Home » Gingrich: no more Mr. Nice Guy


Gingrich: no more Mr. Nice Guy — 16 Comments

  1. Lets not forget that Gingrich was being laughed at by the press for week after week of positive campaigning and he stuck with that until Romney’s people went massively negative in Iowa.

  2. Is he not still (theoretically) an adult? Newt can’t be held responsible for either the media’s or the Romney campaign’s actions, but he certainly is responsible for how he chose to react to their actions. And I’m not impressed so far. Ron Paul’s coming across far more adult.

  3. Newt is just the guy I want as diplomat in chief. All you have to do is criticize Callista’s jewelry with the mike on and you risk a drone attack.

    He can call Romney Obama-lite, but I think he is Obama-even when it comes to narcissism and grandiose plans. Newt, we don’t deserve you; you can go home.

  4. Let us not forget that Mittens is also an anti-capitalist.

    No, seriously.

    He thinks it was wrong for Newt to take Freddie Mac’s money for services rendered. I am unaware that either a) Newt got the job because of a rigged job bidding, or b) that Newt failed to perform his tasks to his employer’s satisfaction.

    Should Newt whine about negative campaigning? no, no, and hell no. But neither should Mittens. And it’s only going to get worse. Wait for all the inside looks into Mormonism from the MBM.

  5. Vote for Mitt. No matter what foul statements Harry Reid and Pelosi make, he’ll still work with them to make government better bigger. Just like he worked with Ted Kennedy.

  6. *sigh* No preview button.

    Vote Mitt. He’ll work with the Dems no matter what they call us. Just ask Ted Kennedy.

  7. “He thinks it was wrong for Newt to take Freddie Mac’s money for services rendered. I am unaware that either a) Newt got the job because of a rigged job bidding, or b) that Newt failed to perform his tasks to his employer’s satisfaction.”

    Really? I was unaware that Romney had said that. What I heard Romney say was that Newt had taken money for services rendered, but first denied it and then tried to claim a different kind of service rendered than what was actually rendered.

    Do you have a clip showing Romney saying “it’s wrong for Speaker Gingrich to have taken money for services rendered”?

    P.S. And I am not sure that having Freddie Mac’s “employer satisfaction” for his lobbying efforts on their behalf is really a good selling point for Newt.

  8. Yep…Baby Newt displays Infantile Defiance, Victimhood, High Chair Pounding, Bad Impulse Control and extreme willfulness. A narcissist with 3rd grade bully level psychopathology. I care far more about his Temperamental Unsuitability for the presidency than all his vast baggage combined.

  9. I don’t see the big deal with Newt not phoning Mitt. They don’t have to like each other. Would y’all prefer it if Newt bowed to Mitt, as a “good loser” should?

    But at the same time, Newt does present as whiner. He could have just stopped after explaining the 5-1 spending gap, maybe throwing in some jabs about how Goldman’s money was being well-spent.

    The “reprehensible” and “shameful” stuff is a big Newt fail. He should avoid obvious character words.

  10. I think Mitt Romney would run a close race with George W. Bush for having his words distorted, quoted out of context, or simply fabricated. No matter what he says, a lot of knee jerk Anti-Romneyites believe he said something different, something awful.

    In that vein, Neo I wish you would not use the term Romneycare. It was never Romneycare. You clarify in the fine print, so to speak, that the legislature overrode vetoes, and rammed through provisions that he opposed. How could anyone assert that the result was Romney’s plan?

    I do not think Romney is quite comfortable in the spotlights, and as a result, he is just a bit awkward in a public forum. I find that a little bit reassuring, frankly. On the the key questions of “does he understand the issues?”, and “does he have the strength of character and good sense to deal with them?”, he satisfies me.

  11. Romney made a major error in Florida, I think. He can recover, but Florida hurt him more than anything so far.

    He ran something like 13000 TV ads in Florida, negative to the max. Gingrich ran a few hundred. Santorum and Paul ran zero.

    Romney will defeat Gingrich – who is a good man, a true Patriot, an imposing mind, and a person who would be an excellent president – but post-Florida he declined relative to Obama.

    Obama is the prize. Not Gingrich.

    Now Romney looks cheaper, pettier, dirtier. Lack of enthusiasm before> How about now. It’s worse.

    Gingrich did the same thing. I am not excusing him at all. For a smart man, he has completely lost focus in going negative.

    As time passes, Palin looks better and better. TO THIS DAY she is the one public R who has consistently stayed on target. Her criticisms of Rs are gentle. Her criticisms of The Beast who is Obama are constant, on point, courageous, and loud.

    If Romney does not get real, and get real fast, he is going to find the hoi polloi calling for Palin.

  12. Sometimes I picture in my mind who is kolnai, or foxmarks, or Mr. Frank.

    I haven’t seen anything by Mr. Frank that isn’t profound or right on target. I picture him as a wise man 🙂 whatever that looks like. A little gray and some rough hands because he works with them.

    Kolnai reminds me of the movie Brother Bear. So, I think of a young man who is growing and changing. sure enough 🙂 I think he is.

    Foxmarks I picture as a union guy (even if he isn’t). A guy who works in a shop – has his idealism whether it’s rooted in good logic or not. I’ve dealt with a bunch of ’em. Argue up a storm he will but you walk away shaking your head. You don’t mind coming back and having another conversation with him another day though – full of hope. There is just too many pieces in that puzzle that are missing.. 🙂

  13. Expat outed herself as a woman a year ago I think. Ever since then I picture her as Barbara simpson. She works as a talk radio host on AM 560 in San Francisco. She’s nicknamed “the babe in the bunker”. That’s because she’s broadcasting as a conservative in the middle of SFO.

    Where is physicsguy lately? I think of my physics teacher when I was in high school even though that was 24 years ago.


    Newt has no censor button. He needs to grow a censor button and start using it. He should stop saying every thought that comes to his head because he’s not sounding pretty.

    Not pretty on the inside or outside.

  14. Baklava,
    Barbara Simpson has it all over me on looks. But you are right about the bunker. I am surrounded here by academics who get their picture of America from the German MSM. I don’t go on direct attacks, I cite personal experience to poke holes in the received wisdom. They mention crazy religious nuts; I tell them about my friends and relatives who are evangelicals and about the Mennonites in my home town who always show up when someone is in need.

    They talk about poor blacks; I tell them about my years in North Philly when I had to go around bureaucratic regulations to help people with serious problems (and how I was supported in this by my first supervisor, a black ex-military man. He strengthened my backbone a lot.)

    It’s actually kind of fun. I know they see me as a conservative non-Obama type, but before the last election, I based my reservations on my own observations of the community organizer mindset. They had no experiences to offer against mine.

  15. I work in the belly of the beast here in Sacramento, CA.

    There are a few of us who talk once in awhile. The most intolerant and closed minded liberals I stay away from because I need to provide for my family.

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