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Why did the Democrats pick Biden? — 46 Comments

  1. Partisan Democrats would have voted for a dead dog in the road over Trump. That’s civic life right now.

    Primary donnybrooks are regulated by bandwagon effects. Black voters tend to block vote in response to the black population’s opinion-leader element. I believe blacks typically account for shy of 40% of the Democratic Party electorate in the Southern and Border states. So, Biden gets a shot in the arm from these electorates on ‘Super Tuesday’ and then the bandwagon effect appeared. I suspect the abrupt withdrawals by Booty-gag and Klobberherworkers were induced by threats from the Capitol Hill / Soros nexus.

  2. I genuinely do not understand how the guy got as far as he did. … he has no built in constituency.

    In terms of how Biden got started and made it to the Senate, I think his constituency was part of the financial business world. (Hat tip, Tucker Carlson)

    1) If a person or group wants to create a corporation ASAP with low costs and hassles, there are two options. Out west, one might choose Nevada. But if there is a preference for the east, one might choose Delaware for its lax requirements.

    2) The now merged banking company MBNA was founded in Del. and headquartered in downtown Wilmington. Wikipedia has these interesting points:

    As MBNA grew, it became one of the most profitable companies in the United States, the world’s largest independent credit card issuer, and the largest private-sector employer in Delaware.[4]

    Historically, many MBNA executives were former employees of the FBI.[7] [What?]

    MBNA hired Hunter Biden (then 26 years old and a recent law school graduate) during the years when then-Senator Joe Biden was pushing for bankruptcy reform legislation supported by the company, which became law and makes it more difficult to acquire bankruptcy protection.[15] Because of the close relationship between Biden and MBNA, an article in the conservative political magazine National Review referred to Biden as the “Senator from MBNA”.[16] [17] [18] [19]

    MBNA was one of the companies mentioned on a 2004 Frontline WGBH Boston PBS special about unfair business practices by credit card companies.[20] Some practices that Frontline claimed MBNA has engaged in included doubling or tripling of interest rates, shifting billing due dates/payment cycles monthly and raising rates for customers whose payments were a day or two late. MBNA has been found to be one of the leading implementors of rate-jacking.


    In the 2020 campaign, Rep. Jim Clyburn was the guy that spearheaded the promotion of Biden as the primary was moving into the S. Carolina vote. It was all about race, don’t ya know. I wish I knew more about the details of that action.

    Something that scares me now, is that Jim Clyburn has very recently taken up the mantle of pushing the bill HR1. Because racism is bad or something.

  3. “The Democrats I’ve talked to about Biden also don’t seem aware of any deficits in him worth mentioning, even now. Whether this is because the MSM has successfully blocked news of those deficits or whether these people simply see only what they wish to see, I really don’t know. But I note the phenomenon.”

    My read on those people is that they are simply not paying any attention. Trump is gone, life is good, so why bother with politics and the news any more? And like you said, if they do pay any attention it’s via the MSM. Maybe when gas hit $10/gallon, there are rolling blackouts, the crime in the inner cities start leaking out to their suburban communities, they might start to wonder.

    Also, given what is happening in Loudon, VA, they seem to be waking up a bit to what is happening in the schools. There are some “Momma Karens ” not happy there.

  4. Years ago I was an expert witness on lawsuit in US bankruptcy court in Delaware. I had a meeting with lawyers in Manhattan for lunch. One of the lawyers was out of Delaware and the conversation turned to politics. He said nothing important got done in Delaware if the Bidens were not taken care of. It didn’t mean much to me then but the idea that a US Senator was so influential in court matters and delaware corporations is astounding.

  5. “don’t seem aware of ”
    My guess is they actually do but can’t afford to admit it. To be told, or to admit, they voted for THAT, knowing how things lie, is not pleasant. To be busted as a supporter of corruption at best for some stupid reason (“mean tweets”) is something to be avoided. So you avoid admitting what you did, which is to say avoid admitting what you knew and didn’t mind.
    My advice is to act as if these folks actually know this stuff. I have. Kind of fun.

  6. My read on those people is that they are simply not paying any attention.

    And they filter out what they find unpalatable.

    Democratic voters don’t have actual policy views which they use to assess politicians and programs. Policy discussion is a tool to anathematize the enemy. Misrepresentations galore appear on social media, commonly in meme form or through the feeds of creatures like Robert Reich. Any legislation they care about consists of measures to rob and abuse the enemy. The enemy is us. There’s a secondary function which is to sluice politically mediated incomes to people on the beneficiary list. That would be people in the education / social services / mental health sector, miscellanous unionized public employees, and in sectors which have established abiding relationships with the Democratic Party (casino banking, Tech).

    Here’s a suggestion: understand the Democratic Party as a collection of people who have tribal antagonisms and quit thinking there’s anything else there (e.g. ‘Marxism’ or whatnot). It’s for blacks who resent whites, Jews who despise evangelicals, professional people who despise wage earners, trashy single mothers who despise men, teachers and school administrators who despise their students and the students’ families; men who were low status in their youth and despise the military, the police, and business executives; and the general run of salaried employees who despise their parents or grandparents or in-laws. They talk about ‘h8’ a great deal, because hate is what regulates their understanding of public life.

  7. “As I said, there was no viable alternative to Biden, . . . .”

    It seems to me that from the standard-issue-liberal standpoint (but not from the hard left standpoint), Amy Klobuchar would have been a viable alternative.

    They could have anointed practically anyone. The hard lefties (Sanders, Warren, etc.) would have been much more difficult to defend, but Klobuchar was/is not a hard leftie, at least to my apprehension.

    (Of course, once Biden had been anointed,and the others were abruptly and quite unceremoniously dumped, they had to balance the ticket. Harris was/is a two-fer; Klobuchar, unfortunately for her, was/is only a one-fer. So they got arguably the least compelling running mate from the refuse pile, at least judging by how well she did(N’T) during the primary season.)

  8. Whether this is because the MSM has successfully blocked news of those deficits or whether these people simply see only what they wish to see, I really don’t know. But I note the phenomenon.

    This is something that I’ve been mulling over a great deal since the election. I don’t really know the answer either. But I think it could be a sort of willful ignorance, essentially an unwillingness to hear anything negative.

    But either way, how much responsibility do we, as well informed conservatives, bear in terms of alleviating this sort of ignorance? If there’s such a liberal in our life, a person who at least appears ignorant of many facts about Biden, should we attempt to inform them of the vast failings of the modern Democrat party in general and of Biden in particular? Is it worth it? Could we even do it? Or would we just anger them? Would we do more harm than good, destroying a good relationship?

    Personally, I’m not a very assertive or confrontaional person. I don’t relish the idea of getting into a political argument. I’m reminded of a quote for 30 Rock, “You wake a sleepwalker, you risk getting urinated on.”

  9. You need to read the book “Assighment in Utopia” by Eugene Lyons. He was an fervent socialist and great suporter of the USSR. When he went to Russia in the 1920’s as a reporter for the NYT, at first he didn’t believe his eyes and denyed reality and made excuses for the communists. Eventually he changed and became an anticomunist. A lot of these suporters of Biden will deny reality to the end.

  10. Art Deco, wrote the comment I was going to write. Only Biden could have drawn in the black vote to the degree necessary in South Carolina and the rest of the South and midwest to stymie Sanders’ momentum. If the Democrats had had a legitimate choice other than Biden, they definitely would have taken it, but they didn’t- they simply looked at the demographics of the SC polling before the primary, and knew it was Biden or concede the nomination to Sanders. If Clyburn had endorsed any other candidate, that candidate likely would have lost all the Super Tuesday primaries to Sanders.

  11. As far as I’m concerned, Biden got momentum from his South Carolina primary win.
    That was due to the black vote.
    Call me racist, I don’t care, but blacks are less informed, black median income is lower and unemployment higher, blacks have destroyed their family structure, and blacks have the highest abortion rate. As LBJ said before he signed the Civil Rights Act, “We (Democratic Party) will own them for the next 200 years” or words to that effect. Holding them as de facto slaves with the rest of us paying the costs, innumerable trillions by now! And they want more.

    I believe in the facts of “The Bell Curve”. Shoving unable blacks into medical schools is a crime to be perpetrated on all of America. But is is well underway.

  12. I had kind of figured that Obummer picked him as VP for the reason that it would make Biden likely to be elected president, and he (Obummer) could be the puppet master and basically serve another four to eight years.

  13. Cicero,
    Read the Linda Gottfriedson article in the comments on the next post.

  14. Biden’s “malleability” is a sword that cuts both ways. Biden’s malleability is enabling the democrat party’s radicalism to increase at a logarithmic rate.

    Example; Dennis Prager on his radio program today played a clip from his Oct. 2019 guest appearance on the Bill Maher show. On it he stated that a man cannot menstruate. The audience’s reaction was incredulous and condescending laughter. Prager then pointed out that today, less than 2 years later, making that statement publicly would elicit accusations of “transphobia” and labeled hate speech.

    Prager also pointed out that the democrat’s cultural ‘revolution’ is not going down well with hispanics. And I predict it won’t go down well with black men either.

    Thank God the left’s activists fail to appreciate that ancient Greek saying, “Those the gods would destroy, they first make mad…”

  15. I think Neo covered it pretty well.

    My thoughts along the same lines.
    Biden and the pandemic were a match made in Leftist- Democrat heaven. The pandemic provided an excuse to hide him for the most part while his flacks and the media (I repeat myself) told us what a great statesman he has been; and embellished it with the lie that he was a nice, likeable, person. Then, it provided cover for extra legal manipulation of voting regulations in key states, so that it hardly mattered who was on the ticket. Biden himself was a near perfect fit; a man with no personal principles whose overweening ambition, and cognitive decline, made him susceptible to manipulation on a grandiose scale.

    I presume that people who still find him tolerable fall into one of a few broad categories. Some may just be tuned out to the larger world around them. Others are suffering from TDS hang-over; and the antidote is “anybody but”. Then, there are those who support the agenda and would find an Orangutan acceptable if she advanced it.

  16. nonapod. Explaining facts to dem voters is a waste of time. They don’t care. They take their position for some other reason…tribalism, family history, self-image, distrust and dislike of groups who are not dem voters.
    To say they have double standards would be generous. Some things, no matter ow obvious, are simply not true. Or they don’t matter. Or you’re a hater for even mentioning them. But…no difference is made. In fact, they may already know some of this but don’t care.
    I’ve mentioned this before: An educated woman I know remarked Michael Brown had his hands up, crying, “Don’t shoot!” I explained that wasn’t true and even the Obama justice department found nothing like that. She looked as if she were about to have a seizure, then said she knew that but preferred to believe the first. She knows better but she will vote as if it’s true–along with so many other issues–and will continue to say it, even knowing that many people know better.
    Facts mean nothing to her, even when she knows them.

  17. An educated woman I know remarked Michael Brown had his hands up, crying, “Don’t shoot!” I explained that wasn’t true and even the Obama justice department found nothing like that. She looked as if she were about to have a seizure, then said she knew that but preferred to believe the first.

    IOW, she was hostile to the police officer a priori and is adamantly so in spite of the evidence. But you’re the h8ter.

  18. Art+Deco. Maybe. I think she’s hostile to the whole, entire system as currently operating. If it takes knowingly believing the untrue, she will. And it has manifested itself in a number of ways.
    Disagreeing with Greta Thunberg over AGW is child abuse.

  19. What makes it even more galling is how dreadfully bad Biden performed in the Democrat primary debates–you almost felt sorry for Joey Plugs. And Kackling Kami was so unappealing during the primaries she bailed before Iowa–even Marianne Williamson got more votes. And yet here we are with these two clowns.

  20. I think Biden is going to get into big trouble with Taiwan (maybe Iran too), with inflation and taxes, and with tacit support of CRT. The first two are easy to explain. But with CRT, we can’t have one group of people blamed forever, especially if they are the majority or plurality. They are going to get mad and conclude that the people of color really do not want to live with white folks any longer. Then what?

  21. Maybe. I think she’s hostile to the whole, entire system as currently operating.

    Which system?

    Disagreeing with Greta Thunberg over AGW is child abuse.

    Putting a handicapped adolescent on an obnoxious traveling road show is child abuse.

  22. Lee Also – I always thought that Obama picked Biden because Obama needed an insider who wasn’t a credible future president.

  23. As LBJ said before he signed the Civil Rights Act, “We (Democratic Party) will own them for the next 200 years” or words to that effect. Holding them as de facto slaves with the rest of us paying the costs, innumerable trillions by now! And they want more.

    Again, the most expensive social programs by far are Social Security retirement, Social Security Disability, and Medicare. The black share of the population of Social Security retirement beneficiaries and Medicare beneficiaries is below their historical share of the working population. The black share of those on SSDI does exceed their share of the workforce (by about 20%), but that’s unsurprising as they tend to be in worse health and are more likely to have manual jobs.

    The propensity of blacks to enroll in TANF, Section 8 and other housing programs, SNAP and other nutrition programs, and SSI does exceed that of the remainder of the population by a factor of 2x to 4x depending on the program. These are means-tested programs and blacks tend to have lower incomes and are a higher share of those below threshold. SSI also supports those who are disabled all their lives as manifest in psychometric tests, and that’s a disproportionately black segment of the population. Note that the budget for Medicare alone exceeds that of these programs by a factor of 4x.

    Blacks receive unemployment compensation at a rate 1.6x that of the rest of the population.

    The one really expensive program whose beneficiaries are disproportionately black is Medicaid. Blacks are 2x as likely to enroll as others. Again, it is a means-tested program.

    Note,NB, AFAIK, only in regard to TANF and housing subsidies do black beneficiaries exceed 30% of the total pool of beneficiaries. I’m not understanding why you fancy these are equivalent to race reparations or why you’re speaking of flow payments to an ever-changing set of beneficiaries as if it were a lump sum paid to a discrete set of beneficiaries.

  24. Lee Also – I always thought that Obama picked Biden because Obama needed an insider who wasn’t a credible future president.

    Suggest Obama picked Biden for reasons behind the bureaucratic phenomenon of ‘injelitence’. Biden wasn’t a threat and wouldn’t make him look bad, because Biden is cunning but dopey. Recall the endless Democratic discourse (actually believed by Sailer votaries &c) that Richard Cheney was the man in charge of the Bush Administration.

  25. I’d sum up Greasy Joe with a bit of plagiarism, “He’s a crook.” He’s so crooked if you held him by his ankles you could use him to divine water.(How anybody could ever think he’s a decent person is beyond me.) He’s also a screw up. He’s the type of guy that could screw up a birthday party for a 5 year old if you spotted him the ice cream, the cake, the decorations, the party favors, the presents, and the 5 year olds.

  26. “… and the 5 year olds.”

    There’s an Ann Barnhardt for you on Line 3. She seems a trifle agitated.

  27. Neo: I think you pretty much got it right. There’s only one thing missing: The Democratic party is much, much more of a top-down party than the Republican party. They will have disagreements and petty little wars — when it’s allowed. But when the top of the party says “Enough! This is what we’re doing.” they will all fall in line and obey.

    There was a great debate over the candidate for 2020 until the top of the party said “Biden.” Then everyone coalesced around him and his victory in the primary was never in doubt. That happened over the course of a week.

    Look at gay marriage. It was never a winning issue electorally even in California. Then Barack Obama publicly said he supported it, and support for gay marriage increased by 30% almost overnight (within months as I recall).

    Republicans seem to have a hard time really understanding this phenomenon, both at the grass roots level and even at the top of the party, as Lynne Cheney is in the process of finding out.

  28. Oh, one other thing. What Art Deco said at 2:29 p.m. is spot on. Right now the only thing that really unites the left in this country is hatred of the right. Unfortunately, that seems to be enough at the moment.

  29. Could it be we’ve been barking up the wrong tree?

    Though surely, no one in his or her right mind believes that “Biden” is running anything.

    For quite a while now, Dr. Jill was believed to have been the (or a) power behind the throne (or commode, perhaps); and now that Kamala Harris has proven she has very little talent (except maybe for giggling and handing out strange-looking cookies), it seems that Dr. Jill is the default du jour.

    (Except for Obama, Rice, Jarett, et al., that is…which would mean that even the photo in this article is disinformation and misdirection…)

  30. It also seems beyond the shadow of a doubt that the “Biden” game plan is simply to confuse the hell out of everyone and then while everyone is busy scratching their heads or banging their foreheads, “Biden” will try to do as much as “he” can under the table (or sub rosa).
    (True, “he” is overlooking that oft obstreperous unknown—called Reality—but with the corrupt media and info-tech playing their parts to the hilt, I’m sure “he” believes that nothing is insurmountable; that everything is possible—at least in the short term.)

    Yep, keep ’em confused (two examples of all too many):
    “Biden administration seeking to expand Abraham Accords”
    (Regarding this last, it counters EVERYTHING indicated up until now; however, if it is somewhat accurate, it can only be because there’s a perverse twist—or impossible incentive—which will be kept under wraps until the moment is propitious, that is, until everything seems to be solidly in place—so that Israel will be compelled to reject the entire charade, resulting in the expected, and planned, negative fallout and opprobrium.)

  31. “The Democrats I’ve talked to about Biden also don’t seem aware of any deficits in him worth mentioning, even now. Whether this is because the MSM has successfully blocked news of those deficits or whether these people simply see only what they wish to see, I really don’t know.” – Neo

    That American Dems are unaware is an understatement.
    Before the election in 2020, while talking to a relative, I gently mentioned my concern about his physical (not even mental) health being up to the campaign and potential win.
    She scoffed, “Oh, he’s fine.
    No clue —

    Be interesting to see if the American news can completely block the results of Biden’s upcoming foreign tour.
    Some Democrats read / listen to international outlets; will those also jump in to protect Biden from his almost-certain-to-occur deficiencies?
    Some will I’m sure, but surely not all.
    And which handlers are going along to keep him from jumping off script?

    “Biden warns he’ll tell Putin ‘what I want him to know’ as he defines goals of foreign tour”
    He’s already in England to confer with the G7, will go next to a NATO meeting in Brussels, and then eventually to see the Russian in Geneva.

    Who at the WH thought this was a good idea?

  32. My contention is all these are valid but also they ( Deep State) wanted him because having a idiot makes those doing the underhanded job so much easier.

  33. “…so much easier…”

    There’s something to that.

    But it also gives them quite a bit of leverage, for example if/when Republican opportunistic “dreamers” decide that the time may be ripe to POUNCE, the Democrats and their Media helots will be able to attack them for being so determined to undermine the self-esteem of America’s cognitively challenged (which is absolutely abhorrent behavior in this age of “No dementia-addled president left behind”):

  34. Republicans seem to have a hard time really understanding this phenomenon, both at the grass roots level and even at the top of the party, as Lynne Cheney is in the process of finding out.

    Lynne Cheney is a lapsed academic. She’s been retired for about 20 years, other than holding ceremonial positions and producing books (which seem to have a certain constituency; they look for all the world like school library material). If you mean Liz Cheney, what she’s finding out the hard way is that the Capitol Hill / K Street / security state nexus does not have the same attitudes and preferences as street-level Republicans. She should have known that, of course. Witless bubble-dweller.

  35. I think that Biden was the candidate because he was personally involved in the whole Trump-Russia fabrication effort and would therefore be motivated to see that no investigation or prosecution would ever touch the perpetrators.

  36. A lot of Democrats figured out that Biden would be a straw man (in a sense a place holder) and that power would be waged behind the scenes by Obama, “Dr. Jill”, Susan Rice, and Kamala Harris – which seems to be the case.

  37. Cicero
    I sadly think that Blacks are the mot politically unsophisticated group in America – just look at Baltimore, Chicago, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Atlanta, Washington D.C., Newark, and NYC (Mayor Bill de Buckethead even though he has white skin is more ‘authentically Black’ than Barack Obama).

  38. M J R
    “It seems to me that from the standard-issue-liberal standpoint (but not from the hard left standpoint), Amy Klobuchar would have been a viable alternative.”

    I completely agree, She is a Liberal but not insane.

  39. She is relatively unknown nationwide.
    And she’s nasty.
    And those are her good points.

  40. “He’s already in England to confer with the G7, will go next to a NATO meeting in Brussels, and then eventually to see the Russian in Geneva.

    Who at the WH thought this was a good idea?”

    They were stuck between the proverbial rock and a hard place. These are meetings every POTUS must attend. If he didn’t go, then even the MSM would have to report on his decline. Obama et al are not quite ready for him to be replaced yet….it’s too soon and the timing would expose their duplicity even to LIVs. They need him there at least a year to give the appearance of the “sweet old uncle suddenly struck down by dementia”.

  41. The question mystery novel detectives would use to determine why Biden was selected is “who benefits”; the answer to which is obvious – the powers that be. So we then come to “how do they benefit?”. It seems to me that we should consider that one would put the Patriarch of The Biden Crime Family in charge to help cover-up all of the criminal activity that transpired during the Obama Administration, not limited to the FBI, CIA, State Department, Justice Department, IRS and likely every other department.

    President Biden can be sequestered from people asking questions about the apparent illegalities that he’s been involved in or has knowledge of. Citizen Biden documents those illegalities and runs his fool mouth. President Biden can shield Hunter, Citizen Biden can’t and Hunter is a very weak link. The media won’t take down President Biden because they believe their own fantasies about his agenda; the media might go after Citizen Biden as a sacrificial goat if they could fashion a narrative that gave them Bob Woodward status.

    If the Swamp picked Biden, and they did, it was for the benefit of the Swamp.

    The price is right.
    A fella’s got to make a living and take care of his family!

  43. Thinking that they could “hide” Biden makes sense but I think is secondary to the fact that (1) he and his degenerate son, Hunter, were the “money makers” for those in power, and (2) he was the least threatening to the ideological Leftists, who, like their Bolshevik predesessors, are waiting for an opportunity to eliminate the corrupt Democratic (Corruptocrat) baggage. With the ideological Left in power, there would be, for the first time ever, a chance for a real socialist dictatorship that would eliminate “Capitalism” forever. “Slow Joe” and “Willy’s Ho” are no real threat to them and I suspect that they see the weakness of that Clown Show as an opportunity that they can utilize. In the mean time, they all play along with destroying the effectiveness of the civilian and military agencies of government by purging the effective employees and replacing them with useless nonentities who have no alternative to following orders since they could never develop a career on their own. Until they are no longer useful, they will be well paid to follow orders. If there was to be another Trump-like President/leader he/she would be isolated behind that mass of useless desk pilots who would be useless even if they tried to help. I suspect that the plan is for any effective people toto face the choice of a Trotsky-Memorial ice axe to the head or some severe re-education. Looks like Team Corruptocrat vs, Team Commiecrat with Team Ghetto going to the highest bidder. Until Compton, that is. Compton (Kalifornia) was a 100% Black community until the Hispanic population and their gangs moved in. The high homicide rate (I am remembering ~100/year) almost doubled for a few years until, now, Compton is ~60+% “Hispanic”. You see, Team Ghetto don’t bring in the grift. Looks like the plan is to move Team Ghetto (“African Americans”) into the suburbs where they will be someone else’s problem, while the “Old School” Corruptocrats have a new source of income. Meanwhile, the Left will be watching for an opportunity.

    Biden is a sock puppet who will keep the Corruptocrats in the grift while distracting the conservative “Reds” so the Federal government can be converted into a tool for the Left. Hey! It worked for Adolf, Inc., and would have worked for the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt except for President el Sisi’s (Sp?) ability to use a functional army to use the Brotherhood as track lubricant for the tanks from America and the bulldozers from Israel & America.

    Everyone thinks to get theirs and “retire” before it all goes sideways. Or to have so much power that wealth is irrelevent. “Slow Jo” ain’t nuffin. The grift is but a distraction.

    Sorry about the text. I have an old Bluetooth keyboard that is being stepped on by a neighbor’s “Samsung Series 8 (55)”, monitor that seems to be looking for iits ear buds and the cookie sheet only provides partial protection.

  44. To distill all the very insightful comments, allow me to suggest the following proposition: The Democrat Party is the home of resentful losers. Corollary to that proposition: Resentful losers vote Democrat because they are unable to compete on an individual basis with ANYBODY in ANY sphere of endeavor, so use politics as a substitute for personal achievement. It’s analogous to sportsfans who obtain vicarious thrills and validation when “their” team wins.

  45. The Democrat Party is the home of resentful losers.

    It’s also the home of elites in every sector of society. They’re not losers. They’re malevolent.

  46. Elite losers? As George Carlin would say, that’s sort of like saying “jumbo shrimp”…

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