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Connectivity problems [UPDATE] — 5 Comments

  1. So far the 2 bigger stories of the day are:

    1.) The leak of a few pages Nashville shooter’s manifesto as well as the actual contents of it. And the MSM’s and Social Media’s reaction to it all (Google and Facebook are allegedly censoring it).

    2.) The commencement of the NY civil fraud trial against Trump as well as Trump’s responses in and out of the courtroom.

    And I guess a third might be

    3.) A New York Times / Siena poll that shows Trump leading Biden in 5 out of 6 battleground states.

  2. @ Kate — great news indeed, although the LI post indicates (no surprise) that the Senate is opposed (Democrats and McConnell), and Biden would veto it anyway, but the House GOP is making legislators go on record instead of hiding their priorities behind a massive omnibus bill.

    Which is what McCarthy should have been doing; if he did, I missed it.

  3. Precisely, AesopFan. I don’t expect anything like a 40% cut to happen. If the House keeps on sending individual appropriations bills, at some point the Dem and Senate R big spenders will have to cope with their obstructionism or be voted out. Republican Speakers have previously spent their time crafting bills they thought they could get the Senate to agree to. The Johnson House is starting to say, “Here’s what we propose. Deal with it.”

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