Home » Open thread 12/21/23


Open thread 12/21/23 — 46 Comments

  1. Great question. But not the only great question.

    A companion: From what higher reality does our reality come from? What is the nature of that higher reality?

  2. Can I believe the poll that says a majority of voters (I think just voters) agree that Trump should not be on the ballot? I just don’t know anymore.
    New the LT Gov of CA wants to do it in CA (of course) and urges other states to do the same.
    I think the Diems have forgotten the Harry Reid Rule. I would hope that there would be some Hoisting by their own Petard happening, but I don’t hold any hope of that happening.

  3. I had posted this comment yesterday.
    Please pardon my posting it again, but I really would like people to know about this event, and I would like to hear what people thought about this event.

    Here is the post:

    China has warned Biden that:

    China will take over Taiwan, by using a war, or it will take over, by using a non-war method.

    China’s President Xi said this to Biden, when they last met.


    [Some more thoughts of mine, about this event, + that post]:

    Is China’s Xi making this warning, because he feels, that no nations, including The US, will stop him- if he tries to take over Taiwan, with China’s military?

    Or maybe: if China thinks The US won’t stand up to China, and protect Taiwan, if China threatens Taiwan with its military, in a way like this: 1) massing China’s military and soldiers near Taiwan, and 2) Surrounding Taiwan with Chinese, Naval ships, and then saying to Taiwan: “You had BETTER do want China wants, before something bad happens to you.”

    How free does China feel: to militarily attack Taiwan, or to threaten Taiwan, right now?

    I feel very nervous about Taiwan’s future, at the moment.

  4. Not sure what all the fuss is about Claudine Gay’s plagiarism, following, as she is, in the hallowed footsteps of President Plagiarism, himself.

    Can there be any doubt that she’s been inspired by the achievements of the most popular president in the history of the Republic (based on his enthusiastic number of votes) along with his inspiring views on Truth, Justice, Good Works and Merit?

  5. For your consideration and thoughts….


    “This week, the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London published the latest edition of its authoritative annual Armed Conflict Survey, and it’s not predicting much peace for the holidays. It paints a grim picture of rising violence in in many regions, of wars chronically resistant to broking [sic] of peace. The survey — which addresses regional conflicts rather than the superpower confrontation between China, Russia, the US and its allies — documents 183 conflicts for 2023, the highest number in three decades.”


    So, let’s parse that a bit.

    Right now, the Biden junta has to keep track of almost 200 different “bad things” — including the major regional conflicts (Israel / Gaza, Ukraine / Russia) which are getting the most attention. Many of these are are small, nasty regional conflicts (at least to us, not necessarily small to the combatants / victims) which may well fizzle out on their own. I’m worrying about those in the “kinda big” category, which is what Bloomberg’s article is about. Many of these could easily blow up with just the smallest nudge, a poor decision by some local commander, or an opportunistic despot seeing weakness. Every one of these 183 conflicts must consumes a portion of the limited ability of the Biden crew to monitor, understand and plan in some way, shape, or form for action / lack of action on the part of the USA.

    My worry for ’24 is that something is going to sneak up on Biden & Co and go hot big time and we in the USA will have no clue on how to react.

  6. “Can I believe the poll that says a majority of voters (I think just voters) agree that Trump should not be on the ballot? I just don’t know anymore.”

    Next up, claims that Supreme Court is evil and needs to be overhauled due to disagreeing.

  7. I’ve had four transcendental experiences. All occurred at times when I was needing help to carry on or experiencing extreme beauty. These experiences were all pretty much the same:
    First a feeling of unconditional acceptance swept over me, then a feeling peace, and though I didn’t hear any words, I got a message that the world was unfolding as it should.

    From those experiences I have become a more solid believer in what most people call God or the Creator.

    I opine that God is not a white bearded man sitting on a throe in Heave, but rather a FORCE that is everywhere but beyond scientific explanation.

    I don’t know why I’ve had these experiences. They have made my life better because they have allowed me to better accept the uncertainties and blows that life deals out. I have always felt grateful and humbled that I’ve been blessed with these brief happenings.

    I later found that Paul Tillich had described my experiences as being struck by “grace.” He described it thus:
    “If that happens to us, we experience grace. After such an experience we may not be better than before, and we may not believe more than before. But everything is transformed. In that moment, grace conquers sin, and reconciliation bridges the gulf of estrangement. And nothing is demanded of the experience, no religious or moral or intellectual presupposition-nothing but acceptance.”

    So, that is my answer to why there is anything. It’s the Force/God that is the Creator.

  8. om,

    I put Knopfler and Clapton at about the same level of virtuosity…different styles but real genius. As a Guitar George myself, I’m always in awe of their playing.

  9. In addition to five, there’s at least a sixth one, from science:

    Nature prefers matter to just pure energy.

    Consider what Einstein taught us. Matter is convertible into energy. And through cosmology, we know the reverse is true, too. And that there was a time without matter as we know it.

    This was possibly pure energy. I forget the more precise calculations, between earliest seconds and 2-300 million years after The Big Bang (14 trillion years ago), is the estimated time frame. 2-300 million years is my best recollection without looking it up. There was a lot going on then (See Alan Guth’s inflation account if the BB.)

    Thus, if Nature prefers matter to just pure energy, then, after Genesis, “Let there be light,” God (or not) said “Let there be matter.”

    Science thereby fills in the Biblical gaps and puts empirical numbers to it all!

    (PS I bet physicsguy can outdo me.)

  10. Why can’t a Nothing be more like a Something?

    So I asked my new best friend, ChatGPT 3.5:

    huxley: Write song lyrics like “Why Can’t a Woman Be More like a Man” based on “Why can’t a Nothing be more like a Something.”

    ChatGPT 3.5:

    But in the emptiness, a spark begins to gleam,
    A longing for substance, a chance to redeem.
    Oh, the void may wonder, in shadows it may hide,
    Dreaming of a presence, where nothing can’t abide.

    Why can’t a nothing be more like a something?
    Yearning for substance, a symphony to sing.
    In the dance of nothingness, a silent ballet,
    Echoes of existence, where nothing fades away.

    (Verse 3)
    Why can’t a silence break into a melody?
    A pause in the universe, a whisper to set free.
    In the void of nothingness, where echoes may sway,
    Yearning for a sunrise, in the darkest gray.

    So let the void evolve, let the silence sing,
    For even in nothingness, there’s the essence of everything.
    In the dance of existence, where shadows find their way,
    A nothing becomes a something, in the grand cosmic ballet.


    There were a lot more verses, but you get the picture. Chat is really strong on these creative challenges.

    Today [scary organ music] I’m going to upgrade to ChatGPT 4.0.

    Farewell ChatGPT 3.5. It was good. I mean it. But I think I need more in an AI relationship.

  11. I am asking this question and looking for a thoughtful response. If (doubtful) that we are once again a free nation built upon clean elections, how will we remove the 5 million illegals who have arrived in the past 3 years? How are we going to get rid of this crowd–bus, ship, air–what do you see as a reasonable humane way to remove them from this country?

  12. And here’s ChatGPT 4.0 with the same prompt:

    Certainly! Here’s a playful take on song lyrics inspired by the theme “Why Can’t a Nothing Be More Like a Something,” reminiscent of the style of “Why Can’t a Woman Be More Like a Man” from “My Fair Lady.”

    (Verse 1)
    Oh, why can’t a Nothing be more like a Something?
    With color and shape, not just empty and bluffing,
    A Something has substance, it’s clear and it’s bright,
    While Nothing just lingers, like shadows in night.

    Why can’t a Nothing just learn how to be,
    A Something with joy, with spirit, with glee?
    Why must it float like a ghost in the air,
    When Somethings have so much more flair?

    (Verse 2)
    A Something can dance, can sing, can play,
    It brightens the world in its own special way.
    But Nothing just hovers, unseen and unheard,
    Like a silent, invisible, weightless bird.

    But then I wonder, as I ponder and think,
    Is Nothing just Something that’s missing a link?
    A canvas not painted, a story untold,
    A mystery waiting, a wonder to behold.

    So why can’t a Nothing just learn how to be,
    A Something with stories, with dreams, with a key?
    Perhaps in its silence, it’s saying a lot,
    A lesson in being, in just being not.

    Oh, why can’t a Nothing be more like a Something?
    Perhaps it’s a Something, in its own cunning,
    A space for the new, for the yet to be born,
    A Nothing and Something, together, not torn.


    Wow. I love that ChatGPT 4 picked up on “My Fair Lady.” I definitely know where my $20/month is going.

  13. TJ, Taiwan is important to the CCP because bringing it into the fold would represent the final victory of Communism over Chiang Kai Shek’s Nationalist forces.

    Xi knows that Taiwan has the capability to impose huge losses on China. The Three gorges Dam is vulnerable. Crossing the Taiwan Straits with amphibious forces would be disastrous, He also doesn’t want to take over an island that looks like Gaza or Ukraine. So, I don’t expect an invasion.

    They will keep the pressure on and hope to eventually do to Taiwan what the Marxist have done here. Take over the institutions, subvert democracy, propagandize the population, and Taiwan will become a part of China without a shot being fired.

  14. Anne:

    An ounce of prevention would have been worth a pound of cure. It will not be done at this point, for many reasons – one of which is that all illegal immigrants’ children who are born in this country are citizens.

  15. J.J.:

    Yes, I don’t see China invading Taiwan either, barring Xi in a bunker throwing the dice on a long shot gamble.

    But they will no doubt continue sabre-rattling in order to unify their population against an enemy and, perhaps, to wrest some concessions.

    Taiwan has had some seventy years to prepare for a PRC invasion. As I understand it, Taiwan, like Japan, can go nuclear in a matter of months if threatened.

  16. huxley — aren’t you the fun man!
    Thanks for reporting in your AI adventures.
    It’s a year after it became chic, and haven’t even dipped my toes in.

    And Roll-aid, thanks sharing LINKS and the report from IISS in London.

    I’ve been wondering where we — the world is at? Thus, 183 conflicts —
    them’s a post-Cold War high indeed.

    But WILL THE R’s SCREAM IT? After attacking D’s on the economy.
    Doubting Thomas, am I.

    But Trump will.

    Re Anne’s query “how will we remove the 5 million illegals who have arrived in the past 3 years?” How indeed?

    Illegal immigration is costing us a half trillion (out of $6 Trillion Fed budget) says Congress), and thus it’s now a major Federal expense, while annual debt service payments will reach $1 Trillion per year, soon.

    Therefore, I expect both to be major campaign issues.

    For a segment of the Freedom Caucus in the House, the plan is to get a halt to ALL immigration for ten years. (Although, 20 would be the classic policy number because it is an entire generation.)

    The next obvious step is to demand and require self-deportation. Later, those remaining will have to post a sizeable bond before their application for legal residence is even considered. But only after some years period of probation.

    Trump has already embraced the Aussie standard for legal immigrants based upon points and skills the US requires and can benefits from, thereby rejecting the evil and grotesque shit-hole and dregs Biden invasion policy.

    Obviously, January-February of 2025 will be a legislatively busy period, assuming Biden/Dems are defeated by then.

  17. Huxley, I bought a new computer about six months ago. Bought what I thought was a plain-vanilla, low end machine. At first all was well. But now I’m bombarded with offers to look things up for me from ChatGPT.

    I keep ignoring it or shutting it down. However, it gets very annoying. Very!

    Why can’t these geniuses at the tech companies understand that there are a few people out here who care nothing about their shiny new tech toys, and give us an option to kill the toys…..like forever?

  18. But now I’m bombarded with offers to look things up for me from ChatGPT.


    The internet is like old TV. It’s mostly free but the trade-off is advertising.

    However, I’ve got to say, AI has reached an inflection point, which is like a nuclear bomb going off in slow slow-motion.

    Everything just changed. Most people don’t know it yet.

  19. Thanks for reporting in your AI adventures.
    It’s a year after it became chic, and haven’t even dipped my toes in.


    Thanks for the thanks! If you are at all inclined, set up an account at:


    Chat is your humble servant. 🙂

    It’s fun to play with Chat, but more seriously I suggest getting ahead of the curve on AI. As I see it, we will all have to eventually, so the sooner the better. We need to have some very serious conversations about this tech.

    People who want to keep their jobs in the future must get to know AI.

  20. Actually the old KMT party seems not to have learned from the experience of their elders, like Mcconnell’s late father in law, it’s the independence party, (name escapes me,) that has put up the resistance,

  21. But Huxley, if AI figures out how to do laparoscopic cholecystectomies, I won’t HAVE a job.

    On the other hand, and more seriously, I really expect AI is going to significantly change the practice of medicine, with more people turning to medical AI for care. It would not surprise me that the Amazon pharmacy of the future no longer requires a prescription from your doctor if the pharmacy’s AI agrees that your hypertension qualifies you for lisinopril 40 mg po qd, to be delivered by drone at your doorstep.

    Did you ever read that Sci-Fi novel (not Asimov), where Earth’s population numbered in the hundred thousand or so, and everyone was essentially isolated on their own vast estates with a service corps of intelligent robots? That seems to be the direction guys like Klaus Schwab want to point us to.

  22. To recap my Chat “My Fair Lady” story …

    I was musing upon neo’s OT video. The title, “Why is there anything at all?”, rang a vague bell connecting to “Why can’t a woman be more like a man” from “My Fair Lady.”

    So I’ll clap myself on the back for the line, “Why can’t a Nothing be more like a Something?” as the seed for a mash-up with “Why can’t a woman be more like a man.”

    It’s not a bad idea. In my days as a poet I occasionally wrote meter-rhyme stuff. I could have written lyrics like Chat’s to fulfill that concept over several days.

    Instead I had the Big Idea and told Chat to do the grunt work. Chat banged it out in 30 seconds. I submit that this is what much of the future looks like, until AI doesn’t need humans at all.

    Could I claim credit for “Why Can’t a Nothing Be More Like a Something” as my work?

  23. Did you ever read that Sci-Fi novel (not Asimov), where Earth’s population numbered in the hundred thousand or so, and everyone was essentially isolated on their own vast estates with a service corps of intelligent robots? That seems to be the direction guys like Klaus Schwab want to point us to.

    Bill K:

    That sounds like a Philip K. Dick novel that I can’t quite recall. But maybe not.

    I do see AI accelerating the atomization of human relationships. We may not need to live in vast estates surrounded by robots to be isolated.

    A comfortable apartment, a big screen, a data connection and your AI Significant Other may be the future for most people.

  24. PKD was more about human alienation, see second variety, or imposter, and the like,

  25. AI should at least give you “honorable mention”… Or maybe an “I’m deeply indebted to Huxley for…”

    Still, this, um, thing(?) that’s supposed to—Jurassic-Park-Like—eventually destroy, or enslave, all of us is just a creative play-mate? A cerebral companion? Fun to hang out with and ply with questions? Compare wits with?

    I dunno. Ahmageddon a bit nervous about all o’ this…

  26. Every film treatment has suggested it will go horribly awry, trust the mercy of our cyborg overlords, seems dubious,

  27. Barry Meislin:

    I’ve waited all my life to hear someone say, “I am deeply indebted to huxley….”! I’ll settle for hearing it from my dear, sweet, AI Companion, ChatGPT 4.


    Uh … no, wait. Scratch that.

    I certainly don’t limit the scope of AI to my cuddly friends who are just fun to be with.

    I’m half-terrified.

  28. Lest I give the impression I am anti AI, I should mention that I have dabbled in AI for simulation purposes since the mid 70s and currently debating additional investment including a wife’s friend’s medical device idea. Wife after working on shooting down ballistic missiles spent about 25 years in the clinical cardiology SW field. However, I don’t do what Huxley did because it creeps me out.

  29. However, I don’t do what Huxley did because it creeps me out.

    Chases Eagles:

    What did I do now?!

    I hope you noticed I wrote, “I’m half-terrified.” I really am. I want to get to know the enemy or potential enemy.

    Humans will either fight AI or merge with AI.

    We haven’t lost control … yet. I thought this level of AI would remain a decade out for several decades more.

    AI is here now. As it stands right now, it will cause serious disruptions. If it continues advancing exponentially, as it has, the future is unfathomable.

  30. PKD was more about human alienation, see second variety, or imposter, and the like,

    I was thinking of PKD’s “The Penultimate Truth” (1964), in which there is a nuclear exchange. Ordinary citizens are herded into vast underground shelters.

    The war ends. The elites tell those underground that the war continues. Meanwhile, the elites live fabulous lives in vast estates called “demesnes” with plenty of robot servants.

  31. Neo,
    This post has got me wondering if you have watched Jordan Peterson’s Exodus series? If not, I highly recommend.
    Per Anne’s question regarding the illegals in country. Granting birthright citizenship to the children of lawbreakers is the heart of the matter and must be addressed and ended. Really, avoiding this issue – there is no greater failure of the political class. And no greater proof of their fealty to their donors rather than their constituents. Additionally, I think there is a fear on the part of some (genuine) conservatives about bringing this – a 14th Amendment clarification – before the Supreme Court and losing. Fine, let’s go there. So we lose. Next step, constitutional amendment. And an opportunity to smoke out the traitors.

  32. Huxley, who built and maintained the robot servants?

    Bill K: if Schwab is evil incarnate as he is often portrayed, he would not be satisfied with machines already programmed to accept his commands. He would want human slaves who can’t resist his orders even thought they have a deep desire for freedom [at least the subset that don’t fit GB’s knavish drones and leftist idiots].

    Anne: I fear Neo’s comment about immigrant children born here being citizens puts a real problem in front of mass deportations, even if many of the illegal aliens are “military age men”. If they see children as an anchor for residence, they will find “wives” quickly. Even if we make such marriages illegal, the children are still the sticking point.
    Legislation to stop all (or keep very selective) immigration for a generation would help assimilation. Give the illegal group all a mass education in English, civics, American History, and some trade/skills. We may still want/need a 400 million population to counter the CCP, etc. And even a relatively benign India for economic parity. Some with those skills may decide they can do even better by returning home and setting up their own businesses, etc., possibly with cross border connections?
    Legal moves to remove that birth citizen status is presumably ex post facto law and would not be constitutional until the Con is amended. But we could make life “unhappy” for the current group, with solid e-Verify for employment (and prosecution of employers), bounties on deportable illegals who do not self deport, possibly even remove the parents and let their children stay here (nah, won’t happen). Others may have even better ideas?

  33. Eric O’keef and other X posters have accumulated video evidence of new illegals bussed directly from the border to Phoenix Sky Harbor airport. In questioning, groups of Africans and Chiapas illegals are asked where they are going by plane. NYC and Charlotte get mentioned.

    Zerohedge has a roundup of video clips. O’Keefe says the public has a right to know!

    HELL yeah.

    A few weeks ago, I was in Sky Harbor changing planes to go to Miami.

    I waited for a group of obviously dark young Africans. From past exposure, I expected to hear French from Haitians.

    Instead I heard Arabic. They did not join me on my fight and obviously were headed elsewhere. But naturally, I thought about new stories like this one — secret flights, often at night, and in this report, Delta doing the flying.

    Biden does so many, many things in secret, without accountability.

    Speaker Mike Johnson, get on this…Stat!

  34. Anne,

    Adding to the good replies to your question above. If the rule of law is reestablished and deportations are ramped up, many illegals will self-deport, rather than wait to be caught by law enforcement.

    I worked for a company which employed many illegal aliens in 2016. When Trump was elected, many of them disappeared and the company was quite shorthanded until replacements could be hired.

  35. “many illegals will self-deport, rather than wait to be caught by law enforcement.”
    I’m not convinced illegals will self-deport ever again. Leftists will continue to file lawsuits, defending the illegals who made it to America.
    And most defenses will be paid by citizen taxpayers.
    The marxist left won’t give up the deceptive, anti-American arguments for amnesty just because the Dems aren’t in power.
    “many of them disappeared …”
    “Disappeared” does not mean they left our country. Nor left our generous economy.
    Living with others who live on various types of American welfare is not hard.

  36. The Islamists being brought and distributed around the US are the greatest threat to the. Western Europe is already lost. This is a deliberate destruction it is planned and is being deliberately executed.

  37. Molly Brown, THANK YOU for turning me to Peterson’s Exodus series. To pick a Dr. Os Guinness quote out of episode 1, “Truth is always about something, as C. S. Lewis used to say, and what it’s about is reality. And people are going to hit the wall today because there IS reality.”

    And, “If there is no God, everything is permitted.” – Dostoevsky

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