Home » Michelle Obama says no to running in 2024


Michelle Obama says no to running in 2024 — 51 Comments

  1. She’s interested in decorative arts. She’s interested in her children.
    She quit practicing law in 1991, had a succession of what-do-you-do-all-day administrative positions for 17 years (for escalatingly inflated salaries, the function of the first lady being to launder the bribes), hasn’t had any salaried employment in 16 years, and has reached an age (60) where new departures are unusual. Revealed preference, dudes.

  2. }}} Obamas have reason to support Biden:

    But what if Biden has a highly visible health issue in Sept/Oct, and the Dems need a last minute pivot? I strongly suspect Newsom to be their only other viable candidate, and I don’t see him as having even a chance of winning without very visible cheating at the polls.

  3. She will probably be happy to give some high-profile speeches. I agree with Neo that Mrs. Obama has no interest in the work of being the leader.

  4. I hope all of you are right she wants no part of living in the White House, work 2 hours a week and 32 weeks vacation a year doing nothing but rubber stamping the Deep State’s requests to take over the country.
    And won’t give in to saving Cultural Marxism from the big bad Orange Man

  5. I don’t trust anything that Michelle says. She makes Barack look like Mother Teresa.

    Still, this is a woman who demands worship—else she walks out.

    She would not be able to stand being heckled. Ask her a question not oozing with honeyed worship—she walks. Imagine her giving a State of the Union to a chorus of boos—she kicks over the podium and walks.

    Yeah, looks like the Dems are stuck with Biden or worse… 🙂

    \o/ ‘Hippity hip Hoorah‘ \o/

  6. It’s been said that statements issued by the government should never be believed in their entirety until the government “categorically denies” that the statements are true. Until then, there’s no margin of safety in believing their storyline. Methinks that Michelle doth protest too much if in fact she’s not considering the possibility, a strategy very much like most official statements made daily by the administration.

  7. Marvin Snyder:

    I’m not sure why the idea that Michelle will run is so very persistent. Whatever you think is true of “the government,” Michelle Obama isn’t “the government.” Her husband, on the other hand, is probably working quite powerfully behind the scenes in the Biden administration. But he can continue that role if Biden is re-elected. On the other hand, Michelle has shown zero interest in running for office during her entire lifetime. She has always denied wanting to run.

    Also, the time she might have run and it would have made sense for her to have run was in 2020, instead of Biden. She did not, even though there was much talk of drafting her.

  8. “Her husband, on the other hand, is probably working quite powerfully behind the scenes in the Biden administration.”

    What, exactly, does his work entail? What is he doing, and with whom?

  9. Interview by Megan Kelly with Vivek about this issue. He thinks the Democrats will do the switcheroo, though he doesn’t know who it might be.

    It’s good advice– President Trump needs to hammer a positive message of how his past accomplishments can and will be repeated. Fast forward to minute 4.

    Hillary anyone?


  10. She is pretty clear. Presidenting takes a huge toll and she prefers to be the idle rich.

  11. most of the staff come from his former appointees, take mayorkas for example, although he would have been operating under hillary as well like ‘green eggs and ham. I don’t want them, sam I am’ Michelle strikes me as the same entitled prat as
    Kamala, Kamala being the beta model,

  12. I’m not sure why the idea that Michelle will run is so very persistent.


    Because it’s an extraordinarily logical and likely winning choice for the Democrats in what they also consider an election for the fate of the nation, which they are otherwise likely to lose.

    Or course, everyone knows such not-running statements are written in stone:

    First, Russert referred to a quote from Obama’s predecessor, former Sen. Peter Fitzgerald (R-Ill.), who said he believes Obama will be on the 2008 presidential ticket in some fashion.

    “I can’t speculate on those kinds of things,” Obama said. “I’m not focused on running for higher office.”

    Then, Russert tried to reconcile a curious comment Obama made to the Tribune late last year, where he left open the window of possibility by saying: “It’s not something I anticipate doing.”

    “I will serve out my full six-year term,” Obama said, trying to explain his varying responses. “If you get asked enough, sooner or later you get weary.”


    So, right.

    Michelle O. Could. Not. Happen.

  13. “So, I’m just wondering: Does what I want have anything to do with anything? Does who I choose to be have anything to do with it?”

    The ego on this woman. And immaturity. Everything is about her, and how it makes her feel. She sounds like a 12 year old girl. I cannot imagine any professional adult I know couching a response to a similar question in this way.

    Like most people here, I’ve had people recommend me for positions I was not interested in, and/or felt I was not capable of doing well. My reply, “Thanks! I appreciate that you think I can do this, but I know you can find someone better, or, I don’t have the time or interest necessary to do this at the level you need.” Something like that… At no point would it occur to me to accuse the person making the suggestion that they are not thinking about me and my feelings, or what I want.

    Thank you, neo, for a reminder of why I found her so annoying when circumstances put her in the spotlight.

  14. one of Ed Klein’s books, I forget which, showed the underlying reason for her arrogance, she felt her father a Chicago ward captain, had not been given his due but frankly this unappreciation of the rare privilege she had been given rubbed me wrong, why do some people not find this offputting, then you can add her premature sjw sentiments in her thesis her ‘first time I am proud of my country; and the bribe that bertelsmann paid them both, to the tune of 60 million,

  15. Does anyone here seriously doubt that MO could serve as a figurehead POTUS, sipping Piña Coladas out on her Martha’s Vineyard terrace with Tom Hanks, Oprah, while Bruce Springsteen and occasionally signing an Official Presidential Signature on her iPad?

    Why not?

    How would that be different from a shambling husk like Joey B. mostly back at the ranch in Delaware with Dr. Jill and Obama insiders running the show?

    Don’t you like Piña Coladas?

    –“Escape (The Pina Colada Song)”

  16. Rufus:

    Sure MO Is arrogant. Sure she is a child.

    What happens when you give the child her way? She can be POTUS without bothering with any of the drudge work.


    Michelle can save the world by her sheer personal magnificence without lifting a finger.

    Super cool!

  17. I’m reminded of the regular Hollywood trope of the reluctant Outsider, who hates the Establishment, left in disgust, however now, doggone it, the Establishment needs the Outsider so bad they have to call the Outsider back in…

    But the Outsider gets to set the terms.

  18. its a little cringey, the lyrics but they are more appetizing than contemplating this prospect,

  19. If Joe drops out I think Big Mike could be convinced to take his place.

    I myself don’t believe that Michelle is anything but a tall, muscular woman but many on the right appear to think otherwise.

  20. [neo] “I’m not sure why the idea that Michelle will run is so very persistent.”

    For a very simple reason – Kamala Harris. It is becoming more obvious by the day that Dems want to dump Biden but while Kam would be a horrible candidate her intersectionality blocks almost every substitute other than MO. Furthermore both she and the other most-mentioned sub, Newsom, are both from CA which hurts the Dems even more. CA is in the bag anyway and it is likely that a nominee from there will turn off voters in critical swing states.

    Nevertheless I agree with you wholeheartedly neo that MO really, really does *not* want to run, preferring instead to soldier on with her current arduous task of wallowing in unimaginable luxury with no responsibilities. The only reason I am not 100% certain she will not run (rather than 99.9%) is that desperate Democrats are capable of desperate things.

  21. huxley:

    Note that I didn’t say I didn’t understand why the Democrats would WANT Michelle to run. It’s obvious.

    But she has made it clear she doesn’t want to run. And yet people insist that she will. I think there’s about 1% chance of that.

  22. And yet people insist that she will.


    Everyone, tout le monde, agrees that Michelle O. doesn’t want to run.

    Done. Settled. Been there. Done that.

    Likewise, no one insists that Michelle O. will run.

    But many — more than 1%; 10% by current odds makers — believe that she will run.

    Again. Sometimes people do what they don’t want to do, because of Larger Considerations. I thought conservatives understood that.

    Better yet, if you can cut a deal on the conditions.

    Michelle O. isn’t facing martyrdom here.

  23. MFO is already hanging out in Martha’s Vineyard with celebrities. She doesn’t need all the trouble of being president to do that. She’s living the life of leisure now, and she knows she won’t be able to do that as president.

    Biden may be a mindless burned-out husk of a man, but he goes places every week and says things. Michelle isn’t going to be able to be president without doing that, and it’s not something she wants to do She also knows that if she were in the White House, her current popularity wouldn’t last.

    Occam’s razor. Look at the players in the administration, and look at the mess they created. It’s clear how the mess is a natural result of the ideas, capacities, and actions those on the team. You don’t need to drag in Barack Obama to explain why they are doing what they are doing. Biden is where today’s Democratic Party is. Somebody is whispering in Joe’s earpiece, but it’s very unlikely to be Obama.

  24. MFO is already hanging out in Martha’s Vineyard with celebrities. She doesn’t need all the trouble of being president to do that. She’s living the life of leisure now, and she knows she won’t be able to do that as president.


    I suggest you read my comments more closely. If Michelle O. wants, she can continue her life of luxury as POTUS. That’s my point.

    Who is to say otherwise?

    Do you think Democrats are going to care, if she’s just signs some autographs now and then or gives the SOTU once a year?

    Remember. Joe “The Zombie” Biden is showing up at a national capitol near you … occasionally.

  25. huxley:

    And I also didn’t say 1% of people think she will run; I am aware that the number is greater. I said that I think the chance of her running is about 1%.

    In a poll at CPAC, 56% didn’t think Biden would be the nominee, and 47% though Michelle would replace him. So indeed, it’s a popular belief on the right. And I’m aware that it’s a popular hope on the left. But it’s not my belief and most definitely not my hope.

    I’ve not been able to find any polls that predict how Michelle would do in a matchup against Trump.

    You write:

    Sometimes people do what they don’t want to do, because of Larger Considerations. I thought conservatives understood that.

    Gee, thanks for telling me the news that “sometimes people do what they don’t want to do because of larger considerations.” And not only do conservatives tend to understand that, but guess what? I also understand it. The fact that in this particular circumstance I don’t think Michelle Obama will do it doesn’t mean I’m ignorant of the general possibility.

  26. neo:

    I never did say you were ignorant of that possibility nor am I uninformed about many of the things you are telling me.

    Nonetheless, you said: “And yet people insist that she will [Michelle Obama run for President].”

    And neither myself nor anyone else I know of is saying that.

  27. So, picture this:

    You are Michelle Obama. You’ve got that Martha Vineyard lifestyle you dreamed of plus all the cool BF celebrities you ever wanted.

    It’s some date later in 2024. It’s clear Biden is toast. His polls, his sanity, maybe even his life. It’s Chaos Out There and it looks like Trump Will Win.

    Only you can save the day. And without really compromising. All the Democrats, high and low beseech you.

    Just show up on the ballot and defeat the Evil Trump. We will give you anything.

    What do you do?

  28. huxley:

    Plenty of other people say it. I’ve read it it at many sites. And you certainly seem to to think it’s likely.

    What I would do in your hypothetical is irrelevant. The question is what would Michelle do.

    Another question – and this is why I brought up Michelle versus Trump polls – is what her chances of winning actually are. I find it curious that I haven’t seen any polls on that.

  29. Nobody is speculating on the very real possibility that Biden may drop dead sometime before the election, maybe even real soon now. Then it’s automatically President Harris. She’s not going to give up what she rightfully sees as hers and run for President. Who’s going to force her out? The blacks would go ballistic.

  30. Some people like to run for office: most people don’t. Some people like to run marathons: most people don’t. Saying that all you need to do in the White House is drink cocktails is a lot like saying that all you need to do to win a marathon is break the tape first: there’s a huge amount of hard work, sacrifice, pain, pressure, money, and emotion that goes into both endeavors. There are a lot of folks who ruin themselves trying to make it: the vast majority never do break that tape even once, let alone win the biggest prize.

    So when anyone says “You know, I don’t think I want to run.”, my answer is “I don’t blame you in the least.”

  31. Step back for a moment and consider not who will be nominated, but rather who is making the decision? And how will they do it? Is there some secret council of Democrat “elders” who are considering their options? Or just a bunch of people panicking because good ol’ lunchbucket Joe may be imploding right before their eyes?

    We kind of take it for granted that some Dem “powers that be” got together in 2020 and decided Biden was their best bet, they just had to run a basement campaign so voters wouldn’t be reminded why he had been rejected so many times before. Made to order for the COVID panic (or vice-versa). And that is probably close to what actually happened. But now? Is it just Obama (or “the people behind him”) calling the shots? Or someone else? Or anyone?

    One thing you can say about Trump no matter what you think about him, he is going to be the Republican nominee because a decisive majority of Republican voters want him.

  32. JackWayne – Josh Shapiro is probably a nonstarter now in today’s new and improved Muslim-friendly, antisemitic Democrat party.

  33. While recent polls have suggested that Democrats would back former first lady Michelle Obama, a Rasmussen Reports survey shared with Secrets on Monday found that the leading pick among Democrats is “none of them” at 27%.

    That “27%” means that at least 13% of the far-left Democrats would be protesting Michelle quite often, IMHO. She cannot handle anyone interrupting or protesting her.

    Poll shows – None of them, 27%. Michelle Obama, 20%. Vice President Kamala Harris, 15% and that looks terrible for Michelle.

    The results of all voters, Democrats, Republicans, and independents: None of them, 46%. Michelle Obama, 15%. Vice President Kamala Harris, 10%.

  34. The idea that Michelle’s lack of interest in being president could be overcome by letting her serve merely as an absentee figurehead who’d rubberstamp whatever actions the real folks in charge would decide on her behalf overlooks a very important point: The voters would NEVER elect a president on those terms, or anything like them.

    It also seems fantastical to me that other dem politicians who ARE interested in being president would simply stand aside and let a clearly uninterested, clearly unqualified Michelle take for free what they have worked so hard to earn for themselves. For that matter, why would even Dr. Jill yield to Michelle in this way? Imagine how this idea would go over with the good doctor: “Hey, Doc, since we think your husband now has pudding for brains, we thought it’s be a great idea if you could get him to resign so that you two could move out of the WH and let your predecessor first lady, who is more beloved than you, become the new president! “

  35. She makes Barack look like Mother Teresa.
    She doesn’t. Her most unappealing features have been manifest in (1) her employment history and (2) her mismanagement of her finances and (3) her affection for luxurious and well-appointed housing. Her husband has co-operated with her in all three endeavours.

  36. huxley,

    I think I understand your opinion on this, but I think what you are underestimating is that Michelle Obama thinks the Presidency is beneath her.

    In the early years of our Republic it was customary that candidates didn’t run at all. Campaigning was considered unseemly. Candidates were nominated and, if elected, citizens took the post to serve their fellow citizens. Yes, even then it wasn’t quite that pure, but that was the idea.

    And, in our nation’s history we have had great examples of altruistic men and women who didn’t seek a post, yet were asked to serve, and did so admirably, yet reluctantly, out of a sense of duty to their fellow countrymen and women. Those are the situations you are referencing.

    That ain’t Michelle Obama. This is how Michelle Obama responds when asked to serve her countrymen and women:

    “So, I’m just wondering: Does what I want have anything to do with anything? Does who I choose to be have anything to do with it?”

    It’s not, “Oh, that’s an honor and privilege I’m not worthy of, but if needed, and my fellow citizens deem me worthy, I will do what I can in defense of this great nation.”

    It’s not, “Aw shucks (with feigned humility), if you really, really think I should lead the free world I guess I’ll give it a try.”

    It’s “Who are you to tell me what to do?! Leading you peons is not what I have on my dream board for 2024. I am living my own, best life and you are not even capable of understanding what it is like to bear the burdens I carry. How dare you suggest I labor on your behalf.”

  37. FOAF-
    Dems running Shapiro would cause them to lose a lot of Muslim support, but that means sacrificing at most only MI. The D’s would regain a lot of Jewish votes that Biden has scared off due to his meh approach to rampant Jew hate, and more importantly keep the money coming in. It would put PA solidly in Dem camp; Biden won there by only 1.17% on 2020 and then only with mail in mischief.
    It also may make FL more competitive- remember that while DeS killed in his re-election, his 1st run for gov was very close and things can change quickly.

  38. West TX Intermediate Crude,

    No matter whom the Dems run, he or she will be running against Donald J. Trump. The “Muslim ban” guy.

    If it looks like Muslim voters in swing states want to sit this one out the Dems will run ad after ad in their precincts, attempting to convince them that Israel has had no better friend than Donald Trump. (And, unlike other often insane and incorrect statements they make about him, this is one area where they can point to his actual track record while President as proof.)

  39. I included meidas collusion coffee clatch, as to point out how they would do a danny ocean, pull of a steel,

  40. Scrape, on MO running as a figurehead, wrote: “The voters would NEVER elect a president on those terms, or anything like them.”
    I can’t imagine the Dems would admit or even imply such intentions during the (short) campaign.
    … Though later it may become apparent.

  41. WTI Crude, the Jewish vote is probably still more important than the Muslim vote but it is not as important now to Democrats as the far left base they are now enslaved to. On campus now Jews are automatically charged with being “genocidal Zionists”. If they try to run a Jew in either slot (POTUS or VP) he would be forced to proclaim his anti-Zionist bona fides so loudly it would negate any benefit.

  42. I don’t believe her. Trump has been so disparaged, well over 150 million people would look at her as the savior of the United States. The savior of “Democracy”. Similar to Lincoln. She won’t be able to resist the call to run.

  43. Well until election day no one is right or wrong on this topic.
    It’s going to be a long summer

  44. The funny thing is, the Democrats and left wing Independents (y’know, the people who would actually vote for MO if she decided to run) have totally ignored this idea, unless they’re making fun of it;


    It’s the folks who would never vote for her (CPAC, Fox News, Karl Rove, GOP), who are convinced she’s going to run. Any day now! Any…day…now…


  45. She’s a Democrat, and when Democrats’ lips are moving, they are lying.

    This is the party that for five years has been championing a composite of The Tin Man, The Scarecrow and The Cowardly Lion!

    Another (horrible) thought: President Dr. Jill Biden.

  46. Jordan: doc Jill running is awful for America, but not far-fetched, considering the Democrat options.
    I could even see Jill claiming she will be channeling Joe, so his supporters can feel REALLY good!

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