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A new type of pain medication? — 6 Comments

  1. Having had a Thalamic stroke 1 year ago now dealing with the pain syndrome..there is no relief..the entire right side is a “sadistic trickster”… trials?

  2. Neo, have been working on it but there are limitations on VA care..and the alternatives are a sensory overload of cocktails.. there really is a need for alternatives to opioids.

  3. I don’t know that I trust it.

    I have had right side neuropathy since a pontine stroke in 2017. I’ve tried a few things too. The various drugs were a disaster.

    I have had the best luck with seeing a functional medicine specialist who I started seeing to help with the MS I also happen to have. As she worked with me to get the overall inflammation in my body under control I found that my neuropathy reduced from a 5 level pain to a much more manageable 2. Mine is like my whole left side fell asleep and is in the pins and needles stage of waking up. Worse at night for sure. Also, probably because of the MS where everything is worse, during weather changes.

    I wasn’t expecting it but addressing diet, stress levels and appropriate exercise helped more than anything the various neurologists tried.

    Some of it isn’t covered by insurance but it’s actually not a whole lot more than deductibles, co-pays and “over reasonable and customary”charges.

    Just my two cents for whatever is it’s worth.

    Good luck to you both in your pain management journey.

  4. Geez. About ten years ago I had shingles and the frequent neuralgia — tingling, burning, shooting pains — which accompanies it. I imagine it was mild compared to the accounts above. At the beginning I found some relief with lidocaine patches.

    I was pretty miserable for months. It took about six years for it to resolve.

    It would be great news to find new pain meds without addictive side-effects. I’ll believe it when I see it. Once upon a time Bayer named their new pain medication, “heroin,” after “hero.” We know how that story turned out.

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