Home » I noticed today, as is so often the case, …


I noticed today, as is so often the case, … — 8 Comments

  1. I’ve often thought this verse from Woody Guthrie’s song “Pretty Boy Floyd” is applicable:

    As through this world I’ve wandered
    I’ve seen lots of funny men
    Some will rob you with a six-gun
    And some with a fountain pen

    The Democrats are the second type. They don’t have to rob a bank, or at least would prefer not to: they know how to work the system, and the people within it, so that eventually they own the bank.

  2. Glenn Reynolds has a recurring theme these days: “Make them pay.” He is a strong advocate for conservative lawfare.

    And, if anyone needs a lawyer, it would be wise to look at how recently the lawyer graduated, and from what school. Top-tier schools are not necessarily producing lawyers who will do the best job for their clients.

  3. Coming soon: attempts to get Trump off the primary (and general) election ballots because he supported an “insurrection.”

  4. I was still a conventional liberal Democrat when I graduated from law school in 1983. Constitutional law was my favorite subject, Larry Tribe was one of my heroes, and I had no notion of how biased my teachers were. But they were only following Supreme Court precedent, which reflected how the Constitution has been fundamentally changed during the 1930’s and thereafter. I didn’t begin to realize how little I understood about Constitutional law until many years later, when my politics started to evolve. A book by Richard Epstein, “How Progressives Rewrote the Constitution,” was part of my political conversion. Honestly, law students would understand the Constitution a whole lot better if they simply read that document carefully, along with the Federalist Papers. Incidentally, I am amazed in retrospect that Chief Justice Marshall didn’t cite the Federalist Papers in Marbury vs. Madison.

  5. The Left’s war upon Trump has far greater societal import than the fate of one man.

    The natural result of the Left’s Gramscian March through the law schools is an increasing evisceration of the Rule of Law. Widespread ideological fanaticism has an inescapable destination. History has repeatedly demonstrated the resultant consequence of it.

    And because it is too terrible to even contemplate, we will not bring it to them, they shall bring it to us. Just as Britain brought it to its American colonies.

    “War is the remedy that our enemies have chosen, and I say let us give them all they want.” Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman

  6. …”he supported an “insurrection.”” – Kate

    It’s just the left continuing it’s successful method of the takeover of America– redefining words.

    Homophobe…racism/racist…our democracy…gender….and the latest apparently is insurrection.

    A big lie told often enough becomes the truth (or something like that). Ignoring the traditional definition of a word and using it incorrectly often enough gives the new meaning traction– you’ve changed a society with nothing more than words– no shots necessary.

    Case in point. I’ve become interested again in the history of the local Indian tribe that roamed our area a couple hundred years ago. Talking about their famous Chief Moses to my grown and otherwise very smart kids (who unfortunately were infected by the school system, already turning out sensitized youngsters 20 years ago) was met with objections– and a veiled undertone of ‘racist’.

    I needed to refer to them as “native Americans”, even though they refer to themselves as Indians. The more correct term is “indigenous people” though I didn’t belabor the point. Apparently even my children think I’m racist.

    Come to think of it, I am! I believe the European culture brought to this continent is superior to the primitive culture practiced by the indigenous people. All over the world this is evident. A system of laws, developed over the centuries protected the rights of even the most lowly citizen (ok, it wasn’t perfect in application, but still).

    It worked– as much as a system directed by humans can because it was saturated with Christianity and the two greatest commandments given– Love your God with all your heart, and love your neighbor as you love yourself.

    We are beginning to recognize, with the crumbling of society, evidence of the post-Christian nature being adopted.

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