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Separation of powers, anyone? — 11 Comments

  1. Perhaps unprecedented in modern American history is the level of corruption in all three branches of government (SCOTUS perhaps least of all, although the failure of the Supremes to address the multitudinous irregularities of 2020 was troubling indeed), while it appears likely that, of the two legislative branches, the House (soon with Republicans in the majority) is being subverted, in the “lame-duck session”, by the Senate with the monstrosity of an omnibus having just been released (costing nearly two trillion dollars, more than 4,000 pages long!) and seemingly favored by “Cocaine Mitch” and GOPe, as it gives massive amounts to the Pentagon (wasteful and bloated and newly “woke”), as well as forty-five billion more to the “Welfare Queen” in Kiev.

  2. Then congressman nixon challenged the establishment went he went after hiss who had all the pedigree 70 years later nunes was under investigation because of traitors in the government

  3. Well, as long as you’re asking….

    “Musk Asks Schiff If He Approved ‘State Censorship’; Advocates Modern ‘Church Commission’ To Investigate FBI Corruption”—

    The above (link) is a formidable posting, set up by a “wild and crazy guy”(TM) who just happens to be one of the richest individuals on the planet and has an extraordinarily whimsical sense of humor—oh, and who by buying Twitter now owns the keys to the realm of some ultra-sensitive information that he’s NOT SUPPOSED TO HAVE let alone PUBLICIZE.

    In this posting the 1975 Church Commission, is discussed (including the suggestion that the Church-inspired laws need to be seriously updated for the 21st century) along with an extraordinary video of Frank Church—in 1975!!—explaining the need for the commission and the laws intended to limit the extent of snooping on American citizens.
    This is MUST viewing.

    All of Church’s efforts were blown out of the water as the result of 9/11 and its aftermath—where snooping power was returned, in spades, to the alphabet agencies to prevent future attacks (though one could well argue that as a result of a questionable interpretation of Church’s efforts, “walls” built up between FBI and CIA intelligence gathering greatly assisted in bin-Laden’s success).

    This awesome power was then turned on American citizens—i.e., subverted by Obama and his gang leading to such outrages as the IRS scandal (much more of which we should be seeing in the near future—in its new, turbo-charged incarnation), Russiagate and everything in its aftermath.

    IRONIC—or maybe that’s not quite the right word—that the snooping laws, expanded as a result of Osama bin-Laden’s insidious attack on America, have been manipulated and exploited even more insidiously by Obama and his henchmen to FINISH bin-Laden’s goal…of America’s destruction…or, if you prefer, “transformation”.

    As they say in the Casbah, INSHALLAH.

  4. Actually, I found Dershowitz’s arguments, while impressive(!), to be UNCONVINCING(!!) in this case (though this is likely because I don’t understand things all the way through…)

    If I do understand his argument correctly, the Legislative branch of government has no business—no right—to “invade the space” of the Executive branch, i.e., to do what ONLY the Executive branch is allowed—by the Constitution—to do.

    Leaving aside the pitifully dismissive regard that the current administration has for the Constitution, WHAT IF the Executive branch (IOW the all-encompassing “Biden”) is absolutely FINE with the “Biden”-controlled Legislative branch’s effort to draw and quarter Trump?
    (“FINE” as in, “Make OUR day; CRUCIFY the bas***d!!”)

    IOW, would such a “separation of powers” be a non-sequitur given that the Legislative branch is doing PRECISELY WHAT the Executive branch would like to do; i.e., PRECISELY WHAT the Executive branch wants the Legislative branch to do.

    So I guess the question is, Would such a bizarre, corrupt situation STILL prevent—according to the Constitution—the Legislative branch from persecuting Trump?

  5. Barry Meislin:

    My opinion is that, if the Constitution is the guide, it doesn’t matter if the executive branch is in cahoots with the action. It would still be prohibited.

  6. j e:

    SCOTUS had no available legal remedy for the election fraud problem. That is why I have hammered home the message that prevention is the only way.

  7. Neo, check out the Arizona judges’ dismissal of Lake’s claim that the procedures weren’t followed for signature verification.

    VivaFrei talked about it this am. I haven’t been able to find a pdf of the judge’s order allowing two of her claims to go forward but dismissing the other eight.

  8. It’s more a matter if the DOJ who definitely wants to charge DJT actually thinks they can and not have repercussions if they do.
    Running all of government, agencies, the Democrats Propaganda Ministry and a extremely weak Congress thinking the die roll might do it.

  9. Shut the FBI down and fire all of its employees. No notice. Just federalize the National Guard in all 50 states and have them show up at every FBI office, leading the employees out and sealing it up.

  10. “Shut the FBI down and fire all of its employees. No notice. Just federalize the National Guard in all 50 states and have them show up at every FBI office, leading the employees out and sealing it up.” Art Deco

    Bingo. Nothing less will suffice. Highly unlikely to happen however, so the corruption persists.

  11. “The 14th Amendment provides one specific time when Congress may in fact, act against an individual,” he later continued. “That is if the person was engaged in an insurrection or rebellion, like in the Civil War, and they didn’t act under that provision.”

    Which is exactly what the liberals in congress are charging mr. Trump with.
    And which the leftists in DOJ will no doubt use to indict him when so charged by congress, in fact probably have been preparing to do for the last several years.
    They’re just waiting for the right moment, and what better date than 6 January 2023, on the anniversary of the supposed insurrection, to arrest mr. Trump and drag him off to prison for a speedy trial and conviction.

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