Home » One more thing about the hostages


One more thing about the hostages — 6 Comments

  1. I appreciate your coverage of events here in Israel.

    This article gives an accurate picture of what is happening for most of us here – and why, with G-d’s help, we will not only win but emerge strengthened. Read it and take heart:


    The Israeli response is just one more facet of the truth that this really is a larger moral/religious struggle.

    Because my job has been unaffected by the war, my “volunteerism” largely consists of supporting my sons and their wives, and supporting my neighbors who have been called up to serve in Gaza and to beef up local security. And my wife constantly points out that my work in hi-tech brings much-needed cash into the country… but I still am jealous of friends who are already semi-retired and have thrown themselves into relief and support work.

    This charitable work and the comrades-in-arms mentality that has spread among both fighters and the home front, stand in stark contrast to the temper tantrums of the hard-Left BDS minority. (BDS=Bibi Derangement Syndrome).

    They have never been so out of touch. As in the States, it seems they are in a mad race to do as much damage as they can before they are removed from positions of power.

  2. Hamas is the right hand of Satan. Biden is the left hand, disgusting as he and his henchpeople are.

  3. BenDavid:

    Great link and thanks for your efforts here and at home:

    Before Oct 7, Israel had been tearing itself apart along political and religious lines. The underlying tensions haven’t gone away and every Hamas hostage offer calculatedly plays on those same divisions.

    But Israel has also come together to a remarkable extent. That’s not a story which interests the media, but it ought to interest us because our hope for the future also lies in solidarity. In the years since 9/11, 7/7 or the other numberless Islamic terror atrocities that should have marked an awakening, we have learned all too well that superior weapons are not enough to win a war.

    Wars are not just won or lost with firepower, but with the spirit of a people. The food baskets, clothing warehouses, volunteer guards, cooks and even gravediggers represent something as important, and perhaps even more important, than a military force: a national spirit.


  4. Don’t think ever saw a complete list of missing hostages and age, occupation.
    I am pretty sure military women were killed immediately but one was captured but killed very soon after.
    Not sure.

  5. @ Barry > “Should one mention the response of the Red Cross to the hostage issue?”

    Because, if you can’t say something good about some one, don’t say anything at all.

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