Home » Open thread 10/12/22


Open thread 10/12/22 — 29 Comments

  1. I don’t know; I blame AGW.
    – – – – – – – – – –
    And in further incontinent “Uncontested Election” news…we have this “amusing” tidbit….
    “Pennsylvania Democrat Gets to Keep Seat Despite Illegal Ballots Likely Handing Him Victory”—

    So might one wonder just how many such 2020 electoral wonders there are?…

    …which brings us to this wunderkind:
    “Raphael Warnock’s Church Evicts Its Low Income Residents….”—

  2. You find the most interesting videos. How do you do it?

    I can’t speak for Neo, but I do know that Youtube often recommends for me the same or similar videos that she puts up in the daily open thread. The Youtube algorithmn is actually not too bad at recommending interesting things if you feed it enough info on what you like over time. But you have to watch a fair amount of Youtube to tune it. It seems to work best if you actually subscribe to channels.

  3. I’m sincerely not doing this to call neo out, she’s researched COVID as much, or more than I. Vaccines came up again on a recent thread and she stated that they reduced death and minimized the spread.

    I’ve always believed the same also. But do we really know that?

    We have this news story that Pfizer never tested their vaccines ability to reduce or limit transmission; https://acecomments.mu.nu/?post=401355

    And the number of deaths in the U.S. was higher in 2021 than 2020, right? If the vaccines were effective wouldn’t deaths correlate inversely to the number of vaccinated people?

    One data point that I believe gets overlooked; the learning curve of medical professionals treating the virus. Initially many people put on ventilators died. As time went on those treating the virus shared information on what treatments were more effective. Medical professionals developed better techniques for treating those who had the virus. And, yes, mutations followed the typical path of virii, becoming more contagious and less lethal as time went on.

    We know many vaccinated people contracted COVID. The thought is the vaccine minimized their symptoms, reduced deaths and lessened the spread. But do we know that? If the vaccine gave people confidence to get out and about and mingle, maybe it helped get us to herd immunity and sped the evolution of the less deadly, subsequent variants.

    Even after vaccination those with multiple co-morbidities tended to be very careful, so many of them lived to navigate the gap until Omicron and less lethal variants were the abundant strains. More folks were likely supplementing Vitamin D to reduce COVID risk. And, as I noted, treatment techniques got much more effective. I know several people who were prescribed monoclonal antibodies in 2021, whereas I, who got the illness in July 2020, was not.

    So, do we really know the vaccines themselves were effective, or was it a placebo affect, encouraging most folks to return to normal lives, coupled with more effective treatment that got us to herd immunity and less lethal variants?

  4. Rufus, you just beat me to it. Fairly shocking admission from Pfizer, and blows apart all the government mandates. Once again, all the “conspiracy nuts” proven right.

  5. What we do know is that they actively suppressed proven therapies even as they pursued the use of ventilators, which they should have seen early on were having seriously adverse effects, especially since they waited far too long to admit patients and use those ventilators.
    But focusing on the THERAPEUTIC-DRUG SUPPRESSION part of it all, THAT is the aspect of the fiasco that is the most despicable, the most unconscionable, the most deleterious and CRIMINALLY NEGLIGENT—because, I would venture to say, the decision to pursue that course of action was PURELY political.
    (And if one were to be almost entirely but not-quite berserkly cynical, one might well have to conclude that all those deaths and illnesses were REQUIRED FOR political reasons.)
    – – – – – – – – – – –
    And in “other” news, thugs gotta thug….
    “Treasury Department to Audit DeSantis Migrant-Flight Expenditures”—

  6. Regarding the video; the narrator states, “They’re kind of made up.”

    I’ve written about this here before, but KIND OF made up?! Completely made up. The narrator does a good job of explaining the nonsense in obsessing over it. Continent number and name is arbitrary. Like seas, oceans and bays, planets and asteroids, and stews, soups and chilis.

  7. Oops…regarding the “thugs”, I see that Miguel @ 2:38 pm beat me to it…

  8. Rufus T. Firefly:

    I don’t think you’re representing my position completely accurately, but it would help if you would give a link to the comment of mine where you believe I said that “vaccines reduced death and minimized the spread.”

    I definitely have said they reduced death in the vaccinated, and I’ve written quite a few posts and comments with statistics and analysis to that effect. I have also said they reduced the spread of the initial variants, prior to the newer variants, but not necessarily of the newer variants.

    A lot of my discussions were in the comments, and it would take me too long to find them, but here are a few relevant posts: this, this, this, and this.

    Just about any medical study (or human study, for that matter) always has flaws in its design that mean a person can think of alternate explanations for the results. With humans, there are so many confounding variables that it’s virtually impossible to know for sure. There’s nothing special about vaccine research in that regard.

  9. In Slovakia, it was long very clear that most folk in hospitals with Covid, and those dying, were those NOT vaccinated. So my Phd + medical doctor wife, who was on the Slovak response team (often not-quite followed by the gov’t), is clear about vaccines helping.

    The side effects and fewer, but real, deaths from the vaccines are a different issue – and it’s terrible that the truth can’t be told.

    If the vaccines “saved” millions, but “caused” thousands of death, such a situation would be more trade-off honest, and positive, but more accepting of those who choose the non-vaccine risk.

    I suspect we’ll slowly get more towards that. Coroners and those in morgues, with reports of very slow moving blood, might also be increasing in publicity.

    But I came here, between karaoke stuff, to mention this find history of the Russian-Prussia fiasco at Tannenberg.

    Quite under discussed in history.

  10. Its the first set piece in soltzhenitsyns red wheel why a wider european war is the last thing we should consider.

  11. I saw that interview on Carlson’s show last night about that mRNA vaccines not preventing the spread of the virus. Who knew? My initial thoughts then about the vaccines were that of course they’ll stop the spread. You get the shot and you don’t get sick at all and could never spread the virus. Like the MMR and DPT vaccines.

    I think that in the future that the very abbreviated testing phase will not be used again. There are many complications from these vaccines and lay people will end up knowing all about those problems (later rather than sooner).

    But the one group that will know all about the problems are medical professionals. They will, I hope, insist on thorough testing. Perhaps something between what was done in 2020 and what has been done in the past.

  12. neo, I trust your memory about your statements over mine. I won’t search the comments to try to refute what you state as your opinion. Sorry if I mis-quoted you, but I’ll stick with your statement that you believe it reduced deaths in the vaccinated.

    Based on your comment I think we’re on the same page, although I’m less certain about overall deaths. My concern is with Tom Grey’s; I don’t think we’ll know for quite some time if the cure was worse than the disease.

    Your and Tom Grey’s anecdote from his wife; that after a point most of the hospitalized were unvaccinated, is a very valid potential refutation of my question. If that is accurate (the media certainly reported that and I heard similar statements from friends who work in hospitals) then it correlates strongly with the vaccination reducing severity.

  13. Rufus T. Firefly:

    I don’t expect people to remember exactly what I write (sometimes I don’t even remember it exactly), so that’s okay.

    I wrote some posts and comments on that issue of the vaccinated and unvaccinated rates of hospitalization, although it would be hard for me at the moment to find what I wrote. The gist of it was that the unvaccinated had more severe cases and deaths when age-adjusted and comorbid-condition-adjusted. But since vaccination rates were much higher in the very old and those with other special health vulnerabilities, and the very old had more co-morbidities and vulnerabilities, they were more often hospitalized with COVID for that reason even though the vaccines helped reduce their severity and death rates. The statistics were not easy to parse, and lent themselves to a lot of misunderstanding.

  14. Leland, I think you’re onto something. But surely it’s Aman that’s the eighth missing continent – taken away after the fall of Numenor.

    (By the way, it kind of bugs me that Tolkien placed the end of the Second Age not at that moment, but rather at the time of the temporary defeat of Sauron a little later on. Surely it was of greater objective significance, if one insists on setting a marker, that the whole shape of the planet was altered and an entire island was submerged than that a demigod was temporarily removed from power, who still came back in full force later on anyway. It somehow assigns more significance to Sauron than he deserves.)

  15. Part of what I find disturbing is the concept that we might have had [or in the future very well may have] a more serious or lethal disease pandemic, where possibly some level of mandated activity (mask wearing*, social distancing, vaccination once even an EUA version was available, etc.) could have been more readily justified.

    More justified to reduce the spread of a more virulent or more transmissible disease. The Black Death appears to have reduced unprepared populations by 50%. Presumably modern science and communications would avoid that level or result, but nature might surprise us still.

    To my knowledge there has been no discussion in public of just how, when, where, under what conditions, etc., the mandating of more severe restrictions or actions would be considered the fully appropriate response. Possibly including declarations of martial law, reallocation of money from one lawful purpose to another unlegislated use, etc. Basically a war time footing. And how do we balance the maintaining of the economy vs. protect against death or other short or longer term disability? The CARES act was overkill, and grossly and criminally abused.

    You would like to think that DOD, DOJ, Treasury, FEMA, CDC, etc. have been studying this possibility and we are not again at the mercy of what appears to have been a fully ad hoc approach, derived as much from the CCP actions as any other.

    *For Covid, the types of masks used may have been close to worthless for most people, but truly effective masks were/are available for $30 to $40 each, although not in sufficient quantity to meet the recent pandemic needs. Increased use of better filtering and ventilation systems in commercial and even residential buildings, and more use of disinfecting lights, etc. might also play a greater (but really expensive) part.

  16. It’s been said that Covid was used, however it appeared, to train the population to compliance. Got to tell you, I know some folks who gloried in it. Didn’t need any training at all.
    Bad look going forward when the next politically useful catastrophe shows up.

  17. “You would like to think that DOD, DOJ, Treasury, FEMA, CDC, etc. have been studying this possibility and we are not again at the mercy of what appears to have been a fully ad hoc approach….”

    One might like to think so…
    And one might assume that this is what would happen IF the current administration was a government “for the people, of the people, by the people”—i.e., if the current administration had the people’s AND the country’s interests at heart.

    Alas, this is not the case.
    To the contrary, this grossly corrupt, twisted, bent and warped administration believes it should have total power over its citizens AND that its party should govern/rule in perpetuity.

    Given the way it has behaved prior to the 2020 election—and since January 2021—one can COUNT ON the following:
    Yes, “Biden” will carefully study the decisions (and actions) of government agencies WRT Covid19, and “he” will carefully study the repercussions of those decisions (and actions); but “he” will do so in order to correct the “mistakes made” during the past 2.5 years in order to strengthen even further government power over the population, to ensure even more strenuous government intrusion, leverage manipulation.

    The goal being TOTAL CONTROL.

  18. Ive spelled out the larger agenda of the sauds backing anti islamists in egypt libya et al (the abraham accords plays into this) vis a vis qatar and turkey

  19. The uae was also targeted by thr regime and before with the mueller muddle so they are siding with the obvious choice

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