Home » There’s a new study telling us what we already knew: that most adolescents unhappy with their sex grow out of that feeling if you just let them grow up without medical intervention


There’s a new study telling us what we already knew: that most adolescents unhappy with their sex grow out of that feeling if you just let them grow up without medical intervention — 24 Comments

  1. Hey, what’s the consequences of a few hundred thousand adults denied a chance at a normal sex or social life, and a few thousand who have to live with the consequences of gender mutilation surgery?

    Let’s put it this way: I would not be within 100 yards of one of these butchers. Too great of a chance of being collateral damage.

  2. It’s sad that it takes an academic study to confirm what common sense could have told us.

  3. (Note – a repeat cartoon)
    At 5, I identified as a pirate. My parents took me to the children’s hospital. My eye was removed for the patch. One leg was amputated below the knee for my peg leg. A hand was removed for the hook. My pronouns are P and irate. Arrgh…

  4. The whole trans business is an indicator that at its apex and center, the medical profession is deeply awful. One thing we need is (1) a list of people deprived of their positions for objecting to these horrors and (2) a list of people who saw to it that they were deprived of their positions.

  5. In a blasted landscape that lately seems almost hopeless, J.K. Rowling has been a hero, has brought common sense and hope back into the picture, not to mention courage. I wish I knew her so I could thank her. And I’m beginning to understand better where the character Hermione came from.

  6. Art Deco. You paint with too broad a brush, but it’s certainly true that significant fractions of psychiatry and psychology are very twisted. I remember the hidden memory hysteria where young women were encouraged to falsely remember being molested by their father. And then there were the daycare scandals where little children encouraged to falsely testify of molestation by the school teachers.

  7. “Gender non-contentedness.” So sad.

    I was in flight braining at Pensacola before I ever met a gay man. I knew they existed but had never seen one. And I was shocked when I learned there were women who preferred women as sexual partners. Yes, I’m a dinosaur and my childhood was one of innocence. There were no videos, social media posts, or porn sites in those days. And I’m glad it was that way.

    IMO, it’s a very, very sad thing that children can be infected by such a thing as sexual dysphoria. These poor children should be given counseling and a chance to grow out of it. As the sturdy shows, that seems to be an effective approach.
    Mutilation is forever. It should only be done on an adult, “gender non-contented” person when all else has failed, and they request it.

  8. It is evil this pushing sex change on kids, it only makes them worse off.
    My theory it’s all pushing Cultural Marxism, they could care less about the person they just need them to join their army and destroying families.

  9. }}} There’s a new study telling us what we already knew: that most adolescents unhappy with their sex grow out of that feeling if you just let them grow up without medical intervention

    SHOCKED!! I am truly SHOCKED that this has been discovered to be true!! Everybody out at once!!

  10. When those who have had this horror visited upon them, grow into adults and fully grasp the lifelong horror to which they have been condemned and, seeing society refuse to hold accountable the perpetrators of this horror and, in reaction seek physical revenge… (the only proportionate consequence appropriate to the offense) I would refuse to convict them in a court of law.

  11. Paul in Boston:

    The 1980s were the height of the “recovered memory” and/or “false memory” accusations of sexual abuse against parents and in day care against teachers. It was more a case of ignorance and stupidity on the part of the therapists than malevolence. It did much damage, however.

    Therapists had convinced themselves that children could not be coaxed to lie though the power of suggestion. But they could and were. Therapists were convinced that people’s “memories” “recovered” under hypnosis were true. They often were not, of course.

    Nowadays far fewer therapists use these techniques, although some still do. But forensic investigators no longer use them, as far as I know.

    The two worst examples in the daycare field were the McMartin case and the Fells Acres case. And then there’s this case, which likely involved both recovered memories of abuse and a false memory confession.

  12. Erasmus, the Bee has made hammering the trans-activists a major crusade.




    And Not the Bee also has the true stories that also look like satire.

    Look at the picture. As the writer says, “Name me any actual woman who could show up to court looking like this.”

    “Yes, this is a real headline. Yes, the United States Department of Justice is suing Utah because a “woman” removed “her testicles” in the state’s custody.”

    The crowning post gets a bonus for covering trans-activism, J.K. Rowling, AND and the decline in mainstream religions.

  13. I wasn’t that crazy about my sexual possibilities as a cisgender male adolescent.

    I got over it.

  14. Re: Recovered memories


    Quite so. Another reason not to treat our avant-garde therapist types with any authority.

  15. I’m a dinosaur and my childhood was one of innocence.

    I don’t recall ever wondering about my gender, never occurred to me that there was anything to wonder about. I experienced the usual teenage turmoil concerning sex and girls, but gender had nothing to do with it. For better or worse, I was just me.

  16. The parents (or probably more accurately the Mothers) that forced their children into this, should pay a heavy price for their actions. The children may well inflict the parents will consequences. Hopefully they will not hurt others though as some already have done

  17. “It’s sad that it takes an academic study to confirm what common sense could have told us.”

    Common sense will soldier on, regardless of academic studies.

  18. As I have pointed out before, gender is just a social construction and it is imaginary, like unicorns and dragons. Just substitute imaginary for gender and you’ll be OK. For example, change “gender identity” to “imaginary identity”.

  19. Bring back stigma! If all the positive trans visibility™ were replaced by, or even just tempered with, a little stigma I believe the numbers would drop dramatically. And no, not because trans children would be forced into the closet; but because they would see how preposterous it all is.
    But I could be wrong.

  20. Art Deco. You paint with too broad a brush, but it’s certainly true that significant fractions of psychiatry and psychology are very twisted.
    I was referring more than anything else to the hospital administrators who saw to that objectors were dismissed from their positions or taken off the attending list. These bureaucrats aren’t all psychiatrists and clinical psychologists and in any case the trans-craze requires the work of endocrinologists and surgeons as well. There are aslo internists, paedeatricians, &c implicated.
    And I do not just have the trans issue in mind.
    Just to take one example in a related field was the ENT specialist some years back who was stripped of his admitting privileges at four hospitals in greater Boston. (IIRC, he had a salaried position at one of them from which he was dismissed as well). His offense was that he had composed and circulated an intra-office memorandum saying that homosexuality was associated with a menu of medical problems and that physicians should discourage it.
    A different phenomonon is manifest in the person of Dr. Peter Szilagyi. He used to practice in Rochester and was on the attending list at the University medical center, so I’d heard his name before. He’s now in southern California. Szilagyi was the chair of the advisory committee which unanimously recommended that the queue for the distribution of COVID vaccines give priority to Democratic Party clients over medical-sector employees, elder care clients, and old people. The excuse, as always, was ‘diversity’.
    One other thing one can do is to look at sketchy resolutions and ‘professional standards’ adopted by the boards of various guilds, the American Association of Medical Colleges, the American Psychiatric Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics in particular.
    Rank-and-file doctors may be above board. They’re not the ones typically calling the shots.

  21. I remember the hidden memory hysteria where young women were encouraged to falsely remember being molested by their father. And then there were the daycare scandals where little children encouraged to falsely testify of molestation by the school teachers.
    In fairness to psychiatrists and clinical psychologists, some of the worst scandals (the McMartin and Ramona cases in California) were the work not of that crew but of junior grade mental health tradesmen.

  22. Principal of an upscale high school said kids sort themselves by mental illnesses. Not jocks, nerds, and suchlike as cannot get through auto-correct.
    And use social media to, in effect, compete.
    Hate to wish anybody difficulty, but may be a couple of real-world problems might be useful in these situations.

  23. When I was about nine years old, I wanted to get my hair cut like the boys’ hair on my class. I didn’t want to be a boy. I didn’t want to even dress like a boy. I had a pair of jeans that I hated because I thought they were too “boy-ee.”

    My parents told me a couldn’t get my hair cut like that.

    That was forty-odd years ago.

    I worry about how many little nine year guild in the last couple of years were pushed into some sort of gender nonsense because they just wanted a certain kind of haircut.

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