Home » Can Republicans win another presidential election?


Can Republicans win another presidential election? — 59 Comments

  1. I understand completely the idea of my vote being meaningless. I spent 4 decades in Connecticut voting knowing that my vote would not make a bit of difference in who was going to be elected. This was true not only for the US Senate and Rep races, but also even down to the state, and even sometimes, town level. CT is that blue. I will vote, but it seems an exercise in futility.

    On the national level now, as Neo points out, I think the Left/D have it all wrapped up. It’s very discouraging, especially when it looks like the GOP really doesn’t give a damn, even given what happened last fall. The end result looks to me to be that the federal government will grow even more powerful and all the radical ideas will continue to be implemented. Two options then happen: the population acquiesces and we truly become a socialist nightmare (the more likely option I think); or two, enough people get pushed over the edge and real political violence happens. Neither case is good, hence my pessimism.

  2. I highly recommend Dinesh D’Souza’s 2000 Mules. The advantage the book has over the movie is that in the book, he discusses the attempts to refute the movie.

  3. The Democrats agitate, corruptly and relentlessly, in order to maximize the possibility of fraudulent votes (with a completely compromised system of mail-in ballots not considered acceptable practice elsewhere in the developed world), with no concern whatsoever for proper ID or signature as verification of the legality of the votes supposedly cast; the Republicans, in their usual spineless fashion, seem to have no real plan of opposition, the inevitable result being all too predictable.

  4. In my part of the country (a congressional district in NY) Dem head-honcho Sean Patrick Maloney was defeated by Mike Lawler in 2022.

    I firmly believe a demented meat-puppet will be defeated by a much younger and wiser candidate in the 2024 Presidential election.

  5. There will not be an election. WW3 going hot will be perfectly timed to use as an excuse to cancel the election.

  6. The fixes are very simple, but as von Clausewitz said “In war everything is simple, but even the simplest things are very difficult “ I’m talking about returning to paper ballots, stopping ballot harvesting and showing a picture ID. It would also be helpful if the parties supplied ALL the election and poll workers. I know, I know, but a person can dream. Right?

  7. I try not to think too much about it. She’s right. They’ve been working on this for awhile. I KNOW, even though Indiana was not an important state in 2008, the Democrats figured out how much they had to rig only two countries by, and did it. Indiana is a very red state, but Lake and Marion counties are populous enough to put the state into purple or blue. It was a practice run.

  8. Taxation without representation, to purloin a phrase, is tyranny. We may be entering an end zone where the only way to preserve the sanctity of our votes is to refuse to pay tax until a credible facsimile of that sanctity is restored. “We” meaning millions upon millions; an organized, determined, mutually supportive band of brothers and sisters. The IRS is now, outrageously, an armed force — as though they know they’re driving huge swaths of its citizenry to such a seemingly preposterous stance, and are preparing accordingly.

  9. We know what has to be done. Why isn’t the RNC organizing this effort right now? Is Ronna McDaniel too refined to get tough and learn to scratch and claw for every vote?

    If the RNC announced they were raising money for targeting the vote in swing states and district s, I would send in a monthly stipend to aid the cause. And maybe many other GOP voters would do the same.

    Many conservative pundits are talking about this. Let’s make it happen.

  10. IMO not in 2024, the fraud is still stacked against Republicans no matter who runs, be it Ron Trump or Donald DeSantis. Pennsylvania you can bank on it will magically go to the Marxist Puppet. Same with the other swing states.

  11. Pretty much they’re talking about what I called the “froot loop voter” a few weeks ago. They make it so easy that a low effort voter can vote while eating their froot loops at the kitchen table. But like the article says whatever bilge the media gives them tricks them into voting whatever way the media wants.
    For example here in Mass we had the millionaires tax pass. I bet many voted for it because they honestly believed the misleading garbage that it’s only going to be spent on schools and roads. When I heard the local NPR shill talk to the current governor I could tell they both knew the trick and he was just providing cover.
    Money is fungible and the state already spends money on those 2 things so it’s trivial to spend the tax on anything they want.(I feel sorry for all those self employed trades people that are going to get screwed because they didn’t do their retirement correctly but I voted against the damn thing.)

  12. DeSantis, Dewine, Kemp, Abbott, Noem, Reynolds, Haley, Justice – all successful multi-term GOP governors.

    They’re not wasting time worrying about Gramsci and his cliff-bound lemmings.

  13. And yet 50000 votes would’ve made trump president again. So if you think the ballot harvesting is the issue not sure why you would say it’s impossible to win

  14. Israel (10:08 pm) said, “And yet 50000 votes would’ve made Trump president again.”

    These things are implemented in real time. Once the bad guys know that (say) 50000 votes are needed (in exactly the right precincts), then said bad guys will ensure that 60000 ballots will be at the ready to be tabulated when and if needed. “At the ready”? Sure. The bad guys, unlike our good guys, plan ahead for contingencies.

    (A major exception was Trump defeating Hillary in 2016, as nobody-but-nobody ever expected that those votes would be needed to ensure the coronation of Ms. Hillary.)

  15. And the elephant in many states is Dominion, they are as pure as the wind driven snow now, and unquestionable, and counting the votes for you.
    See how that happened?

  16. Neo’s list of problems in countering systematic ballot stuffing: “The first is that, because Democrats tend to control the big cities even in purple states (and some red states), and efforts such as ballot harvesting are easier in urban areas, Democrats have an advantage in that arena. The same is true for lawyers dedicated to election issues; they are far more numerous on the left. And the left has a potent weapon in accusations in court of ‘racism and/or ‘voter suppression’ against any efforts to secure the election process.”

    Unless, and until SCOTUS sees fit to require states to conduct elections to Fourteenth and Thirteenth Amendment standards by finding that current practices violates the equal protection clause, then Neo’s point will stay true.

    The invidious practices of mail-in balloting, of opaque county vote operations (see AZ), and on through a suite of perfected Left ballot-warring practices which make a mockery of “fair elections” must be held by the Hugh Court as racist and invidiously disenfranchising as vote suppression, then the rigged up makes real elections impossible. This would unleash Civil Rights law suits against local governments and fuel the battle for election accountability and transparency.

    Tax strike? Such a rebellious, romantic notion. But if the Patriotic Non-voter’s day has come, it will already see me practicing this.

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  18. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. ~John Adams ……………… Keep the ‘moral and religious’ part in mind when wondering what has gone wrong.

  19. The elections are crooked. Evidence the repeated stonewalling and denial of venue for almost all requests for investigation by Republican candidates or groups. The abuse of the doctrine of laches in Pennsylvania stands out.

    The real question is if we are under a tyranny. I would view a gag order against Trump from a judge in the many legal cases against him as a sign of tyranny. If we are under tyranny, I doubt that we can vote our way out of it.

  20. Pew Research shortly after 2020 election determined that 17% of Biden voters actually voted on Election Day. 17%!!! We are doomed, because they have their mail in ballots system sewed up and perfected.

  21. Extraordinary claims of massive voter fraud require extraordinary proofs
    Got proofs?
    Now we do know that some GOP state legislatures suppress voters in big cities like Miami by making voters wait many hours in long lines to vote
    They also gerrymandering Dems into voting ghettos

  22. John above is symptomatic of American decline. That decline is irreversible.
    So just accept that as a sorry, sad fact. We will very soon become the USSA, the Union of Socialist States of America, with government officials as honest as their predecessors in Zimbabwe or Malawi. Inflation, here we come. With universal poverty, the elites exempted.

  23. a line I heard somewhere ‘a cynic is what an idealist calls a realist’

  24. Washington State has not had clean elections for at least 80 years! I doubt that they ever had “clean” elections. The original settlers arrived not to build farms, but to cut timber and collect fees from shipping. They came to be wealthy and they were made lucky by the geography. Sometime back in the 1920’s a couple of granddaughters of great wealth raised the question of “clean elections” and were laughed into silence. Their great, great granddaughters took up the subject of “women’s liberation” and by that time were so sophisticated in terms of corporate politics they had extreme organizational skills and power. They got their people elected any way they could and that has become the standard not just for WA State but for all things Seattle: Microsoft, Boeing, Costco, Amazon, etc. I have had a Municipal Judge, a Federal Senator(R), a state senator (D), two AGs and others admit that the elections are rigged. When you hear Melinda Gates say “let us women run the world, we will do a better job” she is damn serious about making that happen, as were the daughters of great wealth who forced the Episcopal church to elect a female archbishop and to accept homosexuality. When they had accomplished that they decided it was time for a black president, so they got one. These daughters of great wealth decide to make themselves feel good by exercising their great power to do good. They make political decisions the same way they shop at Nordstroms (another original Seattle family)–they try things on and if they work they keep them and if they don’t work they just leave them. Clean elections you ask–not for a very long time! These families learned many years ago to pull the union leadership into collaboration. That collaboration means they cannot be intruded upon by the result of a clean election.

  25. }}} And the left has a potent weapon in accusations in court of “racism” and/or “voter suppression” against any efforts to secure the election process.

    And the solution to this one is to turn their Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations back in their faces, and always has been… These people are RACISTS and it’s obvious when you think of it, so the answer is clearly to MAKE THE AUDIENCE think OF it.

    The best way to do this is to start on the offensive:

    “Why are you such a racist?”

    “What? What? I’m no such thing!!”

    “Of course you are. You think black people are unable to do for themselves in this nation what so many other ‘racial’ groups have managed to do for themselves… which is self-empowerment.

    Asians, Jews, and even many Latinos have managed to improve their lot considerably in the last 60 to 80 years, despite being pretty much just as oppressed at one time as blacks.

    Asians were no better thought of 100 years ago on the West Coast than blacks, with water coolers and bathrooms marked “Whites only” and “Colored only”, with the Asians being the target.

    So called ‘coolies’ were used and abused little better than slaves 150 years ago, even after blacks had gained their freedom. Yet this group — “Asians” — now typically exceeds whites in most ‘success’ metrics, to the point where they are even more discriminated against than whites are.

    In Europe, they actually made a serious effort to exterminate Jews, yet they are certainly no longer oppressed or abused, outside of Muslim places… So why… WHY do you think blacks are so inferior that, unlike all these other victim groups, they cannot help themselves without YOU giving them a handout? There is no other justification possible for you to have.”

    Somewhere around this point, they will become apoplectic, and start shouting epithets and calling you names. At best, for their position, they will glower, shut up, and stamp off, spluttering.

    BUT, unless you are surrounded by drooling liberal idiots (in which case, I suggest you did select the wrong audience… but even then, some of the more rational among them may find a seed has been planted), then you will have clearly Won The Debate, and you will have begun nurturing a tree of some earthly significance in many of them.

  26. well thats not exactly the case, or else there wouldn’t be a reversediaspora from places like france and germany to israel, but that is largely due to the last forty years of immigration from the colonies, in france and the uks case, from germany’s dual ally turkey in the latter,

  27. }}} Now we do know that some GOP state legislatures suppress voters in big cities like Miami by making voters wait many hours in long lines to vote

    Kid, let me tell you something. Elections are held in NOVEMBER. In many many parts of the nation, it’s snowing steadily by that point. And, up until the last 100-odd years, that meant that most voters had to RIDE A HORSE for 5, 10, up to THIRTY miles along snow covered DIRT PATHWAYS to get to a polling place.

    And they did.

    In the first (and, as far as I know, ONLY) Iraq election, voters had to wait in lines at polling places that were threatened by possible snipers and bombers to vote. You know what? They DID. Proudly.

    So, take your first world whines and bend them until they are all sharp and pointy, then apply them as a suppository.

    If you can’t be bothered to wait in a line for an hour or so, you really never cared that much about casting your ballot in the first place, and more than likely, did not invest at all in considering the issues and candidates upon which you “decided” to vote for. So, “I don’t care”. The goal of voting is not that it should be EASY. It’s one of the reasons why the plebiscite was intentionally limited in the first place, to people who would, ideally, be responsible about exercising their franchise. The Founders understood the problem we have today, of “Bread and Circuses”, aka, “The Obamaphone”.

  28. In an act of sheer unmitigated hypocrisy after the 2022 election the MT Republican party asked the Democratic party to collaborate in an effort to prove the voting machines were clean. The truly naive Republicans believed that if they got into those boxes of stored ballots they could prove the elections was close but clean and thereby encourage the Republicans to continue to vote in next elections. Those boxes of ballots sat in an “isolated storage area” for eighteen months. You know a place where no one had access to the ballots. Then with a great huge amount of advertisement the boxes were dragged out by the Democrats who were in charge and every ballot was recounted. Oh, and also they established that new “registration system” at the same time–how clever was that? Anyhow, the Republicans lost by only a few votes. What a surprise.

  29. }}} well thats not exactly the case, or else there wouldn’t be a reversediaspora from places like france and germany to israel, but that is largely due to the last forty years of immigration from the colonies, in france and the uks case, from germany’s dual ally turkey in the latter,

    Ummm, you will note my codicil, Miguel?

    outside of Muslim places

    One thing Jews are not, is collectively stupid. They see what is happening in Western Europe, with the flood of Muslim immigrants coming in and greatly out-populating the Natives. Short of an internal Islamic War by the Natives (seems improbable, but “who knows… maybe the pig will learn to sing?”), Western Europe — and Western Civilization there — will, by and large, be drowned under Sharia Law, if not in our lifetimes, before those of children in high school die of old age.

    And that will be the end of Jews there, soon enough.

    Jews, collectively ain’t stupid. The Holocaust was a surprise to them the first time. Any second Holocaust will not be because they were expecting humans were incapable of it.

  30. “…collectively…”

    Um, I don’t know OBH.
    Seems that at this point in history, far too many of them (er, us) are desperately trying to prove your contention (@ 2:37 pm) to be absolutely false.
    Demonstrably false.
    (Could this possibly be what Ben-Gurion meant by his fervent hope that the Jews would one day—finally—become a nation like any other…? Well, aside from the e.g., bus drivers, police officers, firefighters, sanitation persons, mechanics, factory workers, farmers, shepherds, road-workers and…hookers….)

    To be sure, there are—fortunately—still quite a few who haven’t totally shed all sense of decency and wisdom…and memory.

  31. well you look at the dividing line in israel, between generally orthodox who are strongly netanyahu, and say reformed and other who are not, it’s not a perfect delineation but it is as close a marker as any,

  32. It’s a bit more complicated than that; but in both countries one can see the same basic frenzied phenomenon: manipulated by a relentless barrage of dishonest incitement and 24/7 media-induced hysteria, using the zero-sum excuse that they MUST “save the country” from the clutches of whom they perceive as their “dangerous” and “destructive” political opponents, they have opened up Pandora’s box, unleashing tremendous forces that essentially are serving, if they cannot be repelled—ironically—to actively destroy those respective countries.
    Law and legality are now totally irrelevant because something “HIGHER” than the law is at stake: viz. the “SURVIVAL” of the country—this because in both cases, their political opponents have been sufficiently demonized beyond the pale.
    The geniI is now out of the bottle.
    How can one possibly get it back in?

  33. djinn is the proper term,

    we look at the cultural religious overlap, brexiters are on balance probably more religious, as well as politically traditional, of course look what the tories did with their efforts, in part because of the establishments right and left predilections,

    which no tory, andrew marr only slightly satirized in his dark roman a clef, head of state,

  34. @LeClerc

    DeSantis, Dewine, Kemp, Abbott, Noem, Reynolds, Haley, Justice – all successful multi-term GOP governors.

    I’m not so sure about Kemp and DeWine (who is my own governor and helped cause the fiasco of our protracted lockdowns), but fair.

    They’re not wasting time worrying about Gramsci and his cliff-bound lemmings.

    DeSantis very obviously is, as he should as shown by the fighting in the schools. So this is simply untrue.

  35. I give props on opening up the state ahead of time, of even Desantis, which sparked the insane charge of ‘human sacrifice,’ but he allowed through his office as secretary of state, to legitimate this fraud we’re suffering through,

    of course, dewine seems to have been possessed by the witch doctor who was his health director, astor something or other, who was nearly as bad as the other terrible 6 dem governors,

  36. The last four presidential elections have been:

    (1) At the close of a 2-term GOP administration that presided over a failed war and a generational financial crisis;

    (2) The reelection campaign of the first African American president;

    (3) The most polarizing GOP candidate since at least 1860 versus the most hated politician in America; and

    (4) The reelection campaign of the most polarizing GOP candidate since at least 1860, against the walking embodiment of a “generic Democrat,” held in the middle of a 100-year pandemic.

    There’s a strong case that this hasn’t been a representative sample.

  37. And if you start going backwards from 2008, the previous seven presidents to win a majority of the popular vote were:

    (1) W in 2004 (GOP);
    (2) GHWB in 1988 (GOP);
    (3) Reagan in 1984 (GOP);
    (4) Reagan in 1980 (GOP);
    (5) Carter in 1976 (Democrat – 50.1%);
    (6) Nixon in 1972 (GOP); and
    (7) Nixon in 1968 (GOP).

    Even if you add in Bill’s popular vote pluralities in 1992 and 1996, that’s 6 out of 9 popular vote wins for the GOP prior to 2008.

    Sure, a lot of things have changed. One of those, however, is a remarkable string of bad luck for and poor candidate selection by the GOP.

  38. As we speak, all the AI CHATBOTS are gearing up to Snap, Cackle ‘n Pop…with anticipation.
    “VP Kamala Harris Crowned as AI Czar under Biden’s New Cyber-Safety Action Plans;
    “This move appears to be the first step in publicly transitioning Harris into a more robust executive role.”—
    (Looks like Harris is being groomed again. This time, no doubt, the goal is to make AI as secure as the southern border…)

    File under: Proclaim anarchy throughout the land…

  39. “And if you start going backwards from 2008, the previous seven presidents to win a majority of the popular vote were…”

    Um, somehow, you seem to have forgotten Trump in 2020….
    – – – – – – –
    Meanwhile, keep Tara in yer prayers…
    “Biden accuser Tara Reade posts cryptic message about death before potentially testifying to Congress”—

    Courage personified…taking on the “Biden” Crime Machine.

  40. well we’ve seen this film from the forbin project to singularity, it never ends well,

  41. Barry Meislin – I’m not sure if you’re suggesting that Trump won a majority of the popular vote in 2020. Regardless, 2020 is not before 2008, at least not on any calendar that I’ve seen. 🙂

  42. Also, regarding Tara Reid, given Biden’s current poll numbers, I wouldn’t be shocked if Democrats shuffled him off stage left. They might decide that it would be easier to portray Kamala as the next “generic Democrat” than it would be to drag what’s left of Biden over the finish line again. Allowing one or more of Biden’s submerged scandals to surface would be a great way to take him out.

    Frankly, I think that the D team is in a tough spot no matter what they do and that a competent GOP nominee has a great shot next year.

  43. Kari Lake made two serious mistakes in 2022. One, less important, was to tell the McCain machine in Phoenix that she didn’t want their votes. Two was really important as she told GOP voters to wait for election day to vote. With a Democrat (Soros variety) Secretary of State, it should have been no surprise that voting machines in GOP districts all failed on election day. There are lessons to be learned there. I fear that the GOP politicians are too comfortable with the status quo.

  44. Well they wouldnt want her either, because she wanted to do something real about the border and other issues

  45. Yes, Biden won because he wasn’t Trump, and yes, some people thought of him as an old-fashioned Democrat out of father’s or grandfather’s day, but the man is such an oddball that it’s hard to think of him as a “generic” anything. It’s possible, though, that people who voted for Biden were so ill-informed and so incurious about him, that for them he was a “generic Democrat.”

    I’d like to believe that the mess at the border would convince Arizona, and maybe even New Mexico, that Biden and the Democrats have to go, but I’m not optimistic.

  46. Some ideas for those who want to do something instead of just wringing your hands. I hate to insult you, but you’re going to have to open your wallet and spend some money. Contribute to organizations that are fighting.

    Here in California. ReformCalifornia.org was able to hold the congressional Republicans seats in 2022. They are fighting across multiple fronts, including the most important voter initiative since proposition 13.

    Contribute to Republicans in the following House swing districts:

    Democratic Reps. Mary Peltola (AK), Mike Levin (CA), Yadira Caraveo (CO), Jahana Hayes (CT), Nikki Budzinski (IL), Eric Sorensen (IL), Frank Mrvan (IN), Sharice Davids (KS), Jared Golden (ME), Hillary Scholten (MI), Dan Kildee (MI), Angie Craig (MN), Don Davis (NC), Wiley Nickel (NC), Chris Pappas (NH), Gabriel Vasquez (NM), Susie Lee (NV), Steven Horsford (NV), Pat Ryan (NY), Greg Landsman (OH), Marcy Kaptur (OH), Emilia Sykes (OH), Andrea Salinas (OR), Susan Wild (PA), Matt Cartwright (PA), Chris Deluzio (PA), Abigail Spanberger (VA), Marie Gluesenkamp Perez (WA), and Kim Schrier (WA).

  47. @Baauxite

    The last four presidential elections have been:

    (1) At the close of a 2-term GOP administration that presided over a failed war and a generational financial crisis;

    And a major reason for the wars being failures or at least perceived as such (Iraq really wasn’t) was due to a mixture of gigantic narrative control from the left on the commanding heights of the media and even within the government (I still laugh at many of the tortured conclusions and whatnot of the “Reports”) and Dubya’s refusal to fight back effectively.

    While the financial crisis was largely caused by a Dem Congress pumping the subprime mortgage bubble and refusing due diligence.

    Which goes back to the issues I keep banging on about battlespace preparation. Picking “the right” candidate would be nice and is important but fighting the actual campaign and issues are even more important. And if we can’t get the messages out and counter the narrative we lose.

    Hell I still repeatedly have to correct people *on here* parroting the Left’s bullshit about Saddam not having ties to AQ or having WMD. As did Trump and many others on the isolationist Right I am sorry to say. Which shows how corrosive and powerful this can be, not just to low information voters or the undecided but within what is supposed to be our own camp.

    Also against the backdrop of a thoroughly hated RINO who was not committed to fighting Obama, and an awkward VP Match with an actual conservative who was continuously sabotaged by McCain. Not helped by the typical press coverage.

    <blockquote€ (2) The reelection campaign of the first African American president;

    Bill Whittle made a great point that the left credited the media of giving Obama a 70 point headwind in 2008. I am not sure I would go that far but it was quite a lot, made worse by McCain. We needed people who could punch Obama hard on his record and make it stick even in the face of adversarial coverage, and McCain was not it. Frankly neither was Romney but he did better.

    (3) The most polarizing GOP candidate since at least 1860 versus the most hated politician in America;

    Made worse by schisms in the GOP and the Left and probably saved by huge overconfidence in Hillary’s camp.

    (4) The reelection campaign of the most polarizing GOP candidate since at least 1860, against the walking embodiment of a “generic Democrat,” held in the middle of a 100-year pandemic.

    Sorry but no, COVID-19 was not great but it was nothing like a 100- year pandemic.

    And Biden was not “generic Democrat.”

    The reason you are reiterating these things is largely because the media made such a point of trying to sell both of these things, with less than stellar or far sighted help by some Republicans. Had Biden actually been “generic Democrat” he would not have been kept in a basement under borderline lock and key for the vast majority of the term. He was simply so stupid, racist, corrupt, mean, and generally toxic. Which is one reason why he was a compromise candidate of the last resort.

    This was not helped by the bipartisan – including Trump – embrace of sweeping lockdowns and slowness withdrawing them, as well as demonizing those like DeSantis who stood strong against it. Which notably the Left has worked hard to cover up their coverup of the lab leak origin and now is working to cover up their role in pushing the lockdowns and shutdowns.

    There’s a strong case that this hasn’t been a representative sample.

    Sure, but then what is?!?

    And if you start going backwards from 2008, the previous seven presidents to win a majority of the popular vote were:

    (1) W in 2004 (GOP);
    (2) GHWB in 1988 (GOP);
    (3) Reagan in 1984 (GOP);
    (4) Reagan in 1980 (GOP);
    (5) Carter in 1976 (Democrat – 50.1%);
    (6) Nixon in 1972 (GOP); and
    (7) Nixon in 1968 (GOP).

    Even if you add in Bill’s popular vote pluralities in 1992 and 1996, that’s 6 out of 9 popular vote wins for the GOP prior to 2008.

    2000 called, where the Popular Vote was probably won (and officially was) by Gore, he just never became President. So let us put it together.

    In the 15 Presidential elections between 2020 and now, Dems have won the popular vote in 6 (7 officially) of the 15. That too may not be a representative sample put it still amounts to a shade over a fourth of all the POTUS elections held in the Republic’s history, and frankly the first two operated under such alien rules and the overwhelming shadow of Washington that they don’t really count.

    Sure, a lot of things have changed. One of those, however, is a remarkable string of bad luck for and poor candidate selection by the GOP.

    I am reminded of Heinlein’s quote about Bad Luck. Poor candidates and bad luck were very much factors but to a staggering degree we let the left’s control over the media dictate our luck. As did the unwillingness to fight it out. Even Nixon the archetypical R bad guy held back on opposing the Dem’s stealing of JFK’s election.

    2020 should never have played out the way it did, and while some of that fault can be given to Trump most of it cannot be. In particular Biden would’ve been toxically unelectable had he been covered honestly or thoroughly, like a Worse Bob Dole.

    Also, regarding Tara Reid, given Biden’s current poll numbers, I wouldn’t be shocked if Democrats shuffled him off stage left. They might decide that it would be easier to portray Kamala as the next “generic Democrat” than it would be to drag what’s left of Biden over the finish line again. Allowing one or more of Biden’s submerged scandals to surface would be a great way to take him out.

    Agreed, and I think it is clear at least some factions on the left are trying to do it by digging up the factors the Right harped on for years. But which were “conveniently” removed.

    Frankly, I think that the D team is in a tough spot no matter what they do and that a competent GOP nominee has a great shot next year.

    Frankly I wish I were so optimistic given past events. But if the largest Republican vote turn out in history was not enough for “mysterious reasons” it is hard for me to be optimistic. Especially since we have gone about half a century or more without significantly tackling Dem voter fraud and political machine dominance.

    We paid the price in 2020 and paid the price again in many down ballot elections and the litigation after. I just hope the price and remedy shall not be too costly for us to pay.

  48. I’m not sure there is anyway Kari Kake could have won.

    Anyone backed by Trump is a pariah to the eGOP, which includes the McCain machine.

    I agree it was unnecessary.

    The second is my gut feeling is just more votes would have mysteriously shown up if more gop had voted before Election Day.

    The local eGOP seems to have been up to their eyeballs in the voting irregularities.

    I’m not sure what could have been done differently for Kari Lake to have won.

    Perhaps more aggressive lawfare before the election on the Runbeck / vote counting operation? I have no idea if this is even possible,

    Az’s fraud was so blatant, and Kari Lake did what she was supposed to do to win, it’s disheartening. It shakes my trust in our election system.

    I hope her lawsuit wins, and she becomes Governor.

    I hope the eGOP is enjoying their 30 pieces of silver.

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