Home » The Biden administration seems to be flying in people from Latin America: there’s an app for that


The Biden administration seems to be flying in people from Latin America: there’s an app for that — 34 Comments

  1. How is this not treason??? Aiding and abetting the import of possible terrorists into the country. The spineless GOP ignores it.

  2. I have been banging this drum for awhile.

    Several stronger cultures will impress themselves in urban areas to the extent that politicians will craft legislation and take stances to avoid antagonizing them. Even if it runs counter to the Constitution and Judeo-Christian morality.

    Those cultures will intimidate groups unlike them into silence. Eventually the dominant culture in that area will run the area the way they want without regard to established law.

    At this point I do not believe we have the will, culture or courage to fight this. We are too comfortable and soft.

  3. There have been some recent chatter about the increase in measles and the lack of the MMR vaccination. Of course, they are trying to blame US citizens, but I would have to wonder if all those illegal aliens have shown proof of vaccines or be required to be updated.


    When I did some international travel back in the 90s, I had to show proof of yellow fever vaccine. It’s frustrating that many countries have these requirements and yet, we have let them be ignored. And my mom sure had to prove she was healthy when she came to the US after WW2.

    If you are not sure of your immunity to measles, there is a lab test to check that. I had the measles and when I was tested 60+ years later, my antibody count was still high. However, if you only had the vax, you may want to check your levels before getting any shot.

  4. Another point – have y’all noticed that the MSM only complain about the R governors sending the “newcomers” to sanctuary cities and fail to mention the Biden’s transfers. And they have been going on for a long time…

  5. its like the Syrian so called invasion of Europe in 2015-2017, I think we exceeded our carrying capacity then, scaled up for our population, so then they mounted this silly kabuki against desantis and abbott, but laken reilly’s sacrifice makes it crystal clear, and yes johnson’s crocodiles tears are just that, what proper judgement is due Mayorkas, imagineer it, why do they hate this country so much, no there is no way they have not made this perfectly clear, Mark LLoyd a Chavez fanboi, Maduro isn’t really in charge
    I dubbed him tommy boy, back then, a loud Ralph Kramden type while Diosdado Cabello really runs things behind the scenes, as head of the Sun Cartel, a syndicate of staff officers, back during the 2019 couplet
    ,they tried to pick one of the low hanging fruit,General Alcala, who was nearly as dirty as the rest, to stage that Keystone exercise in Futility, of course that was because John Bolton had hired Guillen a low level fixer who bought out the opposition media,

  6. Oh my! I heard something about the Biden admin. flying immigrants around, but I incorrectly assumed all flights originated in the U.S.

    This reminds of the recent comment from some minor Dem representative. The goal here is to increase the population head count in reliably Dem states, so that the congressional apportionment can be increased. Based purely on population, and not the number of citizens.

  7. I’ve read before about these flights, and the app. Absolutely contrary to existing immigration law, so far as I can tell.

    Liz, I don’t think the illegals are screened for immunizations. When my husband’s family members came through Ellis Island, arrivals were screened for evident disease and those who didn’t pass were not admitted. I don’t see where this is being done at all today, either at the border or at the airports where these illegals come in.

    I’m hoping my smallpox vaccine is still effective, but worried about my children, who didn’t get them. There are labs which have this material.

  8. Did Congress appropriate funds for these flights of aliens? Or nah? How’s that work, sports fans?

  9. Kate – from what I’ve seen on the news, the border patrol barely have time to process names, etc so I agree that there are no health screening. At least during the Trump years, the title 42 was used to turn back people based on C19. But, that option was reversed.

    I mentioned my mom before – she was a war bride, so my dad had to get the army’s permission to marry her and bring her back to the states. I didn’t know that until I went through some family papers after she passed.

  10. How is this policy not a violation of existing US immigration laws?
    Has not the president sworn to uphold the laws of the USA and the Constitution?
    Does not the Constitution require a president to follow the laws of the land?

    Why haven’t the dumbpublicans gone to the SCOTUS (or at least attempted to do this) and filed some sort of charges against this illegal immigration policy?

    This is absolutely sickening.

    It’s too bad Biden and Mayorkas cannot be indicted as co-conspirators to murder and/or assault when these illegals kill innocent American citizens.

    And the dumbpublicans do nothing at all.
    Simply disgusting.

  11. Re. (“at their own expense”)
    Unless the flights are paid for by any number of NGO’s who are in turn funded by the federal government.

  12. The federal government works hand in hand with NGOs. Settle In (settleinus.org) is a group that informs and preps prospective refugees and coordinates with the United States Refugee Admissions Program and the US State Department Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration. Settle In even has an app — though I don’t think it’s the app we’re talking about. Many of the other NGO’s are affiliated with religious groups.

  13. Some NGOs/charities that are helping illegal immigrants:
    Catholic Charities USA: Advocating for Impoverished Immigrants …

    International Rescue Committee: Protecting Refugees Worldwide …

    National Immigration Law Center: Advocating For Immigrant Inclusion …
    Southern Poverty Law Center: Ensuring Immigrant Justice and Equality …

    American Immigration Council: Securing Immigrants’ Legal Rights

    Here’s an article about the top nine:

    The intention to flood the country with “undocumented immigrants” has been ongoing for some time. It has gained a lot of momentum under Biden because he has been willing to ignore immigration laws and our border. The Democrats will all tell you that these immigrants are all “refuges,” and that we should welcomer them with open arms. 🙁

    It’s a thinly disguised plot to increase Democrat votes and boost census numbers in various Democrat districts.

    The Democrats are fools enough to think that they can control these masses of aliens. I believe they are playing with dynamite. Creating a multi- cultural society is asking for trouble. What will they do when the MS-13 thugs take over a city? Or an Islamist group that uses violence against all opposition takes control of a county?

    That’s not to mention the diseases, the pro bono health care, the welfare costs, the extra crime, and costs to the schools that come with all these illegals. Those are all reasons why the border is at the top of issues in the coming election.

  14. So, if I fly a plane to Columbia or Cuba or some other country, load up some people and fly back to the States, have I broken the law and committed a crime?
    Of course I have. If it’s a crime for me to do this, it’s a crime for the Biden administration to do it. If they will break laws at will, then we are no longer a nation of laws. If the government breaks laws when it wants to so can we.

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  16. It’s all PERFECTLY legal.**
    (That’s why it had to be done in secret.)

    **According to “Biden”.
    – – – – – – – – –
    And to shore up the base and improve his sinking popularity, Decent Joe(TM) can crow/mumble that he’s getting the boys (and girls) out of the barracks; that he’s making their lives more meaningful, more exciting; that he’s decided it’s time to end their boredom and humdrum service and enable them to contribute to Society…etc….

    “Terror Threat? NYC Mobilizing 1,000 National Guard Troops In Subways”—

    File under: Make Subways Great Again…

  17. Let NO ONE SAY, however, that “Biden” does not like THE LAW.
    “He” likes it so much “he” invents laws…so as to better prosecute, persecute, INTIMIDATE—and DESTROY—“his” perceived political enemies….

    Key grafs:
    ‘Politico reports that Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes (a Democrat, of course) is accelerating an investigation that may lead to prosecutions of people close to President Trump’s 2020 campaign…. Why the sudden hurry? Obviously, Democrats see that Joe Biden is losing, and are throwing the kitchen sink at Trump…

    ‘…“Falsely posed as electors.” What an absurd characterization! In a number of states, Trump’s campaign had people lined up to be electors on his behalf in the event that his various legal challenges might succeed before the Electoral College met. There is nothing wrong with this, let alone illegal….

    The “fake elector” theory is one of several ways in which the Democrats have tried to criminalize making claims of voter fraud. In the wake of the 2020 election, Donald Trump and many others believed that the election had been stolen by the Biden campaign. Were they right? I doubt it, but we will never know for sure. There wasn’t enough time between the election and Biden’s inauguration for claims of voter fraud to be litigated on the merits, and in no case did any court ever permit the necessary discovery, conduct a trial and make findings on the extent of voter fraud by the Democrats….

    ‘…There is nothing wrong with pursuing legal election remedies. And where extensive voter fraud is suspected, an attempt to investigate, litigate and overturn a fraudulent result is commendable, not criminal. But the reality is that voter fraud can only be prevented; it can’t be litigated and corrected after the fact. The Democrats have blocked common-sense ballot security measures at every opportunity**, and they have no one but themselves to blame if the public widely suspects that our elections are rigged.

    ‘ Sadly, it appears that some Trump associates have been bullied into guilty pleas in shameful criminal proceedings alleging that they were “fake electors.” This reflects the reality that government…can destroy your life at will. At some point, nearly everyone will surrender rather than go through bankruptcy and see his or her life destroyed.

    The misuse of criminal proceedings by the Democratic Party to punish its political opponents is the most vicious legacy of our current political crisis.’
    [All emphasis mine; Barry M.]

    ** “…The Democrats have blocked common-sense ballot security measures at every opportunity…”
    EVERY OPPORTUNITY??? Lordy, now WHY might they have done that? Gotta be some kind of coincidence…

    No, let NO ONE SAY that “Biden” does not like THE LAW[fare]….

  18. The Marxists/Democrats would not twist and contort the law to persecute their opponents if they feared the same would be done to them. Unfortunately for patriots, there is no opposition party, only a collection of Romney’s and McConnell’s that never make a stand.

  19. What worse is that these countries have been clear they will not take their citizens back if we want to deport them.

    The Democrats and the NGOs who want to destroy the US are trying to put us in a position where there are tens of millions of these illegal aliens whom no one else will take. They’re counting on the idea that Americans, faced with such large numbers of illegals with no place will go will throw up their hands and say “ok, we’ll keep them” rather than the alternative, which is kill them all.

  20. The flights landing , under imperfect secrecy, have been known since the beginning.
    The origins (other countries) is new news, I believe, and the numbers are staggering.

  21. They stole maricopa starting in 2018 thats how they got sinema in then in 2020 and 2022 they took the whole board

  22. So much Dem cheating makes me angry, so I spend more time on Econ & M-F relations & ai in theory, and computer games & X.
    I wish Reps would be screaming about the illegals more, and how the media “does not tell the truth”. False messages can be spread with half truths and not talking about the problems.
    Glad Neo does such good summary work, so I can just repost on X outrageous stuff like this.

  23. When this started, there was speculation that Democrats wanted to flood Republican states and turn them “blue.” That may be true, but now the word seems to be that they are also trying to game the next census and prevent the Democrat states from losing House seats and electoral votes.

    There are definitely other reasons — the expectation that the “newcomers” will be Democrat voters, the transformation of the wider culture, the expansion of the social service bureaucracy to provide for their new clients, etc. — but California’s losing a House seat for the first time ever in the last census really shook up Democrat strategists. The other older industrial states have been losing seats for some time, and there are rumors that Rhode Island only kept its second House seat through census hijinks.

  24. Bet you a dollar to a doughnut it IS “perfectly legal” – because of wording that was slipped into another huge law that nobody read, Democrats on purpose, and Republicans because they’re too damn lazy!

    Thanks, Kevin and Mitch, you bastards!

  25. Neo, are you kidding me? Asylum seekers? These people are no more asylum seekers than I am. This treasonous government are flying these creatures into our Country to annihilate us, American citizens, and our way of life! And even if they are asylum seekers, I don’t care, get them the hell out of my Country. Then arrest everyone tied to allowing this secret bs!

  26. There’s a Ramada Inn in San Diego’s Mission Valley that’s been “closed for renovations” (or a “booked-full school event”, they can’t decide) that is now secretly housing hundreds of illegal aliens being dropped off by unmarked dark-windowed buses every day at all hours. The motel is surrounded by a 10′ screened fence with private security guards 24/7 & multiple palettes stacked with bottled water . No media coverage at all. WTF is going on?

  27. Virginia:

    Where do you get the idea I’m saying they are actually asylum seekers in the sense of truly qualifying for asylum? I say no such thing. My point is that they are probably claiming asylum and are being shipped in under that sort of law, and then it takes years for their cases to ever be heard if they are indeed ever heard.

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