Home » Ilhan Omar gets a taste of the Democrats’ own medicine


Ilhan Omar gets a taste of the Democrats’ own medicine — 32 Comments

  1. Knave, in my opinion. Having made repeated prejudicial comments about a significant US ally, she should not be surprised about being removed from the Foreign Affairs committee.

    On this topic, Rashida Tlaib is as bad or worse, but she’s not on either Foreign Affairs or Intelligence.

  2. Did you see the videos of AOC and Tlaib going off the rails when this happened. So the Republicans are playing by the Dems rules. I want more of this, lots more.
    I want subpoenas’ on High Level FBI, Justics Dept people, NSA, CIA.
    I want to know who stopped the Nation Archives from releasing the info about Bidens classified doc back in Nov.
    I want Hunter’s computer all out and examined.
    I want people going to jail

    I doubt that I will get what I want.

  3. I suspect we haven’t heard the last of the Ilhan Omar story.
    The information is out there…but there’s also been A LOT of blacking out her affairs, her actions and her associates.
    She is, essentially, an “untouchable”.
    Be interesting to see if some of this “activity” gets out into the open now that she’s no longer in a position of influence that she can exploit.
    Of course, she’s STILL a House member and she (and her handlers) will continue to milk that for all it’s worth.
    She’ll also no doubt make a lot of noise.

  4. Completely apolitically:

    How does this woman continue to serve in Congress? There is debate over whether George Santos should be thrown out (I could be persuaded that’s valid), yet Congresswoman Omar violated Federal law. Why hasn’t the State of Minnesota brought a case against her? Statute of limitations?

    Regardless, the House Ethics should have tried her and removed her for her violation of immigration laws. I think there was a trial, but obviously “she persisted,” as the saying goes. I don’t care if she’s a Democrat, Republican or Whig, her crimes are beyond the pale for serving in Congress.

  5. I think Omar’s immigration offenses were committed in South Dakota, rather than Minnesota. She and her brother/husband were taking classes at a university there.

    She continues to serve because the voters of the Minneapolis area are willing to keep sending her. She has not been charged for violating immigration laws because she’s a Democrat.

  6. Much like deep blue zones across the country, the Twin Cities are a major ballot harvesting hub. Is Omar being legitimately reelected? I dare say it really doesn’t matter.

  7. But Kate, didn’t she violate federal law? Along with the brother related fraud I recall something about her father and lying about names? Powerline had it all researched and sewn up.

  8. RTF, her father brought her here as a minor, and the lies about names to immigrate were committed by her father, who is now dead. There was also an issue about filing joint tax returns with her common-law (and actual) husband, to whom she was not legally married at the time. Those offenses are usually handled by filing amended returns and paying fines and penalties.

    Like George Santos, and Joe Biden, it’s really up to voters to refuse to elect serial liars and manipulators. The Power Line exposés were intended to persuade voters in her district to elect someone less objectionable. In fact, her primary opponent came very close in 2022. Maybe next time.

  9. Her father was a political commisar under the hated siad barre if the refugees in kenya had known she would have been a goner

  10. “Did you see the videos of AOC and Tlaib going off the rails when this happened?”

    Its amazing how Sandy the white Conquistadora/Inquisitora still pretends to be a POC

  11. @ miguel > there is an amazing amount of research on display in the article you linked (May 31, 2020 by ADARA PRESS).

    Some information I had previously seen in news and opinion reports, much was new, all of it was impressive.
    Caveat: I don’t know the group, its agenda, or some its sources (there are references and links), but nothing in the post is out-of-line with much of what has been published by credible pundits (such as Powerline).

    Of particular relevance to this topic are several (out of many) items about Ilhan Omar:

    Foreign Funding and Support for US Islamic Politicians

    The Muslim Brotherhood in the US as well as the Turkish and Qatari governments have financially floated political Muslim candidates the likes of Ilhan Omar. We can gain some insight into this funding mechanisms from an article entitled “Media flak directed at Ilhan Omar no surprise at all”, published by the pro-Turkish government Anadolu news agency on April 2, 2019. In this piece, the author, Dr. Tarek Cherkaoui, stated “Lastly, since the [anti-Ilhan Omar] campaign was fixated on making an example of Ilhan Omar, donating money to Omar’s campaign fund would be an adequate way of denying powerful organizations the power to censor alternative voices.”

    Some of resulting political ‘favors’ for floating the Islamic friendly congressional representatives, senators, and governors can be gleaned from proposed programs such as the removal of restrictions on Syrian refugee vetting and entry to the US and easing/eliminating immigration and the elimination of visa restrictions for foreign family members of Muslim individuals who immigrated to the US.

    An Insider View of US Qatari Influence Operations

    Analyzing Sheikh Al-Thani’s communications and imagery indicates that there is a large paid-network of Qatari agents and contractors who live and work in the US. Recently, a Kuwaiti-born Canadian businessman named Alan Bender testified on October 23, 2019 in a deposition made by video in Florida District Court. As a matter of record, Bender has proven deep ties to the Qatari royal family. In his statement, he alleges that Qatari officials asked him to recruit American politicians to become Qatari assets. When he voiced concern, he was told that several US politicians were already on the Qatari payroll, including Ilhan Omar.

    This is an interesting statement, because Omar’s election campaign financials are an anomaly. Over 87% of her contributions came from outside her district and less than 9% came from her state. Also, over 80% of the contributors are members of Muslim Brotherhood organization like CAIR, ISNA, MAS, MANA, NAIF, AMP, MSA. Some of these organizations are funded directly or indirectly by Qatar. This aligns with Bender’s claim that the Qatari government is using some of these organizations as an insertion point and funding front for its activity in the US. [AF: funding by non-US sources is, I understand, illegal; money laundering is afoot, as with Obama.]

    Bender’s affidavit also provides details about Ilhan Omar’s early political timeline and rise to prominence. He alleges that Qatar’s secretary to the Emir for Security Affairs, one Mohammad bin Ahmed bin Abdullah Al-Masna, told him that Qatar “recruited Ilhan Omar from even way before she thought about becoming a government official … They groomed her and arranged the foundation, the grounds, for her to get into politics way before she even showed interest. They convinced her.”

    Bender claims that Omar cooperated with Qatar’s request, received cash payments, and used her position in the House of Representatives to access sensitive information which she relayed to Qatar and through them to Iran. Bender goes on to say that the Qatari officials claimed credit for Omar’s meteoric rise from a minimum wage part-time social worker to a congresswoman, saying: “If it wasn’t for our cash, Ilhan Omar would be just another black Somali refugee in America collecting welfare and serving tables on weekends,”

    That’s a very serious charge, and I wonder if Speaker McCarthy is aware of it, but unwilling to put it out to the public without iron-clad proof (or it could be false).
    Either way, she has NO business being on any foreign affairs or national security committee.

    Many of the details provided in the testimony appear to match Omar’s MO. For example, she has already been found to have broken campaign finance laws. The Minnesota Campaign Finance Board ruled that she violated state campaign finance rules by improperly using campaign money for out-of-state travel while serving as a state representative. Additionally, it is certain that she committed some form of immigration/marriage/college funding fraud. Omar also paid close to $230K to a political consulting group that is managed by Tim Mynett. Omar, in character, has vehemently denied that Mynett is her lover, but recent divorce papers by Myent’s [sic – the only typo I spotted in the massive report] wife indicate that this was indeed the case.

    Mynett & Omar were married in March 2020

  12. Soooo, I looked at Adara Press’s Home page.
    It doesn’t list contributors (the article cited by miguel is by Yaacov Apelbaum; there are other authors credited on the posts), and the “About” page is a one-word witticism, but it has archives going back to October 2012.

    Its focus is on anti-Semitism, the Holocaust, Nazi collaborators in WWII, current events in the Middle East, and Israel. Plus the WEF (not complimentary).

    A couple of years ago, I might have labeled some of their stories “conspiracy theories” but now…..

    FWIW, my assessment of Omar aka “knave or fool” is BOTH.

    There are at least 3 posts praising Russia for supporting the North in the American Civil War; since that was in the time of the Czars, I don’t think it transfers to kudos for the USSR.

    Wikipedia confirms that Russian fleets were stationed on American shores, but says claims that they were there to obstruct British & French forces from supporting the South are disputed.
    Not something I remember ever reading about, but sounds interesting.

    An uncompleted work entitled German Concentration Camps Factual Survey. that was not aired until January 2015 (which is not clear in the post).
    “Now, 70 years on, director and anthropologist André Singer has made a documentary called Night Will Fall, to be screened on Channel 4 later this month, telling the extraordinary story of filming the camps and the fate of Bernstein’s project.”

    Hitchcock was an advisor to the British Ministry of Information’s Sidney Bernstein, who was “was commissioned to make a documentary that would provide incontrovertible evidence of the Nazis’ crimes.”
    Some of the raw footage contributed by the liberating forces was used in the Nuremberg trials.
    The real reason for shelving the film, which is conceded to be a masterpiece, was never specified: “The only documentary evidence we have is a memo from the Foreign Office saying that screening such an ‘atrocity film’ would not be a good idea.”
    However, speculations include the opposition by anti-Zionist Ernest Bevin, incoming Labour government’s foreign secretary.

  13. This is Apelbaum’s original post, at his personal blog, which was largely copied at Adara Press, although some of the commentary and technical details were omitted – which is the stuff that I find most interesting.


    Within hours of the news that the Iranian Quds force commander, Qassem Soleimani, was killed there were over 200 US-wide pro-Iran demonstrations. These well-attended events were organized exclusively by the Red Green Alliance, an amalgam of communist/socialist/black militant and Muslim organizations. The bulk of the red part of this alliance was represented by the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) and ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism). The green element of the alliance included a number of Islamic organizations such as CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) and several of its affiliate Muslim Brotherhood groups, Nation of Islam, the National Iranian American Council (NIAC), the Muslim Anti-Racism Collaborative, Black Lives Matter, and representatives Rashida Tlaib, Keith Ellison, and Ilhan Omar.

    Evaluating the demonstration timeline, it is remarkable just how quickly the activists responded to the call to hit the streets. In the 24 hours between the news of Soleimani’s death on January 3rd and the early morning of January 4th, when the boots were on the ground, the organizers pulled all-nighters, printing and mounting thousands of signs and banners. They also solved complex logistic problems of transportation, food, and communications—all hallmarks of an efficient bureaucracy and well-funded organization.

    Running a people count analytic on dozens of videos from these rallies showed large crowds in most of the rally locations. In the event outside of the White House, there were about 1,000 demonstrators; in Boston, around 500; in New Haven, Connecticut, about 150; in Las Angeles, about 450.

    In most of these demonstration, their pre-event activity on social media indicated that the ANSWER Coalition had coordinated these rallies with CAIR and other US Muslim affiliates. The analysis of the content of the speeches shows that the majority of the speakers promoted a pro-Iranian political agenda (despite the fact that many of organizations claimed to be non-profits and dedicated to US civil rights activity). The common theme across these events was “the need to fight the unlawful actions of the United States Middle East” and “US withdrawal from Iraq”. From the content of the speeches, it seems that these and other foreign policy demands were more aligned with the role of foreign agents than domestic civil rights activists.

    The Mystery Behind the Activists and their Motivation
    Despite the wealth of evidence about the organizations behind these rallies, very little is known about the actual individual activists and organizers and their motivation for attending these events. For example, what can possibly bind an extremist Muslim female who wears a hijab, prays 5 times a day, leads a strict monogamous life style, and affirms the supremacy of Allah and his prophet to a fellow female atheist demonstrator who takes selfies on the toilet, participates in orgies, and worships Satan?

    There are a number of possible explanations for the pervasiveness of these pro-Iran rallies. One could be that there is indeed a nationwide population that genuinely spends their days worrying about the wellbeing of Iranian mullahs and the leadership of the revolutionary guard. Every few weeks they become overwhelmed by the need to take a few days off from school/work and march in sub zero temperatures waving Iranian flags and chanting their support for an arch terrorist like Soleimani. On the other hand, these rallies could be influence operations that are being orchestrated by foreign governments using front US civil rights organizations (which they formed/took over, finance, and control) to do their political bidding.

    It is a difficult problem to crack because just evaluating the swarms of people in these events doesn’t provide the deep context and only shows a random mixture of individuals and what on the surface appears like a genuine grassroots movement.

    A Note About Using AI Based Analytics
    I received a number of comments about the invasive nature of AI and face recognition. Just like any other form of advanced tech, AI based analytics can be a double edged sword. The weaponization of AI by Google and the social media platforms to purge content and users and promote false information via their affiliated ‘fact checkers’ is already common practice. The continuation of this trend and its autocatalytic reinforcement by MSM has the real potential of ushering a dystopian age. This would be a terrifying hybrid of Orwell’s vision of 1984 and Huxley’s Brave New World where only a small cast of the privileged control information and knowledge. But at the same time, AI democratizes intelligence gathering and analysis and gives us the power to stop this process and expose the bad actors and their influence networks. AI is also very efficient in identifying information warfare campaigns by accurately pinpointing their sources, methods, and perpetrators.

    It is said that sarcasm is an effective tool in striping the thin veneer of hypocrisy. AI based analytics can have the same ‘disinfecting’ effect on our justice system, politics, and public discourse, it all depends on how we choose to apply it.

    Winning this information battle may seem impossible, but Ecclesiastes teaches us that “the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong”. As 1 Samuel 17:1-51 suggests, faith and the ability to improvise, adapt, and overcome can be the pebble in the ultimate technology slingshot against giants the likes of Google and MSM.

    The Search Strategy
    My strategy for uncovering the sources of the pro-Iran demonstrations was to conduct detailed video analytics on these rallies and then use a variety of OSINT, CYBINT/DNINT, FININT and data enrichment methods to develop a comprehensive dossier about the individual participants and their social and professional networks. Once I had this data, I could then derive some of the ideological, financial, and motivational drivers for participating in these events.

    AI based video, audio, and big data analytics can help answer these types of complex questions by automatically and efficiently performing massive linkage based searches and by breaking-down the anonymity that comes with swarming crowds and masked activists. The wealth of footage and imagery on social media and news coverage of the current and previous demonstrations makes it possible to perform extensive amount of machine learning (ML).</b

    Based on these factors, my approach was to first perform a comprehensive classification of the people and objects in each crowd. Once I had the inventory and a catalog of these objects, I then broke the swarm of protesters into sub-groups using a variety of analytics such as ethnicity, age, and gender classification. Following this sub-grouping, I identified each individual using face recognition and several other fusion techniques.

    LOTS of details from there-on, followed by the substantive findings that were included in the Adara Press post.

  14. After observing members of the Squad reacting to Omar’s expulsion with animated hysterics on the House floor, Adam Carolla was asked by Tucker Carlson what he made of the spectacle. Regarding their predictable charges of “racism”, he noted that it is a great time for actual racists because they can easily hide among the multitudes of those falsely accused.

  15. She’s my Rep. She reps the urban Minnesota liberal community. It is the most liberal community you will find anywhere.

    Any information about how she breaks laws, brings in illegal aliens, steals money, or works to represent foreign principles will only serve to make the urban Minnesota community more supportive of them. Picture lots of gray-haired well-off liberal women atoning for collective guilt, or something. They love her. She won by a landslide.

    Kicking her off that committee was the right move, but it will probably earn her even more votes next election.

    Scary lady. She has a crew of enforcers – big, nasty-looking strongmen – that serve her and intimidate (and worse) her opponents, especially in the very large Somali-refugee community. That community is accustomed to living with warlords, and understands raw power.

  16. Thanks for the interesting link Aesop, tying Ilhan Omar to the Qatari network. One of our own, here in Greece, has benefited from close relations (until recently) with Qatar.

    Eva Kaili is a Greek politician who has been serving as a member of the European Parliament since 2014. She served as one of fourteen vice presidents of the European Parliament from January 2022 until she was arrested and charged with corruption in December 2022.

    The Qatar corruption scandal at the European Parliament is an ongoing political scandal, involving allegations that European Parliament officials, lobbyists and their families have been influenced by the governments of Qatar, Morocco and Mauritania, engaging in corruption, money laundering, and organized crime. Seems like Omar and Kaili have a common benefactor.

    If the FBI spent time investigating the connection between Ilhan and Qatar instead of rummaging thru the lingerie drawers of Mrs. Trump, perhaps the dirty trail of Qatari influence peddling with members of US Congress would be exposed.


  17. What is often said about Karma? Karma’s a . . . . . !

    I’d like to think that saying applies here.

  18. Knave: an unworthy, unprincipled or dishonorable individual.

    Fool: a person who acts unwisely or imprudently; a silly person:

    Behold the power of ‘and’

  19. The focus on Omar should NOT be the anti-semitism.
    Focusing on that is misguided because it distracts from and conceals the real reason for getting her off that committee (if not out of Congress altogether): she’s an unapologetic anti-American and poses a clear and present danger to the Republic for all kinds of reasons, internal and external.
    (She’s also a criminal, though that also must be covered up by the usual suspects for all the usual reasons…)

  20. Well, kicking this anti-Semite, hate-America-first bee-atch off the committee is just one step in the right direction.
    The next should be deporting her and her entire family to whatever african sh*t-hole she or her family came from.

    I am no fan of Woodrow Wilson (IMHO, one of the worst presidents in US history) but at least he deported a bunch of foreign born, anarchist / communist scum back to wherever they came from as a result of the Alien and Sedition Act.. That is about the only thing he did that was good.
    Well it’s time to resurrect that Act and toss out a few members of Congress and then work down from there.
    The big cheerleader for the PLO and Hamas – Tlaib Rashida – should also be deported, along with her entire family. Let’s see how these two terrorist organizations treat her and her family.

    And speaking of that guy Santos; if he were to switch parties and join the demokrat party, all calls for his resignation would immediately cease. He would then be in good company with Bidet (whose lies are too numerous to cite), Blumenthal (the Vietnam vet), and Liz Pocahantas Warren.
    Note that nobody has called for these three to resign because they are liars.

    More proof that demokrats live in a protected bubble; republicans need not apply.

  21. Nanzi made the rules, so she should suck it up.
    That’s how the Leftists play, their rules go only for their side.

  22. Mark Twain–who held Congress in contempt–would have had interesting things to say about Ms. Omar, I’m sure.

  23. First off, of course she’s an antisemite. Islam is in no way a religion of peace. It is a supremacist ideology of conquest with only a thin veneer of religion. Essentially the entire Quran is a screed against non-muslims. In fact in various verses they are commanded to hate even their own family if they’re not Muslim; Surah (chapter) 60 Ayah (verse) 4 comes to mind.

    The very fist Surah is the Fatiha prayer. It’s also known as the cursing prayer as the curse Jews (those who have earned Allah’s wrath) and Christians (those who have wandered astray). Five times a day the curse Chistians and Jews, reserving particular vitriol for Jews. That has an effect when you’re raised that way from early childhood.

    Of course Omar is lying when she claims she didn’t know about any anti-Jewish tropes. The canonical texts of Islam are full of them. Plus they have access to non-muslim sources of antisemitism. The 1903 Russian novel “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” about a cabal of evil Jews plotting world domination, has been made into a TV miniseries in at least Egypt and Syria and it’s popular where ever it airs in the Arab world. Mein Kampf is a perpetual best seller in the Islamic world; some years in the West Bank and Gaza it outsells the Quran.

    Being antisemitic is the norm in the Islamic world. Even for westernized Muslims born and raised here. Omar wasn’t born here but I know she was under 10 when she arrived.

    Second, she may not have married her real brother. Back during the Obama years his administration cancelled the family reunification program for Somalis. 90% of the people who claimed to be family were in fact not related at all. So Ilhan Omar’s immigration papers might say she and her ex-husband were sister and brother but those documents may well be fraudulent since they got here well before the USG caught on to the scam.

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