Home » Eric Holder: watch out, if Trump is elected he may do what we’ve been doing


Eric Holder: watch out, if Trump is elected he may do what we’ve been doing — 42 Comments

  1. They changed the filibuster to get their way over the protests of Republicans that told them they wouldn’t like it when the shoe was on the other foot. Then they, as predicted, cried when Republicans got their way later with the new rules. They are short term thinkers who always think they will be in power forever. They change the rules and then they are shocked when we follow the new rules.

  2. Holder is one of the carnival of the worst, maybe brennan and comey end up in the final round, from orchestrating the elian rendition, to his work for purdue pharmaceuticals, to fast and furious, he was briefly california’s atty general, because locusts weren’t available

  3. I will not say what I think should be done. My Wife forbids me.
    And the FBI, CIA, NSA and who know who else is reading this.

  4. I think that I would fire a bunch of DOJ lawyers and FBI lawyers for cause, for violating the Constitutional rights of the people they prosecuted for political reasons, including the J6 defendants, on the grounds, for example, that they filed to provide all of the required Brady material to them, demanded and got long pretrial detention, etc. They certainly failed to identify all of the agent provocators that the FBI had that day, both employees and others, like Ray Epps. They also very likely didn’t provide those defendants with all of the relevant video – we saw what happened when the Shaman was shown on video exhorting people to non-violence. Last week, we found out that the Congressional Police supervisor who testified that he saw Oath Keepers engage in violence, instead of protecting the police lied on the stand, because he was in a different building, 1/4 mile away at the time. A lot of that went on. Throw in Hatch Act violations too. Esp go after their pensions. Sure, some of them might win eventually, but that will be after going through the financial and emotional ringer of litigation. I think that Peter Strzok got his back but at quite a price. Day 1 requires a special prosecutor be installed for this.

  5. Rather curious how “Wingman” Holder declaims as though as he is an objective commentator who himself has NEVER HAD ANY legal “issues” while serving as the highest enforcer of THE LAW in the land….

  6. Deport ALL illegals otherwise even a single one left behind is a bright green light that the border might still really be a gaping door that will be welded in that position by the next socialist in the WHouse.

  7. Just out of the curiosity of an outsider, does everyone here think the January 6 events were peaceful and/or some kind of FBI false flag operation?
    From the UK it seemed an appalling event and I guarantee if it happened here there would be a lot of protestors in prison.
    Rule 1 of democracy is most votes wins – electoral college excepted 😉
    But Rule 2 is you obey the law and accept defeat graciously.
    Or am I missing something? Is the US electoral system so deeply rigged that the Democrats will win whatever? So how have Republicans got control of the House? Why do Democrats tolerate a majority Conservative Supreme Court or even Conservative Governors? Surely if it is so rigged the “Deep State” would prevent or undo this?
    In the UK Conservative means deep respect for law and order, tradition and for others. We do not support protestors smashing into buildings, holding sit ins and threatening people. That was for the unwashed student left. And the Republican Party that existed when I was a young men seemed to share that view. Is this no longer the case? Has the GOP changed into something difficult for outsiders to understand?

  8. Just out of the curiosity of an outsider, does everyone here think the January 6 events were peaceful and/or some kind of FBI false flag operation?
    They were perfectly unremarkable until the Capitol Police shot flash bangs into the crowd and started killing people. Now compare how the J6 protesters were treated by the US attorney and the courts and how every other bloc of protesters was treated over the previous four years. You don’t know what you’re talking about.

  9. @Art Deco I know I don’t know what I am talking about – that is why I am asking you.
    So you are saying it was false flag operation? The police encouraged/incited people to riot and break in?

  10. Hmm. Rather curious that you’re so, um, “curious”….


    And then there’s Ray Epps. (Maybe you might also be curious about him…)

  11. DCL, yes, most people here think, with good evidence, that the protest outside the Capitol on Jan. was peaceful until police began firing projectiles into the crowd, and there were provocateurs there before the large crowd arrived who urged people to break in. Evidence indicates provocateurs had FBI connections. It was a set-up and some foolish people walked into it. Even so, the crowd was not armed, and the vast majority of people who went into the Capitol did not commit any violence or vandalism. The reaction from Democrats has absolutely been all politics and wildly disproportionate to what actually happened. Its characterization as an “insurrection” is preposterous.

    Leftist protesters have entered the Capitol and its related office buildings repeatedly in recent years, disrupting Senate and House proceedings and chasing senators and representatives through the halls. These people get misdemeanor charges which are usually dropped, and most of them are not charged at all. The difference in treatment is stark.

    Just last week we had radical pro-Hamas rioters attempting to break into the White House complex. In 2020, this happened with radical Antifa operatives.

    Some protesters are not like others, apparently. If they are leftists, they get a slap on the wrist, if that; if they are conservatives or their supporters, they get jail without bail for years.

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  13. I can’t figure out if DCL has an attention span or has paid any heed to any actions of the Democrats and left since 2000. Did Democrats accept the 2000 election (FL ballot counting lawfare)? Did Democrats and the left accept the 2016 election; riots, vagina hat power, and active resistance in the beauracracy, stolen election, Russians! Did the Democrat Capitol Police murder Ashli Babbitt, railroad political protestors, conduct a multi-year show trial?

    Nope, not to DCL, the Bertie Wooster of US political analysis.

  14. Cheers for the links Barry I will have a look through them. And thanks for that clear statement Kate. It’s hard to see a parallel in UK politics where a losing politician has refused to go.
    The end of Trump’s speech that day was appalling.
    He lost and needed to put his big boy trousers on, accept defeat graciously and call for national unity. Instead he said this…
    “If you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore….We’re going to try and give them [Republicans] the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country…The Democrats are hopeless—they never vote for anything. Not even one vote. But we’re going to try and give our Republicans, the weak ones because the strong ones don’t need any of our help. We’re going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.”
    What was he trying to say?

  15. Sure, no problem!
    (BTW, it’s just the tip of the iceberg. Not to worry, though…they’re all melting…pretty rapidly…though not rapidly enough, for some…)
    – – – – – – –
    “…refused to go…”
    Well, um, it is a bit of a different system….

    As for “graciously”, I would agree that Trump should have conceded just as graciously as the Democrats stole—um, sorry, “FORTIFIED”—the election.
    But, as we deluded goofballs like to say, “OMMV”….

    (BTW, do you happen to know if, in the UK, they have political parties, um, FORTIFYING elections? Just being curious…well you know…).

  16. DCL (Bertie) condensed:


    Should have, could have, would have.

    ” ….. ” are wonderful. Is there anything you left out?

    Clue to Bertie: UK politics are not USA politics, but you know that?

  17. “The difference in treatment is stark.”
    Well, Kate, it’s like this:
    Joe Biden HAS told us that this is the ABSOLUTELY WORST CATASTROPHE to beset America since, since, since…um, Pearl Harbor. Or was that the Civil War? The Revolution? The War of 1812? The election of DJT?)

    (And who in their right mind would even think of disagreeing with Decent Joe?)

    So…one might think twice, or even thrice, before comparing this ABSOLUTLEY WORST CATASTROPHE to hit America with the rioting and lawlessness of Biden’s very own Human-Rights/Justice-Demanding, “Gotta-Love-Their-Passion” thugs, even if their goal is America’s destruction (though to be ABSOLUTELY fair, that’s also the goal of the current “administration”…or whoever’s actually running it)….

  18. DCL (Bertie):

    OMB = Orange Man Bad (Trump derangement syndrome)

    ” ….” ellipsis are wonderful. Selective incomplete quotes to make a false or exaggerated argument. Deception by omission.

    UK and USA politics are similar in some ways. You have George Galloway, we have Raschida Tlaib and other anti-semites. You had Neil Kinnoch we got Joe Brandon.

    Barry went over “Should have, would have, could have” for you.

  19. Holder is one of the carnival of the worst, maybe brennan and comey end up in the final round, from orchestrating the elian rendition,

    Holder has continued his damage by pushing DEI on corporations. He is behind the Blackrock and similar pressure for bad investments.

    DCL, you might look at the UK’s energy problems before you applaud the Conservative Party too loudly. They are a dead man walking and there does not seem to be anything like US Conservatives in UK anymore.

  20. You had Neil Kinnoch we got Joe Brandon.
    Mr. Kinnock has spent far too much of his adult life in political jobs and his son’s an MP right now. As far as I’m aware, the Kinnock family aren’t running a criminal enterprise and aren’t sunk in a stew of depravity. Just a tedious claque of nepots.

  21. Galloway is a fringe bigger diane abbott is not corbyn is the equivalent to sanders tony benn was so terrible even his soviet handlers were embarassed

    Kinnock who became a lord is an unexceptional figure as much of the british establishment there a few that have proved worthy tony blair may not have been as evil as robert harris or david hare paint him (by piers brosnan and ralph fiennes respectably) but he was no hero.

    Badenoch who served as trade secretary and resisted selling more raw material to china seems to rise above the froth so does braverman

  22. Holder was Obama’s hired gun. Both bullshitters, tyrants, extortionists, evil. And they hold their blackness over us whities, as if Europeans did not build this country and only blacks did. It is worth a reminder that objective IQ data show average American black male IQ is 10 points less than that of the average white American male. This is not a trivial difference (normal average national IQ is 100). Yet blacks have become our new elites, via white guilt, the NFL, basketball, and misinterpretation of the Voting Rights and Civil rights bills. MLK, where are you when we need you?
    My non-public university’s medical school has condemned itself of “systemic racism”, plus anti-feminism, and as a result over 50% of the entering class is black females. Merit is out the window.

  23. @ Mike K I don’t applaud the current Conservative Party. They have been taking an increasingly erratic route since Brexit viciously divided the country. We have a lot of policy designed for headlines and few that actually work.
    Given the future we and the European countries are facing this isn’t good enough. There is a spreading feeling here that we are facing a war with Russian in the next few years.
    I am afraid we are in for a period of Conservative Party opposition to get a few heads straight.
    Johnson had many of the flaws displayed by Trump. Good in the media – always attracting attention – but not so good on the hard work of policy detail and seemingly incapable of keeping a stable team around him to do the job. Then there was his wife taking over as chief advisor.
    We also suffer from the social media echo chambers. So many areas of political debate are inhabited by a single voice. I suspect our upcoming elections will see politicians avoiding TV debates in the way Trump has, or difficult TV interviews in the way Johnson did in 2019 . And why wouldn’t they? Nothing to gain when you are winning by miles. But it can’t help democracy.

  24. Yes the gope surrenders too easily see the last spending bill, on the last ones as well

  25. bitterly divided, yes brexit was the last good thing he brought about, England fought every battle from hastings to agincourt to the victory over the armada
    to trafalgar, because they didn’t want a foreign master you can add any victory over the Kaiser or Hitler, Frau Von Layen as with Jompers (sic) her predecessor

    the Dems never surrender even when they do, for three years Hillary insisted the Russians somehow hacked the 2016 election by airing her dirty laundry, Gore was saying much the same thing in 2005, in Jiddah Bin Laden’s hometown, the riots that ravaged every city
    in the country, in 2020 where they burned down, Lincoln’s Church, how about the J 20 rioters, who set limos ablaze to tried to poison innauguration attendees, part of the rent a mob of Kimberlin and Kovel

    read Matthew Godwin, he shows how the Tories have dropped the ball on immigration and crime and other issues, Johnson foolishly acceeded to the lockdowns which were disastrous to everyone but Tesco and the Pharmaceutical companies,

  26. DCL, Trump did, in fact, leave office. I don’t see where you get “he refused to go.”

    Leftists here, and Europeans who read our overwhelmingly leftist new media, do not understand why Trump was elected in the first place. His election came from a groundswell of utter frustration at the increasing size and lack of accountability of the administrative state. Our feeling is indeed that the 2020 election was rigged by those unaccountable forces and huge sums of leftist money expended for the purpose. When he said we’re going to need to “fight like hell” to keep our country, he reflects the feeling we have that our country is being taken from us.

  27. because tories have squandered the majority they earned with brexit premise, in those two main areas, labor will likely win, and they represent the worst elements, they surrender to the EU to the islamists to the DEI crew, or whatever they call themselves now,

  28. Agree, Kate. But I do not think we have enough fight left in us.
    WILL NOT POST, “Duplicate post detected”.

  29. “Was January 6th An Inside Job?” (Vivek Ramaswamy thinks so!)

    The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters,
    with Bristol based founder Carl Benjamin and Professor Ralph Scholhammar
    379K subscribers. 21Jan24

    Anodyne AI generated outline of podcast:
    37 minutes ago
    Discussion of historical references in January 2022 article by Austrian poli sci Prof Ralph Scholhammar and defense against misinterpretation.
    Allegations of FBI involvement in January 6th Capitol Riot and lenient treatment of a key figure raise suspicions.
    5:53: Media’s spread of unverified information and unwillingness to retract misinformation is concerning, as some believe in political hypercompetition.
    8:21: FBI fomented an alleged plot to kidnap Michigan governor for deprivation of rights during Covid19 pandemic, as first revealed by BuzzFeed News. This prosecution was announced in October about one month before the 2020 election. The FBI supervisor was promoted from Michigan to head the DC office of the FBI, months before J6. Was J6th a result of his crowd orchestration influence?
    10:57: Controversial acquittals of individuals involved in the Capitol incident due to police assistance and discrimination. A very reluctant wrist slap on Ray Epps, literally the only J6-er defended by the NYTimes and the only one recorded telling crowds that protesters “MUST GO INTO THE CAPITAL BUILDING!” The day before and day of J6th — and yet Epps himself declined to enter the Capital Hill building.
    13:30: Concerns about manipulation of democratic process and institutional support for certain candidates.
    16:10: Controversial views on patriotism, nationalism, and law enforcement bias during protests.
    Recapped using Tammy AI [and edited by me]

    Commenter sooperdude22
    22 minutes ago
    Question: Was January 6th an inside job?
    The short answer: Yes [because it was politically useful for D-Far Left to gain an enemy to sell to the mass public, ‘Those EVIL Trump loving MAGA-ites are dangerous to You righteous Leftists].’

    The long answer: Yes, because not only was the events that were allowed to transpire that day the perfect opportunity to smear Trump supporters and conservatives as a whole as “violent extremists”, but it was also the perfect opportunity to bury any and all mentions of the destruction and death caused by the infamous Summer of Love just the year prior. Which might I add, was stoked on by high-profile Democrats such as Nancy Pelosi, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, Maxine Waters, and Kamala Harris. [edited by me]

    DCL also asks “ Has the GOP changed into something difficult for outsiders to understand?” No.

    After every Democrat rally in DC, there are mountains of strewn trash. And after every Trump rally, the parks and streets are tidier than before to event. Because Rs follow rules — too well — if anything.

    Obviously, this makes J6 the exception to the rule.

    Explanation? False flag forces such as Antifa were present, but conspiratorial Democrat forces bear the faces of Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Capital Hill Policewoman Intel bottleneck cop named Yolanda Pittman. Pittman prevented police requests from going up the chain of command from reaching those who could do so! Pittman conspired with Pelosi! As charged by her fellow Cap Hill cop, Lt Johnson (BELOW):

    Listen to Lt Tarik Johnson, Capital Hill Officer in the Building that day echo that charge — they were deliberately set up by Pelosi and Pittman who gained favours with the powerful Dem leaders.


    “Former Capitol Police Lieutenant Reveals Jan. 6 WAS A SET-UP! Full Interview with Tarik Johnson”

    Viva Frei — 13Sep23 INTERVIEW on Events January 6, 2021, W VIVA Frei

    EARLY core of interview is 8m-17m.
    It was a set up
    “We [Cap Hill cops] were set up…” says Johnson

    35-37m, Lt Johnson says about Pittman,
    “I believe that she knew violence was going to occur;
    I believe she deliberately withheld Intel;
    I believe that she set up her own officers so they could get hurt,
    in order to blame Trump.”

    He believes she was seeking favours from House Speaker.

    Incident Commander Yolanda Pittman would have had INTEL INFO that documented the need for more security.

    Johnson was not alone: In recent newly released J6th video, Tucker Carlson shows us Cap Hill police on the West side badly reacting to the mayhem, even misfiring a Pepper Spray canister upon the police, making them useless and injured. The police say repeatedly echo Johnson (ABOVE) crying out “We were set up!” by our bosses.

    beginning with D House Speaker Pelosi (as well as the dutiful D mayor of DC) prohibiting more backup law enforcement from being pre-positioned, as well.

    Trump’s offers were repeatedly declined, and when hewith over 200 FBI agents (pretending to be Trump supporters) and “human assets” or plants present, according to defense attorneys and Congressional investigators.

    Here is a fresh, new, firsthand account by a woman who’s awaiting trial in this year in DC for J6. Newly released video from an unlawfully undisclosed police body cam shows a cop hitting her with a baton forty times and punching her in the face five times.

    She points out that a total of FOUR Trump supporters died that day (and no cops died then). Two women and two men. See some of this fresh video here, in the interview of Victoria White https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxskx8Xtuig

    DCL asks “does everyone here think the January 6 events were peaceful and/or some kind of FBI false flag operation?”

    Peaceful? No, polling of the American people about J6 finds the majority agreeing that it was “a protest that escalated into a riot.” I’d bet a majority here agree. (Although, I’m pretty sure that few know that the Capital Building breach began some 30 minutes before Trump finished speaking. Which moots the entire “Trump led it” trope as another Big Lie.)

    I cannot speak for many others here. But I’ve closely followed emerging details, and increasingly, yes, it not only smelled suspiciously like one, but hard facts have emerged (See above) implying that this was a false flag-inside hit job!
    And we can now name the likely conspirators.

    Because Democrat traitors to the Rule of Law have no ethics barring them from destroying the US legal and Constitutional system to keep POWER!

    Why? To successfully sabotage the Trump White House election fraud curing plan — including at least two Senators and Congressmen — to raise the ultimate Constitutional question of whether or not state elections were lawfully held, and delay the Electoral College certification for 10 days.

    But the afternoons violence scuttled that plan, and Trump allies lost their courage to insist on this Constitutional procedure.
    The two pipe bombs placed at Dem and Republican offices just blocks from the Cap Hill were their insurance plan, in case the Capital Building riot failed to work. (Fresh security video this past week seen at Zerohedge confirms Secret Service-Cap Hill police strangely unaroused by the one outside the DNC offices at around 1 PM?)

    — the FBI is infamous for infiltrating dissident groups, and the Biden-coup operation has repeatedly claimed church goers and white folks gun owners and MAGA (Trump supporters) to be domestic terrorists.

    Very recently Biden has said so. But his infamous speech early September 2023 from Independence Hall, in which some Hollywood producer managed to get Biden to appear in a Leni Riefenstahl-Hitler style speech address.

    Talk about evil mixed messaging.

  30. Brexit viciously divided the country
    Your establishment was infuriated that they lost one. They’ve retaliated by opening the floodgates to settlement of Britain by foreigners.

  31. @ Mike K I don’t applaud the current Conservative Party.
    You don’t, in any of your posts, mention any of Britain’s most obtrusive issues.

  32. forget it we’re rolling, it is striking how much was made of nothing, this python and or animal house routine, gone awry whereas a real insurgency, such as we suffered in the spring and summer of 2020, was brushed off

  33. Brushed off?
    It was adulated, admired, promoted, cheered on!
    (By all the usual suspects.)

    It was the cutting edge of MORALITY!!

  34. @ DCL > “does everyone here think the January 6 events were peaceful and/or some kind of FBI false flag operation?”

    If not everyone, then a large majority, as I assess from the comments.
    You can look up more about the “false flag” aspect by checking on one of the more curious events during that infamous rally.


    Oh, wait. That was the satirical take.

    From the news when the event was new:

    From the news this month with actual reporting happening:

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