim of attempted molestation within her own family. Her brother, my uncle John, who visited us many times when we were young, is currently in prison on a conviction of multiple child molestation charges. (My mother has never publicly commented on this or expressed concern about his victims.) My uncle Patrick and his family would often come by, but those visits could end abruptly as Mia and Patrick would often wind up arguing. Patrick would commit suicide in 2009.”

  45. Within 24 hours of arriving in Caracas on his backpacking trip through Latin America, Chesa Boudin got an invitation to Miraflores, the Venezuelan equivalent of our White House. No ordinary backpacker gets invited to such august places. Chesa owed his invitation to his leftist royalty pedigree- his foster parents, his parents, and various relatives of his grandparents’ generation. Chesa went on to work for Hugo Chávez. Given Chesa’s first name- a combination of Che Guevara and South America- perhaps this was inevitable. (Chesa Boudin wrote a book about his backpacking adventures: Gringo- A Coming of Age in Latin America.)

    After working for Hugo Chávez, Chesa Boudin co-authored a book on Venezuela. The Venezuelan Revolution: 100 Questions-100 Answers.

    One question was whether the Chávez government was communist or not. (page 38)

    Chesa replied by making two points: 1) as PCV (Venezuelan Communist Party) members held no significant government positions, the PCV was an insignificant part of the Chávez coalition; 2) fear-mongerers were calling the government Communist to stoke the fears of the middle class, which was afraid it would lose political power and also lose its “modest economic gains.”

    Regarding the first point, consider an interview that Hugo Chávez gave to BBC Mundo in 2006 :

    Yo soy sólo un soldado de esa batalla. Fidel es nuestro presidente. Si hubiera que nombrar un presidente del mundo pero con poderes para arreglarlo, ése sería Fidel. Creo que en una década arreglaría al mundo.

    “I am only a soldier in this battle. Fidel is our president. If I had to name a President of the World but with powers to fix it, that would be Fidel. I believe that within a decade he would fix up the world.” (my translation)

    Chesa told us that Communists were an insignificant part of the Chávez coalition, but Hugo told us he would give Commie Fidel the power to run the world and presumably, fix it up. Tell me another one, Chesa.

    Consider Chesa’s second point, that fear-mongerers were yelling Communist to spike the fears of the middle class that they will lose power and become poorer. The oppo has definitely lost political power, in spite of having won two thirds of the seats in the December 2015 legislative elections. In last year’s Presidential elections, Maduro’s Electoral Council took prominent oppo leaders off the ballot. Venezuela’s per capita income has fallen by about 50% or more in recent years. So much for “scary rhetoric,” as what they feared would occur came to pass. What say you, Chesa?

    Chesa deserves our contempt- not for having lefty royalist relatives- but for choosing to follow the far lefty path of his relatives.

  46. For heaven’s sake, ALL crimes are crimes against “quality of life”.
    The distinction is fraudulent, and intended to make suckers out of the inattentive and thoughtless middle, those who are neither of the right or the left.

  47. I’ve long been impressed how sixties radicals, and now their offspring, consistently fall upwards, even if they were literally bombers.

    I’m sure Chesa is a bright fella. The Weather Underground high command were all quite bright. But to get into Yale then Oxford with a Rhodes — I doubt he was that exceptional given the competition.

    Furthermore, I’d bet anything that if Chesa’s father (or adoptive father) were a prosperous dairy farmer and Chesa were a top kid in 4-H, it would have been no soap, no way, no how, no matter what his test scores or teacher recommendations were.

    It is a testament, I believe, that our elites have been compatible with the radical left for a long time.

  48. The crime and “enforcement” problem in SF is not at all new. For instance, back in the late 90s IIRC, I read a long article in the SF Chronicle about rising auto break-ins in the city. (This has always been a concern for anyone who drives into SF. I have been hit once in SF about 1990 and once in Oakland about 1980.)
    The article was built around the story of an Oakland resident who made a living stealing from cars in SF. He literally commuted across the Bay to “work”. He had 12 arrests, but negligible jail time or other penalties. City policy, apparently.
    The article ended with a long quote from a middle management cop, who was trying to sound tough. He said “crooks know what they face if they come to SF.”
    I still wonder today if the reporter was trying to make a point about the vaporous nature of small crime enforcement in SF, or if he, too, thought this was the right way to handle crime.
    Just the other day, some business acquaintances of mine were carjacked at knifepoint in their condo garage in downtown Los Altos (one of the poshest towns in the SF area).
    A couple months ago I went to the local post office with a bundle of mail from my streetside box. None addressed to me. PO clerk says, “oh yes, probably dumped by a mail thief. Some are known to operate in your area.”
    This was news to me. What to do? “Nothing can be done. Have a nice day.”
    So, yeah, it’s spreading.

  49. Kai Akker:

    Oh, so you reject the court testimony and judge’s statement because the judge must have had a crush on Mia. With no evidence of that whatsoever, by the way.

    Woody Allen and Farrow had had family therapy for years prior to that because of Allen’s inappropriate behavior with Dylan, witnessed by many adults (including baby sitters). There’s lots more, too. How far that behavior ultimately went we have no way to know, but there was plenty of icky behavior prior to the separation and witnessed by many people.

    A couple of Mia Farrow’s kids hate her. The rest love and stand by her. It’s a big family.

    Farrow’s certainly no angel in the affairs department, however. Married men, for example. But always adults.

  50. I’m sure Chesa is a bright fella. The Weather Underground high command were all quite bright. But to get into Yale then Oxford with a Rhodes — I doubt he was that exceptional given the competition.

    David Hogg was admitted to Harvard. He supposedly received a combined score on his SAT of 1270 . That’s a score around the 80th percentile nowadays (due to the amendments to the scoring system instituted in 1995), characteristic of those admitted to UMass Amherst. They grease the skids for people who are obnoxious in socially-sanctioned ways. (Socially-sanctioned in certain circles, that is).

  51. huxley:
    I’m sure Chesa is a bright fella. The Weather Underground high command were all quite bright. But to get into Yale then Oxford with a Rhodes — I doubt he was that exceptional given the competition.

    Furthermore, I’d bet anything that if Chesa’s father (or adoptive father) were a prosperous dairy farmer and Chesa were a top kid in 4-H, it would have been no soap, no way, no how, no matter what his test scores or teacher recommendations were.

    You could make a lot of money with that bet. From Russell Nieli at Minding the Campus (2010):How Diversity Punishes Asians, Poor Whites and Lots of Others. He reviews Thomas Espenshade’s and Alexandria Radford’s study of 8 highly competitive public and private universities constituting over 245,000 applications over 3 years.

    Besides the bias against lower-class whites, the private colleges in the Espenshade/Radford study seem to display what might be called an urban/Blue State bias against rural and Red State occupations and values. This is most clearly shown in a little remarked statistic in the study’s treatment of the admissions advantage of participation in various high school extra-curricular activities. In the competitive private schools surveyed participation in many types of extra-curricular activities — including community service activities, performing arts activities, and “cultural diversity” activities — conferred a substantial improvement in an applicant’s chances of admission. The admissions advantage was usually greatest for those who held leadership positions or who received awards or honors associated with their activities. No surprise here — every student applying to competitive colleges knows about the importance of extracurriculars.

    But what Espenshade and Radford found in regard to what they call “career-oriented activities” was truly shocking even to this hardened veteran of the campus ideological and cultural wars. Participation in such Red State activities as high school ROTC, 4-H clubs, or the Future Farmers of America was found to reduce very substantially a student’s chances of gaining admission to the competitive private colleges in the NSCE database on an all-other-things-considered basis. The admissions disadvantage was greatest for those in leadership positions in these activities or those winning honors and awards.“Being an officer or winning awards” for such career-oriented activities as junior ROTC, 4-H, or Future Farmers of America, say Espenshade and Radford, “has a significantly negative association with admission outcomes at highly selective institutions.” Excelling in these activities “is associated with 60 or 65 percent lower odds of admission.”

    Espenshade and Radford don’t have much of an explanation for this find, which seems to place the private colleges even more at variance with their stated commitment to broadly based campus diversity. In his Bakke ruling Lewis Powell was impressed by the argument Harvard College offered defending the educational value of a demographically diverse student body: “A farm boy from Idaho can bring something to Harvard College that a Bostonian cannot offer. Similarly, a black student can usually bring something that a white person cannot offer.” The Espenshade/Radford study suggests that those farm boys from Idaho would do well to stay out of their local 4-H clubs or FFA organizations — or if they do join, they had better not list their membership on their college application forms. This is especially true if they were officers in any of these organizations. Future farmers of America don’t seem to count in the diversity-enhancement game played out at some of our more competitive private colleges, and are not only not recruited, but seem to be actually shunned. It is hard to explain this development other than as a case of ideological and cultural bias.

    So yes, if Chesa Boudin were the son of a dairy farmer and a leader in 4-H, he would have had a lot harder time getting into Yale and such places. Imagine, for a moment, a dairy farmer naming his son Chesa as in Che Guevara-South America. 🙂

    Glad the edit function is now working. As Hugo Chavez once said, “Por ahora.” (For now.)

  52. Gringo on November 13, 2019 at 4:30 pm said:

    Besides the bias against lower-class whites, the private colleges in the Espenshade/Radford study seem to display what might be called an urban/Blue State bias against rural and Red State occupations
    * * *
    The MSM’s conscious decision to solidify the current electoral colors some years ago may be a real headache for future historians trying to figure out why Red Diaper Babies don’t come from Red State families.

    PS – can you try that link again to the college admissions study? I got a 404.

  53. The MSM’s conscious decision to solidify the current electoral colors some years ago may be a real headache for future historians trying to figure out why Red Diaper Babies don’t come from Red State families.

    Good one. I suspect MSM calling Republican states Red states was an attempt to avoid Democrat-Red-Commie association. With the likes of Chesa Boudin, I have no idea why someone would have made such an association. 🙂

    PS – can you try that link again to the college admissions study? I got a 404

    I should have checked the link after posting.

    How Diversity Punishes Asians, Poor Whites and Lots of Others.

  54. Jane Alpert was a sixties bomber who eventually surrendered and went to prison. I kept track of her because I have two degrees of separation from her a la Kevin Bacon. Plus she wrote a riveting memoir, “Growing Up Underground.”


    I believe Alpert and her notorious radical lover, Sam Melville (died in Attica), were inspirations in part for characters in Marge Piercy’s novel, “Vida,” (also riveting) about sixties radicals gone underground in the seventies.

    If you read Alpert’s wiki, you’ll notice the personal details die off after she got out of prison. Several years ago I exerted all my google-fu to track her. I got far enough to see she was running a substantial pension fund. Unfortunately, I didn’t record the specifics. I can’t find anything now.

    Maybe I should live and let live. Alpert was somewhat repentant for her political terrorism. But we don’t live in a “live and let live” world these days and the left is largely responsible.

  55. Neo, regarding Woody and Mia, I think you’ve misunderstood my original post. I said there was no evidence of “pedo-grooming” regarding Soon-Yi. I was not speaking there of Dylan. Ymarsaker’s post had focused on Woody and his wife.

    Additionally, since you posted the link and I read it through, parts of the text of the judge’s order do not hold up well given actual events with the two of them. And it is hard to read the more recent accounts of two adults who lived in that household without recognizing much of what was going on there with Mia. Clearly they were describing forms of abuse. You don’t have to believe them, but a lot of things that have come out since the whole scandal hit have rung true to me.

  56. I am of the firm belief that behavior and personality and intelligence are all DNA-linked. It is not a simple matter of nature vs. nurture.

    I said “belief”, not fact.

    Genetics is actually rather complicated, surprise! For example, not every child of a six-footer will be six feet tall at maturity. There is this funny thing about genes that used to be termed ‘penetrance’, with a low penetrance signifying being less likely to manifest the expression of said gene even though it is present.

    Genetics is much more complex than ‘dominant’ versus ‘recessive’. We are not talking Gregor Mendel and his peas any more. Almost every data set relevant to genetics falls on a (dreaded?) bell-shaped curve. Black vs white IQ, for instance.

  57. I am of the firm belief that behavior and personality and intelligence are all DNA-linked.

    Cicero: I respect your qualification of “belief.” That doesn’t mean genetics determines one’s life. (Which I don’t think you were arguing.) It seems we have some degree of free will, however miniscule, to choose.

    I’ve already done my big personal reveal on this blog. By ordinary therapeutic standards I should be in terrible trouble by now, if not decades before, given all the suicides, mental illness and drug addiction in my family.

    I’m not in trouble. I worried about it for a long time, but I’m not.

    Maybe my suicidal parents happened to combine genetically to give me super resilient genes. My therapists are always telling me how resilient I am. Maybe.

    However, I also know I have spent no small part of my life, since my age was in single digits, asking what can I do about this? No one is coming to rescue me.

    Maybe that question was genetically determined too. Maybe I am on the freakish side of the “resilience” Bell curve.

    I don’t know for sure. My family, perhaps genetically, is also prone to religious experiences. That’s not what God tells me.

  58. Gringo on November 13, 2019 at 5:10 pm said:

    Thanks – very interesting article. Good comments.
    Sad that we are still looking into this 9 years later.
    One commenter predicted the eventual failure of the schools that admitted so many “diversity” students that didn’t have the intellectual qualities for university study.
    That seems to be coming true.

  59. Kai Akker:

    You’re not doing a good job of pleading your case.

    Which parts don’t hold up?

    And you’ve never heard of false accusations? This is a large family and most of the children do not back up Moses’ claims. I don’t pretend to know who’s telling the truth. But there is no indication that it’s Moses.

    On the other hand, there’s plenty of evidence for Allen’s very inappropriate behavior with Dylan. And as far as “grooming” with Soon-Yi, he befriended her for years when she was in her teens after never taking an interest in her prior to that, and started an affair when she came of age despite the fact that she was his girlfriend’s daughter. When their affair was going on, he left pornographic photos of her (spread-eagled naked crotch shots) in a prominent place where Mia Farrow was sure to see them.

  60. Neo, that judge’s order is one-sided not just in its ruling, but in its language, which has some unusually personal overtones. Condemning Woody for getting involved romantically with Soon-Yi, then a 21-year-old woman, looks pretty misjudged in light of their 22-year marriage. If you read the interview with her, she and Woody have not spent a night apart in those two-plus decades. That’s a lot of happiness for something the judge condemned. The human heart is a tricky thing.

    The judge’s acceptance of Mia Farrow’s account of the household is also starkly one-sided. Mia is an award-winning actress, I don’t need to remind you. The interview with Soon-Yi and the blog post by Moses describe exactly the same environment and the same person, and they do not exactly mesh with the judge’s finding. Each of them recount episodes of Mia coaching them to say certain things as a performance for others.

    Both of them sound mature and reasonably well-grounded now, to me. I give them credibility and obviously some other people did, too. Read them again some other time. They are too similar not to be telling a lot of truth, IMO.

  61. I’m perfectly happy with the judge schlonging Woody Allen ex ante. I don’t think any ordinary person would have predicted the succeeding 27 years between those two would have unfolded the way they apparently have. In a well-ordered society, assignations with a woman 35 years your junior (who is the lawful responsibility of your common law wife) is something that should be…status-lowering if not tortious or flatly criminal. That having been said, the two of them have built something in the intervening decades. Can’t take that away from them….

  62. The judge’s acceptance of Mia Farrow’s account of the household is also starkly one-sided.

    Accountability for judges (especially Family Court judges) approaches nil.

  63. Paid staff dependent on a volatile woman for their income. The ones that had not been fired yet. And a friend.

    The judge then proceeded to dismiss all evidence that contradicted his conclusion. Yale-New Haven Hospital, which said evidence of coaching? “Sanitized,” because they had not testified directly, but only by their report and deposition. I might not have liked that either, but what does “sanitized” mean besides, “I don’t care for their conclusion”? NY State Police, who found no molestation or abuse?

    But look at those testimonies, and then reflect that Woody didn’t know the name of the children’s dentist. He’d never bathed one, not even Dylan. And God forbid, Woody made a distinction between the natural children and the adopted ones. “Divisive,” the judge declared.

    Here is what he threw out, from Yale-New Haven’s Child Sex Abuse Clinic:

    “It is our expert opinion that Dylan was not sexually abused by Mr. Allen. Further, we believe that Dylan’s statements on videotape and her statements to us during our evaluation do not refer to actual events that occurred to her on August 4, 1992.”

    “The major reasons for our opinion that Dylan was not sexually abused are the following:

    (1) There were important inconsistencies in Dylan’s statements in the videotape and in her statements to us.

    (2) She appeared to struggle with how to tell about the touching.

    (3) She told the story in a manner that was overly thoughtful and controlling. There was no spontaneity in her statements, and a rehearsed quality was suggested in how she spoke.

    (4) Her descriptions of the details surrounding the alleged events were unusual and were inconsistent.”

    Neo, there are a lot of doubts about this case, obviously. But even if we take the worst of the possibilities actually claimed by a witness (other than Mia), they feature Woody putting his head in Dylan’s lap. Inappropriate? Yes, especially if repeated. And Woody had gone to one of the family psychologists a few times — it appears to be over a period of months, btw, not the “years” you wrote somewhere above — because he was willing to. What we have in this case is a guy who was over the line. But not the line of a molester, and not a pedophile — no other complaints about such behavior before or since.

    Is it possible that Woody could have gone further with Dylan sometime in the future? If we take that worst case as meaningful, hell, yes! I would understand if Mia said stay out of here forever, bud. Why didn’t she?

    I continue to feel that, of the two of them, the kinds of abuse described by Soon-Yi and Moses were greater, much greater in effect, and she was the more negative of the one-time couple. The close agreement in tone, details, parallel episodes and such from Moses and Soon-Yi is quite persuasive. Wouldn’t you agree that throwing statuary at a child, hard enough to break the ceramic, is abuse? Worse was the psychological abuse they both mention. Her taste for rehearsing scenes and performances was also telling. And if she did rehearse Dylan, as Moses describes and Yale-New Haven said, then whatever damage actually has befallen Dylan from this is at least as much the result of Mia Farrow’s doings and histrionics as it is, or was, from Woody’s contact.

    The Farrow family history, which is quite dramatic, can’t be forgotten either — it certainly increases the probabilities that Mia was not the calm, evenhanded, loving mother we might have wished to be the case.

    So, those are some of the principal reasons for my saying, back at the start of this subtopic, that Mia might have been the more negative figure of the two of them.

  64. I’m reading that over, and I suspect that, if you reply, you will note that Woody went to the psychologist for longer than “months.” Yes, absolutely, regarding Satchel. And (later, I believe), regarding Moses. He definitely had trouble getting Satchel to cooperate with him on anything! But regarding Dylan in particular, is what I was referring to above.

    It is a complex case. I don’t think we have to make Woody out to be “good” to admit that Mia might not have been good, either.

    And that’s my last word!

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