Home » The left’s Kamala problem


The left’s Kamala problem — 84 Comments

  1. [from Biden topic]

    The Kamala problem has a solution: it’s a bird, it’s a plane, … it’s SuperMichelle!

    I do see articles nibbling on that possibility and she would be the ideal solution.

    If Michelle Obama runs for Prez, our only conservative hope is that she reveals her true nature by devouring a guinea pig whole on live television.

    –“V”, “Diana Eats a Guinea Pig” (1983)

    Yeah, yeah, I know MO says she doesn’t want to run, but did you ever do something you didn’t want to do, but you did do When The Price Was Right?

  2. huxley:

    Since 2016 people have been saying Michelle will run. I’ve never seen a single indication she actually will.

    Again, things are so unpredictable that it’s in the realm of possibility. But I feel it’s highly unlikely.

  3. No, for the millionth time, Michelle Obama will not run. Why should she? For the good of Dem party? That’s a laugh.

    As for Kamala, in the event that Joe Biden drops out, wouldn’t the Democrats simply have a primary to choose between Kamala or Newsom (or anyone else)? And would that not settle any disputes? Although they may gripe and complain, I’ve noticed that Democrat voters tend to toe the line once It Has Been Decided far more readily than Republican voters typically do. But I certainly could be wrong. I’m hardly a great judge of understanding the whims and fancies of a typical Dem voter.

  4. And Kamala would still beat Trump by about ten points.

    Also just like Biden she would be a good candidate for the fourth and now fifth Obama terms.

    I maintain Newsom would be a little more of a wild card for the Obamas because he has a functioning brain and might actually think for himself occasionally but I could be wrong about that.

  5. Biden is too impaired to have any agency at this point. The current White House Chief of Staff has ties both to the tech sector and the casino banking sector. His predecessor was pure Democratic Party nomenklatura.

  6. Kamala’s father is a button-down Jamaican mulatto professor, very unlike the black American norm. She grew up with her mother, an East Indian academician, in Toronto. She isn’t black. She’s someone who discovered in her late teens that she liked hanging around with blacks. (But, when push came to shove, married a Jewish divorcé after she’d run out the clock on her fertility and after his children were too old to benefit from her supervision). Barack Obama’s connection to the black population is that he married into it.

  7. So far as Kamala being challenged in a primary, there’s precedent, in 1968, remember? Humphrey was not automatically the nominee.

    Oddly enough, RFK, Jr is really playing the Gene McCarthy role this time.

  8. Art Deco:

    You’ve watched too many videos of Joe being foggy. There are other times – many other times – when he is far more with it. Now, being Biden, he never was really with it. But he always has had a cunning self-interest and major ambition as well as ruthlessness. I see no diminution of these qualities.

  9. Still a year to go and while I thought for sure he wasn’t going to last this long he is getting worse by the month.
    No one likes Harris, no one except the Puppeteers knowing she can’t run anything. Maybe that’s enough or she will get a offer she can’t refuse to step down especially if Sundowner does drop over.
    Also the drip, drip drip of the Biden Crime Family might be enough to make him a offer as well, bail out or it will all come out.

  10. Neo’s analysis makes sense to me. I am a Californian and I greatly fear formidable Newsome. So, I hope all the trouble she describes befalls the Democrats.

  11. Art Deco:

    Oh, and we know about Kamala’s parents and racial history. I’ve written about it at length. But it is utterly irrelevant to what I’m talking about here, because the perception is that she is black, and the details don’t matter. It also didn’t matter that Obama was half white, and his black half was African. He was and is considered an American black man. Kamala was and is an American black woman.

  12. An old hobby horse of mine (and no, I did not compete in Finland): We need an amendment to the Constitution that prohibits the spouse of a two-term president from holding that office. To paraphrase Bill Clinton: when you elect one you are also elect the other. For that very reason, Hillary should not have been allowed to run. Michelle neither. But Barbara Bush (and Rosalyn Carter) could have run for one term.

  13. The Left never lets principles get in the way of pursuing power. If they think dropping Kamala will increase their power over keeping her, they will do it. They have any number of intellectual prostitutes to come up with post hoc rationalizations for those who need one.

    If they have concerns over her, it’s not because they are worried about the 2024 Presidential election:

    While Republicans will engage in the same practices as their foes, “harvesting for Republicans won’t work,” said Der Manouel, the former vice chair of the California GOP.

    “Republican voters don’t need to have their vote harvested. The only reason it works for Democrats is because they could never turn out their voters. What’s going to happen is Republicans are going to start doing this and find that they don’t have nearly enough ballots to harvest to make a difference.”

    I think Biden and Harris both suit the Deep State perfectly, and as long as both are alive, they will be reelected.

  14. [Re: Michelle Obama run] I feel it’s highly unlikely.


    Sure. I would put it at “mostly unlikely,” but I do consider it as a possibility.

    I remember how wild 1968 was. Eugene McCarthy did well in some early primaries, LBJ dropped out of the race, MLK was assassinated, RFK jumped in to the race, then was assassinated, the Democrats had a disastrous convention in Chicago, Humphrey ran against Nixon and lost by a hair.

    As far as I’m concerned, almost anything could happen in 2024.

  15. Does an angry leftist/democrat vote republican? Stay home? Third party–presuming it looks as if the third party will–see Perot–such votes from republicans?
    Is there anything so evil the democrats could do which would cause their voters to even stay home if the other party were republican?
    After all, presuming the votes were legit, it would appear millions voted for a corrupt, senile old party hack with a dodgy family as against mean tweets and a good economy.

  16. The real threat to the Dems from Kamala is if she is supplanted by Newsome and then the black vote is depressed by feeling betrayed by the party. In fact if Newsome is the nominee it would be a good tactic to attack the Dems by stirring up the anger that she was replace by a slick looking White Man.

    Michelle Obama didn’t even like to do the work of being FLOTUS. She has wealth now why would she do it? Especially when everyone would assume that Barack was really in charge.

  17. Dems didn’t stay home when Hillary was nudged out for Obama or when Bernie was nudged out for Hillary or when everyone was nudged out for Biden. The PUMA people are always brought back into line the same way Republican voters are: what are you going to do, vote for the other party?

    Florida Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz, a Clinton supporter, argued that while she saw why many subscribed to the “PUMA attitude”, she argued that for “reproductive rights, the economy and a range of other issues, the only choice was Obama”, and that voting for McCain, or letting him win by default, was worse than not having Clinton as the nominee.

    Homer: America, take a good look at your beloved candidates. They’re nothing but hideous space reptiles! [unmasks them] [audience gasps in terror]

    Kodos: It’s true, we are aliens. But what are you going to do about it? It’s a two-party system; you have to vote for one of us. [murmurs]

    Man 1: He’s right, this is a two-party system.

    Man 2: Well, I believe I’ll vote for a third-party candidate.

    Kang: Go ahead, throw your vote away! [Kang and Kodos laugh out loud] [Ross Perot smashes his “Perot 96” hat]

    The next day, Kodos announces the result: “All hail, President Kang.”

    The field in front of the Capitol has now become a working ground where humans are whipped by aliens and used to carry materials.

    The Simpsons family is working too, with Homer and the kids carrying wood, and Marge pushing a wheelbarrow of cinderblocks — with Maggie on top.

    Marge: I don’t understand why we have to build a ray gun to aim at a planet I never even heard of.

    Homer: Don’t blame me, I voted for Kodos!

  18. My armchair analysis is that Kamala is an awkward babbling midwit who is rumored to be very difficult to work under. She seems to be largely incompetent and charmless.

    Conversely Newsom strikes me as a charming and cunning low grade narcissist. It’s obvious that he is a far more polished and articulate communicator than Kamala could ever hope to be. At a glance his political stances seem to be more or less in line with Obama’s and the general more leftist viewpoint that now dominates the the modern Democrat party (endless spending, open borders, letting crime run rampant, teaching kindergartners all about sexuality against the wishes of their parents, supporting and encouraging transitional surgeries also without parental consent for kids under 18, ect)

    Both would be awful presidents for different reasons. It’s hard to say if one would be worse.

  19. Michelle Obama didn’t even like to do the work of being FLOTUS. She has wealth now why would she do it? Especially when everyone would assume that Barack was really in charge.


    Why would any Democrat mind if Barack was really in charge? That’s the dream.

    Biden barely campaigned in 2020 and has been mostly MIA as Prez. I imagine Michelle can largely write her own contract for her duties as Prez, if she decided to run.

    Don’t forget. Michelle Obama may be a lazy leftist, but she is a leftist. If she runs in 2024, she’s a lock to win barring the guinea pig scenario.

    If she wins, she can put paid to Obama’s promise to transform America. That’s a lot of incentive.

    Also, if being Prez got too annoying, she could resign. Since MO ticks the black female boxes, her Veep wouldn’t have to be Kamala Harris.

  20. @huxley:Why would any Democrat mind if Barack was really in charge?

    If anyone at all is in charge now it’s probably Obama.

  21. I really don’t know but judging on past performance, Dem females are used to being handmaidens and doing what is best for the party and will ultimately accept Kamala being shuffled off into what will be portrayed as her “dream job” of not being president. There will be a lot of venting and displays of rage/disappointment but that’ll just be for show and to maintain the delusion that they give a shit about women. Also, I think Kamala might be relieved to be relieved. Totally agree that the biggest impediment is Slow Joe and his Monumental Ego. They’ve been stealth dogging him for months but he knows where many bodies are buried so it might be more difficult than they think.

  22. The Democratic Party is the communist party. Orders come from above, from the man behind the curtain, a not-Biden, and are followed to the letter by all the comrades.
    Newsom is the ideal communist. He has done nothing, N-O-T-H-I-N-G, for California, but many of Neo’s readers still seem to hold him in awe. Rightfully so, because he will strut the stage, and become prez. A not-great future for the declining USA awaits.

  23. My guess is, the groundwork is being laid for Merrick Garland to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Biden’s “Where’s the money?” claim.

    Garland’s reward will be that Supreme Court nomination hearing he didn’t get.

    Biden will decline to run again for “the good of the country,” and Newsom will promise Harris a SCOTUS nomination, or whatever she wants, to bow out.

    Newsom pardons Biden, or the investigation will fizzle on its own, with no indictments.

  24. HRC solves so many problems for the Democrats. For the country, not so much.

  25. Desertowl: you’ve got the right idea, but the constitutional ban should extend not just to spouses, but children, step-children, in-laws, and parents. Can you imagine if the 2016 candidates had been HRC and Jeb!? The Oval Office is not something that should be passed around among 3 families like a bong at a frat party.

  26. huxley–

    I can’t resist noting (tongue firmly in cheek) that if the Dems want to replace Kamala with another two-fer (black and female), why stop there? They’ve got the obvious three-fer (black, female, and gay)– Lori Lightfoot.

  27. The Democrats I know will vote for whomever has a D behind their name. Cognitive function of said candidate is completely optional. All they need is someone who will sign the legislation they want and isn’t an evil, racist Republican.

    The party need not lift a single finger to find a better candidate because even publicly dumping Bernie! and Tulsi in spite of their followers didn’t make any difference. They all fell into line to elect the party’s choice, because Our Democracy is too important not to vote Democrat.

    But they all like Slow Joe and think it’s mean to make fun of him because he’s old and think dissing Kamala is due to racist misogyny.

  28. She’s…she’s…she’s…she’s…

    She’s also TOTALLY INCOMPETENT and has very few if any skills.
    Which seems to be a huge plus for the Democrats these days….
    – – – – – – – –
    “…[Newsom] has done nothing…for California….”
    Gosh, if only that were true…California might still be a great state.

  29. Cicero, you are SO RIGHT! Newsom is reallyreallyreally awful. His resemblance to a human life form is entirely deceiving. He’s slimier than his hairdo.

  30. They can drop Kamala by somehow blaming it on white supremecy, Republicans, or something else.

    They have the imagination and the support of the media, which influences low information voters.

    Most voters are still getting their info the old fashioned way, tv news and newspapers. Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft all front page negative right wing news and put a positive spin on all left wing news.

  31. does the country want to be more like texas or more like california, I say the former, with voter id, and an honest voter canvass they don’t win, but kemp and ducey were decidedly not of that ilk,

  32. Jerry is right- Harris is no obstacle- the way you get rid of her is to simply have someone else run against her- that someone could just be another woman like Klobuchar, Gretchen Whitmer, or Pete Buttigieg.

    If they don’t want Biden, all they have to do is have Jim Clyburn endorse someone else in South Carolina’s primary- that would end Biden’s run right then and there.

    Biden is not going to be the nominee- he might not even be able to talk by next Summer, or fog a mirror.

  33. Gruesome is my bet to be the 2024 Democrat Nomination
    No doubt the Leftists population would love to have Mooch, and while years ago thought she was way too lazy now we see it takes no work so Mooch would have her lifestyle unchanged by work

  34. You’ve watched too many videos of Joe being foggy. There are other times – many other times – when he is far more with it.
    Yes, he spends every weekend in Delaware (where his visitors are not logged) because he’s with it.
    The Alzheimer’s patient in our ambit was capable of obstructing and exasperating people quite effectively. He lost the ability to use a microwave oven years before that.

  35. Yancey Ward:

    I certainly don’t think Kamala is an insurmountable obstacle. But she still is an obstacle in that getting rid of her will anger some people and may – accent on the may – even cause some number to sit this one out. That is an unnecessary burden for the Democrats, and they need to think about it, at the very least. She cannot simply be shoved aside with no costs at all. She has high approval ratings among Democrats.

  36. whitmer looked like jane badler in her youth, she has become more reptilian with age,

  37. Art Deco:

    Why are you purposely misinterpreting what I’m saying, and creating a strawman instead? I never said Joe was “with it.” I said he was somewhat with it, more than you give him credit for, and certainly enough to resist being pushed aside. That doesn’t mean he’s “with it,” nor does it mean they can’t succeed in pushing him aside. It simply means he’s not a complete pushover.

  38. Biden is not going to be the nominee- he might not even be able to talk by next Summer, or fog a mirror.
    Alzheimer’s doesn’t reduce your life expectancy by much (< 10%). That's one sorry thing about it. His capacity to execute tasks (like read from a cue card) will decline. Some Alzheimer's patients appear to lose function on a steady trajectory. Others are like Ronald Reagan and have a period of a year or two when they crash and cannot function anymore.

  39. Why are you purposely misinterpreting what I’m saying, and creating a strawman instead?
    I did no such thing.

  40. Maybe I’m just out of touch in my very red state, but it strikes me as extremely extremely unlikely that Newsom could win a national election. He represents the worst of the worst aspects of contemporary California. I think he has one thing in common with Trump: that tens of millions of people react to him with gut-level disgust.

  41. she didn’t last to the first primary, of course he’s a shambling husk, but they’ll prop him up like captain pike as much as possible, just as a bronx cheer to the rest of us, whereas our enemies can’t help but marvel what a break they caught,

  42. getting rid of her will anger some people
    I’m wagering almost no one. She was a complete flop as an actual candidate and her staff cannot get away from her fast enough. Her career is indicative of the degree to which electoral competition is pantomime in California.

  43. “But she still is an obstacle in that getting rid of her will anger some people”

    Neo, the only people who would be angered enough to sit out if Harris is passed over are the people who wanted her as the presidential candidate in 2020, which was so few Democratic primary voters that she dropped out of the race before Iowa. That means she is no obstacle whatsoever. However, the DNC does not have to pass over her- she is always free to run if Biden pulls out, and if Biden pulls out Newsom is sure to jump into the race where he will beat her without any help from the DNC because she is not liked by anyone.

  44. I think he has one thing in common with Trump: that tens of millions of people react to him with gut-level disgust.
    Phantoms don’t vote for Republican candidates, so Newsome has that advantage. ==
    Fun tidbit. One of his previous wives keeps company with Donald Trump Jr.

  45. Frederick (4:11 pm) referenced the “PUMA” acronym. I had to look it up.

    What I found was “Party Unity My Ass”. Okay, got it.

    I also found “Please Use More Acronyms”! Sigh . . .

  46. There’s voting democrat even though disappointed. That’s if Harris is dumped.
    Staying home does two things. Relieves some of the disappointment by not participating in it. Does not require doing the Really Bad Thing which is voting for republicans.
    I know. “Might as well vote for those evil republicans.” But doing nothing is still an easier sale to self.

  47. I don’t see a problem with dumping Kamala. All communists fall in line especially if the payoff is sufficient.

  48. If they don’t want Biden, all they have to do is have Jim Clyburn endorse someone else in South Carolina’s primary- that would end Biden’s run right then and there. — Yancey Ward

    Yancey has the right idea, IMO. Clyburn is absurdly influential. Especially with the elevation of South Carolina in the primary sequence. My variation on that theme is, why would Clyburn ever endorse someone who isn’t black?

  49. Yancey Ward; Art Deco:

    I disagree – although I agree it probably will not matter much in the voting. But I think some people will sit home because they will be angry, unless she is replaced by another black female. The question is, how many will sit it out? I know voters on the left who are greatly approving of Kamala and were very excited at her achieving the VP office. Some will see any removal of her as a heavy-handed patriarchal no-no. I’m very particularly talking about the reaction of a number of women, by the way.

  50. Art Deco:

    You say you did no such thing. That’s not very convincing. Or do you mean you actually did misunderstand me, but didn’t do it purposely? Because no, I never said Joe Biden was “with it” – I said that, compared to his foggiest moments (which are highlighted by the press and pundits on the right), “there are times he is far more with it.” Your response was “Yes, he spends every weekend in Delaware (where his visitors are not logged) because he’s with it.” That indicates that you misunderstood my point – which is not that he is especially “with it” but that sometimes he is somewhat with it, compared to the really foggy video clips.

  51. Some will see any removal of her as a heavy-handed patriarchal no-no.

    I agree with neo here.

    Blacks and women may not be particularly enamored with Harris, but they will fight like hell for the intersectional checkboxes. Dem leaders know better than to stir that ant hill, unless they’ve got a deal worked out ahead of time.

  52. Newsom obviously wants to be POTUS. By 2028 California will be world famous as a smoldering dumpster fire, with him shouldering much of the blame. (I was a lifetime resident until a year ago). So its now or never. What does he owe Kamala or Biden? They will have hurt feelings, and the commentariat will tut tut, but so what? Regular Democrats and big money contributors will be happy to be done with those embarrassments.

    This theory relies on Newsom knowing that California will be wrecked in 6 years. I think he knows.

  53. I don’t talk politics much with my left-wing relatives, so I can’t judge how upset Dems would be about replacing Kamala. It doesn’t seem to me that she generates much enthusiasm. I think that pushing Joe out might be harder. He is the president, and he thinks he’s doing a wonderful job.

  54. It doesn’t matter what Dem voters “sit home”. That’s what the ballot harvesting is all about.

    For every Dem voter who used to bother to go to the polls or mail in their absentee ballot, there’s two who never bothered to do either, and the ballot harvesters get what’s needed from those people.

    While Republicans will engage in the same practices as their foes, “harvesting for Republicans won’t work,” said Der Manouel, the former vice chair of the California GOP.

    “Republican voters don’t need to have their vote harvested. The only reason it works for Democrats is because they could never turn out their voters. What’s going to happen is Republicans are going to start doing this and find that they don’t have nearly enough ballots to harvest to make a difference.”

  55. It’s not a perfect analogy, but I suggest considering the Democratic Party as a loose alliance of street gangs.

    Sure, the theory is everybody gets along and it’s all for the common good, but each gang is also zealously looking out for its interests. Any disrespect to one member is disrespect to the whole gang. Payback is the order of the day.

    How to solve a problem like Kamala is a real enough problem.

  56. Ballot harvesting: 2 steps to victory. Find out all the citizens in a district that are not registered and register them. Then vote them. They won’t care. Especially in a state with vote by mail.

  57. Huxley, I didn’t mean the Democrats would care. I meant that she has no reason to want to do it. In addition, I don’t think Michelle would like people assuming Barack was really in charge. Women, in my experience hate have people think their husband/boyfriend is really doing something in her place.

    This is just my thoughts. I will gladly admit I was wrong when I see her run.

  58. I don’t see it that easy dumping Harris, except if she were replaced by either a Black or a cis female, and preferably both. That leaves Oprah and Michelle. TheDems are killing a lot of Blacks, with their Defund the Police nonsense, etc. Junior hoodlums, whom most, even Blacks, agree should be locked up, are terrorizing Black communities across the country. What’s going to keep them voting Democrat, if their next Great Black Hope is dumped for a slick white guy, with more than his fair share of Black blood on his hands?

    I don’t think that the Black vote is nearly as monolithic as many believe. I have had several Black men compliment me on the (non MAGA Trump) hat that I was wearing. We are living in a Trump property, and it is surprising how many Blacks stay and work here. These aren’t ghetto trash, but solidly middle class, flaunting their wealth by staying somewhere with so much of his trademarked flash (the Black employees love him because he is one of the best employers in town). Funny thing is that my White leftist friends and family members wouldn’t stay here if their lives depended on it, but plenty of Blacks love it. And keep in mind that in the 2020 election fraud, a lot of the video recorded fraud was perpetuated by Blacks. Remember that mother/daughter team in Atlanta? Etc.

    What is going to be fascinating is to see how Newsome handles the Reparations bill, etc in CA. Will he sign it into (temporary) law (since it is blatantly Unconstitutional)? If it isn’t thrown out by the ultra liberal 9th Circuit, it would very quickly bankrupt his already bankrupt state. They can’t afford any of the infrastructure improvements they need, more/less their Bullet Train From Nowhere to Nowhere that the Dems in power there so crave for its ability to enrich them so greatly.

  59. To put Biden out to pasture, all they have to do is switch out his meds with placebos. Just look at both men in this picture…
    Reportedly, Biden was mumbling in his sleep.

    However angry some Democrats may be at Kamala being shown the door, are they going to ‘cast a vote for’ Trump by refusing to vote for Newsom? I think not. So Kamala will not be the Democrat’s 2024 presidential nominee. No way, no how. How confident can the Democrat leadership be that she could giggle/cackle her way to beating Trump?

    In 2024, Newsom is the only Democrat with a real shot at the Presidency.

  60. }}} The Democrat leadership – whomever is plotting the course – will have to figure out a way around that, and I don’t think it will be all that easy.

    First off, I don’t think many voters — not even Dems — will support her. She’s just too odious, and it would pretty much guarantee a substantial support for the GOP candidate. She might be bad enough for some Never Trumpers to vote for Trump.

    I mean, they should have ditched Biden 2-3y ago, but somehow, they decided they did not want her as PotUS (I can’t imagine why not… Not a clue. 😛 ).

    Second, don’t forget — the Dem leadership already stated in court that they don’t consider themselves bound by whatever the vote is in the primaries. I cannot see that they are going to give a crap about vocal caterwauling, either.

  61. If it wasn’t said before, it is power. No matter what your condition is you will not relinquish it. It is more important than life itself to these people.

  62. I don’t think that the Black vote is nearly as monolithic as many believe.
    It is. The levee may be experiencing some stress, but it hasn’t broken yet.

  63. (OBloodyHell) First off, I don’t think many voters — not even Dems — will support her. She’s just too odious, and it would pretty much guarantee a substantial support for the GOP candidate.

    I don’t think “odious” is the right word, “embarrassing” maybe? I suspect that many Democrat voters find Kamala to be a great disappointment. She’s pretty far from the smooth orator that was Barack Obama with her awkward, stilted speaking style and nervous cackling. And she’s never demonstrated any real competance in her position as VP.

    Of course Biden has done her no favors by assigning her tasks that she wasn’t allowed to actually solve, the most prominent example being the border crisis. In effect Biden made her the fall gal for a crisis by design, which also helped ensure his own position.

    (Bruce Hayden) I don’t think that the Black vote is nearly as monolithic as many believe.

    It’s still pretty monolithic. When you have something like 90 – 95% of a group consistantly voting for one party in election after election for decades and decades there’s really no other way to describe it. It’s true that there’s been a slight weakening of black Democrat support in recent years, but so far it’s extremely slight.

    (Griffin) And Kamala would still beat Trump by about ten points.

    I wouldn’t go that far. I suspect Trump would probably just barely edge out Kamala. He’d probably lose to Newsom. Possibly lose to Biden as well… maybe. It’s just way too early to say much right now though.

  64. Biden is getting worse and worse. It seems like the “senior moments” are becoming worse, and we don’t know how much of the behind the scenes “lucid” time is filled with “Old Man Yells At Cloud” tirades. If I were Newsome, I’d be running a shadow campaign, appearing on television, meeting donors, and getting donations for my PAC(s). I bet that’s what he’s doing right now. The money could be used for the 2024 presidential campaign or for a senate race, or to support candidates who would support me.

    Say Biden lasts into next year and then pulls out of the race. The situation would be chaotic for the Democrats, but not disastrous. Many, most, or all of the primary filing dates would have passed. The party machine would have to tell people to vote for Biden, even though he wouldn’t be nominated, to avoid the delegates going to Kennedy or Williamson (maybe write-in campaigns could also work in some states). There might be time for Newsom to deal a crushing blow to Harris in a caucus or primary, or perhaps the nominee would be decided old style — at the convention. Avoidance of a long and bitter primary season might lessen the bitterness.

    Newsom is obviously not going to be a good president, but he would probably prevail. His running mate will have to be an African-American or a woman or both. I wonder what the calculation is. If he doesn’t pick someone who is both Black and a woman, he will lose votes, but a drop in the Black vote would be fatal, so that might be the bigger concern.

    Obama was able to appear “authentically Black” because he was the first Black candidate and president. Kamala Harris looks less authentic — Cory Booker also — largely because they don’t have the “first” to work in their favor. But dropping a Black woman from the ticket would be perceived as a slight by Black voters, even if they didn’t especially like or respect Harris. Racial politics are after all, the politics of grievance.

    Stacey Abrams is more “authentically Black,” but she’s likely to cost the Democrats voters.

  65. neo wrote “Now, being Biden, he never was really with it.”

    Yes. This. The whole “quirky Uncle Joe” thing has been going on for so many years that people forget this, especially younger adults. My goodness, the man flunked a class in law school because he got caught plagarizing. He dropped out of his first presidential run in 1988 because he got caught plagarizing a British politician’s speech, a speech that included biographical details of the British politician that did not apply to Biden!

    That said, I suspect that he will be the nominee as long as he can be kept upright. Biden and Kamala are a gift to the GOP, a gift that GOP primary voters look set to squander by nominating Trump again. Although running against President Kamala in 2028 may be easier than a typical incumbent election.

  66. Saw an interesting theory today: they will try to pull Biden/Harris across the finish line next year, then somehow get rid of Biden, install Harris as the new Puppet in Chief.

  67. Nonapod (11:01 am) said:

    “Of course Biden has done her no favors by assigning her tasks that she wasn’t allowed to actually solve, the most prominent example being the border crisis.”

    Harris has performed splendidly in regard to the border crisis. She, along with the cabal that is really in control here, has seen to it that USA remains flooded with alien invaders. She has accomplished exactly what she was tasked to do.

    I am not trying to be cute. I am serious. It is all by design (and will continue to be).

  68. That’s all true M J R, but my point was that it certainly doesn’t make her look competent or electable when there’s this crisis that she’s oestansibly (but not actually) supposed to solve and it doesn’t get solved and in fact only gets worse.

  69. @Nonapod: it certainly doesn’t make her look competent or electable

    So? She is 100% electable. The ballots that will determine the 2024 Presidential election will be Democratic ballots harvested from people who may not know or care even who Kamala Harris is, much less if she’s performing. That’s how ballot harvesting works. It means sweet F. A. how the candidates look or perform. It isn’t 1980 any more.

    You know that 30% – 50% of voters who sit out every election? The Dems can collect Dem ballots from those people at will now. That’s how elections work now. The 50% who actually fill out and submit their own ballots can vote however they want, but the ballots that will push the Dems over the top will come from the 50% who don’t bother and allow a Dem activist to submit their ballot for them.

  70. Trump has been improving Republicans’ share of the Black men’s vote, but there’s still a very long way to go. Whatever the ethnicity, guys who sort of like Trump are less likely to vote than people who really hate Trump are.

    Trump hatred may be even more of a motivator than hatred of other politicians. According to one survey, 32% of the voters in the 2022 midterms saw their vote as a vote against Biden, and 28% saw their vote as a vote against Trump. Biden was president and was responsible for a lousy economy, but almost as many people wanted to stick it to Trump. If the economy doesn’t collapse and voters are accustomed to the malaise that as become the new normal, look for that anti-Biden vote to stay within limits and the anti-Trump vote to rise.

    I doubt the disgust we may feel at Gavin Newsom will cut into Democrat tallies much either. Ron DeSantis is not hated as deeply as Trump is, but what he’s been going through is an indication that any Republican can be made into the Great Satan by the Democrats and the media.

  71. I don’t subscribe to the notion that the current Democrat party is omnipotent and able to get absolutely anybody elected beyond doubt. For one thing, if that were so it’s unlikely that the GOP would’ve won the house last November, even if it was just barely.

    While I believe that the Dem vote harvesting machine is extremely formidable, I do not believe it has yet reached a point were it could get an obviously deeply unpopular candidate elected as president with ease. That said, I currently don’t believe that Kamala will be the (D) candidate anyway, I expect it’ll be either Newsom or Biden versus Trump. And at this point I think Trump would probably lose against either one, although Trump vs Biden might be closer.

  72. Nonapod (1:37 pm), gotcha. We’re on the same page.

    Live long and prosper . . .

  73. @Nonapod:For one thing, if that were so it’s unlikely that the GOP would’ve won the house last November, even if it was just barely.

    A House majority is much harder to deliver, because you’d have to operate in so many Congressional districts simultaneously. You can’t win District 1 by running up the vote total in District 2.

    The Electoral College is much easier, because you just have to run up the Dem votes in a few Dem precincts in a few swing states, because all the state’s votes count together.

    I do not believe it has yet reached a point were it could get an obviously deeply unpopular candidate elected

    Unpopular is relative. Trump has his own unpopularity at this point, he’s been in the public eye for years and already been President, but the media can suppress any other Republican nominee’s popularity by 5 or 10 points, simply because most people only are going to hear about them after the primary when they have a giant target on their back.

    But popularity only counts with the 50% of voters who bother to submit their own ballots. Thanks to the two-party kayfabe, that 50% is going to be split something like 25% – 25%. 20% – 30% is the outside of probable. Now the Dems get to harvest in that 50% that doesn’t submit their own ballots, and so if the Dems get 5% – 20% of those people they win the election.

    Repeat in the handful of swing states that didn’t go for Trump but might, and that’s the Electoral College.

  74. Art Deco on July 19, 2023 at 5:29 pm said:

    Prove me wrong his weekend treatments in Delaware are to medicate and retraining, no logs to know which medical specialists are working on him.

  75. She grew up with her mother, an East Indian academician, in Toronto.

    You misspelled ‘Montreal’. Not even the same sort of city at the time.

  76. they stole 20 seats through redistricting, then there were the hijinks in the actual tallying of the votes in ny and even in texas,

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