Home » The Dems attacked Obama for not being far enough to the left


The Dems attacked Obama for not being far enough to the left — 8 Comments

  1. “Biden…looks sane, competent, and moderate compared to most of the rest of the pack.”

    “[L]ooks”. Yep.

  2. I don’t remember any of the candidates attacking Obama by name., though I missed the first 50 minutes or so. They were attacking Biden for his role in several policies as Veep. So, yes, they were attacking Obama era policies to try and get to Biden, I doubt any Dem candidate could survive by going after Obama directly.

  3. Gabbard looked the best last night but she does not have the backing Harris has. The Democrats have a base that requires insanity.

  4. Given the extremely radical positions all the democrat candidates support, Trump’s reelection is IMO a near certainty.

    If Trump is reelected, it will be interesting to see in which direction the democrat party gravitates toward… deeper insanity or a return to left of center. Given the indoctrinated youth, I think it likely a deeper disconnection from reality.

  5. Around the time Trump secured the GOP nomination, I had two primary hopes/expectations for him were he elected.

    1. Appoint reliably conservative judges, especially to SCOTUS.

    2. Continue to force leftists (in the Democrat Party, the MSM, the entertainment industry, etc.) to show their true colors.

    He has delivered well on both expectations.

    The Barack Obama of 2008 and 2012 IS far too moderate for today’s Democrat Party, along with all the “woke” fellow travellers. There’s little doubt Obama knows this more than anyone. He understood the image he had to project to be successful, and he projected it very, very well.

    Democrats hoped that with a “safe” candidate like Hillary, they could continue to project a “safe” image to middle America for at least another four to eight years…all while pushing forward with the “fundamental transformation” (i.e. demographic change, further empowering the Deep State, adding scores more leftist federal judges, etc.) just below the surface.

    Trump exploded this plan. He constantly calls them out (albeit sometimes crudely) for who they are and what they really want, in plain, powerful language. He rarely backs down in face of the maelstrom of entirely predictable, scripted outrage in response. He doesn’t blink an eye when he’s called a “racist”, “misogynist”, “homophobe”, etc., ad nauseam.

    They know it. And it drives them nuts.

    This creates a vicious cycle for the left: the more he does it, the more enraged they become; they more enraged they become they more they betray their true selves, giving him more opportunities to call them out.

    His successes here matter more to the future of the country than almost any individual policy issue. He’s doing very, very well; and I’m grateful for it.

  6. “But I doubt Obama cares all that much about being trashed by this crop. He’s vastly more popular than they. He’s getting plenty of perks, post-presidency.”

    I’d guess he cares a good deal. I agree with the second sentence. He’s achieved one of his and Michelle’s primary goals. I sincerely hope that they remain satisfied and contented by the perks, but human nature suggests that the satisfaction will fade.

    Someone once claimed that Lyndon Johnson set up a conference room at his Texas home post presidency and had people deliver his daily briefing.

  7. ALL of these extreme left types would have shocked the nation even 11 years ago in 2008, not to mention 2000 or 1984 or [pick a year].

    Simply stupendous what has become of that party. And even worse – the “conservatives” and GOP have been pulled leftward with it. And of course, the media.

    And Hollywood. And academia.

    Oh, and the EU. Also: the UN.

    1989 — the fall of the Berlin Wall — was only 30 years ago!! Nobody gives a rat’s ass now. How the *hell* did that happen?!

  8. If there’s one thing I didn’t want the left to do was gloat if Clinton won. They’re masters at gloating. But the thing is she didn’t win. And the left had a meltdown, an epic, epic meltdown that is still going after three years. Good boy, Trump. Thanks, “bible thumpers”, “gun nuts”, and all PoC who voted for the “sexist” and “misogynistic” Mean Orange Man.

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