Home » Important video from Ayaan Hirsi Ali on jihadis in Britain and other European countries


Important video from Ayaan Hirsi Ali on jihadis in Britain and other European countries — 21 Comments

  1. I was looking for a podcast to accompany my housework. This looks like a good one.

  2. “Personnel is policy”…import a large enough number of voters from somewhere else, and the issues of the somewhere else will influence your domestic politics and foreign policy. The level of influence will be lower if you have high national & civilizational self-confidence; higher if this self-confidence is lacking.

  3. So much good stuff.

    She verified my n thinking about Wahhabism and the Muslim Brotherhood. Although she never mentioned Qutb, who I think is as much of an instigator of the MB as Al Banna.

    I have believed that most Muslims are relatively moderate, and she confirmed that is what she believes. However, the radicals are numerous and gaining strength because of how open and free our Westen societies are. My opinion is that our leaders need to address this head on in conjunction with Muslims who don’t like the radical version of Islam either.

    We are, like Israel and the danger of Hamas, living with a ticking time bomb. Laws against preaching, teaching, planning, or executing actions intended to harm non-Muslims or overthrow the government are needed. We know it’s happening. Why do our leaders turn a blind eye? We know many illegal aliens from Muslim majority countries have invaded us across our southern border. And Biden and the Democrats encourage it. Hirsi Ali is sounding the alarm. I agree with her.

    Her description of her conversion is quite moving. Her journey form Muslim to atheist to Christian was psychically painful but her conversion was more meaningful to her because of that pain. And now the good news that Jesus brought has given her peace. A beautiful story.

  4. The UK’s and West European nation’s Islamism is just part of the problem and the lesser part. The left’s disconnection from reality is facilitating the rise of Islamism.

    Nothing could better illustrate that disconnection from reality than groups like “Gays for Palestine” and those who “identify as non-binary” agitating for the success of Hamas by announcing their support for “From the River to the Sea”. They’re literally signing their own death warrant.

    But this is what happens when you let the inmates run the asylum.

  5. Geoffrey+Britain:

    The enemy of my enemy might be my friend.

    At least long enough for both of us to defeat Enemy Number One and we can settle up later.

  6. What she’s telling us, is what any number of serious people who have been paying attention to Islamic-dominated cultures have been warning about for 30 years.

    I remember reading crime fiction in the late 90’s by a British female author (the name escapes me), but she was warning about the flood of Pakistanis emigrating and NOT shedding their political culture and NOT assimilating into British customs. And how dangerous that was as a long term prospect.

    We can be a multi-ethnic society. But we cannot be a multi-cultural society. One culture ALWAYS dominates.

    The only question is, “Will the Brits and the Americans find the stomach to reject our “elite” overlords and reject their efforts to supplant our culture with an alien one before violence is required to retain our heritage and our birthright?”

  7. This country is going to get it good and hard. The average person, I believe, does not pay attention to anything outside of their bubble. Immigrant invasion, weaponization of the judiciary, a ultra weak, corrupt and dysfunctional president on top of being a Manchurian Candidate. We lie to ourselves every damn day.

  8. Richard Cook:

    I think you underestimate the average American. More and more we do understand.

    The only question is whether we can overcome all the structural advantages and lack of moral compunctions Democrats and the Deep State enjoy.

  9. Huxley

    I don’t think so. If the average American voter were all that we would not have the issues to the extent we do now. If they knew issues, if they cared about something more than “what’s in it for me”. Hell, it’s a miracle for them to show up to a public meeting. I still think the Founders put too much faith in the average person carrying out their responsibilities as a citizen.

  10. A huge problem—I would say, “clearly”, except that it clearly isn’t—is being inundated with a tsunami of cleverly-wrought propaganda that is thinly—perversely—but convincingly based on certain “values” and/or issues to which one is essentially sympathetic.
    (Or if it’s not so cleverly wrought, then the sheer amount of it, along with its volume and intensity, is “sufficient” to bludgeon the listener into believing its “truth”…)

    …And the West once believed that it was immune from falling for such evil….

  11. Talked to an Australian some time back. How are things out in the country? REALLY?
    What we would call arachnophobia, they call prudence.
    Depends on the situation.
    Which continent are we on?

    Metaphor alert.

  12. At the time of the ” Founding Fathers ” , voting rights were a bit more restricted so that the ” average voter ” was a bit different than the ” average voter ” today.

  13. Several years ago, I used to live in Marin. Within a relatively short period of time back then, a mountain lion, spotted in someone’s suburban backyard was killed by authorities while traffic on the Golden Gate Bridge was stopped to chase a wayward deer off it it. Deer are responsible for MANY, MANY, MANY more deaths than mountain lions. But LET’S SAVE BAMBI!

    (Actually, while I lived in Marin, the deer population was enormous and there were no predators to thin the herd. Not enough mountain lions, certainly — and the authorities killing off the few there were. And no hunting. I saw some really sad looking deer.)

  14. The only question is, “Will the Brits and the Americans find the stomach to reject our “elite” overlords and reject their efforts to supplant our culture with an alien one before violence is required to retain our heritage and our birthright?”


    First of all, a large part of the population is happy with having overlords. So between them, the gurls jus wanna have fun cohort, and those who actually want to be victims for some bizarre psychosexual reason, the answer is “No”.

    Until such time that the slut culture girls, the socialist professors, the wine moms, soy boy cucks , and middle aged sports TV addicts are dragged through the streets by their pets and tossed onto the pyre prepared for them, the law and those who have infested the legal system will work against a political awakening movement. Lawfare as we have seen.

    The only thing that young men and women can do at this point is refuse to be of service in propping up the system that is squeezing the life out of them. Don’t be a “sheepdog”. But in general the need to belong is so strong in our population, that you could convince large numbers of the young, and their parents, to do or put up with, anything. To eat bugs, own nothing, and be happy.

    Now, is there a chance that Trump could turn this around and all the dire prospects just evaporate away as if they never existed? Sure.

    But for those who have been quoting an alternate scenario featuring an awakened giant in the form sometimes of a roused “Saxon” ; I’d have to ask, “Do you actually know any “Saxons”? LOL

    Because I can think of no more than half a dozen sub 30 men of my near circle who are fit to fight. Lots of sensitive souls, weak 5’6″ or 7″ types, or big fat tatted up slobs, or skinny hipsters in stocking caps pulled down to their ears, and of course drugged up goofies, But intelligent and fit young men with drive and patriotism who you could trust to mix it up? Not so many, as I look around casually. Though living in a Blue State no doubt impacts who and what I come across.

    Anyway, comforting fantasies of mystery saviors emerging from the mists of the past, are unlikely to be realized

  15. My political hero Fisher Ames called it:

    The people as a body cannot deliberate. Nevertheless, they will feel an irresistible impulse to act, and their resolutions will be dictated to them by their demagogues… and the violent men, who are the most forward to gratify those passions, will be their favorites. What is called the government of the people is in fact too often the arbitrary power of such men. Here, then, we have the faithful portrait of democracy.

  16. Huxley. The enemy of your enemy isn’t your friend. Just ask the Byzantines.

    Oh, wait. They’re not here,, are they

    It’s how you end up with the enemy inside the gates.

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