Home » Trump could do himself and all of us a favor if he dropped this sort of thing


Trump could do himself and all of us a favor if he dropped this sort of thing — 43 Comments

  1. Here here. Trump’s friendly fire problem and pettiness are foul, and one major reason he has driven off so many and irritated even the rest. It’s one thing to denounce the likes of Obama or Carroll (though even that should be done with some care, especially with a weaponized judiciary and “law” enforcement) or even Pence. But doing it to McEnany over THIS is another thing, and I can’t fault people for turning away.

    If nothing else it would give some less disquiet of mind for those of us dealing with the world going to heck and also give the left less ground to ignore things like Biden’s usurpations and abuses on the border.

    I’ve often defended Trump and doubtless will do so again. But not on this. I have scant love for Haley any more and found McEnany somewhat underwhelming (but “underwhelming” is better than a lot), but that doesn’t justify this.

  2. It’s malicious and boorish behavior. Completely unwarranted and undeserved. McEnany served hm more effectively than any Press Secretary I’ve ever seen, especially given that she had to defend his often offensive and erratic statements.

    In addition, it scares qualified people off from serving him in his administration, should the election win come to pass. Is there anyone from his former administration* he has not cast aside and defamed?

    *Aside from his daughter and son-in-law.

  3. This woman was the greatest press secretary in living memory. She was able to trash so many journalists with her binder of facts. It was glorious to watch.

  4. I understand the need to vent over T’s sometimes boorish behavior. I myself had a very low opinion and expectations of him before he took office due to just that.

    Some of us never got past that, even after his policies made him, to quote Mamet, “The best president since Lincoln.”

    Trump is an enigma, but when he’s aggravating the media/liberals, much more tolerable. I look forward to the return of those happier times.

  5. Why was Kayleigh McEnany on Fox in the first place? Brought it on herself IMO. I presume she was paid the league minimum.

  6. I’ll still vote for the rat bastard,
    because I’m an adult and I try to vote for the lesser evil.

    But I’ll be relieved if he dies before the general, of an anal prolapse turned septic.*

    After all, “Better Than Biden” isn’t that hard a hurdle to sail over, and I’m hopeful we can find a backbencher-pol, or some random out-of-work stuttering dogcatcher, to play the part of Trump’s understudy.

    And voting for the lesser evil places no obligation upon me to think that the lesser of two evils is necessarily good in any important ways. So I can call him a rat bastard, and an ungrateful a**hole, and still pull the lever to put him, and whichever desperate mental defectives he can con into working for him, into the Executive Branch.

    (I wonder, though, how common it is for someone to find Trump as distasteful as I increasingly do, and still be willing to recognize him as the lesser evil? We’re petty beings, we humans. It takes effort to say, “Yeah, but Biden’s still objectively worse.” I imagine half the GOP electorate won’t bother to make the effort, if Trump doesn’t change his ways.)

    * = I’d rather he didn’t die of some Three Letter Agency bumping him off. I expect they want to, and I’m confident they’re able and willing, but I think it’d be bad for the country. Other than nuclear war or another Democrat presidency, it’s hard to think of anything worse.

  7. Yeah, he has a mean spirited SOB side to him. In fairness, the unprecedented political persecution he has and is being subjected to has to be taking a toll on him. But much of that he’s brought upon himself. Yet when it comes to the country his heart is in the right place, which stands him far above any Democrat politician. A case of “He’s a bastard but he’s our bastard.”

  8. Trump has always struck me as boorish and that’s a bad indicator for me. I was pleased that as President he rose above that in actions. I still didn’t like it. I still don’t.

    However, my impression, paralleling perhaps neo’s, that sometime since his Covid infection Trump hast lost a few steps in judgment.

  9. Why does she work there? What is wrong with these people? Greed I guess. Payton Manning is pitching Bud Lite. My reaction? What a prostitute.

  10. This was why I wanted DeSantis to win, he has many of the same ideas , but seems more stable.

  11. This is one reason I’m still voting for DeSantis in the primary. If something were to happen to Trump, we’d need an alternate. Someone on the open thread posted a link to how Trump is working behind the scenes to get a really competent staff ready to go on inauguration. This kind of childishness aimed at McEnany belies those reported signs of maturity.

  12. I had a DeSantis sign infront of my house until he quit. I do not understand why he did not do better than 21%. We cannot always blame the media, corrupt and Democratic as they all are.
    As for Trump’s behavior, never forget he was a New Yawker all his life, dealing in a sea of corruption and making himself a billionaire. His first political job was POTUS. He was not schooled in the Swamp or in political arts.
    This time is different. Democrats are persecuting him with lawfare, and there are few things meaner than a powerhungry Democrat black female. They are like vicious bluefish in a feeding frenzy.

  13. He did it for 4 years while president (and many years before that), he’s not going to change at this point. Maybe if someone close to him could talk to him about it they could get him to at least throttle back a little bit.

  14. @Barry Meislin

    Apparently Biden is even worse by any metric, and this stuff pops up constantly in his relations with his staff and others. It just gets swept under the rug and whitewashed by a pliant media. But I agree with Obama, while he was still an asshole to his staff and “lessors” he was much smoother and more slimy in doing so, which among other “benefits” made it a lot harder to pin down for condemnation.

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  16. I would have liked to see the full tweet / Truth social note:

    >>“I don’t need any advice from RINO Kayleigh McEnany on Fox,” he wrote on Truth Social. “Just had a GIANT VICTORY over a badly failing candidate, ‘Birdbrain,’ and she’s telling me what I can do better. Save your advice for Nikki!”<<

    (oops, most of the long comment deleted due to use of less than / greater than symbols)

    I’d say this is -2 insult for McEnany, and a -3 for ‘Birdbrain’ Nikki. Not good; bad. But not so bad.

    Here’s a -1 “dictator on day 1” idea that the Dems will be pushing that Trump’s own words are that he will be a dictator.

    >>Trump, referring to Hannity: “We love this guy. He says, ‘You are not going to be a dictator, are you?’ I said, ‘No, no, no, other than Day 1.’ We are closing the border and we are drilling, drilling, drilling. After that I am not a dictator, OK?”<<


    But Trump's big mouth is both his BIG advantage, and also his biggest problem. For those many people who emotionally oppose him, and looking for some rational reason, or rationalization, Trump's words can be interpreted to be terrible, when they are merely questionable or just a little bad.

  17. Tom Grey:

    Calling McEnany a RINO is ridiculous. If you’re going to insult someone, have it make sense.

    At least he didn’t call her a birdbrain; she’s very very smart.

  18. “When you look at the Republican Party, seven in ten Nikki Haley voters said, ‘I would not vote for Trump.’ There was a Des Moines Register poll, 43% said, ‘No, I wouldn’t vote for Trump.'”

    I think this is what he was perturbed about. We know from other reporting there was a lot of crossover by Democrats and Independents that voted against Trump. No doubt there are some Republicans in that mix, but to imply it’s 30 percent is some of the MSM narrative.

    I don’t know if she’s a RINO or not, but the that statement was a RINO feel to it. It’s something you can not expect from many working at Fox.

    “I don’t need any advice from RINO Kayleigh McEnany on Fox,” he wrote on Truth Social. “Just had a GIANT VICTORY over a badly failing candidate, ‘Birdbrain,’ and she’s telling me what I can do better. Save your advice for Nikki!””

    But here’s the big narrative at Red State– most of whom who write there don’t hide their anti-Trump perspective. I haven’t read anything from Ben Kew but this is how he characterized Trump’s statement:

    “Trump was seemingly enraged by McEnany after she criticized the former president…”

    Trump’s statement doesn’t read or sound enraged. It’s part of the narrative to make everything Trump says as over the top or unhinged.

    In this case I would say McEnany should have been more accurate in her statement.

  19. Related?
    “83 Million?
    “The baffling case of E. Jean Carroll.”—
    Closing grafs:
    “…Somehow Trump will have to stay calm, give no opening to his legion of hostile prosecutors, while conducting a nonstop campaign against Biden (and for a while Hayley), and while fighting to keep his name on various state ballots.

    “So what we are witnessing is not even the extralegal efforts of Steele/Fusion GPS, Perkins Coie/DNC/Hillary Clinton in 2016, or the 2020 “Russian disinformation” ruse/change the voting laws/infuse half a billion dollars to absorb the work of the registrar machinations against Trump.

    “We are way beyond all that. The legal system itself, hand-in-glove with leftwing politicos (compare campaign boasts of James and Willis, or prosecutorial visits to the January 6 committee and the White House) is turning the process of balloting and elections into an embarrassing farce.

    “Still, Trump will have to soldier on. He must stay controlled amid the tsunamis, not play into the hands of his accusers, and remember that he may soon be the only eleventh-hour hope to stop this mockery of American law, customs and traditions.”

  20. Everyone wants the perfect candidate. Doesn’t exist. Like perfectable men. Doesn’t exist. I’ll take Trump with his flaws. If Desantis would have won I would have supported him. “My way or the highway” doesn’t win elections.

  21. “But it’s part of the Trump package, and the package is still far better than anything the Democrats can come up with.”

    Republicans could have come up with something far better than the Trump package if they had wanted to. On policy, DeSantis was there – arguably more effective than Trump. DeSantis is definately more consistent and much less erratic. And yet GOP primary voters have selected Trump to be the only thing standing between us and four more years of Biden/Harris.

    Banned Lizard – Trump is no enigma. He’s as transparent as a pane of glass. If you cross him, he’s going to punch back, at least rhetorically. If you don’t kiss the ring with sufficient gusto, he’s going to humiliate you (see Chris Christie, Tim Scott). If you criticize him in any way, he’s going to disown and mock you. (See McEnany as well as practically every member of his cabinet). There’s no mystery to it.

    Richrd Cook – It’s not a matter of a “perfect” candidate. I’ve voted for a lot of imperfect Republicans over the years. Its about whether a candidate possesses a minimum level of maturity and fitness for office. Trump does not. I could see him winning a chaotic primary season in 2016. I could see not dumping him in 2020 when he was the incumbent. But nominating him again in 2024 after his post-2020 machinations? Nope. Sorry. Better than Biden? Probably, but I’m not even sure of that. Trump’s policy intentions are better, for sure. But replace pretty much his entire first term cabinet with syncophants like the “legal eagles” that he listened to after the 2020 election and his current legal representation, and I see a train wreck. A second Trump term more than likely sets the table for complete leftist control of the federal government starting in 2026 and lasting for a generation or until the country collapses, whichever comes first.

  22. CC™ once again demonstrates that he is dumber than a sack of rocks; can’t bring himself to say that the Brandon junta and is worse than The Geat Orange Whale.

    Terminal OMB.

  23. Teh vapors next

    But lets look at the 65 project the danchenko dossier, the georgia tech dezinforma team the brennan purge of any real middle east experts that werent dhimmi

  24. “…the suave Obama or the truly decent Biden…”, continued….

    Roger Kimball on Matt Taibbi on the Democratic Party’s WEAPONIZATION of American government and institutions:
    “Our Democracy™: The Democratic Weaponization of Government and the Need for Decentralization;
    “The Constitution aimed to limit the power and reach of government; its rival aims to make government triumph everywhere.”—
    H/T Instapundit.

  25. Trump is different from most politicians in that he speaks directly and candidly when talking about his political and ideological opponents. Every other politician says the same sorts of things but more gently, diplomatically, and less directly. Where I’m from the approach of this latter group (not Trump) is called grin f*cking and it is much worse than speaking directly, I call it cowardly.

    I will vote for the candidate that I expect will implement the policies needed to improve the lot of the most Americans possible. I do not care how they speak or campaign or talk about their opponents.

  26. @ Barry > “Roger Kimball on Matt Taibbi on the Democratic Party’s WEAPONIZATION of American government and institutions:”

    Kimball is correct in most points, and Taibbi is a treasure: an honest liberal.
    I paid to subscribe to his emails & Substack because of his work with the Twitter Files, and his posts have become the first thing I read in the morning.

    He’s not morphing into a Republican any time soon, or even a conservative, but he’s at least got a clear picture of the depravity of the current Democrat party.

  27. Unfortunately for him, he cannot help himself. He is emotionally a child, and will never, ever change. Also, it’s too bad. He doesn’t get any pushback from his beloved fanbase. On the contrary, they think it’s just great the way he behaves.

  28. Taibbi is an iconoclast his early beliefs were shaped by what he saw in the post soviet era the rise of the oligarchs which have some comparable parallels here the siloviki which are akin to the deep state. He was wrong about the tea party for instance

    He showed how deutsch bank khuzaimi rotated between the sec and the us attys office we saw his handiwork against cohen and manafort

    How the big banks were not touched fof their collusion with govt agencies re subprime scam

    The effort to challenge naders signatures why does that sound familiar back in 2000 headed by the loathsome terry mcauliffe

    Naders ideas were foolish in large part but if that was a criteria for inclusion it would be a thin ballot

  29. BrooklynBoy:

    I completely disagree with you on this.

    Trump is not a child. These moves are a conscious tactic he has adopted. Whether it’s a good tactic or not is the real question. But he believes it is best to punch back, hard, when he perceives anyone crossing him or being disloyal to him. He has a very expansive definition of disloyalty.

  30. Incredibly stupid article. This woman/turtle/it claims Halley won? That most Republicans would vote for the decepticon? Words are not enough to slang this misfit except a NY jury would award her 84 million for an imaginary rape. I did not realize Red State had sunk so low.

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