Home » More reflections on the Trump J6 indictment and what it signifies about our legal system


More reflections on the Trump J6 indictment and what it signifies about our legal system — 68 Comments

  1. “One of the comments at YouTube to one of the above videos:

    I feel sick about this. It feels like our country as we know it is over.”

    Yep. The Republic died; historians will debate each other over when. In the meantime, I’m largely disconnected from political news and other current events because how many times do I need to be reminded that it’s over and it’s not coming back? The emotional energy to care takes too much energy to muster.

    Those of us who grew up on Old Earth can remember what life was like in The Republic. It’s as if we’re on a ship that has left the dock. We can see, hear, smell, and almost touch shore, but we’re too far gone to get back. Frustrating.

    A few years back I realized that we’ll never restore The Republic. Too many people living in the United States don’t value the foundational ideals that inspired our nation. Freedom of speech, religion, assembly, and the press are all under attack from the Left. Just as we’ve proven over the years with failed intervention in other nations, you can’t export democracy. The people need to embrace the ideals that inspire liberty, and sadly, too many in American reject those ideals.

    “One of the comments at YouTube to one of the above videos:

    I feel sick about this. It feels like our country as we know it is over.”

    Preach it, brother.

  2. I agree with windbag and the commentator. I can’t even watch Megyn’s videos as I know it will just depress me. Their best tactic is that they never rest and never seem to lose focus. As a result we just get pounded into exhaustion trying to deal with them.

    I’ll vote (a lot of good it does), and deal with friends and family who are on the left as best as I can. Otherwise, what’s the point??

  3. mccarthy is exceedingly dense, has 20 years not shown how corrupt the system is, meanwhile cities have become pungent dumpsterfires, look at what those sikh store owners are forced to do,

    the media is as corrupt as the law, enabling this travesty of a mockery of a sham

  4. What I find depressing is the number of people who don’t see the utter corruption of our federal legal system. And I’m not talking about people who are unaware. I mean people who see the multiple charges, the corruption of the Biden family and the growing power of the administrative state. Even of Trump eventually wins the Presidency he’d have to root out thousands of people to set the country on track. Depressing.

  5. Certainly depressing, but not surprising. And they welcome violence and unrest if Trump is convicted. Most likely, there are FBI agents already infiltrating many pro-Trump organizations, attempting to forment anger and direct it towards violence. If it comes to that, expect an iron fisted crackdown tenfold in magnitude of J6 or of Trudeau’s crackdown on the Canadian truckers.

    The most depressing component of all of this is not the Deep State’s actions and plans. Nor is it that much of the MSM and the leadership of the Democrat Party celebrate these plans. Rather, it’s that so many ordinary Americans who are not leftists (many are/were mildly liberal or even genuinely centrist) are either indifferent to all of the above or support it because….ORANGE MAN BAD!!!! And…by extension…so is everyone who supports him.

    The United States really no longer exists as one nation. Rather, it is only a state, and an increasingly authoritarian one.

  6. “Donald Trump is their number one enemy, and the people who support him are to be destroyed as well.’ neo

    Trump is indeed their number one enemy. But the harsher their treatment of Trump, the greater a martyr they make of him. For the greater the injustice, the larger the legacy becomes.

    To this day and long before the movie, William Wallace is remembered with reverence. Who remembers Longshanks with reverence?

    Yes, Longshanks beat Wallace but died not long after and Robert the Bruce then beat Longshank’s son, forcing the English from that point forward to seek union through marriage, forsaking conquest.

    So too with attempting to destroy the 70+ million who voted for Trump. It will prove to be their undoing. In their fanaticism, the activist left is courting “Tarleton’s Quarter”.

  7. Democrats working hard to catch up to Pakistan, who sent another former leader to prison this week.

  8. There is a confluence of having both a Biden Administration — utterly political, utterly corrupt — and a broadly-based attitude of Trump-hate (“of course he’s a monster” per David Brooks). I hope that this is not entirely institutionalized in Washington DC, and that as these players leave the stage we will get something with a little more of the integrity we need.

  9. “ The left must feel quite sure that they not only will win the 2024 election”
    Of course they do. The got a senile old man who campaigned from his basement elected over a popular president. The got an incompetent, brain injured man who couldn’t string coherent sentences together elected senator in PA.
    Until we return to same day voting with voter ID, the left will win elections they would not otherwise win.

  10. Faint hope, James S

    Physicsguy – “I’ll vote (a lot of good it does), and deal with friends and family who are on the left as best as I can. Otherwise, what’s the point??”

    “…As for me, I say, give me liberty or give me death.” -Patrick Henry

    If this is a viable alternative or else a hopeless one turns entirely upon numbers.

    Let the campaign concentrate and grow inspired numbers of righteous, rebellious, bent on just vengeance, Patriots.

    I’m in for the count. One year from now.

  11. physicsguy: “I’ll vote (a lot of good it does), and deal with friends and family who are on the left as best as I can. Otherwise, what’s the point??”

    I’m not sure how much good voting will do in the future, but something I bear in mind is that the higher up offices are filled from the ranks of the lower down offices. Local elections are important. That snake Mark Meadows got elected in my county as a Commissioner. Ugh. I couldn’t believe it when he won the Congressional seat. Local elections matter down the road.

  12. The DC courthouse is our Bastille.

    I saw Vivek again in Iowa. Third time. And for the first time ever, I didn’t take notes. No blog post.

    Vivek is the best candidate. He has finessed the Trump issue. Ron is too timid. The rest of the field are losers.

    Watch the debate. You will be astounded. I’ve never seen anyone like him.

    Vivek also has a positive message. The US is going through adolescence. We can get better..

    BTW, Vivek would disband the FBI. He has a plan.

  13. What is most disturbing is that it is plain to see, the juggernaut moves ever forward – and there is much more tyranny in development. The censorship of individual content continues, only slightly abated by the publishing efforts on the Twitter files, and the congressional testimony. The persecution of Trump gets more brazen by the day, with the public counterpoint of the sanctioned corruption of the Biden Crime Family enterprises. What should we expect next? Deeper involvement in the Ukraine would facilitate the War Powers Act, and all of the power to declare expedient ‘Emergencies’ to facilitate the consolidation of control over society’s machinery. People in the know seem to think this is already in the works.

  14. A favorite old comment from Nov. 5 2008 by fdcol63:

    “Americans walked through a door last night, and it locked behind them.

    Certainly, nothing dire will happen immediately. But the long–term rot will continue unabated, at times slowly and at other times more quickly, until someday .. maybe years in the future … most of us will recognize that this was indeed a pivotal moment that altered the course of America and our society in such ways that we can never hope to recover.

    While the euphoria is now about America having evolved enough to finally elect an African-American as president, the maority of Americans will someday recognize that he wasn’t just that, but he was more importantly a Marxist, anti-American, anti-Western, anti-Semitic, black separationist, Muslim jihadi sympathizing, corrupt Chicago politician who loathed the half of himself that was Caucasian.”

  15. Megyn and Julie interview is chilling in its a set up from beginning with a rabid Trump h8er judge, prosecutor and jury.

    I do know from history or the world getting Trump if they do will start a snowball going downhill, they will pick up anyone they think is a threat to their power be it politician, blogger or inquisitive journalist

  16. Megyn Kelly is very good. Glad she is back in the media. 100x better than Sean Hannity.

    Motion to Dismiss should be granted. And if denied, interlocutory appeal should be allowed as this case is so important.

  17. Ackler: “The United States really no longer exists as one nation. Rather, it is only a state, ”

    That’s a brilliant and succinct summary of the situation. I’ll be quoting it.

  18. For those who object to my characterization of Democrats as evil, what will it take? Torture? A Tiananmen Square?

    How far does the obvious Big Brother program have to go down the inevitable road toward Stalin, Mao, or Hitler before people decide that the evil line has been crossed? Because we are headed there. That’s the plan. Isn’t the plan enough?

    This is all just the fulfillment of the hopes of Ayers and Dohrn and Obama. And millions of fellow travelers in the party. This is what they hoped they’d get from their efforts to incite a race war. From their thousands of terror bombings. And then they decided to infiltrate the system and destroy it from within. This why Obama called himself a Marxist revolutionary. Like his communist party member/Moscow spy/”Pop” that he dedicated poems to as a teenager. This was always the goal.

    The fundamental transformation of America.

    This is the plan. And the millions of Democrat voters aren’t ignorant of the horrific abuses of power. They celebrate them. They support the massive censorship. They support the cancel culture and the othering and the two minutes of hate directed at the Orange Goldstein. They support the relentless slanders and vicious smears. They support the attacks on the Supreme Court and the Electoral College.

    They support and cheer for the relentless harassment and eventual disenfranchisement of all who disagree with them. To destroy the baker for wrongthink. They are the same people who wanted to jail people who didn’t get the vaxx. Wanted to take away their kids. They have strong totalitarian urges. They genuinely believe they have the moral right to suppress disagreement. To cancel other people for the crime of dissent.

    I call it evil. If you don’t like the term, what term is more accurate?

  19. If the Democrats win in 2024, how long until the Camps appear? They have the hatred inside themselves to set them up now, they just need a little more assurance that they can get away with it.

  20. stan:

    I don’t think you understand that a distinction is being made by people who don’t agree with you. It’s not that they don’t agree that Democrat leaders are evil. It’s that they know plenty of Democrat followers/voters who are not, but who are as I described in this post.

  21. The object of this, of course, is to have a further chilling effect on legal representation for him.

    This points to a triumph of left-fascism over the former Federal system of Constitutional governance. Somehow the Democrats have elected themselves equaler than others when it comes to selecting rulers – they’ve acquired prohibitive powers against opponents by single-mindedly using any and all methods to promote their allies and destroy their opponents. Democracy this is not – it’s Leninism at full volume, enhanced by their win-at-all-costs crusade for power. Who plays the part of Lenin will be discovered, once the details of Trump’s exit are finally settled.

  22. If you wish to trigger stan, just suggest that he ought to get out more.

    Nope, stan knows the mind and soul of each and every person who votes for a Democrat. Truly fantastic, the knowledge of stan.

  23. SCOTTtheBADGER asks: “If the Democrats win in 2024, how long until the Camps appear?”

    Camps would be pointless they’ll just use trenches. imo

  24. Here’s an exchange amount some people on Facebook:

    Person 1 posts a meme that says: “The whole world is watching. If he gets away with it, no friend or ally will ever trust us again.”

    Me — at first I thought the “he” was referring to Biden. Or Garland. Idk. I was surprised that the Facebook friend posted that (at first) because he’s usually so rabidly anti-Trump.

    Well, it turns out, the “he” was Trump and it was an anti-Trump meme. The Facebook friend’s Facebook friends all posted the following:

    Person 2: I do not trust us. This is truly a test, the results of which will be pivotal. Orange doing hard time is one measure of our integrity.

    Person 3: There are articles saying that he could be the president…while sitting in PRISON!!! Because there is nothing in the constitution saying he can’t. Why? Because something like that has NEVER happened in the history of this country. I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that this thing posing as a human ever became president in the first place. A man who cannot even tie a tie correctly. Which is not surprising because he hasn’t worked a day in his entire life. Never cooked a meal, never made a bed, never did homework, never earned a cent for anything he did for himself…ugh, don’t get me started

    Person 4 (addressed to Person 3): the Constitution needs to be updated to reflect this nightmare.

    Person 4 (addressed to a person I blocked because she’s a total hysterical nut job so I’m not sure what the nut job posted): I find it very sad that the 25th Amendment didn’t get used like it should of. Mike Pence is condemning him now but failed to do his job when in office. Including Bill Barr. If you notice the Trump wife and children have all gone into the ground hiding showing no support for him. But that’s after they cleaned up financially while serving in the office. Where are those investigations.

    Person 4 (addressed to same nut job): Mitch McConnell kept Supreme Court Justice nominees even coming to the floor for a vote which should be criminal. The democrats have been too complicit in all of the pre-Trump stuff.

    “Sic” all the above.

    None of them are lawyers. All are from small town fly-over country. I despair. They’d arrest me in a heart beat and throw away the key merely for sympathizing with the January Sixers.

  25. Thinking on the ” coincidence ” of the timing of these indictments to bad Biden Crime Family news. Assuming a indictment can’t be produced in a day, I am thinking they were long being worked on but the bad news brought on a panic Smith needed to counter the news so rushed out these ASAP. Maybe the haste shows how sloppy and convoluted it is.

  26. Ackler

    I have been harping on the non involvement of the American voter for awhile now. This is never really discussed anywhere. The lack of awareness, the lack of involvement. Sucks to be us. The “populace thinks our governmental system in on automatic.

  27. om,

    Reading for comprehension is a worthy pursuit. You should try it. And then try some thinking with it. That’s good, too. But don’t overdo it. A bear of little brain, you need to know your limits.


    As Someone Else shows in the comment above, hatred just drips from the FB comments quoted. Hatred. The results of the Goldstein “two minutes of hate”?

    I contend that it is the hatred that causes liberal voters to believe that conservatives are evil.

    How about we break this down into small questions —
    1. Do you agree with Krauthammer’s observation? If not, given all the evidence supporting him, why not?

    2. If so, let’s dig into the psychology of believing other people are evil for no reason other than they disagree about government policy. Work through that. Seriously work through that. Because once you really start to examine the moral shortcomings which HAVE to underlie that belief, there aren’t too many options for us to end up. And you begin to understand the willingness to send parents to prison or take away children from parents over the jab. The willingness to bankrupt someone for their religious beliefs. The desire to punish people for disagreeing.

    3. I have repeatedly made the observation that liberals believe they are moral superior and that their moral superiority entitles them to play god in the lives of others. Do you disagree with either part of that?

    4. Why do you suppose that ordinary D voters hate Trump with such ferocity? Why did they hate W? Why did they hate Reagan? Or Gingrich? Or Rush Limbaugh? Because they hated all of them. You really need to address the hate. Of ordinary D voters.

    5. I suspect that many of your friends in New England and Manhattan despise people in flyover country. Just as they really do believe that blacks are too stupid to get a voter ID. Why? What does that say about their moral foundations?

    Why are they so eager to believe that others are racist, Nazi, fascist, white supremacists? People they don’t know. People whose only “crime” is voting for someone else.

    Does it bother them to vote for people who relentlessly smear opponents with the nastiest, vilest, most vicious of smears and slurs? Apparently not. Why not?

  28. A lot of Trump supporters are bothered by his attacks on others. They say so. For some, it makes them decide not to support him.

    Do D voters you know express discomfort and revulsion for the nasty smears that all their politicians use? Or do they repeat them? Do they accept the slanders as true? What does it say about someone who readily believes ugly, nasty slanders?

  29. stan is triggered again.

    We stand in awe of his awesomeness and the subtle workings of his mind.

  30. Generally speaking, “preaching to the choir” isn’t effective evangelism stanley.

  31. I lean more to stan than to om and neo. At the risk of “Godwin’s Law” if the mass of Dem supporters are not actually “evil” they are at least the equivalent of the “good Germans” who were passive in the face of Hitler and the Nazis. Maybe worse because they are under less implicit duress.

    Consider the post by “Someone Else” and its disheartening finale: “None of them are lawyers. All are from small town fly-over country.” The rot is very deep, maybe too deep to repair.

  32. That tweet from Posobiec is chilling, miguel. But we’ve had enough “chilling” news by now it not only should have ended global warming but put us under a sheet of glaciers …

  33. unlike tim robbins chill wind, which was rather not, winter is coming

    unless you have a rejoinder which is not of an amusing character,

  34. Neo, anyone who votes for, donates to, helps in any way a Communist/Democrat IS evil.

  35. D voters are bathed in hate for R Presidents and R Presidental contentors. The only R president who didn’t have D hate that I know of is Eisenhower. For over 60 years D voters have been taught to hate the R in leadership.

  36. If these posts mean anything here, our side is hardening our hearts against…Demonicrats. (The latest pejorative to strike me.)

    FOAF says “That tweet from Posobiec is chilling, miguel.”

    WHAT TWEET, please?

  37. the gut passages
    Why are they doing this? Because it hurts the staffers financially. The average DC attorney (if you can find one; my addition) to handle pre-indictment grand jury testimony costs between $20-50k. That’s more than half of what most the campaign staff would have made during their entire time on campaignThe goal here is clear, chilling of the right to free speech, reducing the right of free assembly, and to scare away GOP staff from future campaigns and administrations. This is the long battle and they’re fighting to win

    so what happened to navalny in Russua, this week, to Imran Khan, in pakistan, thats what they intend here,

  38. “Kill them all and let God sort them out.” Be careful what you wish for. God will be sorting you too. Oops, preaching to stan’s choir.

  39. You have reading comprehension issues, i’m just describing what they are doing methodically, those examples are like how to manuals, so was the campaign against ibrahim in malaysia, which not a small part of the american right was complicit in, often the ones who have had toxic orange man allergies,

  40. Cornhead says “The DC courthouse is our Bastille.”

    Abraxis laments how the US is catching up with Pakistan — the oldest country founded with an IC Deep State continuously attached to it, and bent on prosecuting every previous President, it seems.

    And we get a window into that Bastille tomorrow. Does Presidential candidate Trump have the right of free speech or not?

  41. ee cervantes:


    You talk about my reading comprehension when you cannot deign to use punctuation or grammar. There is not enough time in this life to make up for your behavior or laziness.

  42. ‘are we the baddies’ is this so called deep state, the ones driving all our allies into the embrace of the BRICS, while we descend into the mire, a tinny arf as Airship One looms over us, among non orange vivek shows the presence of mind, the rest might as well be basenghi,

  43. there is a little amusement that perry johnson beat pence to the debate stage, you say who, exactly,

  44. om,

    Why are you being an a$$hole in this thread? We’re all having a decent conversation and you’re taking potshots at Stan and Miguel. Do better.

  45. I_Callihan:

    stan can defend himself, e e cervantes can be as cryptic as ever, and you; well, have you actually said anything about stan’s opinion that all Democrats are evil? I’ve known and know some who aren’t. stan claims to know that all are evil.

    Dead certain he seems to be.

  46. the regime, the deep state, however you want to call it, wants to put the leading candidate in prison, on spurious grounds, so thread bare to be laughable,

    the vehicle is a legendarily corrupt prosecutor, who is undeterred by legal rebuff, and a judge who has proven a tool of criminals from lagos to their patrons in islamabad,
    imitating predecessors in kuala lampur,* islamabad and moskva also kiev, our new bestest friend, see medvechek so the game of risk, played with what remains of our arms inventory has less purchase, for moi,

    *malathir ultimately apologized to ibrahim, because his successor rajib made a mess of things thanks to the imdb scandal,

  47. SCOTTtheBADGER on August 5, 2023 at 9:37 pm said:
    If the Democrats win in 2024, how long until the Camps appear? They have the hatred inside themselves to set them up now, they just need a little more assurance that they can get away with it.

    With the J6 prisoners in the DC jails, haven’t the camps started already? At least, in an early form?

  48. ‘Fundamental transformation’ folks, it’s all about the ‘fundamental transformation’ Obama promised us was coming in 2008.

  49. Secession is inevitable, but the challenege is to prevent both the Jeft and Jight from controlling it.

  50. “Neo – It’s not that they don’t agree that Democrat leaders are evil. It’s that they know plenty of Democrat followers/voters who are not, but who are as I described in this post.”

    “Hillary Clinton – “At this point, what does it matter”

    In Wehmar Germany Hitler received 37.5% of the vote to be named chancellor. Only a small fraction of the populace were members of the Nazi Party. What was important was that sufficient numbers weren’t prepared to oppose them.

    When the left pushes, do these “good people” leave the democrats, or do they just stay silent and go along with it ?

  51. Relevant to the question – the banality of evil. How many of these “non evil democrats” resemble Adoph Eichmann ?

    “Arendt found Eichmann an ordinary, rather bland, bureaucrat, who in her words, was ‘neither perverted nor sadistic’, but ‘terrifyingly normal’. He acted without any motive other than to diligently advance his career in the Nazi bureaucracy. Eichmann was not an amoral monster, she concluded in her study of the case, Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil (1963). Instead, he performed evil deeds without evil intentions, a fact connected to his ‘thoughtlessness’, a disengagement from the reality of his evil acts. Eichmann ‘never realised what he was doing’ due to an ‘inability… to think from the standpoint of somebody else’. Lacking this particular cognitive ability, he ‘commit[ted] crimes under circumstances that made it well-nigh impossible for him to know or to feel that he [was] doing wrong’.

    Arendt dubbed these collective characteristics of Eichmann ‘the banality of evil’: he was not inherently evil, but merely shallow and clueless, a ‘joiner’, in the words of one contemporary interpreter of Arendt’s thesis: he was a man who drifted into the Nazi Party, in search of purpose and direction, not out of deep ideological belief. In Arendt’s telling, Eichmann reminds us of the protagonist in Albert Camus’s novel The Stranger (1942), who randomly and casually kills a man, but then afterwards feels no remorse. There was no particular intention or obvious evil motive: the deed just ‘happened’.

    This wasn’t Arendt’s first, somewhat superficial impression of Eichmann. Even 10 years after his trial in Israel, she wrote in 1971:

    I was struck by the manifest shallowness in the doer [ie Eichmann] which made it impossible to trace the uncontestable evil of his deeds to any deeper level of roots or motives. The deeds were monstrous, but the doer – at least the very effective one now on trial – was quite ordinary, commonplace, and neither demonic nor monstrous.

    The banality-of-evil thesis was a flashpoint for controversy. To Arendt’s critics, it seemed absolutely inexplicable that Eichmann could have played a key role in the Nazi genocide yet have no evil intentions. Gershom Scholem, a fellow philosopher (and theologian), wrote to Arendt in 1963 that her banality-of-evil thesis was merely a slogan that ‘does not impress me, certainly, as the product of profound analysis’. Mary McCarthy, a novelist and good friend of Arendt, voiced sheer incomprehension: ‘[I]t seems to me that what you are saying is that Eichmann lacks an inherent human quality: the capacity for thought, consciousness – conscience. But then isn’t he a monster simply?’”


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